Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 5236
Country/Region: Nigeria
Year: 2009
Main Partner: To Be Determined
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Implementing Agency
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $0

The funds requested to support USAID's Annual Program Statement (APS No. 620-08-002: Support for

Civil Society Organizations/Faith Based Organizations Network to Provide HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and

Support Services) for this program area are required for awards made under this open solicitation.

Additive funding resources are required for new awards that are in progress and will be partially funded

using COP08 funds. These applications have passed both the concept paper and full application reviews

by the Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) and are in the final stages of negotiation, with awards

expected in early 2009. Details of these awards are still procurement sensitive; however awards are being

negotiated with new local partners that will be awarded as Prime partners, partners whose prevention

activities will continue throughout the COP09 funding period.

Second year funding resources are required to fund applications selected for award during the COP08

program period, but which are currently being negotiated. These applications have passed both the

concept paper and full application reviews by the TEC and are in the final stages of negotiation, with awards

expected in early 2009. Details of these awards are still procurement sensitive. However, these same

partners will continue with activities throughout the COP09 funding period.

In conjunction with the open APS, a solicitation for concept papers is expected to be announced in February

2009. Resources will be required for the first year of funding for these applications which will be selected

during the COP09 program period.

Funds that will be required to implement and continue these awards under the Sexual Prevention program

areas are estimated at $495,000.

One of the cornerstones of the CSO/FBO APS is support to national/regional-level agencies that have many

chapters or branches that can in turn reach out to community-based organizations. This will allow local

programs to reach deep into communities and help the Emergency Plan in Nigeria expand its reach. The

CSO/FBO APS was also created to build the capacity of local organizations working in HIV/AIDS because a

significant number of Nigerian organizations are new, have little organizational capacity, and often lack

linkages with other programs. The CSO/FBO APS will only fund applicants that have clear plans to build

their own technical, organizational, and administrative capacities and clear linkages with other programs.

Community participation in HIV/AIDS prevention programs often provides a strong foundation for

sustainable prevention interventions. The CSO/FBO APS will support rapid scale up of the reach and

scope of existing prevention activities implemented by NGOs with larger networks or partners that enter into

strong consortia. Grantees under the CSO/FBO APS will implement several of the following activities,

depending upon their capacity and speciality: 1) scale-up skills-based HIV prevention education, with the

involvement of parents and guardians, especially for younger youth and girls; 2) stimulate broad community

dialogue on healthy norms, avoiding risk behaviors, and the importance of finding out one's HIV status; 3)

reinforce the protecting authority of parents and other primary caregivers; 4) address sexual coercion and

exploitation of vulnerable groups, particularly young girls; 5) strengthen early prevention interventions based

on abstinence until marriage for at-risk youth; 6) promote the image of successful, respected men as

upstanding and faithful; and 7) find supportive leaders and role models at all levels who will promote being

faithful and discourage coercion, alcohol abuse, and cross-generational sex. Messages that highlight the

benefits of abstinence until marriage, and fidelity in marriage will also be integrated into counseling services.

APS partners seeking C&OP programming support will also be expected to comply with the National

Prevention guidelines for appropriate service delivery of condoms and risk-reduction messaging and

interventions in line with the minimum package. Targeted outreach to MARPS will be expected.

Applications from groups with the capacity and programming ability to provide a balanced prevention activity

will also be encouraged.

CONTRIBUTIONS TO OVERALL PROGRAM AREA: As has been the case with the APS in the past,

targets are negotiated with each awardee based on the proposed program and demographic/geographic

area during award negotiations and in accordance with specified minimum cost per targets. After being

approved by the TEC, OGAC is copied on the award memo to the Contracts Officer to ensure that

appropriate targets and associated costs have been negotiated. Targets and related awardee information

will be uploaded into COPRS at that time.

