Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Details for Mechanism ID: 13598
Country/Region: Rwanda
Year: 2012
Main Partner: Johns Hopkins University
Main Partner Program: JHPIEGO
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: USDOD
Total Funding: $555,000

The overall goal is to strengthen the HIV/AIDS prevention capability within the Rwanda defense forces through safe voluntary medical male circumcision services. In order to align with GOR priorities to strengthen human resource for health, JHPIEGO is committed to: transfer skills and knowledge to Rwanda defense force health care providers by training a pool of trainers and managers who will be able to handle subsequent VMMC program implementation within the RDF (more than 20% of program effort will be dedicated to this area); establish a center of excellence within the Rwanda military hospital that will be used for development of skills and innovations in male circumcision in general; and ensuring an enabling environment for quality and safe services as well as creating demand within the RDF.In order to mitigate the issues of staff turnover as well as ownership and sustainability within the defense force, JHPIEGO will work closely with the Directorate of Military Medical Services and Medical Battalion to ensure a staff retention and replacement plan through innovative approaches like on-site training, mentorship, self -paced learning and supervision. Task-shifting/sharing will also be encouraged for efficient and accessible service delivery as per national standards and international guidance. Innovations such as MOVE (Model for Optimization of Volume and Efficiency), collaboration with nearest public health facilities within the Ministry of Health structures and Mobile VMMC Clinics will be promoted in order to meet the national goal of 2 million of the 15-49 year old HIV negative men by June 2013 as part of a comprehensive HIV prevention program. This will not only ensure transfer of skills but also be more cost efficient.No vehicle purchases are planned in COP12.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (CIRC): $555,000

The geographic coverage considers all the five provinces with 13 sites in addition to the mobile clinic services reaching 15,000 soldiers including family members to be circumcised. The pool of national trainers and supervisors will be strengthened and used for quality control follow-ups with nationally agreed standards for VMMC. In collaboration with PSI and DMS, IEC materials will be disseminated and messages promoted within the target population. VMMC is not replacing other known methods of HIV prevention and will be considered as part of a comprehensive HIV prevention package which includes routine counseling and testing for all men and, where possible, their partners attending MC services; age-appropriate sexual risk reduction counseling; and counseling on the need for abstinence from sexual activity during wound healing; and promotion of correct and consistent use of condoms. All trainings will be based on WHO/UNAIDS/JHPIEGO MC reference manual and will be tailored to the Rwanda National MC guidelines. A linkage strategy to other HIV/AIDS and Reproductive health services will be clearly defined.

JHPIEGO in collaboration with RDF will put in place a detailed and focused M&E plan that will rigorously monitor project activities. A management Information system will track inputs and outputs such as number of providers trained, equipment and consumables used and the number of clients seeking and receiving MC. The Rwanda Defense Forces health facilities will require renovation and refurbishment in order to meet the minimum standards to offer safe and quality VMMC services.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $555,000
enumerations.Construction/Renovation $55,000
Human Resources for Health $500,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors
Military Populations