Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 3461
Country/Region: Rwanda
Year: 2008
Main Partner: ICF International
Main Partner Program: ICF Macro
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $300,000

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $300,000

The EP, MOH, ONAPO, and NISR have collaborated on DHS and health service provision assessments

since 2001.

The MOH and ONAPO conducted the 2001 Rwanda SPA, the first nationwide survey of its kind in Rwanda,

with TA from ORC Macro and financial support from USAID. With EP and PMI support, the EP procured TA

for the implementation of a follow-up national targeted facility survey through MEASURE/DHS and carried

out a range of dissemination and capacity building activities. The survey assessed all district, reference and

university hospitals; the NRL; and government and private clinics and health centers. All GIS coordinates for

these sites were confirmed during the survey.

In FY 2008, the follow-on partner will complete the publication of final reports, a summary of findings, and

conduct dissemination meetings. In addition, the EP will support topic specific and data use seminars

targeting policymakers, researchers, program managers, cooperating agencies, and staff from the MOH,


This partner will also complete work on the interim DHS from 2007 and conduct preliminary activities for the

2010 Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey. Preliminary activities will include establishment of the

steering and technical committees to meet regularly to determine the main topics for the questionnaires,

develop and modify survey instruments and sampling frame, and create the timeline. DHS 2010 will be the

second Rwanda DHS conducted with HIV testing. Based on past experience, early planning for the survey

is essential to ensure that field data collection is completed by 2010. In FY 2008, the partner will be

responsible for securing regulatory approvals from the National Ethics Committee and other review boards

so as to ensure that pretest, training, and fieldwork start in time.

This activity reflects the ideas presented in the EP Five-Year HIV/AIDS Strategy in Rwanda and the GOR

National multi-sectoral strategic plan for HIV/AIDS Control (2005-2009) by directly supporting the

development of a sustainable strategic information system for the national HIV/AIDS program.