Scaling up of prevention, involvement of PLWHAs and youth, and encouraging peer educators to work

together with community health care providers will contribute directly to the interest of the US Global

HIV/AIDS Strategy. The programs will increase the reach of prevention programs into rural areas in high

prevalence states with a focus on underserved populations, while stimulating the demand for other

HIV/AIDS related services offered by GoN and other USG partners.

This activity substantively contributes to Nigeria's 5-Year Strategy by emphasizing youth, especially young

women, and couples as a priority population for C&OP interventions; and developing strong links between

prevention programs and other care and treatment programs.

LINKS TO OTHER ACTIVITIES: All partners will implement activities across the spectrum of program

areas and are expected to provide clear linkages between their own activities. The grantees will be

expected to link with multi-media activities, whenever possible, and to build on the new local partners to the

current mix of partners providing prevention, care and treatment in Nigeria.

The overarching focus of the APS has been to bring new local partners to the current mix of partners

providing prevention, care, and treatment in Nigeria. It has been successful in many ways; however,

challenges related to local partners' management capacity have slowed the process and have created

uncertainties about their ability to implement in the accountable and transparent manner the USG requires

of recipients. Therefore a project (Leadership, Management, and Sustainability [LMS]) added to the

portfolio during COP07, will assist with improved management, accountability, transparency, and other

capacity building activities. LMS will guide new partners through the solicitation and award process, as well

Activity Narrative: as assist them to put accountable and transparent systems in place that allow their first year of

implementation to proceed smoothly and ensure rapid achievement of results. Although the CTOs and

activity managers for these new local partners remain within the USAID technical team, LMS is a key

member of the extended team and provides invaluable support in developing the capacity of the new

awardees. All of the local partners applying for APS funds can benefit from the management support being

provided by LMS. In addition, LMS can provide technical assistance specifically in the area of Condom and

Other Prevention programing, as many local partners may not have this type of institutional capacity at the

time of award.

POPULATIONS BEING TARGETED: Final applications are subject to negotiation, but illustrative examples

of targeted populations include: out-of-school youth; most at risk populations, religious and community

leaders and opinion makers; commercial businesswomen; and community-based support groups.

KEY LEGISLATIVE ISSUES ADDRESSED: Illustrative examples of key legislative issues that have been

proposed contain activities that will address male norms and behaviors, increase women's rights, reduce

violence and coercion, increase the use of volunteers, and decrease stigma and discrimination.

EMPHASIS AREAS: All awards resulting from the APS will be to local partners or have strong roots in the

community and therefore all will have a major emphasis on Community Mobilization/Participation and Local

Organization Capacity Building. The service delivery component of these awards will have a key focus on

information, education, and communication in the community and will build linkages with other sectors and


New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Table 3.3.02:

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $0

The funds requested to support USAID's Annual Program Statement APS No. 620-08-002: Support for Civil

Society Organizations/Faith Based Organizations Network to Provide HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and

Support Services) for this program area are required for awards made under this open solicitation.

Additive funding resources are required for new awards that are in progress and will be partially funded

using COP08 funds. These applications have passed both the concept paper and full application reviews

by the Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) and are in the final stages of negotiation, with awards

expected in early 2009. Details of these awards are still procurement sensitive; however awards are being

negotiated with new local partners that will be awarded as Prime partners, partners whose prevention

activities will continue throughout the COP09 funding period.

Second year funding resources are required to fund applications selected for award during the COP08

program period, but which are currently being negotiated. These applications have passed both the

concept paper and full application reviews by the TEC and are in the final stages of negotiation, with awards

expected in early 2009. Details of these awards are still procurement sensitive. However, these same

partners will continue with activities throughout the COP09 funding period.

In conjunction with the open APS, a solicitation for concept papers is expected to be announced in February

2009. Resources will be required for the first year of funding for these applications which will be selected

during the COP09 program period.

Funds that will be required to implement and continue these awards under the Sexual Prevention program

areas are estimated at $495,000.

