Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011

Details for Mechanism ID: 7499
Country/Region: Russia
Year: 2010
Main Partner: University Research Corporation, LLC
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $1,850,000

The Health Care Improvement Project (HCI), a five-year Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC), has been identified as a principle Implementing Partner for the HIV Care component. Since 2004, the USAID Health Care Improvement Project (HCI) has assisted the Russian counterparts in two PEPFAR sites in the design, implementation and dissemination of a municipal/district based organizational model for delivery of treatment, care and support for HIV infected people based on decentralized and integrated approach to HIV care. HCI's underlying principle has been always to utilize and build upon the resources of the existing system to deliver quality care. The improvement collaborative approach was used to organize inter-disciplinary team work and facilitate the sharing of ideas and learning among providers from various institutions in St. Petersburg, Leningrad Oblast, and Orenburg oblast with a focus on improved access, quality and coordination of services and to support bottom-up policy work on HIV care. The purpose of these efforts has been expansion of access to basic HIV/AIDS Care and ART; detection, prevention and treatment of HIV-TB co-infection; social support for HIV positive families; and access to drug rehabilitation services for PLWHA.

With the support of regional and city health authorities, the network of multi-disciplinary collaborative teams covers 200 service delivery facilities in St. Petersburg and Orenburg oblast caring for over 50,000 HIV infected individuals. HCI's cooperating partners include the Federal AIDS Center, Federal Center for TB/HIV Co-Infection, USAID-funded partners (Healthy Russia Foundation, AIHA, TPAA, IREX, DOW), WHO and other international and local state and non-governmental organizations.

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $1,850,000

With FY10 funds, HCI will continue to facilitate the institutionalization and further spread of the model for the decentralized delivery of HIV/AIDS treatment, care and support at the federal level. The key elements of this model include development of a database on HIV infected individuals residing within a polyclinic's service area; algorithms and processes for exchange of information between districts' polyclinics and the AIDS Center for HIV infected individuals; tools for involving HIV infected individuals into care; recommendations on engaging HIV-registered patients on medical follow up at polyclinics; algorithms and processes for testing of HIV patients for TB through X-ray, microscopy and tuberculin as an integral part of the medical follow up at polyclinics; design of an HIV patient's referral to other health and non-health-related services; patient's recording forms and reporting systems, case management to ensure adherence to HIV and SA treatment.

In 2010, HCI will provide an organizational and limited methodological support to a Federal Working Group (FWG) on HIV care composed of representatives of the Federal AIDS Center, federal and regional health and social policy makers, and experts. The FWG that will complete the analysis of strengths and weaknesses, feasibility, and cost-effectiveness of the USG-supported HIV care models and propose federal policies to be approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development and Rospotrebnadzor. With HCI's support, the Federal Working Group will ensure that the process of operationalazing of new approaches at the regional level is successfully launched. The FWG will identify 2-3 federal okrugs/regions that are in a position to develop regional decentralization strategies and facilitate the establishment of the regional strategic teams. These teams will be provided by the guidance on development and implementation of the regional innovative HIV care strategies. The USG-supported effort will complement the GOR's action plan to ensure universal access to anti-retro-viral treatment and HIV care which will made available through the National Priority Health Project.

Quality of HIV/AIDS services will be assured through introduction of health management information systems (HMIS) which enable better monitoring of patient care. With FY09 funds, a manual on HIV/AIDS Treatment, Care and Support indicators has been finalized and will be further used as a tool in monitoring progress of HIV care activities. The document provides definitions on performance and impact indicators, description of data collection and reporting processes, as well as assigned personnel responsible for data collection and reporting.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $1,000,000
Human Resources for Health $1,000,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services