Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2007 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 4728
Country/Region: Rwanda
Year: 2007
Main Partner: American Association of Blood Banks
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $400,000

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Blood Safety (HMBL): $400,000

This activity relates to HMBL (7223).

During FY 2006, the USG team and its GOR counterparts agreed to drop Sanquin Consulting Services as the blood safety TA provider and replaced them with the AABB. The AABB's FY 2006 activities are focused on developing a joint work plan with CNTS to advance national strategic goals of the national blood transfusion program.

The AABB will provide TA to support the rapid strengthening of blood transfusion services in Rwanda. In FY 2007, the AABB will collaborate with the CNTS to develop and implement Rwanda-specific national standards on blood banking and transfusion medicine through a participatory process involving all key stakeholders. By the end of FY 2007, technical training sessions will be conducted to put the newly-developed standards into practice, improving the overall quality and consistency of the operational processes within the CNTS and ultimately improving the safety of the blood supply.

In FY 2007, technical trainings will focus on several critical areas to strengthen the CNTS, including donor screening and the related evaluation process, equipment operation and maintenance, infectious disease testing, blood donor recruitment, blood and blood component preparation, cold chain management, immunohematology, inventory management, labeling and quarantine management, data management, and documentation. The AABB and CNTS will conduct TOT for 33 training staff who will in turn train 180 district and reference hospital staff. Initial training sessions will be conducted by AABB staff or consultants, as appropriate, based on specific expertise required. By building this cadre of local trainers, CNTS will help ensure that technical capacity remains after the period of this project. The AABB will assist the CNTS in coordinating individualized trainings in management, supervision, quality management, and other specialized areas as needed. In addition, AABB will establish a resource center of reference materials for blood bank and transfusion medicine in Rwanda.