One of the cornerstones of the CSO/FBO APS is support to national/regional-level agencies that have many

chapters or branches that can in turn reach out to community-based organizations. This will allow local

programs to reach deep into communities and help the Emergency Plan in Nigeria expand its reach. The

CSO/FBO APS was also created to build the capacity of local organizations working in HIV/AIDS because a

significant number of Nigerian organizations are new, have little organizational capacity, and often lack

linkages with other programs. The CSO/FBO APS will only fund applicants that have clear plans to build

their own technical, organizational, and administrative capacities and clear linkages with other programs.

Community participation in HIV/AIDS prevention programs often provides a strong foundation for

sustainable prevention interventions. The CSO/FBO APS will support rapid scale up of the reach and

scope of existing prevention activities implemented by NGOs with larger networks or partners that enter into

strong consortia. Grantees under the CSO/FBO APS will implement several of the following activities,

depending upon their capacity and speciality: 1) scale-up skills-based HIV prevention education, with the

involvement of parents and guardians, especially for younger youth and girls; 2) stimulate broad community

dialogue on healthy norms, avoiding risk behaviors, and the importance of finding out one's HIV status; 3)

reinforce the protecting authority of parents and other primary caregivers; 4) address sexual coercion and

exploitation of vulnerable groups, particularly young girls; 5) strengthen early prevention interventions based

on abstinence until marriage for at-risk youth; 6) promote the image of successful, respected men as

upstanding and faithful; and 7) find supportive leaders and role models at all levels who will promote being

faithful and discourage coercion, alcohol abuse, and cross-generational sex. Messages that highlight the

benefits of abstinence until marriage, and fidelity in marriage will also be integrated into counseling services.

APS partners seeking C&OP programming support will also be expected to comply with the National

Prevention guidelines for appropriate service delivery of condoms and risk-reduction messaging and

interventions in line with the minimum package. Targeted outreach to MARPS will be expected.

Applications from groups with the capacity and programming ability to provide a balanced prevention activity

will also be encouraged.

CONTRIBUTIONS TO OVERALL PROGRAM AREA: As has been the case with the APS in the past,

targets are negotiated with each awardee based on the proposed program and demographic/geographic

area during award negotiations and in accordance with specified minimum cost per targets. After being

approved by the TEC, OGAC is copied on the award memo to the Contracts Officer to ensure that

appropriate targets and associated costs have been negotiated. Targets and related awardee information

will be uploaded into COPRS at that time.

Scaling up of prevention, involvement of PLWHAs and youth, and encouraging peer educators to work

together with community health care providers will contribute directly to the interest of the US Global

HIV/AIDS Strategy. The programs will increase the reach of prevention programs into rural areas in high

prevalence states with a focus on underserved populations, while stimulating the demand for other

HIV/AIDS related services offered by GoN and other USG partners.

This activity substantively contributes to Nigeria's 5-Year Strategy by emphasizing youth, especially young

women, and couples as a priority population for C&OP interventions; and developing strong links between

prevention programs and other care and treatment programs.

LINKS TO OTHER ACTIVITIES: All partners will implement activities across the spectrum of program

areas and are expected to provide clear linkages between their own activities. The grantees will be

expected to link with multi-media activities, whenever possible, and to build on the new local partners to the

current mix of partners providing prevention, care and treatment in Nigeria.

The overarching focus of the APS has been to bring new local partners to the current mix of partners

providing prevention, care, and treatment in Nigeria. It has been successful in many ways; however,

challenges related to local partners' management capacity have slowed the process and have created

uncertainties about their ability to implement in the accountable and transparent manner the USG requires

of recipients. Therefore a project (Leadership, Management, and Sustainability [LMS]) added to the

portfolio during COP07, will assist with improved management, accountability, transparency, and other

capacity building activities. LMS will guide new partners through the solicitation and award process, as well

Activity Narrative: as assist them to put accountable and transparent systems in place that allow their first year of

implementation to proceed smoothly and ensure rapid achievement of results. Although the CTOs and

activity managers for these new local partners remain within the USAID technical team, LMS is a key

member of the extended team and provides invaluable support in developing the capacity of the new

awardees. All of the local partners applying for APS funds can benefit from the management support being

provided by LMS. In addition, LMS can provide technical assistance specifically in the area of Condom and

Other Prevention programming, as many local partners may not have this type of institutional capacity at the

time of award.

