Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 7539
Country/Region: Rwanda
Year: 2008
Main Partner: Public Health Institute
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $443,578

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $200,000

USAID/Rwanda has three continuing staff engaged through the Global Health Fellows Program, and will

support a fourth position in FY 2008. Funding for these positions is distributed in HVAB, HVOP, HTXD,

OHPS and HVMS. Continuing Fellows are an HIV/AIDS Prevention Advisor, a Logistics Advisor and a

Senior Technical Advisor in the Program Office. For FY 2008, EP Rwanda proposes to add a

GFATM/Donor Coordination Advisor to be located in the GFATM office.

Funding for Treatment: ARV Drugs (HTXD): $150,000

USAID/Rwanda has three continuing staff engaged through the Global Health Fellows Program, and will

add a fourth position in FY 2008. Funding for these positions is distributed in HVAB, HVOP, HTXD, OHPS

and HVMS. Continuing Fellows are an HIV/AIDS Prevention Advisor, a Logistics Advisor and a Senior

Technical Advisor in the Program Office. For FY 2008, EP proposes to add a GFATM/Donor Coordination

Advisor to be located in the GFATM office.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $43,578

Noted April 24, 2008: Budget cut to fund required M&S adjustment, and to partially fund position to be filled

through another mechanism.

USAID/Rwanda has three continuing staff engaged through the Global Health Fellows Program, and will

add fourth position in FY 2008. Funding for these positions is distributed in HVAB, HVOP, HTXD, OHPS

and HVMS. Continuing Fellows are an HIV/AIDS Prevention Advisor, a Logistics Advisor and a Senior

Technical Advisor in the Program Office. For FY 2008, EP proposes to add a GFATM/Donor Coordination

Advisor to be located in the GFATM office.

Funding for Management and Operations (HVMS): $50,000

Noted April 24, 2008: Budget cut to fund required M&S adjustment, and to partially fund position to be filled

through another mechanism.

USAID/Rwanda has three continuing staff hired through the Global Health Fellows Program, and will a

fourth position will be added in FY 2008. Funding for these positions is distributed in HVAB, HVOP, HTXD,

OHPS and HVMS. The funding for each of these positions is spread across no more than three technical

areas. Continuing Fellows are an HIV/AIDS Prevention Advisor, a Logistics Advisor and a Senior Technical

Advisor in the Program Office. In FY 2008, EP proposes to add a GFATM/Donor Coordination Advisor to

be located in the GFATM office.