POPULATIONS BEING TARGETED: Final applications are subject to negotiation, but illustrative examples

of targeted populations include: out-of-school youth; most at risk populations, religious and community

leaders and opinion makers; commercial businesswomen; and community-based support groups.

KEY LEGISLATIVE ISSUES ADDRESSED: Illustrative examples of key legislative issues that have been

proposed contain activities that will address male norms and behaviors, increase women's rights, reduce

violence and coercion, increase the use of volunteers, and decrease stigma and discrimination.

EMPHASIS AREAS: All awards resulting from the APS will be to local partners or have strong roots in the

community and therefore all will have a major emphasis on Community Mobilization/Participation and Local

Organization Capacity Building. The service delivery component of these awards will have a key focus on

information, education, and communication in the community and will build linkages with other sectors and


New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Table 3.3.03:

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $0


The funds requested to support USAID's Annual Program Statement (APS No. 620-05-007: Support to Civil

Society Organizations/Faith Based Organizations Network to Provide HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and

Support Services) for this program area are required for 3 distinct phases related to awards under this open

solicitation: partial first year funding of pending awards, second year funding of pending awards, and new

awards that may arise out of the open APS solicitation.

First year funding resources is required for new awards that are in progress and will be partially funded

using COP07 funds. These applications have passed both the concept paper and full application reviews

by the Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) and are in the final stages of negotiation, with awards

expected in October 2007. Details of these awards are still procurement sensitive; however awards are

being negotiated with many new local partners that will be awarded as Prime partners.

Second year funding resources are required for these same partners to continue with activities throughout

the COP08 funding period. Three of these expected awards have Basic Care & Support components.

The current APS will be amended to solicit applications to fill specific gaps in the program and will be re-

posted in October 2007. Resources will be required to fund initial awards of applications selected during

the COP08 program period.

The total funding that will be required covers these 3 phases under the Basic Care and Support program

area is $ 400,000.

One of the cornerstones of the CSO/FBO APS is to reach out to national/regional-level agencies that have

many chapters or branches that can in turn, reach out to community-based organizations. This will allow

local programs to reach deep into communities and help the Emergency Plan in Nigeria go to scale. The

CSO/FBO APS was also created to build the capacity of local organizations working in HIV/AIDS because a

significant number of Nigerian organizations are new; have little organizational capacity; and often lack

linkages with other programs. The CSO/FBO APS will only fund applicants that have clear plans to build

their own technical, organizational, and administrative capacities and linkages with other programs.

Community participation in HIV/AIDS prevention programs often provides a strong foundation for integrating

prevention messages into all care and support interventions. The CSO/FBO APS will support rapid scale

up of the reach and scope of existing activities implemented by NGOs with larger networks or partners that

enter into strong consortia. Grantees under the CSO/FBO APS will implement clinical and hospice care

programs through several of the following activities: routine clinical monitoring and assessments through

laboratory and clinical evaluations; preventing OI's with isoniazid or cotrimoxizole prophylaxis; providing

patients with bed nets, water guard, and other standard home care kit items; nutritional assessment and

counseling, and provision of therapeutic feeding to severely malnourished individuals; promotion of good

personal and household hygiene; assessment and management of HIV-related psychosocial problems;

basic nursing care; monitoring of adherence to medications; mental health counseling; family care and

support groups, and treatment of HIV-related psychiatric illnesses, such as depression and related

anxieties. The CSO/FBO partners will also provide end of life bereavement care for patients and families,

as well as succession planning and referrals for orphans and vulnerable children.

Several CSOs/FBOs will also provide spiritual care for individuals in their communities through: life reviews

and assessment counseling and life-completion task counseling. It is expected that much of this will be

done through community cased support groups that may also work on the development of PLWHA

leadership; reducing stigma; providing legal services; assisting in applications for government grants,

housing, etc.; and other activities to strengthen affected households and communities.


As has been the case with the APS in the past, targets are negotiated with each awardee based on the

proposed program and geographic area during award negotiations and in accordance with specified

minimum cost/targets. After being approved by the TEC, O/GAC is copied on the award memo to the

Contracts Officer to ensure that appropriate targets and associated costs have been negotiated. Targets

and related awardee information will be uploaded into COPRS at that time.

The programs will increase the reach of care and support programs into rural areas in high prevalence

states with a focus on underserved populations.

This activity substantively contributes to Nigeria's 5-Year Strategy by developing strong links between the

care and support programs and treatment and prevention programs, while also providing support to new

indigenous partners.


The care and support partners awarded under the FY 08 APS will implement other activities across the

spectrum of program areas and are expected to provide clear linkages between their own activities and

programs that implement prevention with positives activities. Partners will also be expected to provide

referrals and linkages to malaria initiatives to ensure that patients have access to LLITNs as well as access

to safe drinking water. Other referrals will be made to impatient and provincial hospitals when necessary.

End of life bereavement activities for patients and families will have strong linkages to succession planning

and referrals for orphans and vulnerable children. Grantees will also be expected to strengthen the supply

chain for OI drugs and reagents, by supporting or buying into existing supply chain systems.

The overarching focus of the APS has been to bring new local partners to the current mix of partners

providing prevention, care, and treatment in Nigeria. It has been successful in many ways, however

challenges related to local partners' management capacity have slowed the process and have created

uncertainties about their ability to implement in the accountable and transparent manner required by the

USG of their recipients. Therefore the Leadership, Management, and Sustainability (LMS) project was

Activity Narrative: added to the portfolio in COP07 specifically to assist with these and other capacity building activities

(#9758). They will not only guide new partners through the solicitation and award process, but they will

assist them to put accountable and transparent systems in place that allow their first year of implementation

to proceed smoothly and to ensure rapid achievement of results. Although the CTO's and activity managers

for these new local partners will remain within the USAID technical team, LMS will be a key member of the

extended team and will provide invaluable support in developing the capacity of the new awardees. All of

the local partners applying for APS funds can benefit from the management support being provided by LMS.

In addition, LMS will provide technical assistance specifically in the Basic Health Care and Support

prevention area as many local partners may not have this type of institutional capacity at the time of award.


Populations targeted in pending awards include communities reached by PLWA support groups, and faith-

based communities reached by Parish Action Committees on AIDS.


As all awards resulting from the APS are to local partners with strong roots in the community and therefore

all will have a major emphasis on Community Mobilization/Participation and Local Organization Capacity

Building. The service delivery component of these awards will have a key focus on information, education,

and communication in the community and will build linkages with other sectors and initiatives.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 15670

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

15670 15670.08 U.S. Agency for To Be Determined 6355 5236.08 USAID Track

International 2.0 APS TBD


Table 3.3.08:

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $0

The funds requested to support USAID's Annual Program Statement (APS No. 620-08-002: Support to Civil

Society Organizations/Faith Based Organizations Network to Provide HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and

Support Services) for this program area are required for two distinct phases related to awards under this

open solicitation.

First or partial year funding resources are required for new awards that are in progress and will be partially

funded using COP08 funds. These applications will have passed both the concept paper and full

application reviews by the Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) and will be negotiated for award during

the later phase of COP08. Details of these awards are still procurement sensitive; however awards are

being negotiated with new local partners that will be awarded as Prime partners.

In conjunction with the open APS, the announcement of a solicitation for concept papers is expected in

February 2009. Resources will be required for the first year of funding for these applications, which will be

selected during the COP09 program period.

Funds that are required to implement and continue these awards under the Orphans and Vulnerable

Children (OVC) program area are estimated at $500,000.

CONTRIBUTIONS TO OVERALL PROGRAM AREA: As has been the case with the APS in the past,

targets are negotiated with each awardee based on the proposed program and geographic area during

award negotiations and in accordance with specified minimum cost/targets. After being approved by the

TEC, O/GAC is copied on the award memo to the Contracts Officer to ensure that appropriate targets and

associated costs have been negotiated. Targets and related awardee information will be uploaded into

COPRS at that time.

LINKS TO OTHER ACTIVITIES: The overarching focus of the APS has been to bring new local partners to

the current mix of partners providing prevention, care, and treatment in Nigeria. It has been successful in

many ways, however challenges related to local partners' management capacity have slowed the process

and have created uncertainties about their ability to implement in the accountable and transparent manner

required by the USG of their recipients. Therefore the Leadership, Management, and Sustainability (LMS)

team will assist with these and other capacity building activities. They will not only guide new partners

through the solicitation and award process, but they will assist them to put accountable and transparent

systems in place that allow their first year of implementation to proceed smoothly and to ensure rapid

achievement of results. Although the CTOs and activity managers for these new local partners will remain

within the USAID technical team, LMS will be a key member of the extended team and will provide

invaluable support in developing the capacity of the new awardees.

POPULATIONS BEING TARGETED: The activities and services implemented by the CSO/FBO APS

grantees will be targeted at OVC, PLWHA, caregivers, widows/widowers, volunteers, and community

leaders. One of the major thrusts of the APS is to build local capacity; so CBOs, FBOs, NGOs and all

implementing organizations are also considered the beneficiaries of the APS awards.

KEY LEGISLATIVE ISSUES ADDRESSED: The proposals pending award contain activities that will

address increasing equity in HIV/AIDS services, women's access to income and productive resources, and

wrap-around services.

EMPHASIS AREAS: All awards resulting from the APS are to have or to be local partners with strong roots

in the community; therefore all will have a major emphasis on Community Mobilization/Participation and

Local Organization Capacity Building. The service delivery component of these awards will have a key

focus on information, education, and communication in the community and will build linkages with other

sectors and initiatives.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Table 3.3.13:

Funding for Laboratory Infrastructure (HLAB): $0

The funds requested to support USAID's Annual Program Statement (APS No. 620-08-002: Support to Civil

Society Organizations/Faith Based Organizations Network to Provide HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and

Support Services) for this program area are required for 3 distinct phases related to awards under this open


First year funding resources are required for new awards that are in progress and will be partially funded

using COP08 funds. These applications have passed both the concept paper and full application reviews

by the technical evaluation committee (TEC) and are in the final stages of negotiation, with awards

expected in December 2008. Details of these awards are still procurement sensitive; however, awards are

being negotiated with new local partners that will be awarded as prime partners.

Second year funding resources are required to fund applications selected for award during the COP08

program period, but which are currently being negotiated. These applications have passed both the

concept paper and full application reviews by the technical evaluation committee (TEC) and are in the final

stages of negotiation, with awards expected in early 2009. Details of these awards are still procurement

sensitive; however, awards are being negotiated with new local partners that will be awarded as prime

partners, two of which are receiving funds in the laboratory infrastructure program area.

In conjunction with the open APS, a solicitation for concept papers is expected to be announced in February

2009. Resources will be required for the first year of funding for these applications, which will be selected

during the COP09 program period.

Funds required for the anticipated award and to implement and continue awards already identified under the

laboratory infrastructure program areas are estimated at $227,526.

One of the cornerstones of the civil society and faith-based organization (CSO/FBO) APS is to reach out to

national and regional-level agencies that have many chapters or branches that can in turn reach out to

community-based organizations. This will allow local programs to reach deep into communities and help

the Emergency Plan in Nigeria go to scale. The CSO/FBO APS was also created to build the capacity of

local organizations working in HIV/AIDS because a significant number of Nigerian organizations are new,

have little organizational capacity, and often lack linkages with other programs. The CSO/FBO APS will

only fund applicants that have clear plans to build their own technical, organizational, and administrative

capacities and linkages with other programs.

Community participation in HIV/AIDS prevention programs often provides a strong foundation for

sustainable interventions. The CSO/FBO APS will support a robust comprehensive quality laboratory

support program for HIV/AIDS treatment and general health services system strengthening. The program

will identify, upgrade and equip a secondary level hospital laboratory in 6 states which will provide standard

laboratory services for the diagnosis, treatment monitoring and infections control needs of the population

within the catchments areas of target facilities.

CONTRIBUTIONS TO OVERALL PROGRAM AREA: As has been the case with the APS in the past,

targets are negotiated with each awardee based on the proposed program and geographic area during

award negotiations and in accordance with specified minimum cost/targets. After being approved by the

TEC, O/GAC is copied on the award memo to the Contracts Officer to ensure that appropriate targets and

associated costs have been negotiated. Targets and related awardee information will be uploaded into

COPRS at that time.

The program will strengthen and expand the capacity of the Government of Nigeria's response to the

HIV/AIDS epidemic, build the capacity of laboratory staff and contribute to infrastructural upgrade of the

health facilities and provision of necessary equipment ion programs into rural areas in high prevalence

states with a focus on underserved populations.

LINKS TO OTHER ACTIVITIES: Significant support from non-PEPFAR initiatives and partners is dedicated

to addressing Laboratory Infrastructure in Nigeria. APS partners will engage with these other partners in

order to better leverage funds, reduce redundancy, and to expand geographic coverage. A referral linkage

system will be strengthened to ensure that clients from sites with limited or no laboratory infrastructure are

referred to sites which are properly equipped using an integrated tiered national laboratory network.

The overarching focus of the APS has been to bring new local partners to the current mix of partners

providing prevention, care, and treatment in Nigeria. It has been successful in many ways, however

challenges related to local partners' management capacity have slowed the process and have created

uncertainties about their ability to implement in the accountable and transparent manner required by the

USG of their recipients. Therefore our Leadership, Management, and Sustainability (LMS) project will assist

with these and other capacity building activities (#9758). They will not only guide new partners through the

solicitation and award process, but they will assist them to put accountable and transparent systems in

place that allow their first year of implementation to proceed smoothly and to ensure rapid achievement of

results. Although the CTO's and activity managers for these new local partners will remain within the

USAID technical team, LMS will be a key member of the extended team and will provide invaluable support

in developing the capacity of the new awardees. All of the local partners applying for APS funds can benefit

from the management support being provided by LMS.

POPULATIONS BEING TARGETED: This activity will provide laboratory services to PLWHAs, (including

pregnant women), HIV positive children, TB positive patients, including those that are HIV positive and are

eligible for ART, HIV positive infants and other most at risk populations (MARPS). The clients will be

generated from PMTCT, Care and Treatment, mobile and facility-based counseling and testing and TB-HIV


EMPHASIS AREAS: As all awards resulting from the APS are to local partners with strong roots in the

community and therefore all will have a major emphasis on community mobilization and participation and

Activity Narrative: local organization capacity building. The service delivery component of these awards will have a key focus

on information, education, and communication in the community and will build linkages with other sectors

and initiatives.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Table 3.3.16:

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $0

The funds requested to support USAID's Annual Program Statement (APS No. 620-08-002: Support to Civil

Society Organizations/Faith Based Organizations Network to Provide HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and

Support Services) for this program area are required for distinct phases of awards under this open


For the first phase, first-year and/or partial year funding resources are required for proposed awards with

new partners which will be partially funded using COP08 funds. Applications for these new awards are

moving through the concept paper and full application reviews by the Technical Evaluation Committee

(TEC) or are under negotiation, with awards expected before the end of the COP08 period. in early 2009.

Details of these awards are still procurement-sensitive; however, these same partners will continue with

activities throughout the COP09 funding period.

Regarding the second phase, under the open APS, a solicitation for concept papers is expected to be

announced in February 2009. Resources will be required for the first year of funding for these applications

which will be selected for award during the COP09 program period.

Funds required to implement or continue these awards are estimated at $1,186,000. Given the

programmatic particularities of initiatives undertaken in this area, additional language may be added to the

APS to further define the specific types of capacity building and coordination services desired for support to

the PEPFAR/Nigeria portfolio.

One of the cornerstones of the CSO/FBO APS is to reach out to national/regional-level agencies that have

many chapters or branches that can, in turn, reach out to community-based organizations. This community-

based engagement will allow local programs to reach deep into communities and help the Emergency Plan

in Nigeria go to scale. The CSO/FBO APS was also created to build the capacity of local organizations

working in HIV/AIDS because a significant number of Nigerian organizations are new, have little

organizational capacity, and often lack linkages with other programs. The CSO/FBO APS will only fund

applicants that have clear plans to build their own technical, organizational, and administrative capacities

and link with other programs.

Community participation in HIV/AIDS prevention programs often provides a strong foundation for

sustainable interventions. The CSO/FBO APS will support rapid scale-up of the reach and scope of existing

prevention activities implemented by NGOs with large networks. Implementing partners (IPs) under the

CSO/FBO APS will implement, enhance, and expand services to ensure that all HIV patients in the

communities have access to comprehensive HIV diagnosis and care and related services. The IPs will

involve PLWHAs, TB patients, and communities in TB/HIV program planning and implementation while

working within the framework of the national program to avoid the creation of parallel systems.

CONTRIBUTIONS TO OVERALL PROGRAM AREA: As has been the case with the APS in the past,

targets are negotiated with each awardee based on the proposed program and geographic area during

award negotiations and in accordance with specified minimum costs/target. After being approved by the

TEC, O/GAC is copied on the award memo to the Agreement Officer to ensure that appropriate targets and

associated costs have been negotiated. Targets and related awardee information will be uploaded into

COPRS at that time.

LINKS TO OTHER ACTIVITIES: The overarching focus of the APS has been to bring new local partners to

the current mix of partners providing prevention, care, and treatment in Nigeria. To date, the APS has been

successful in many ways; however, challenges related to local partners' management capacity have slowed

the process and have created uncertainties about their ability to implement in the accountable and

transparent manner required by the USG of their recipients. The Leadership, Management, and

Sustainability (LMS) mechanism implemented by Management Sciences for Health (MSH) will assist with

these and other local partner capacity building activities. MSH will not only guide new partners through the

solicitation and award process but will also assist them to put accountable and transparent systems in

place that allow their first year of implementation to proceed smoothly and to ensure rapid achievement of

results. Although the CTOs and activity managers for these new local partners will remain within the USAID

technical team, MSH will be a key member of the extended team and will provide invaluable support in

developing the capacity of the new awardees.

POPULATIONS BEING TARGETED: The activities and services implemented by the CSO/FBO APS IPs

will target national and state ministries and government parastatals. It is anticipated that the overall

program will lead to increased engagement of these organizations, as well as FBOs and CBOs in HIV

prevention, care, and support, including stigma reduction. One of the major thrusts of the APS is to build

local capacity; therefore, CBOs, FBOs, NGOs, and all implementing organizations are also considered the

beneficiaries of the APS awards.

EMPHASIS AREAS: All APS awards will go to local partners with strong roots in the community,

demonstrating a major emphasis on community mobilization/participation and local organization capacity

building. The service delivery component of these awards will have a key focus on information, education,

and communication in the community and will build linkages with other sectors and initiatives.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Table 3.3.18: