Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 4043
Country/Region: Nigeria
Year: 2009
Main Partner: Partnership for Supply Chain Management
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $60,045,952

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $1,642,065



The Supply Chain Management System's (SCMS) objective is to support PEPFAR programs in Nigeria by

providing increased access to quality HIV/AIDS related commodities. SCMS activity under this program

area covers the procurement but also the shipment, distribution and delivery of Prevention of Mother To

Child Transmission (PMTCT) commodities as well as other supply chain management related activities. It

also covers technical assistance (TA) and system strengthening (SS) activities provided to PEPFAR

Implementing Partners (IPs) and to the Department of Defense (DoD) to strengthen or build their supply

chain management capacity within their respective programs.

In COP09, SCMS will procure PMTCT related supplies and equipments including ARV prophylaxis for HIV-

infected pregnant women and newborns, rapid test kits (RTKs), laboratory supplies and equipment, as well

as other medical and non-medical supplies used in PMTCT services, for IPs and DoD.

Through its continuous support to and strengthening of commodity supply in PEPFAR PMTCT programs,

SCMS works towards ensuring uninterrupted availability of needed commodities to the target populations of

pregnant women and children under 5 years old.

The present budget will cover the cost of commodities as well as well as logistical and administrative

services from the field office for the coordination and management of the procurements undertaken by

SCMS related to this area of work. The budget also supports the cost of TA and SS. The budget is broken

into the following categories: (1) provision of HIV test kits to all PEPFAR PMTCT programs (DoD; Columbia

University (CU)/ICAP; Family Health International (FHI)/GHAIN; Harvard University School of Public Health;

APIN+ ; University of Maryland (UMD)/Institute of Human Virology (IHV)/ACTION; Catholic Relief Services

(CRS)/AIDSRelief ; Catholic Relief Services (CRS)/ 7 Dioceses; The International Foundation for Education

and Self-Help (IFESH); LMS-ACT; Africare; AIDSTAR; CHAN; NEPWHAN; ProHealth; Vanderbilt

University; Partners For Development; Johns Hopkins University; and URC) and new partners who are

deemed eligible for such support under this program area via USAID's APS and CDC's RFA upon award;

and (2) provision of other PMTCT related supplies, equipment or technical assistance for three IPs and

DoD, each of which has attributed specific funds to SCMS for these services (DoD, ICAP, UMD/ACTION,

and URC).

SCMS will support the PEPFAR IPs and DoD in the following areas of the supply chain cycle: product

selection in accordance with the Federal Government of Nigeria's (GON) national treatment guidelines, HIV

testing algorithm, marketing authorization status (NAFDAC registration) and GON importation regulation.

SCMS will also be responsible for ensuring that commodities procured meet eligibility criteria under the

USG acquisition rules and regulations including source and origin waivers and approvals or tentative

approvals by the US Food and Drug Administration or other relevant stringent drug regulatory authorities,

depending on the type of supply or equipment.

SCMS will assist in quantification and forecasting of requirements and will support the development of long

term supply plans (considering in country stocks and anticipated consumption rates) for stock management

and delivery planning. In addition to procuring required test kits for both training and use, SCMS will handle

all the test kits donated by GoN to support PEPFAR programs.

SCMS will identify suitable sources of supply both internationally and nationally. SCMS will work with IPs in

Nigeria to locally procure products that are either banned for importation or for which local procurement

represents a key advantage in terms of cost, delivery and/or associated services (i.e. maintenance service).

SCMS will coordinate with the USG team to ensure selected products are appropriately registered in

Nigeria. For products not yet registered by the National Agency for Food, Drug Administration and Control

(NAFDAC), SCMS will make suitable recommendations including waiver applications where appropriate.

SCMS will take the lead to communicate with manufacturers on registration gaps in Nigeria.

SCMS procurement leverages global spending to provide best value and offers clients certainty of

competitive prices and international quality standards. SCMS' procurement strategy is articulated around

buying generics whenever possible, pooling procurement for HIV/AIDS care, prevention and treatment

programs across PEPFAR focus countries and negotiating long term contracts with suppliers. With support

from the SCMS field office, the USG team will coordinate and aggregate HIV test kits requirements on

behalf of PEPFAR IPs and DoD. IPs' requests for commodities other than test kits will be addressed also

and coordinated with the SCMS field office directly.

SCMS will be responsible for the shipment of procured commodities into Nigeria through Abuja or other

points of entry as required. SCMS will take the lead and further streamline the customs clearance process

as appropriate including management of the CC1, CC2 or CC3 duty exemption forms. SCMS will coordinate

with the USG team to fulfill importation requirements and provide needed documentation to allow customs

clearance in an efficient and timely manner.

Where appropriate, commodities procured and imported by SCMS will be supplied through the SCMS

Regional Distribution Center (RDC) in Ghana. The warehousing of commodities in the RDC is a critical

component of the SCMS technical solution. The use of the RDC will significantly reduce lead times and

provide an important buffer between the supply from manufacturers and demands from the PEPFAR

programs in Nigeria. The RDC also ensures that shipment quantities do not overwhelm their recipients in

country, an increasing challenge in the context of program scale up. The RDC concept also brings an

increased flexibility in stock management thus reducing risk of stock obsolescence or need for emergency

replenishments, resulting in important savings. Finally, the RDC approach serves regional and national

sustainability, as the RDC is designed to be a commercially viable entity, available to other health (and non-

health) programs, whose benefit will last beyond SCMS. Where possible and appropriate, SCMS will road

freight from the RDC Ghana to Abuja, a mode of delivery that will provide significant savings over airfreight.

Activity Narrative: Delivery arrangements will be negotiated with URC, ICAP, UMD and DoD for their specific procurements;

SCMS will either deliver to a central location or to point of services as needed. Centrally procured test kits

for all PMTCT partners will utilize the SCMS warehousing option as a point of centralized distribution. When

local warehousing is needed SCMS will continue to explore viable options and make use of its recently

acquired cross-docking facility and the long term warehouse facility (which will be acquired in COP09). For

in-country distribution where necessary, SCMS will competitively source for and utilize the service of an

efficient and safe in-country courier services operator.

SCMS will also assist IPs to monitor/report on stock levels and usage through the deployment of pipeline

databases. In COP09, Supply Chain Support Teams (to be made up of technical SCMS staff and GON or IP

staff as appropriate) will be constituted by SCMS to work with the IPs in providing their trained logisticians

with the capacity to monitor and support the performance of the supply chains at various levels. Using

standardized indicators of logistics performance, the SCSTs will track performance of the supply chains and

together, act as an early warning system to identify impending or imminent supply chain breakdowns and

act to forestall these. By developing methodologies and tools for conducting these activities, SCMS will

work with GON and IPs to establish and institutionalize this activity thereby building the capacity to identify

these problems and resolve them before service delivery is compromised. Additionally SCMS will monitor

product safety and tracking for recalls (pharmacovigilance) in collaboration with appropriate GON and USG


SCMS provides TA and SS services in all areas of the supply chain including product selection,

quantification and forecasting, supply planning, procurement, warehousing, customs clearance and delivery.

In COP09, SCMS will provide TA and SS services to IPs including the training of individuals in the use of

the ProQ or Quantimed forecasting and pipeline supply planning tools. SCMS will continue to provide TA

and SS services to DoD based on the recommendations that came out of a supply chain system's

assessment carried out in COP08. By providing training and supporting capacity building of local

organization, SCMS addresses the emphasis area of human capacity development.

SCMS will provide the USG team with regular reports on supplies and equipments as well as monthly

financial reports. In addition, an automated web-based procurement tracking database will ensure that the

USG team and IPs have adequate visibility on SCMS procurement status by providing an easy access to

accurate and up-to-date information on procurement. Further procurement automation and harmonization

will also be facilitated through linkages with the Logistics and Health Program Management Information

Platform (LHPMIP) system.

Under this program area, SCMS does not have targets of its own but supports PEPFAR IPs and DoD

reaching their PMTCT planned targets.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13077

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13077 9748.08 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 6385 4043.08 USAID Track $3,575,000

International Supply Chain 2.0 SCMS

Development Management

9748 9748.07 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 4181 4043.07 SCMS $2,154,202

International Supply Chain

Development Management

Table 3.3.01:

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $75,000


The SCMS objective is to support PEPFAR programs in Nigeria by providing increased access to quality

HIV/AIDS related commodities. SCMS activity under this program area covers not only the procurement but

also: the shipment, distribution and delivery of sexual prevention related commodities; information,

education and communication (IEC) and related materials developed for the promotion of abstinence (A), be

faithful(B)/fidelity promoting initiatives and other prevention (OP) activities; and other supply chain

management related activities. It also covers technical assistance (TA) and systems strengthening (SS)

activities provided to PEPFAR partners to strengthen or build their supply chain management capacity

within their respective programs.

In COP09, SCMS will procure sexual prevention related commodities; AB and OP commodities (not

including condoms), IEC and promotional materials, and products for the management of sexually

transmitted infections (STIs) for the Department of Defense (DOD). Through its efforts in this program area,

SCMS works towards ensuring uninterrupted availability of needed commodities for AB (for the

encouragement and promotion of safer sexual behaviors ultimately targeting the general population) and

OP interventions.

The present budget will cover the costs of commodities as well as logistical and administrative services from

the field office for the coordination and management of procurements by SCMS. SCMS will support DoD in

product selection in accordance with the minimum package of AB and OP interventions for appropriate

targeting of the military and civilian populations reached through DOD's sexual prevention programming.

SCMS will assist in quantification and forecasting of requirements, and will support the development of long

term supply plans (considering in country stocks and anticipated consumption rates) for stock management

and delivery planning.

SCMS will identify suitable sources of supply, both internationally and nationally. SCMS will work with IPs in

Nigeria to locally procure products that are either banned for importation or for which local procurement

represents a key advantage in terms of cost, delivery and/or associated services, such as maintenance


SCMS will coordinate with the USG team to ensure selected products are appropriately registered in

Nigeria. For products not yet registered by NAFDAC, SCMS will make suitable recommendations, including

waiver applications, where appropriate. SCMS will take the lead in communicating with manufacturers on

registration gaps in Nigeria.

SCMS procurement leverages global spending to provide the best value and offers clients certainty of

competitive prices and international quality standards. SCMS procurement strategy includes the purchase

of generic drugs, whenever possible, the pooling of procurement for HIV/AIDS care, prevention and

treatment programs across PEPFAR focus countries, and negotiating long term contracts with suppliers.

DoD requests for sexual prevention materials will be addressed to the SCMS field office directly.

SCMS will be responsible for the shipment of procured commodities into Nigeria through Abuja or other

points of entry, as required. SCMS will take the lead and further streamline the customs clearance process

as appropriate, including management of the CC1, CC2 or CC3 duty exemption forms. SCMS will

coordinate with the USG team to fulfill importation requirements and provide needed documentation to allow

customs clearance in an efficient and timely manner.

Where appropriate, commodities procured and imported by SCMS will be supplied through the SCMS

Regional Distribution Center (RDC) in Ghana. The warehousing of commodities in the RDC is a critical

component of the SCMS technical solution. The use of the RDC will significantly reduce lead time and

provide an important buffer between supply from manufacturers and demands from PEPFAR programs in

Nigeria. The RDC will also ensure that shipment quantities do not overwhelm their recipients in country,

which is an increasing challenge in the context of program scale up. The RDC concept also brings an

increased flexibility in stock management, thus reducing risk of stock obsolescence or need for emergency

replenishments, toward important cost savings. Finally, the RDC approach serves regional and national

sustainability, as the RDC is designed to be a commercially viable entity, available to other health (and non-

health) programs, whose benefit will last beyond SCMS. Where possible and appropriate, SCMS will road

freight from the RDC Ghana to Abuja; a mode of delivery that will provide significant savings over airfreight.

Delivery arrangements will be negotiated with DOD; SCMS will either deliver to a central location or to point

of services, as needed. When local warehousing is needed, SCMS will continue to explore viable options

and make use of its recently acquired cross-docking facility and long term warehouse facility (which will be

acquired in COP 09). For in country distribution where necessary, SCMS will competitively source for and

utilize the service of an efficient and safe in-country courier services operator.

SCMS provides TA and SS services in all areas of the supply chain, including product selection,

quantification and forecasting, supply planning, procurement, warehousing, customs clearance and delivery.

In COP09, SCMS will provide TA and SS services to DoD, including the training of individuals in the use of

the ProQ or Quantimed forecasting and pipeline supply planning tools. SCMS will continue to provide TA

and SS services to DoD based on the recommendations that came out of a supply chain system's

assessment carried out in COP07.

SCMS will provide the USG team with regular reports on supplies and equipment, as well as monthly

financial reports. In COP 09, supply chain support teams (SCSTs; to be made up of technical SCMS staff

and Government of Nigeria or implementing partner [IP] staff, as appropriate) will be constituted by SCMS

to work with the IPs in providing their trained logisticians with the capacity to monitor and support the

performance of the supply chains at various levels. Using standardized indicators of logistics performance,

the SCSTs will track performance of the supply chains and provide an early warning system to identify

Activity Narrative: impending or imminent supply chain breakdowns and act to forestall these. By developing methodologies

and tools for conducting these activities, SCMS will work with GoN and IPs to establish and institutionalize

this activity, thereby building the capacity to identify these problems and resolve them before service

delivery is compromised.

In addition, an automated web-based procurement tracking database will ensure that the USG team and IPs

have adequate visibility on SCMS procurement status by providing easy access to accurate and up to date

information on procurement. Further procurement automation and harmonization will also be facilitated

through linkages with the LHPMIP system.

Under this program area, SCMS does not have targets of its own but supports DoD reaching their

prevention planned targets.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 16919

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

16919 16919.08 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 6385 4043.08 USAID Track $45,000

International Supply Chain 2.0 SCMS

Development Management

Table 3.3.02:

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $75,000


The SCMS objective is to support PEPFAR programs in Nigeria by providing increased access to quality

HIV/AIDS related commodities. SCMS activity under this program area covers not only the procurement but

also: the shipment, distribution and delivery of sexual prevention related commodities; information,

education and communication (IEC) and related materials developed for the promotion of abstinence (A), be

faithful(B)/fidelity promoting initiatives and other prevention (OP) activities; and other supply chain

management related activities. It also covers technical assistance (TA) and systems strengthening (SS)

activities provided to PEPFAR partners to strengthen or build their supply chain management capacity

within their respective programs.

In COP09, SCMS will procure sexual prevention related commodities; AB and OP commodities (not

including condoms), IEC and promotional materials, and products for the management of sexually

transmitted infections (STIs) for the Department of Defense (DOD). Through its efforts in this program area,

SCMS works towards ensuring uninterrupted availability of needed commodities for AB (for the

encouragement and promotion of safer sexual behaviors ultimately targeting the general population) and

OP interventions.

The present budget will cover the costs of commodities as well as logistical and administrative services from

the field office for the coordination and management of procurements by SCMS. SCMS will support DoD in

product selection in accordance with the minimum package of AB and OP interventions for appropriate

targeting of the military and civilian populations reached through DOD's sexual prevention programming.

SCMS will assist in quantification and forecasting of requirements, and will support the development of long

term supply plans (considering in country stocks and anticipated consumption rates) for stock management

and delivery planning.

SCMS will identify suitable sources of supply, both internationally and nationally. SCMS will work with IPs in

Nigeria to locally procure products that are either banned for importation or for which local procurement

represents a key advantage in terms of cost, delivery and/or associated services, such as maintenance


SCMS will coordinate with the USG team to ensure selected products are appropriately registered in

Nigeria. For products not yet registered by NAFDAC, SCMS will make suitable recommendations, including

waiver applications, where appropriate. SCMS will take the lead in communicating with manufacturers on

registration gaps in Nigeria.

SCMS procurement leverages global spending to provide the best value and offers clients certainty of

competitive prices and international quality standards. SCMS procurement strategy includes the purchase

of generic drugs, whenever possible, the pooling of procurement for HIV/AIDS care, prevention and

treatment programs across PEPFAR focus countries, and negotiating long term contracts with suppliers.

DoD requests for sexual prevention materials will be addressed to the SCMS field office directly.

SCMS will be responsible for the shipment of procured commodities into Nigeria through Abuja or other

points of entry, as required. SCMS will take the lead and further streamline the customs clearance process

as appropriate, including management of the CC1, CC2 or CC3 duty exemption forms. SCMS will

coordinate with the USG team to fulfill importation requirements and provide needed documentation to allow

customs clearance in an efficient and timely manner.

Where appropriate, commodities procured and imported by SCMS will be supplied through the SCMS

Regional Distribution Center (RDC) in Ghana. The warehousing of commodities in the RDC is a critical

component of the SCMS technical solution. The use of the RDC will significantly reduce lead time and

provide an important buffer between supply from manufacturers and demands from PEPFAR programs in

Nigeria. The RDC will also ensure that shipment quantities do not overwhelm their recipients in country,

which is an increasing challenge in the context of program scale up. The RDC concept also brings an

increased flexibility in stock management, thus reducing risk of stock obsolescence or need for emergency

replenishments, toward important cost savings. Finally, the RDC approach serves regional and national

sustainability, as the RDC is designed to be a commercially viable entity, available to other health (and non-

health) programs, whose benefit will last beyond SCMS. Where possible and appropriate, SCMS will road

freight from the RDC Ghana to Abuja; a mode of delivery that will provide significant savings over airfreight.

Delivery arrangements will be negotiated with DOD; SCMS will either deliver to a central location or to point

of services, as needed. When local warehousing is needed, SCMS will continue to explore viable options

and make use of its recently acquired cross-docking facility and long term warehouse facility (which will be

acquired in COP 09). For in country distribution where necessary, SCMS will competitively source for and

utilize the service of an efficient and safe in-country courier services operator.

SCMS provides TA and SS services in all areas of the supply chain, including product selection,

quantification and forecasting, supply planning, procurement, warehousing, customs clearance and delivery.

In COP09, SCMS will provide TA and SS services to DoD, including the training of individuals in the use of

the ProQ or Quantimed forecasting and pipeline supply planning tools. SCMS will continue to provide TA

and SS services to DoD based on the recommendations that came out of a supply chain system's

assessment carried out in COP07.

SCMS will provide the USG team with regular reports on supplies and equipment, as well as monthly

financial reports. In COP 09, supply chain support teams (SCSTs; to be made up of technical SCMS staff

and Government of Nigeria or implementing partner [IP] staff, as appropriate) will be constituted by SCMS

to work with the IPs in providing their trained logisticians with the capacity to monitor and support the

performance of the supply chains at various levels. Using standardized indicators of logistics performance,

the SCSTs will track performance of the supply chains and provide an early warning system to identify

Activity Narrative: impending or imminent supply chain breakdowns and act to forestall these. By developing methodologies

and tools for conducting these activities, SCMS will work with GoN and IPs to establish and institutionalize

this activity, thereby building the capacity to identify these problems and resolve them before service

delivery is compromised.

In addition, an automated web-based procurement tracking database will ensure that the USG team and IPs

have adequate visibility on SCMS procurement status by providing easy access to accurate and up to date

information on procurement. Further procurement automation and harmonization will also be facilitated

through linkages with the LHPMIP system.

Under this program area, SCMS does not have targets of its own but supports DoD reaching their

prevention planned targets.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13080

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13080 9784.08 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 6385 4043.08 USAID Track $250,000

International Supply Chain 2.0 SCMS

Development Management

9784 9784.07 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 4181 4043.07 SCMS $8,000

International Supply Chain

Development Management

Table 3.3.03:

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Blood Safety (HMBL): $10,000

Track 1 and 2 funds are combined for this activity.



The SCMS objective is to support PEPFAR programs in Nigeria by providing increased access to quality

HIV/AIDS related commodities. SCMS activity under this program area covers the procurement, shipment,

distribution and delivery of blood safety related commodities as well as other supply chain management

related activities. It also covers technical assistance (TA) and system strengthening (SS) activities provided

to PEPFAR Implementing Partners (IPs) and to the Department of Defense (DoD) to strengthen or build

their supply chain management capacity within their respective programs.

In COP09, SCMS will procure, for the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) and DoD, safe blood

related commodities needed for the collection, testing, preparation and distribution of blood and blood

components. Examples of such commodities are blood bags, laboratory reagents, and testing diagnostic

kits for the detection of HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B and C. SCMS will also procure commodities needed

for the disposal of contaminated products.

Through its continuous support to and strengthening of commodity security in PEPFAR programs, SCMS

works towards ensuring uninterrupted availability of needed commodities to the target populations of blood

donors and blood or blood components' recipients in the general population.

The present budget will cover the cost of commodities as well as logistical and administrative services from

the field office for the coordination and management of the procurements undertaken by SCMS for the

support of all IPs active in blood/medical safety. In COP09, SCMS will procure blood safety commodities

and requested technical assistance (TA) for the National Blood Transfusion Service and DoD, each of which

has attributed specific funds to SCMS for these services: DoD, $10,000, and NBTS, $1,000,000. The

budget also supports the cost of TA and SS. SCMS will assist in quantification and forecasting of

requirements and will support the development of long term supply plans (considering in country stocks and

anticipated consumption rates) for stock management and delivery planning.

SCMS will support the NBTS and DoD in the following areas of the supply chain cycle: product selection in

accordance with the Nigerian National Blood Policy and Operational guidelines for blood transfusion

practices, Federal Government of Nigeria's (GON) HIV testing algorithm, marketing authorization status

(GON NAFDAC registration), and GON importation regulation. SCMS will also be responsible for ensuring

that commodities procured meet eligibility criteria under the USG acquisition rules and regulations, including

source and origin waivers and approvals by the US Food and Drug Administration or other relevant

stringent drug regulatory authorities.

SCMS will identify suitable sources of supply both internationally and nationally. SCMS will work with

implementing partners (IPs) in Nigeria to locally procure products that are either banned for importation or

for which local procurement represents a key advantage in terms of cost, delivery and/or associated

services (i.e., maintenance service). SCMS will coordinate with the USG team to ensure selected products

are appropriately registered in Nigeria. For products not yet registered by NAFDAC, SCMS will make

suitable recommendations including waiver applications where appropriate. SCMS will take the lead to

communicate with manufacturers on registration gaps in Nigeria.

SCMS procurement leverages global spend to provide best value and offers clients certainty of competitive

prices and international quality standards. The SCMS procurement strategy is articulated around buying

generics whenever possible, pooling procurements for HIV/AIDS care, prevention and treatment programs

across PEPFAR focus countries and negotiating long term contracts with suppliers. IPs and DoD's requests

for blood safety related commodities will be addressed to and coordinated with the SCMS field office directly

in line with explicit guidance from the Prevention Technical Working Group (TWG) and the USG PEPFAR

team to ensure complementarities with the priorities identified.

SCMS will be responsible for the shipment of procured commodities into Nigeria through Abuja or other

points of entry as required. SCMS will take the lead and further streamline the customs clearance process

as appropriate including management of the various duty exemption forms (CC1, CC2, CC3). SCMS will

coordinate with the USG team to fulfill importation requirements and provide needed documentation to allow

customs clearance in an efficient and timely manner.

Where appropriate, commodities procured and imported by SCMS will be supplied through the SCMS

Regional Distribution Center (RDC) in Ghana. The warehousing of commodities in the RDC is a critical

component of the SCMS technical solution. The use of the RDC will significantly reduce lead times and

provide an important buffer between the supply from manufacturers and demands from the PEPFAR

programs in Nigeria. The RDC also ensures that shipment quantities do not overwhelm their recipients in

country, an increasing challenge in the context of program scale-up. The RDC concept also brings an

increased flexibility in stock management, thus reducing risk of stock obsolescence or need for emergency

replenishments, resulting in important savings. Finally, the RDC approach serves regional and national

sustainability, as the RDC is designed to be a commercially viable entity, available to other health (and non-

health) programs, whose benefit will last beyond SCMS. Where possible and appropriate, SCMS will road

freight from the RDC in Ghana to Abuja; this mode of delivery will provide significant savings over airfreight.

Delivery arrangements will be negotiated with NBTS and DoD; SCMS will either deliver to a central location

or to points of service as needed. When local warehousing is needed, SCMS will continue to explore viable

options make use of its recently acquired cross-docking facility and the long term warehouse facility (which

will be acquired in COP09). For in-country distribution where necessary, SCMS will competitively source for

and utilize the service of an efficient and safe in-country courier services operator.

SCMS will also assist IPs to monitor/report on stock levels and usage through the deployment of pipeline

Activity Narrative: databases. Additionally SCMS will monitor product safety and tracking for recalls (pharmacovigilance).

SCMS provides TA and SS services in all areas of the supply chain including product selection,

quantification and forecasting, supply planning, procurement, warehousing, customs clearance and delivery.

In COP09, SCMS will provide TA and SS services to IPs including the training of staff in the use of the ProQ

or Quantimed forecasting and pipeline supply planning tools. SCMS will continue to provide TA and SS

services to DoD based on the recommendations that came out of the supply chain systems assessment

carried out in COP07.

SCMS will provide the USG team with regular reports on supplies and equipments as well as monthly

financial reports. In COP09, Supply Chain Support Teams (SCSTs) (to be made up of technical SCMS staff

and GoN or IP staff as appropriate) will be constituted by SCMS to work with the IPs in providing their

trained logisticians with the capacity to monitor and support the performance of the supply chains at various

levels. Using standardized indicators of logistics performance, the SCSTs will track performance of the

supply chains and together, act as an early warning system to identify impending or imminent supply chain

breakdowns and act to forestall these. By developing methodologies and tools for conducting these

activities, SCMS will work with GoN and IPs to establish and institutionalize this activity, thereby building the

capacity to identify these problems and resolve them before service delivery is compromised. In addition, an

automated web based procurement tracking database will ensure that the USG team and IPs have

adequate visibility on SCMS procurement status by providing an easy access to accurate and up to date

information on procurement.

Under this program area, SCMS does not have targets of its own, but supports NBTS and DoD to reach

their blood safety planned targets.


Human capacity development

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13078

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13078 9773.08 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 6385 4043.08 USAID Track $425,000

International Supply Chain 2.0 SCMS

Development Management

9773 9773.07 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 4181 4043.07 SCMS $0

International Supply Chain

Development Management

Table 3.3.04:

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Injection Safety (HMIN): $120,000



The SCMS objective is to support PEPFAR programs in Nigeria by providing increased access to quality

HIV/AIDS related commodities. SCMS activity under this program area covers not only the procurement but

also the shipment, distribution and delivery of injection safety related commodities as well as other supply

chain management related activities. It also covers technical assistance (TA) and system strengthening

(SS) activities provided to PEPFAR partners to strengthen or build their supply chain management capacity

within their respective programs.

In COP09, SCMS will procure safe injection equipments (including injection devices and safety boxes) and

health care waste management equipments such as personal protective gear and incinerators for

implementing partners including the Department of Defense (DOD). Through its continuous support to and

strengthening of commodity security in PEPFAR programs, SCMS works toward ensuring uninterrupted

availability of needed commodities for safe injection practices and adequate disposal of medical wastes to

avoid the medical transmission of HIV to health workers and patients working in or attending health care

facilities providing HIV/AIDS services, thus ultimately targeting the general population.

The present budget will cover the cost of commodities as well as logistical and administrative services from

the field office for the coordination and management of the procurements undertaken by SCMS in this area.

SCMS will support the IPs (IHVN, HARVARD, GHAIN, CRS-AR, ICAP and DoD) in the following areas of

the supply chain cycle: product selection in accordance with the Federal Government of Nigeria's (GON)

national injection safety and healthcare waste management guidelines, marketing authorization status

(NAFDAC registration) and GON importation regulation. SCMS will also be responsible for ensuring that

commodities procured meet eligibility criteria under the USG acquisition rules and regulations including

source and origin waivers and approvals by the US Food and Drug Administration or other relevant

stringent drug regulatory authorities.

SCMS will assist in quantification and forecasting of requirements and will support the development of long

term supply plans (considering in country stocks and anticipated consumption rates) for stock management

and delivery planning.

SCMS will identify suitable sources of supply both internationally and nationally. SCMS will work with IPs in

Nigeria to locally procure products that are either banned for importation or for which local procurement

represents a key advantage in terms of cost, delivery and/or associated services (i.e. maintenance service).

SCMS will coordinate with the USG team to ensure selected products are appropriately registered in

Nigeria. For products not yet registered by NAFDAC, SCMS will make suitable recommendations including

waiver applications where appropriate. SCMS will take the lead to communicate with manufacturers on

registration gaps in Nigeria.

SCMS procurement leverages global spend to provide best value and offers clients certainty of competitive

prices and international quality standards. SCMS procurement strategy is articulated around buying

generics whenever possible, pooling procurement for HIV/AIDS care, prevention and treatment programs

across PEPFAR focus countries and negotiating long term contracts with suppliers. All implementing

partners and DoD requests for injection safety related commodities will be addressed to and coordinated

with SCMS field office directly, in line with the funds placed in this program area for this purpose. In

addition to the $110,000 placed for general use, SCMS will also be responsible for DOD's allocation of an

additional $10,000 for support of their particular activities.

SCMS will be responsible for the shipment of procured commodities into Nigeria through Abuja or other

points of entry as required. SCMS will take the lead and further streamline the customs clearance process

as appropriate including management of the CC1, CC2 or CC3 duty exemption forms. SCMS will coordinate

with the USG team to fulfill importation requirements and provide needed documentation to allow customs

clearance in an efficient and timely manner.

Where appropriate, commodities procured and imported by SCMS will be supplied through the SCMS

Regional Distribution Center (RDC) in Ghana. The warehousing of commodities in the RDC is a critical

component of the SCMS technical solution. The use of the RDC will significantly reduce lead times and

provide an important buffer between the supply from manufacturers and demands from the PEPFAR

programs in Nigeria. The RDC also ensure that shipment quantities do not overwhelm their recipients in

country, an increasing challenge in the context of program scale up. The RDC concept also brings an

increased flexibility in stock management thus reducing risk of stock obsolescence or need for emergency

replenishments, resulting in important savings. Finally, the RDC approach serves regional and national

sustainability, as the RDC is designed to be a commercially viable entity, available to other health (and non-

health) programs, whose benefit will last beyond SCMS. Where possible and appropriate, SCMS will road

freight from the RDC Ghana to Abuja; a mode of delivery that will provide significant savings over airfreight.

Delivery arrangements will be negotiated with the partners; SCMS will either deliver to a central location or

to point of services as needed. When local warehousing is needed SCMS will continue to explore viable

options make use of its recently acquired cross-docking facility and the long term warehouse facility (which

will be acquired in COP 09). For in country distribution where necessary, SCMS will competitively source for

and utilize the service of an efficient and safe in-country courier services operator.

SCMS will also assist the partners to monitor/report on stock levels and usage through the deployment of

Pipeline databases. SCMS provides TA and SS services in all areas of the supply chain including product

selection, quantification & forecasting, supply planning, procurement, warehousing, customs clearance and

delivery. In COP09, SCMS will provide TA and SS services to the partners including the training of staff in

the use of the ProQ or Quantimed forecasting and Pipeline supply planning tools. SCMS will continue to

provide TA and SS services them based on the recommendations that came out of a supply chain system's

Activity Narrative: assessment carried out in COP07.

SCMS will provide the USG team with regular reports on supplies and equipments as well as monthly

financial reports. In COP 09, Supply Chain Support Teams (to be made up of technical SCMS staff and

GoN or IP staff as appropriate) will be constituted by SCMS to work with the IPs in providing their trained

logisticians with the capacity to monitor and support the performance of the supply chains at various levels.

Using standardized indicators of logistics performance, the SCSTs will track performance of the supply

chains and together, act as an early warning system to identify impending or imminent supply chain

breakdowns and act to forestall these. By developing methodologies and tools for conducting these

activities, SCMS will work with GoN and IPs to establish and institutionalize this activity thereby building the

capacity to identify these problems and resolve them before service delivery is compromised. In addition, an

automated web based procurement tracking database will ensure that the USG team and IPs have

adequate visibility on SCMS procurement status by providing an easy access to accurate and up to date

information on procurement.

Under this program area, SCMS does not have targets of its own but supports all the participating partners

including DoD in reaching their prevention planned targets.


Institutional capacity development

Early Funding Narrative (if early funding needed, justify here; must be less than 1,000 characters, including



The SCMS objective is to support PEPFAR programs in Nigeria by providing increased access to quality

HIV/AIDS related commodities. SCMS activity under this program area covers not only the procurement but

also the shipment, distribution and delivery of injection safety related commodities as well as other supply

chain management related activities. It also covers technical assistance (TA) and system strengthening

(SS) activities provided to PEPFAR partners to strengthen or build their supply chain management capacity

within their respective programs.

In COP08, SCMS will procure safe injection equipments such as injection devices and safety boxes as well

as health care waste management equipments such as personal protective gear for the Department of

Defense (DOD). Through its continuous support to and strengthening of commodity security in PEPFAR

programs, SCMS works towards ensuring uninterrupted availability of needed commodities for safe injection

practices and adequate disposal of medical wastes to avoid the medical transmission of HIV to health

workers and patients working in or attending health care facilities providing HIV/AIDS services, thus

ultimately targeting the general population.

The present budget will cover the cost of commodities as well as well as logistical and administrative

services from the field office for the coordination and management of the procurements undertaken by

SCMS. SCMS will support the DoD in the following areas of the supply chain cycle: product selection in

accordance with the Federal Government of Nigeria's (FGON) national injection safety and healthcare

waste management guidelines, marketing authorization status (NAFDAC registration) and FGON

importation regulation. SCMS will also be responsible for ensuring that commodities procured meet

eligibility criteria under the USG acquisition rules and regulations including source and origin waivers and

approvals by the US Food and Drug Administration or other relevant stringent drug regulatory authorities.

SCMS will assist in quantification and forecasting of requirements and will support the development of long

term supply plans for stock management and delivery planning.

SCMS will identify suitable sources of supply both internationally and nationally. SCMS will work with IPs in

Nigeria to locally procure products that are either banned for importation or for which local procurement

represents a key advantage in terms of cost, delivery and/or associated services (i.e. maintenance service).

SCMS will coordinate with the USG team to ensure selected products are appropriately registered in

Nigeria. For products not yet registered by NAFDAC, SCMS will make suitable recommendations including

waiver applications where appropriate. SCMS will take the lead to communicate with manufacturers on

registration gaps in Nigeria.

SCMS procurement leverages global spend to provide best value and offers clients certainty of competitive

prices and international quality standards. SCMS procurement strategy is articulated around buying

generics whenever possible, pooling procurement for HIV/AIDS care, prevention and treatment programs

across PEPFAR focus countries and negotiating long term contracts with suppliers. The DoD's requests for

injection safety related commodities will be addressed to and coordinated with SCMS field office directly.

SCMS will be responsible for the shipment of procured commodities into Nigeria through Abuja or other

points of entry as required. SCMS will take the lead and further streamline the customs clearance process

as appropriate including management of the CC1 duty exemption form. SCMS will coordinate with the USG

team to fulfill importation requirements and provide needed documentation to allow customs clearance in an

efficient and timely manner.

Delivery arrangements will be determined with the DoD; SCMS will either deliver to a central location or to

point of services as needed based on DOD's programmatic needs.

SCMS will also assist in the monitoring of stock levels and usage through the deployment of Pipeline


SCMS provides TA and SS services in all areas of the supply chain including product selection,

Activity Narrative: quantification & forecasting, supply planning, procurement, warehousing, customs clearance and delivery.

SCMS will provide the USG team with regular reports on supplies and equipments as well as monthly

financial reports. In addition, an automated web based procurement tracking database will ensure that the

USG team and DOD have adequate visibility on SCMS procurement status by providing an easy access to

accurate and up to date information on procurement.

Under this program area, SCMS does not have targets of its own but supports DoD reaching their

prevention planned targets.


Overall, SCMS activity contributes to the PEPFAR goal to avert 7 million infections worldwide by procuring

and distributing high quality, low cost as well as providing TA and SS to improve existing supply chains and

build capacity where needed. SCMS' activities will contribute to enable the scale up of HIV/AIDS prevention

PEPFAR programs in Nigeria to reach national targets of preventing 1,145,545 new infections thus

supporting PEPFAR efforts to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. SCMS TA and SS activities will

build supply chain management capacity as well as strengthen supply chain systems and their operation

within the various PEPFAR programs thus contributing to the sustainability of the HIV/AIDS services in



Related SCMS activities in other program areas include: PMTCT (#9748.08), AB (#16919.08), Blood safety

(#14085.08, #9773.08), Condoms and other prevention activities (#9784.08), Basic health care and support

(#9842.08), TB/HIV (#9878.08), Orphans and vulnerable children (#9883.08), Counseling and testing

(#6643.08), ARV drugs (#6402.08) and Laboratory infrastructure (#9894.08). Logistics system

strengthening efforts will be linked with policy (#5300.08) and strategic information (#6661.08) activities.


Human capacity development

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13079

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13079 9775.08 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 6385 4043.08 USAID Track $55,000

International Supply Chain 2.0 SCMS

Development Management

9775 9775.07 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 4181 4043.07 SCMS $3,000

International Supply Chain

Development Management

Table 3.3.05:

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $742,460



The SCMS objective is to support PEPFAR programs in Nigeria by providing increased access to quality

HIV/AIDS related commodities. SCMS activity under this program area covers the procurement but also the

shipment, distribution and delivery of medical supplies and equipments used in ARV services including

consumables and non medical supplies needed to run ARV services, as well as basic health care and

support related commodities for adults including other supply chain management related activities. It also

covers technical assistance (TA) and system strengthening (SS) activities provided to PEPFAR

Implementing Partners (IPs) and to the Department of Defense (DoD) to strengthen or build their supply

chain management capacity within their respective programs.

In COP09, SCMS will procure medical supplies and equipments used in ARV services and other

commodities used to extend and optimize the quality of life of HIV infected adults and their families for three

IPs and DoD. This also encompasses commodities for the prevention, management and clinical monitoring

of opportunistic infections (OI), except tuberculosis (TB), other HIV/AIDS related complications, including

malaria, and for the management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Example of such commodities

are pharmaceuticals (OI drugs, pain killers, opioids), insecticide treated nets, home based care kits, water

guard, gloves and therapeutic food. SCMS will also procure other medical and non medical supplies used in

treatment and basic health care and support services, including home-based care.

Through its continuous support to and strengthening of commodity security in PEPFAR care programs,

SCMS works towards ensuring uninterrupted availability of needed commodities to the target populations of

people living with HIV/AIDS and the general population through their families. This will be achieved by

assisting the IPs and DoD in quantification, forecasting of requirements and support for the development of

long term supply plans (considering in country stocks and anticipated consumption rates) for stock

management and delivery planning.

In COP09, SCMS will procure medical supplies and equipments used in ARV services, palliative drugs, care

and support commodities and provide requested technical assistance for three IPs and DoD, each of which

has allocated specific funds to SCMS for these services: DOD, $300,000 for Adult Care and Support and

$1,750,000 for Adult Treatment; Columbia University/ICAP, $150,000 for Adult Care and Support and

$675,000 for Adult Treatment; University of Maryland, $287,960 for Adult Care and Support; and URC,

$4,500 for Adult Care and Support and $45,000 for Adult Treatment. The budgets will cover the cost of

commodities as well as well as logistical and administrative services from the field office for the coordination

and management of the procurements undertaken by SCMS. The budget also supports the cost of TA and


SCMS will support the IPs and DoD in the following areas of the supply chain cycle: product selection in

accordance with the Federal Government of Nigeria's (FGoN) national treatment guidelines, marketing

authorization status (NAFDAC registration) and FGON importation regulation. SCMS will also be

responsible for ensuring that commodities procured meet eligibility criteria under the USG acquisition rules

and regulations including source and origin waivers and approvals by the US Food and Drug Administration

or other relevant stringent drug regulatory authorities.

SCMS will assist in quantification and forecasting of requirements and will support the development of long

term supply plans for stock management and delivery planning. SCMS will identify suitable sources of

supply both internationally and nationally. SCMS will work with IPs in Nigeria to locally procure products that

are either banned for importation or for which local procurement represents a key advantage in terms of

cost, delivery and/or associated services (i.e. maintenance service). SCMS will coordinate with the USG

team to ensure selected products are appropriately registered in Nigeria. For products not yet registered by

NAFDAC, SCMS will make suitable recommendations including waiver applications where appropriate.

SCMS will take the lead to communicate with manufacturers on registration gaps in Nigeria.

Currently, there are several challenges associated with the procurement of Opportunistic Infections (OI)

drugs. A number of key OI medicines are banned from importation into Nigeria and hence by default, need

to be procured from local manufacturers. However, the fact that none of locally manufactured products has

US FDA or similar stringent drug regulatory authority approval places the PEPFAR IPs in an untenable

situation. In COP 09, SCMS will work with the IPs and GoN to identify key OI drugs that are needed and

initiate the process of pre-qualification towards identifying local sources. SCMS will also work with GoN

towards defining the modalities for use of opioids for pain management by HIV/AIDS programs. SCMS

intervention in this area will ensure that required materials for palliative care are available for use of the

programs, thus improving the quality of life of PLWHA.

SCMS procurement leverages global spend to provide best value and offers clients certainty of competitive

prices and international quality standards. SCMS procurement strategy is articulated around buying

generics whenever possible, pooling procurement for HIV/AIDS care, prevention and treatment programs

across PEPFAR focus countries and negotiating long term contracts with suppliers. IPs and DoD's requests

for basic health care and support related commodities will be addressed to and coordinated with SCMS field

office directly.

SCMS will be responsible for the shipment of procured commodities into Nigeria through Abuja or other

points of entry as required. SCMS will take the lead and further streamline the customs clearance process

as appropriate including management of the CC1, CC2 or CC3 duty exemption forms. SCMS will coordinate

with the USG team to fulfill importation requirements and provide needed documentation to allow customs

clearance in an efficient and timely manner.

Where appropriate, commodities procured and imported by SCMS will be supplied through the SCMS

Regional Distribution Center (RDC) in Ghana. The warehousing of commodities in the RDC is a critical

component of the SCMS technical solution. The use of the RDC will significantly reduce lead times and

Activity Narrative: provide an important buffer between the supply from manufacturers and demands from the PEPFAR

programs in Nigeria. The RDC also ensure that shipment quantities do not overwhelm their recipients in

country, an increasing challenge in the context of program scale up. The RDC concept also brings an

increased flexibility in stock management thus reducing risk of stock obsolescence or need for emergency

replenishments, resulting in important savings. Finally, the RDC approach serves regional and national

sustainability, as the RDC is designed to be a commercially viable entity, available to other health (and non-

health) programs, whose benefit will last beyond SCMS. Where possible and appropriate, SCMS will road

freight from the RDC Ghana to Abuja; a mode of delivery that will provide significant savings over airfreight.

Delivery arrangements will be negotiated with URC, ICAP, UMD and DOD; SCMS will either deliver to a

central location or to point of services as needed. When local warehousing is needed SCMS will continue to

explore viable options make use of its recently acquired cross-docking facility and the long term warehouse

facility (which will be acquired in COP 09). For in country distribution where necessary, SCMS will

competitively source for and utilize the service of an efficient and safe in-country courier services operator.

SCMS provides TA and SS services in all areas of the supply chain including product selection,

quantification & forecasting, supply planning, procurement, warehousing, customs clearance and delivery.

In COP09, SCMS will provide TA and SS services to IPs including the training of individuals in the use of

the ProQ or Quantimed forecasting and Pipeline supply planning tools. SCMS will continue to provide TA

and SS services to DoD based on the recommendations that came out of a supply chain system's

assessment carried out in COP07. By providing training and supporting capacity building of local

organization, SCMS addresses the emphasis area of human capacity development.

SCMS will provide the USG team with regular reports on supplies and equipments as well as monthly

financial reports. In COP 09, Supply Chain Support Teams (to be made up of technical SCMS staff and

GoN or IP staff as appropriate) will be constituted by SCMS to work with the IPs in providing their trained

logisticians with the capacity to monitor and support the performance of the supply chains at various levels.

Using standardized indicators of logistics performance, the SCSTs will track performance of the supply

chains and together, act as an early warning system to identify impending or imminent supply chain

breakdowns and act to forestall these. By developing methodologies and tools for conducting these

activities, SCMS will work with GoN and IPs to establish and institutionalize this activity thereby building the

capacity to identify these problems and resolve them before service delivery is compromised. In addition, an

automated web based procurement tracking database will ensure that the USG team and IPs have

adequate visibility on SCMS procurement status by providing an easy access to accurate and up to date

information on procurement. Further procurement automation and harmonization will also be facilitated

through linkages with the LHPMIP system of SCMS.

In COP07, SCMS undertook, under DoD's request, a feasibility study for a Government Owned Contractor

operated (GOCO) warehousing facility to be used by HIV/AIDS Nigerian military and DoD programs. In

COP08, SCMS helped define detailed implementation workplan and responsibility for construction of the

warehouse, SCMS will provide technical oversight for the construction and managing the equipment of the

facility, while the NMoD will finance the construction of the facility, DoD will finance the equipment of the

warehouse through COP allocations to SCMS in the range of $750,000. The establishment of a GOCO, as

part of SCMS system strengthening to the host government's supply chain system, will bring a long term

solution contributing to the sustainability of the military HIV/AIDS programs in Nigeria. By providing training

and supporting capacity building of local organization, SCMS addresses the emphasis area of human

capacity development.

Under this program area, SCMS does not have targets of its own but supports PEPFAR IPs and DoD

reaching their care planned targets.


Human capacity development.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13081

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13081 9842.08 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 6385 4043.08 USAID Track $1,212,245

International Supply Chain 2.0 SCMS

Development Management

9842 9842.07 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 4181 4043.07 SCMS $156,469

International Supply Chain

Development Management

Table 3.3.08:

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $2,470,000



The SCMS objective is to support PEPFAR programs in Nigeria by providing increased access to quality

HIV/AIDS related commodities. SCMS activity under this program area covers the procurement but also the

shipment, distribution and delivery of medical supplies and equipments used in ARV services including

consumables and non medical supplies needed to run ARV services, as well as basic health care and

support related commodities for adults including other supply chain management related activities. It also

covers technical assistance (TA) and system strengthening (SS) activities provided to PEPFAR

Implementing Partners (IPs) and to the Department of Defense (DoD) to strengthen or build their supply

chain management capacity within their respective programs.

In COP09, SCMS will procure medical supplies and equipments used in ARV services and other

commodities used to extend and optimize the quality of life of HIV infected adults and their families for three

IPs and DoD. This also encompasses commodities for the prevention, management and clinical monitoring

of opportunistic infections (OI), except tuberculosis (TB), other HIV/AIDS related complications, including

malaria, and for the management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Example of such commodities

are pharmaceuticals (OI drugs, pain killers, opioids), insecticide treated nets, home based care kits, water

guard, gloves and therapeutic food. SCMS will also procure other medical and non medical supplies used in

treatment and basic health care and support services, including home-based care.

Through its continuous support to and strengthening of commodity security in PEPFAR care programs,

SCMS works towards ensuring uninterrupted availability of needed commodities to the target populations of

people living with HIV/AIDS and the general population through their families. This will be achieved by

assisting the IPs and DoD in quantification, forecasting of requirements and support for the development of

long term supply plans (considering in country stocks and anticipated consumption rates) for stock

management and delivery planning.

In COP09, SCMS will procure medical supplies and equipments used in ARV services, palliative drugs, care

and support commodities and provide requested technical assistance for three IPs and DoD, each of which

has allocated specific funds to SCMS for these services: DOD, $300,000 for Adult Care and Support and

$1,750,000 for Adult Treatment; Columbia University/ICAP, $150,000 for Adult Care and Support and

$675,000 for Adult Treatment; University of Maryland, $287,960 for Adult Care and Support; and URC,

$4,500 for Adult Care and Support and $45,000 for Adult Treatment. The budgets will cover the cost of

commodities as well as well as logistical and administrative services from the field office for the coordination

and management of the procurements undertaken by SCMS. The budget also supports the cost of TA and


SCMS will support the IPs and DoD in the following areas of the supply chain cycle: product selection in

accordance with the Federal Government of Nigeria's (FGoN) national treatment guidelines, marketing

authorization status (NAFDAC registration) and FGON importation regulation. SCMS will also be

responsible for ensuring that commodities procured meet eligibility criteria under the USG acquisition rules

and regulations including source and origin waivers and approvals by the US Food and Drug Administration

or other relevant stringent drug regulatory authorities.

SCMS will assist in quantification and forecasting of requirements and will support the development of long

term supply plans for stock management and delivery planning. SCMS will identify suitable sources of

supply both internationally and nationally. SCMS will work with IPs in Nigeria to locally procure products that

are either banned for importation or for which local procurement represents a key advantage in terms of

cost, delivery and/or associated services (i.e. maintenance service). SCMS will coordinate with the USG

team to ensure selected products are appropriately registered in Nigeria. For products not yet registered by

NAFDAC, SCMS will make suitable recommendations including waiver applications where appropriate.

SCMS will take the lead to communicate with manufacturers on registration gaps in Nigeria.

Currently, there are several challenges associated with the procurement of Opportunistic Infections (OI)

drugs. A number of key OI medicines are banned from importation into Nigeria and hence by default, need

to be procured from local manufacturers. However, the fact that none of locally manufactured products has

US FDA or similar stringent drug regulatory authority approval places the PEPFAR IPs in an untenable

situation. In COP 09, SCMS will work with the IPs and GoN to identify key OI drugs that are needed and

initiate the process of pre-qualification towards identifying local sources. SCMS will also work with GoN

towards defining the modalities for use of opioids for pain management by HIV/AIDS programs. SCMS

intervention in this area will ensure that required materials for palliative care are available for use of the

programs, thus improving the quality of life of PLWHA.

SCMS procurement leverages global spend to provide best value and offers clients certainty of competitive

prices and international quality standards. SCMS procurement strategy is articulated around buying

generics whenever possible, pooling procurement for HIV/AIDS care, prevention and treatment programs

across PEPFAR focus countries and negotiating long term contracts with suppliers. IPs and DoD's requests

for basic health care and support related commodities will be addressed to and coordinated with SCMS field

office directly.

SCMS will be responsible for the shipment of procured commodities into Nigeria through Abuja or other

points of entry as required. SCMS will take the lead and further streamline the customs clearance process

as appropriate including management of the CC1, CC2 or CC3 duty exemption forms. SCMS will coordinate

with the USG team to fulfill importation requirements and provide needed documentation to allow customs

clearance in an efficient and timely manner.

Where appropriate, commodities procured and imported by SCMS will be supplied through the SCMS

Regional Distribution Center (RDC) in Ghana. The warehousing of commodities in the RDC is a critical

component of the SCMS technical solution. The use of the RDC will significantly reduce lead times and

Activity Narrative: provide an important buffer between the supply from manufacturers and demands from the PEPFAR

programs in Nigeria. The RDC also ensure that shipment quantities do not overwhelm their recipients in

country, an increasing challenge in the context of program scale up. The RDC concept also brings an

increased flexibility in stock management thus reducing risk of stock obsolescence or need for emergency

replenishments, resulting in important savings. Finally, the RDC approach serves regional and national

sustainability, as the RDC is designed to be a commercially viable entity, available to other health (and non-

health) programs, whose benefit will last beyond SCMS. Where possible and appropriate, SCMS will road

freight from the RDC Ghana to Abuja; a mode of delivery that will provide significant savings over airfreight.

Delivery arrangements will be negotiated with URC, ICAP, UMD and DOD; SCMS will either deliver to a

central location or to point of services as needed. When local warehousing is needed SCMS will continue to

explore viable options make use of its recently acquired cross-docking facility and the long term warehouse

facility (which will be acquired in COP 09). For in country distribution where necessary, SCMS will

competitively source for and utilize the service of an efficient and safe in-country courier services operator.

SCMS provides TA and SS services in all areas of the supply chain including product selection,

quantification & forecasting, supply planning, procurement, warehousing, customs clearance and delivery.

In COP09, SCMS will provide TA and SS services to IPs including the training of individuals in the use of

the ProQ or Quantimed forecasting and Pipeline supply planning tools. SCMS will continue to provide TA

and SS services to DoD based on the recommendations that came out of a supply chain system's

assessment carried out in COP07. By providing training and supporting capacity building of local

organization, SCMS addresses the emphasis area of human capacity development.

SCMS will provide the USG team with regular reports on supplies and equipments as well as monthly

financial reports. In COP 09, Supply Chain Support Teams (to be made up of technical SCMS staff and

GoN or IP staff as appropriate) will be constituted by SCMS to work with the IPs in providing their trained

logisticians with the capacity to monitor and support the performance of the supply chains at various levels.

Using standardized indicators of logistics performance, the SCSTs will track performance of the supply

chains and together, act as an early warning system to identify impending or imminent supply chain

breakdowns and act to forestall these. By developing methodologies and tools for conducting these

activities, SCMS will work with GoN and IPs to establish and institutionalize this activity thereby building the

capacity to identify these problems and resolve them before service delivery is compromised. In addition, an

automated web based procurement tracking database will ensure that the USG team and IPs have

adequate visibility on SCMS procurement status by providing an easy access to accurate and up to date

information on procurement. Further procurement automation and harmonization will also be facilitated

through linkages with the LHPMIP system of SCMS.

In COP07, SCMS undertook, under DoD's request, a feasibility study for a Government Owned Contractor

operated (GOCO) warehousing facility to be used by HIV/AIDS Nigerian military and DoD programs. In

COP08, SCMS helped define detailed implementation workplan and responsibility for construction of the

warehouse, SCMS will provide technical oversight for the construction and managing the equipment of the

facility, while the NMoD will finance the construction of the facility, DoD will finance the equipment of the

warehouse through COP allocations to SCMS in the range of $750,000. The establishment of a GOCO, as

part of SCMS system strengthening to the host government's supply chain system, will bring a long term

solution contributing to the sustainability of the military HIV/AIDS programs in Nigeria. By providing training

and supporting capacity building of local organization, SCMS addresses the emphasis area of human

capacity development.

Under this program area, SCMS does not have targets of its own but supports PEPFAR IPs and DoD

reaching their care planned targets.


Human capacity development.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13086

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13086 9894.08 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 6385 4043.08 USAID Track $6,001,000

International Supply Chain 2.0 SCMS

Development Management

9894 9894.07 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 4181 4043.07 SCMS $2,013,785

International Supply Chain

Development Management

Table 3.3.09:

Funding for Care: Pediatric Care and Support (PDCS): $220,300


The SCMS objective is to support PEPFAR programs in Nigeria by providing increased access to quality

HIV/AIDS related commodities. The SCMS activity under this program area covers the procurement but

also the shipment, distribution and delivery of medical supplies and equipments used in ARV services

including consumables and non medical supplies needed to run ARV services, as well as basic health care

and support related commodities for pediatric care, early infant diagnosis related commodities including

other supply chain management related activities. It also covers technical assistance (TA) and system

strengthening (SS) activities provided to PEPFAR Implementing Partners (IPs) and to the Department of

Defense (DoD) to strengthen or build their supply chain management capacity within their respective


In COP09, SCMS will procure medical supplies and equipment used in ARV services and other

commodities to extend and optimize the quality of life of HIV infected children and their families for three IPs

and DoD. This also encompasses commodities for the prevention, management and clinical monitoring of

opportunistic infections (OI), except tuberculosis (TB), early infant diagnosis, other HIV/AIDS related

complications, including malaria, and for the management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). An

example of such commodities are pharmaceuticals (OI drugs, pain killers, opioids), insecticide treated nets,

laboratory equipment and consumables, home based care kits, water guard, gloves and therapeutic food.

SCMS will also procure other medical and non medical supplies used in treatment and basic health care

and support services, including home-based care.

Through its continuous support to, and strengthening of, commodity security in PEPFAR care programs,

SCMS works towards ensuring uninterrupted availability of needed commodities to the target populations of

people living with HIV/AIDS and the general population through their families. This will be achieved by

assisting the IPs and DoD in quantification, forecasting of requirements and support for the development of

long term supply plans (considering in country stocks and anticipated consumption rates) for stock

management and delivery planning.

In COP09, SCMS will procure medical supplies and equipment used in pediatric ARV services, palliative

drugs, care and support commodities, early infant diagnosis and provide requested technical assistance for

three IPs and DoD, each of which has allocated specific funds to SCMS for these services: DOD, $30,000

for pediatric care and support and $100,000 for pediatric treatment services; Columbia University/ICAP,

$125,000 for pediatric treatment services; University of Maryland, $188,300 for pediatric care and support;

and URC, $2,000 for pediatric care and support and $ 6,000 for pediatric treatment services. The budgets

will cover the cost of commodities as well as well as logistical and administrative services from the field

office for the coordination and management of the procurements undertaken by SCMS. The budget also

supports the cost of TA and SS.

SCMS will support the IPs and DoD in the following areas of the supply chain cycle: product selection in

accordance with the Federal Government of Nigeria's (GON) national treatment guidelines, marketing

authorization status (NAFDAC registration) and GON importation regulation. SCMS will also be responsible

for ensuring that commodities procured meet eligibility criteria under the USG acquisition rules and

regulations including source and origin waivers and approvals by the US Food and Drug Administration or

other relevant stringent drug regulatory authorities.

SCMS will assist in quantification and forecasting of requirements and will support the development of long

term supply plans for stock management and delivery planning. SCMS will identify suitable sources of

supply both internationally and nationally. SCMS will work with IPs in Nigeria to locally procure products that

are either banned for importation or for which local procurement represents a key advantage in terms of

cost, delivery and/or associated services (i.e. maintenance service). SCMS will coordinate with the USG

team to ensure selected products are appropriately registered in Nigeria. For products not yet registered by

NAFDAC, SCMS will make suitable recommendations including waiver applications where appropriate.

SCMS will take the lead to communicate with manufacturers on registration gaps in Nigeria.

Currently, there are several challenges associated with the procurement of Opportunistic Infections (OI)

drugs. A number of key OI medicines are banned from importation into Nigeria and hence by default, need

to be procured from local manufacturers. However, the fact that none of locally manufactured products has

US FDA or similar stringent drug regulatory authority approval places the PEPFAR IPs in an untenable

situation. In COP09, SCMS will work with the IPs and the GON to identify key OI drugs that are needed and

initiate the process of pre-qualification towards identifying local sources. SCMS will also work with GON

towards defining the modalities for use of opioids for pain management by HIV/AIDS programs. SCMS

intervention in this area will ensure that required materials for palliative care are available for use of the

programs, thus improving the quality of life of PLWHA.

SCMS procurement leverages global purchasing to provide best value and offers clients certainty of

competitive prices and international quality standards. The SCMS procurement strategy is articulated

around buying generics whenever possible, pooling procurement for HIV/AIDS care, prevention and

treatment programs across PEPFAR focus countries and negotiating long term contracts with suppliers. IPs

and DoD's requests for basic health care and support related commodities will be addressed to, and

coordinated with, the SCMS field office directly.

SCMS will be responsible for the shipment of procured commodities into Nigeria through Abuja or other

points of entry as required. SCMS will take the lead and further streamline the customs clearance process

as appropriate including management of the CC1, CC2 or CC3 duty exemption forms. SCMS will coordinate

with the USG team to fulfill importation requirements and provide needed documentation to allow customs

clearance in an efficient and timely manner.

Where appropriate, commodities procured and imported by SCMS will be supplied through the SCMS

Regional Distribution Center (RDC) in Ghana. The warehousing of commodities in the RDC is a critical

component of the SCMS technical solution. The use of the RDC will significantly reduce lead times and

Activity Narrative: provide an important buffer between the supply from manufacturers and demands from the PEPFAR

programs in Nigeria. The RDC also ensures that shipment quantities do not overwhelm their recipients in

country, an increasing challenge in the context of program scale up. The RDC concept brings an increased

flexibility in stock management thus reducing risk of stock obsolescence or need for emergency

replenishments, resulting in important savings. Finally, the RDC approach serves regional and national

sustainability, as the RDC is designed to be a commercially viable entity, available to other health (and non-

health) programs, whose benefit will last beyond SCMS. Where possible and appropriate, SCMS will road

freight from the RDC Ghana to Abuja; a mode of delivery that will provide significant savings over airfreight.

Delivery arrangements will be negotiated with URC, ICAP, UMD and DOD; SCMS will either deliver to a

central location or to point of services as needed. When local warehousing is needed, SCMS will continue

to explore viable options to make use of its recently acquired cross-docking facility and the long term

warehouse facility (which will be acquired in COP09). For in country distribution where necessary, SCMS

will competitively source for, and utilize the service of, an efficient and safe in-country courier services


SCMS provides TA and SS services in all areas of the supply chain including product selection,

quantification and forecasting, supply planning, procurement, warehousing, customs clearance and delivery.

In COP09, SCMS will provide TA and SS services to IPs including the training of individuals in the use of

the ProQ or Quantimed forecasting and pipeline supply planning tools. SCMS will continue to provide TA

and SS services to DoD based on the recommendations that came out of a supply chain system's

assessment carried out in COP07. By providing training and supporting capacity building of local

organizations, SCMS addresses the emphasis area of human capacity development.

SCMS will provide the USG team with regular reports on supplies and equipments as well as monthly

financial reports. In COP09, Supply Chain Support Teams (to be made up of technical SCMS staff and

GON or IP staff as appropriate) will be constituted by SCMS to work with the IPs in providing their trained

logisticians with the capacity to monitor and support the performance of the supply chains at various levels.

Using standardized indicators of logistics performance, the SCSTs will track performance of the supply

chains and together, act as an early warning system to identify impending or imminent supply chain

breakdowns and act to forestall these. By developing methodologies and tools for conducting these

activities, SCMS will work with the GON and IPs to establish and institutionalize this activity thereby building

the capacity to identify these problems and resolve them before service delivery is compromised. In

addition, an automated, web based procurement tracking database will ensure that the USG team and IPs

have adequate visibility on SCMS procurement status by providing an easy access to accurate and up to

date information on procurement. Further procurement automation and harmonization will also be facilitated

through linkages with the LHPMIP system of SCMS.

Under this program area, SCMS does not have targets of its own but supports PEPFAR IPs and DoD

reaching their care planned targets.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Table 3.3.10:

Funding for Treatment: Pediatric Treatment (PDTX): $231,000

The SCMS objective is to support PEPFAR programs in Nigeria by providing increased access to quality

HIV/AIDS related commodities. The SCMS activity under this program area covers the procurement but

also the shipment, distribution and delivery of medical supplies and equipments used in ARV services

including consumables and non medical supplies needed to run ARV services, as well as basic health care

and support related commodities for pediatric care, early infant diagnosis related commodities including

other supply chain management related activities. It also covers technical assistance (TA) and system

strengthening (SS) activities provided to PEPFAR Implementing Partners (IPs) and to the Department of

Defense (DoD) to strengthen or build their supply chain management capacity within their respective


In COP09, SCMS will procure medical supplies and equipment used in ARV services and other

commodities to extend and optimize the quality of life of HIV infected children and their families for three IPs

and DoD. This also encompasses commodities for the prevention, management and clinical monitoring of

opportunistic infections (OI), except tuberculosis (TB), early infant diagnosis, other HIV/AIDS related

complications, including malaria, and for the management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). An

example of such commodities are pharmaceuticals (OI drugs, pain killers, opioids), insecticide treated nets,

laboratory equipment and consumables, home based care kits, water guard, gloves and therapeutic food.

SCMS will also procure other medical and non medical supplies used in treatment and basic health care

and support services, including home-based care.

Through its continuous support to, and strengthening of, commodity security in PEPFAR care programs,

SCMS works towards ensuring uninterrupted availability of needed commodities to the target populations of

people living with HIV/AIDS and the general population through their families. This will be achieved by

assisting the IPs and DoD in quantification, forecasting of requirements and support for the development of

long term supply plans (considering in country stocks and anticipated consumption rates) for stock

management and delivery planning.

In COP09, SCMS will procure medical supplies and equipment used in pediatric ARV services, palliative

drugs, care and support commodities, early infant diagnosis and provide requested technical assistance for

three IPs and DoD, each of which has allocated specific funds to SCMS for these services: DOD, $30,000

for pediatric care and support and $100,000 for pediatric treatment services; Columbia University/ICAP,

$125,000 for pediatric treatment services; University of Maryland, $188,300 for pediatric care and support;

and URC, $2,000 for pediatric care and support and $ 6,000 for pediatric treatment services. The budgets

will cover the cost of commodities as well as well as logistical and administrative services from the field

office for the coordination and management of the procurements undertaken by SCMS. The budget also

supports the cost of TA and SS.

SCMS will support the IPs and DoD in the following areas of the supply chain cycle: product selection in

accordance with the Federal Government of Nigeria's (GON) national treatment guidelines, marketing

authorization status (NAFDAC registration) and GON importation regulation. SCMS will also be responsible

for ensuring that commodities procured meet eligibility criteria under the USG acquisition rules and

regulations including source and origin waivers and approvals by the US Food and Drug Administration or

other relevant stringent drug regulatory authorities.

SCMS will assist in quantification and forecasting of requirements and will support the development of long

term supply plans for stock management and delivery planning. SCMS will identify suitable sources of

supply both internationally and nationally. SCMS will work with IPs in Nigeria to locally procure products that

are either banned for importation or for which local procurement represents a key advantage in terms of

cost, delivery and/or associated services (i.e. maintenance service). SCMS will coordinate with the USG

team to ensure selected products are appropriately registered in Nigeria. For products not yet registered by

NAFDAC, SCMS will make suitable recommendations including waiver applications where appropriate.

SCMS will take the lead to communicate with manufacturers on registration gaps in Nigeria.

Currently, there are several challenges associated with the procurement of Opportunistic Infections (OI)

drugs. A number of key OI medicines are banned from importation into Nigeria and hence by default, need

to be procured from local manufacturers. However, the fact that none of locally manufactured products has

US FDA or similar stringent drug regulatory authority approval places the PEPFAR IPs in an untenable

situation. In COP09, SCMS will work with the IPs and the GON to identify key OI drugs that are needed and

initiate the process of pre-qualification towards identifying local sources. SCMS will also work with GON

towards defining the modalities for use of opioids for pain management by HIV/AIDS programs. SCMS

intervention in this area will ensure that required materials for palliative care are available for use of the

programs, thus improving the quality of life of PLWHA.

SCMS procurement leverages global purchasing to provide best value and offers clients certainty of

competitive prices and international quality standards. The SCMS procurement strategy is articulated

around buying generics whenever possible, pooling procurement for HIV/AIDS care, prevention and

treatment programs across PEPFAR focus countries and negotiating long term contracts with suppliers. IPs

and DoD's requests for basic health care and support related commodities will be addressed to, and

coordinated with, the SCMS field office directly.

SCMS will be responsible for the shipment of procured commodities into Nigeria through Abuja or other

points of entry as required. SCMS will take the lead and further streamline the customs clearance process

as appropriate including management of the CC1, CC2 or CC3 duty exemption forms. SCMS will coordinate

with the USG team to fulfill importation requirements and provide needed documentation to allow customs

clearance in an efficient and timely manner.

Where appropriate, commodities procured and imported by SCMS will be supplied through the SCMS

Regional Distribution Center (RDC) in Ghana. The warehousing of commodities in the RDC is a critical

component of the SCMS technical solution. The use of the RDC will significantly reduce lead times and

provide an important buffer between the supply from manufacturers and demands from the PEPFAR

Activity Narrative: programs in Nigeria. The RDC also ensures that shipment quantities do not overwhelm their recipients in

country, an increasing challenge in the context of program scale up. The RDC concept brings an increased

flexibility in stock management thus reducing risk of stock obsolescence or need for emergency

replenishments, resulting in important savings. Finally, the RDC approach serves regional and national

sustainability, as the RDC is designed to be a commercially viable entity, available to other health (and non-

health) programs, whose benefit will last beyond SCMS. Where possible and appropriate, SCMS will road

freight from the RDC Ghana to Abuja; a mode of delivery that will provide significant savings over airfreight.

Delivery arrangements will be negotiated with URC, ICAP, UMD and DOD; SCMS will either deliver to a

central location or to point of services as needed. When local warehousing is needed, SCMS will continue

to explore viable options to make use of its recently acquired cross-docking facility and the long term

warehouse facility (which will be acquired in COP09). For in country distribution where necessary, SCMS

will competitively source for, and utilize the service of, an efficient and safe in-country courier services


SCMS provides TA and SS services in all areas of the supply chain including product selection,

quantification and forecasting, supply planning, procurement, warehousing, customs clearance and delivery.

In COP09, SCMS will provide TA and SS services to IPs including the training of individuals in the use of

the ProQ or Quantimed forecasting and pipeline supply planning tools. SCMS will continue to provide TA

and SS services to DoD based on the recommendations that came out of a supply chain system's

assessment carried out in COP07. By providing training and supporting capacity building of local

organizations, SCMS addresses the emphasis area of human capacity development.

SCMS will provide the USG team with regular reports on supplies and equipments as well as monthly

financial reports. In COP09, Supply Chain Support Teams (to be made up of technical SCMS staff and

GON or IP staff as appropriate) will be constituted by SCMS to work with the IPs in providing their trained

logisticians with the capacity to monitor and support the performance of the supply chains at various levels.

Using standardized indicators of logistics performance, the SCSTs will track performance of the supply

chains and together, act as an early warning system to identify impending or imminent supply chain

breakdowns and act to forestall these. By developing methodologies and tools for conducting these

activities, SCMS will work with the GON and IPs to establish and institutionalize this activity thereby building

the capacity to identify these problems and resolve them before service delivery is compromised. In

addition, an automated, web based procurement tracking database will ensure that the USG team and IPs

have adequate visibility on SCMS procurement status by providing an easy access to accurate and up to

date information on procurement. Further procurement automation and harmonization will also be facilitated

through linkages with the LHPMIP system of SCMS.

Under this program area, SCMS does not have targets of its own but supports PEPFAR IPs and DoD

reaching their care planned targets.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Table 3.3.11:

Funding for Care: TB/HIV (HVTB): $340,000



The SCMS objective is to support PEPFAR programs in Nigeria by providing increased access to quality

TB/HIV related commodities. SCMS activity under this program area covers the procurement and also the

shipment, distribution and delivery of medical supplies and equipments used in TB/HIV services, including

diagnostics and lab supports, consumables and non medical supplies needed to run TB/HIV services, as

well as other supply chain management related activities. It also covers technical assistance (TA) and

system strengthening (SS) activities provided to PEPFAR Implementing Partners (IPs) and to the

Department of Defense (DoD) to strengthen or build their supply chain management capacity within their

respective programs.

Given the need to provide appropriate TB testing for HIV+ clients and for providing HIV testing to TB

suspects and patients, the USG team is providing $55,000 to SCMS for procurement of rapid test kits for

the PEPFAR partners active in the TB/HIV service provision, including CEDPA, CHAN, FHI/GHAIN, LMS-

ACT, SFH, TBCAP, DoD, Harvard School of Public Health, IFESH, University of Maryland, Columbia

University/ICAP, CRS AIDSRelief, ECEWS, Africare, Vanderbilt, APIN+, and URC. In addition, in line with

funds directly allocated into SCMS on their behalf, additional relevant commodities, supply chain

assistance, and technical assistance in the area of TB/HIV will be provided to DoD ($100,000); Columbia

University/ICAP ($45,000); University of Maryland ($127,500); and URC ($12,500).

SCMS will assist in quantification and forecasting of requirements and will support the development of long

term supply plans for stock management and delivery planning. In COP09, Supply Chain Support Teams

(SCSTs), to be made up of technical SCMS staff and GoN or IP staff as appropriate, will be constituted by

SCMS to work with the IPs in providing their trained logisticians with the capacity to monitor and support the

performance of the supply chains at various levels. Using standardized indicators of logistics performance,

the SCSTs will track performance of the supply chains and together, act as an early warning system to

identify impending or imminent supply chain breakdowns and act to forestall these. By developing

methodologies and tools for conducting these activities, SCMS will work with GoN and IPs to establish and

institutionalize this activity thereby building the capacity to identify these problems and resolve them before

service delivery is compromised.

SCMS will be responsible for the shipment of procured commodities into Nigeria through Abuja or other

points of entry as required. SCMS will take the lead and further streamline the customs clearance process

as appropriate including management of the duty exemption forms. SCMS will coordinate with the USG

team to fulfill importation requirements and provide needed documentation to allow customs clearance in an

efficient and timely manner.

Delivery arrangements will be negotiated with URC, ICAP, UMD and DOD; SCMS will either deliver to a

central location or to point of services as needed. Centrally procured test kits for all HIV Counseling and

Testing partners will utilize the SCMS warehousing option as point of centralized distribution. When local

warehousing is needed SCMS will continue to explore viable options make use of its recently acquired

cross-docking facility and the longer term warehouse facility (which will be acquired in COP09). For in

country distribution where necessary, SCMS will competitively source for and utilize the service of an

efficient and safe in-country courier services operator.

Pediatric TB/HIV patients have not received adequate coverage in previous years partly because pediatric

TB formulations were not readily available in country. In COP09, to ensure their proper management, USG-

supported sites will improve case finding and fund sites to ensure improved logistics and provision of

pediatric formulations for all co-infected children. The USG will also support the development of a national

diagnostic algorithm for pediatric TB, the administration of pediatric anti-TB formulations and the training of

healthcare workers in diagnosis and management of pediatric TB/HIV, and SCMS may play a role in

facilitating access to these drugs and related supplies.

Under this program area, SCMS does not have targets of its own but supports all the participating partners

in reaching their planned targets.


Institutional capacity development

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13082

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13082 9878.08 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 6385 4043.08 USAID Track $1,478,000

International Supply Chain 2.0 SCMS

Development Management

9878 9878.07 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 4181 4043.07 SCMS $512,600

International Supply Chain

Development Management

Table 3.3.12:

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $132,590



The SCMS objective is to support PEPFAR programs in Nigeria by providing increased access to quality

HIV/AIDS related commodities. SCMS activity under this program area covers the procurement, the

shipment, distribution and delivery of commodities used in Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC)

services as well as other supply chain management related activities. It also covers technical assistance

(TA) and system strengthening (SS) activities provided to PEPFAR Implementing Partners (IPs) to

strengthen or build their supply chain management capacity within their respective programs.

In COP09, SCMS will procure commodities used in health care and community based services as well as

food and nutrition support provided by OVC programs IPs. Examples of such commodities are

pharmaceuticals including drugs to treat Opportunistic Infections (OIs) & Sexually Transmitted Infections

(STIs), laboratory equipment and consumables, therapeutic food and educational materials. Through its

continuous support to and strengthening of commodity security in PEPFAR OVC programs, SCMS works

towards ensuring uninterrupted availability of needed commodities to the target population of orphans and

other vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS.

URC and the University of Maryland UMD/ACTION have allocated $1,500 and $131,090 respectively to

SCMS for support in this program area. This will cover logistical and administrative services from the field

office for the coordination and management of supply chain management activities related to this area of

work. The budget may also support the cost of TA and SS activities to support these OVC services as

requested by URC and UMD.

SCMS will support URC and UMD in the following areas of the supply chain cycle: product selection in

accordance with the Federal Government of Nigeria's (FGoN) national treatment guidelines, marketing

authorization status (NAFDAC registration) and FGoN importation regulation, as well as in line with the

protocols developed for OVC service and support. SCMS will also be responsible for ensuring that

commodities procured meet eligibility criteria under the USG acquisition rules and regulations including

source and origin waivers and approvals by the US Food and Drug Administration or other relevant

stringent drug regulatory authorities.

SCMS will assist in quantification and forecasting of requirements and will support the development of long

term supply plans for stock management and delivery planning. In COP 09, Supply Chain Support Teams

(to be made up of technical SCMS staff and GoN or IP staff as appropriate) will be constituted by SCMS to

work with the IPs in providing their trained logisticians with the capacity to monitor and support the

performance of the supply chains at various levels. Using standardized indicators of logistics performance,

the SCSTs will track performance of the supply chains and together, act as an early warning system to

identify impending or imminent supply chain breakdowns and act to forestall these. By developing

methodologies and tools for conducting these activities, SCMS will work with GoN and IPs to establish and

institutionalize this activity thereby building the capacity to identify these problems and resolve them before

service delivery is compromised.

SCMS will identify suitable sources of supply both internationally and nationally. SCMS will work with IPs in

Nigeria to locally procure products that are either banned for importation or for which local procurement

represents a key advantage in terms of cost, delivery and/or associated services (i.e. maintenance service).

SCMS will coordinate with the USG team to ensure selected products are appropriately registered in

Nigeria. For products not yet registered by NAFDAC, SCMS will make suitable recommendations including

waiver applications where appropriate. SCMS will take the lead to communicate with manufacturers on

registration gaps in Nigeria.

SCMS procurement leverages global spend to provide best value and offers clients certainty of competitive

prices and international quality standards. SCMS procurement strategy is articulated around buying

generics whenever possible, pooling procurement for HIV/AIDS care, prevention and treatment programs

across PEPFAR focus countries and negotiating long term contracts with suppliers. UMD and URC's

requests for OVC related commodities will be addressed to and coordinated with SCMS field office directly.

SCMS will be responsible for the shipment of procured commodities into Nigeria through Abuja or other

points of entry as required. SCMS will take the lead and further streamline the customs clearance process

as appropriate including management of the CC1, CC2 or CC3 duty exemption forms. SCMS will coordinate

with the USG team to fulfill importation requirements and provide needed documentation to allow customs

clearance in an efficient and timely manner.

Where appropriate, commodities procured and imported by SCMS will be supplied through the SCMS

Regional Distribution Center (RDC) in Ghana. The warehousing of commodities in the RDC is a critical

component of the SCMS technical solution. The use of the RDC will significantly reduce lead times and

provide an important buffer between the supply from manufacturers and demands from the PEPFAR

programs in Nigeria. The RDC also ensure that shipment quantities do not overwhelm their recipients in

country, an increasing challenge in the context of program scale up. The RDC concept also brings an

increased flexibility in stock management thus reducing risk of stock obsolescence or need for emergency

replenishments, resulting in important savings. Finally, the RDC approach serves regional and national

sustainability, as the RDC is designed to be a commercially viable entity, available to other health (and non-

health) programs, whose benefit will last beyond SCMS. Where possible and appropriate, SCMS will road

freight from the RDC Ghana to Abuja; a mode of delivery that will provide significant savings over airfreight.

Delivery arrangements will be negotiated with UMD and URC; SCMS will either deliver to a central location

or to point of services as needed. When local warehousing is needed SCMS will continue to explore viable

options make use of its recently acquired cross-docking facility and the long term warehouse facility (which

will be acquired in COP 09). For in country distribution where necessary, SCMS will competitively source for

and utilize the service of an efficient and safe in-country courier services operator.

Activity Narrative: SCMS provides TA and SS services in all areas of the supply chain including product selection,

quantification & forecasting, supply planning, procurement, warehousing, customs clearance and delivery.

In COP09, SCMS will provide TA and SS services to IPs including the training of individuals in the use of

the ProQ or Quantimed forecasting and Pipeline supply planning tools. By providing training and supporting

capacity building of local organization, SCMS addresses the emphasis area of human capacity


SCMS will provide the USG team with regular reports on supplies and equipments as well as monthly

financial reports. In addition, an automated web based procurement tracking database will ensure that the

USG team and PEPFAR Implementing Partners have adequate visibility on SCMS procurement status by

providing an easy access to accurate and up to date information on procurement.

Under this program area, SCMS does not have targets of its own but supports UMD and URC reaching their

OVC planned targets.


Human capacity development.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13083

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13083 9883.08 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 6385 4043.08 USAID Track $255,000

International Supply Chain 2.0 SCMS

Development Management

9883 9883.07 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 4181 4043.07 SCMS $9,810

International Supply Chain

Development Management

Table 3.3.13:

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $280,485



The SCMS objective is to support PEPFAR programs in Nigeria by providing increased access to quality

HIV/AIDS related commodities. SCMS activity under this program area covers the procurement but also the

shipment, distribution and delivery of counseling and testing (HVCT) related commodities as well as other

supply chain management related activities. It also covers technical assistance (TA) and system

strengthening (SS) activities provided to PEPFAR Implementing Partners (IPs) and to the Department of

Defense (DoD) to strengthen or build their supply chain management capacity within their respective


In COP08, SCMS will procure HVCT related supplies and equipments including medical supplies, such as

HIV test kits (TKs), and non medical supplies, such as vehicles for mobile HVCT, for IPs and DoD.

Through its continuous support to and strengthening of commodity supply in PEPFAR HVCT programs,

SCMS works toward ensuring uninterrupted availability of needed commodities to populations targeted by

these programs including children, adolescents and adults in the general population as well as most at risk


The present budget will cover the cost of commodities as well as logistical and administrative services from

the field office for the coordination and management of the procurements undertaken by SCMS. The budget

also supports the cost of TA and SS. The budget is broken out as follows: 1) Provision of HIV test Kits to all

PEPFAR HVCT programs: Total $253,700 to support DoD; Columbia University (CU)/ICAP; Family Health

International (FHI)/GHAIN; Harvard University School of Public Health; APIN+; University of Maryland

(UMD)/Institute of Human Virology (IHV)/ACTION; Catholic Relief Services (CRS)/AIDSRelief; Catholic

Relief Services (CRS)/ 7 Dioceses; The International Foundation for Education & Self-Help (IFESH);

Society for Family Health (SFH); Africare; LMS-ACT; Excellence Community Education Welfare Scheme

(ECEWS); AED-Workplace; CHAN; PopCouncil; Vanderbilt; Partners For Development; John Hopkins

University; University Research Co. (URC); Pathfinder International; and ProHealth International; as well as

new partners deemed eligible via USAID's APS and CDC's RFA 2) Provision of other HVCT related

supplies, equipment or technical assistance for one IP and DoD, each of which has attributed specific funds

to SCMS for these services: DoD, $25,000, and URC, $ 1,785.

SCMS will support the IPs and DoD in the following areas of the supply chain cycle: product selection in

accordance with the Federal Government of Nigeria's (GON) HIV testing algorithm, marketing authorization

status (NAFDAC registration) and GON importation regulation. SCMS will also be responsible for ensuring

that commodities procured meet eligibility criteria under the USG acquisition rules and regulations including

source and origin waivers and approvals by the US Food and Drug Administration or other relevant

stringent drug regulatory authorities.

SCMS will assist in quantification and forecasting of requirements and will support the development of long

term supply plans (considering in country stocks and anticipated consumption rates) for stock management

and delivery planning.

In addition to procuring required test kits for both training and use, SCMS will handle all the test kits donated

by GON to support PEPFAR programs.

SCMS will identify suitable sources of supply both internationally and nationally. SCMS will work with IPs in

Nigeria to locally procure products that are either banned for importation or for which local procurement

represents a key advantage in terms of cost, delivery and/or associated services (i.e. maintenance service).

SCMS will coordinate with the USG team to ensure selected products are appropriately registered in

Nigeria. For products not yet registered by NAFDAC, SCMS will make suitable recommendations including

waiver applications where appropriate. SCMS will take the lead to communicate with manufacturers on

registration gaps in Nigeria.

SCMS procurement leverages global spend to provide best value and offers clients certainty of competitive

prices and international quality standards. SCMS procurement strategy is articulated around buying

generics whenever possible, pooling procurement for HIV/AIDS care, prevention and treatment programs

across PEPFAR focus countries and negotiating long term contracts with suppliers. With support from

SCMS field office, USG Nigeria team will coordinate and aggregate HIV test kits requirements on behalf of

PEPFAR IPs and DoD. IPs' requests for commodities other than test kits will be addressed to and

coordinated with SCMS field office directly.

SCMS will be responsible for the shipment of procured commodities into Nigeria through Abuja or other

points of entry as required. SCMS will take the lead and further streamline the customs clearance process

as appropriate including management of the CC1, CC2 or CC3 duty exemption forms. SCMS will coordinate

with the USG team to fulfill importation requirements and provide needed documentation to allow customs

clearance in an efficient and timely manner.

Where appropriate, commodities procured and imported by SCMS will be supplied through the SCMS

Regional Distribution Center (RDC) in Ghana. The warehousing of commodities in the RDC is a critical

component of the SCMS technical solution. The use of the RDC will significantly reduce lead times and

provide an important buffer between the supply from manufacturers and demands from the PEPFAR

programs in Nigeria. The RDC also ensure that shipment quantities do not overwhelm their recipients in

country, an increasing challenge in the context of program scale up. The RDC concept also brings an

increased flexibility in stock management thus reducing risk of stock obsolescence or need for emergency

replenishments, resulting in important savings. Finally, the RDC approach serves regional and national

sustainability, as the RDC is designed to be a commercially viable entity, available to other health (and non-

health) programs, whose benefit will last beyond SCMS. Where possible and appropriate, SCMS will road

freight from the RDC Ghana to Abuja; a mode of delivery that will provide significant savings over airfreight.

Activity Narrative: Delivery arrangements will be negotiated with the partners which have placed monies directly into SCMS for

this purpose (URC and DOD); SCMS will either deliver to a central location or to point of services as

needed. Centrally procured test kits for all HCT partners will utilize the SCMS warehousing option as point

of centralized distribution. When local warehousing is needed SCMS will continue to explore viable options

make use of its recently acquired cross-docking facility and the long term warehouse facility (which will be

acquired in COP 09). For in country distribution where necessary, SCMS will competitively source for and

utilize the service of an efficient and safe in-country courier services operator.

SCMS provides TA and SS services in all areas of the supply chain including product selection,

quantification & forecasting, supply planning, procurement, warehousing, customs clearance and delivery.

In COP08, SCMS will provide TA and SS services to IPs including the training of individuals in the use of

the ProQ or Quantimed forecasting and Pipeline supply planning tools. SCMS will continue to provide TA

and SS services to DoD based on the recommendations that came out of a supply chain system's

assessment carried out in COP07. By providing training and supporting capacity building of local

organization, SCMS addresses the emphasis area of human capacity development.

SCMS will provide the USG team with regular reports on supplies and equipments as well as monthly

financial reports and also assist IPs to monitor/report on stock levels and usage through the deployment of

Pipeline databases. In COP 09, Supply Chain Support Teams (to be made up of technical SCMS staff and

GoN or IP staff as appropriate) will be constituted by SCMS to work with the IPs in providing their trained

logisticians with the capacity to monitor and support the performance of the supply chains at various levels.

Using standardized indicators of logistics performance, the SCSTs will track performance of the supply

chains and together, act as an early warning system to identify impending or imminent supply chain

breakdowns and act to forestall these. By developing methodologies and tools for conducting these

activities, SCMS will work with GoN and IPs to establish and institutionalize this activity thereby building the

capacity to identify these problems and resolve them before service delivery is compromised.

In addition, an automated web based procurement tracking database will ensure that the USG team and IPs

have adequate visibility on SCMS procurement status by providing an easy access to accurate and up to

date information on procurement. Further procurement automation and harmonization will also be facilitated

through linkages with the LHPMIP system.

Under this program area, SCMS does not have targets of its own but supports PEPFAR IPs and DoD

reaching their HVCT planned targets.


Human Resources for Health

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13084

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13084 6643.08 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 6385 4043.08 USAID Track $3,725,000

International Supply Chain 2.0 SCMS

Development Management

6742 6643.07 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 4181 4043.07 SCMS $4,792,450

International Supply Chain

Development Management

6643 6643.06 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 4043 4043.06 SCMS $804,600

International Supply Chain

Development Management

Table 3.3.14:

Funding for Treatment: ARV Drugs (HTXD): $48,021,552



The SCMS objective is to support PEPFAR programs in Nigeria by providing increased access to quality

HIV/AIDS related commodities. SCMS activity under this program area covers the procurement but also the

shipment, distribution and delivery of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs as well as other supply chain management

related activities. It also covers technical assistance (TA) and system strengthening (SS) activities provided

to PEPFAR Implementing Partners (IPs) and to the Department of Defense (DoD) to strengthen or build

their supply chain management capacity within their respective programs. Through its continuous support

and strengthening of commodity security in PEPFAR treatment programs, SCMS works towards ensuring

uninterrupted availability of ARV drugs to the target population of people living with HIV/AIDS.

In COP09 SCMS will procure ARV drugs and provide needed technical assistance for PEPFAR IPs and

DoD when requested. Procurement for a range of adult and pediatric ARV drugs used in first and second

line treatment regimens, salvage therapy for the treatment of HIV infected eligible patients and ARV drugs

for post exposure prophylaxis purpose will be undertaken to support ART services. The budgets will cover

the cost of commodities as well as logistical and administrative services from the field office for the

coordination and management of the procurements undertaken by SCMS. The budget also supports the

cost of TA and SS. In addition to these funds, a pooled procurement arrangement will be implemented to

support the full requirements of all IPs for two ARV commodity lines: Truvada and ZDV-3TC-NVP Fixed

Dose Combination. Funding for this exercise will be pooled directly into the SCMS contract. This will pave

the way for eventual harmonization of supply plans across IPs.

SCMS will support the IPs and DoD in the following areas of the supply chain cycle: product selection in

accordance with the Federal Government of Nigeria's (FGoN) National Treatment Guidelines and National

Agency for Food and Drugs and Control (NAFDAC) registration. SCMS will also be responsible for ensuring

that commodities procured meet eligibility criteria under the USG acquisition rules and regulations including

source and origin waivers and approvals or tentative approvals by the US Food and Drug Administration.

SCMS will assist in forecasting and quantification of requirements and will support the development of long

term supply plans (considering in country stocks and anticipated consumption rates) for stock management

and delivery planning.

SCMS will identify suitable sources of supply and will coordinate with the USG team to ensure selected

ARV drugs are appropriately registered in Nigeria. For ARV drugs not yet registered by NAFDAC, SCMS

will make suitable recommendations including waiver applications where appropriate. SCMS will take the

lead to communicate with manufacturers on registration gaps in Nigeria.

SCMS procurement leverages global resources to provide best value and offers clients certainty of

competitive prices and international quality standards. SCMS procurement strategy is articulated around

buying generics whenever possible, pooling procurement for HIV/AIDS care, prevention and treatment

programs across PEPFAR focus countries and negotiating long term contracts with suppliers. IPs and

DoD's requests for ARV drugs will be addressed to and coordinated with SCMS field office directly.

ARV drugs procured by SCMS will be supplied through the SCMS Regional Distribution Center (RDC) in

Ghana. The warehousing of commodities in the RDC is a critical component of the SCMS technical solution.

The use of the RDC will significantly reduce lead times and provide an important buffer between the supply

from manufacturers and demands from the PEPFAR programs in Nigeria. The RDC also ensure that

shipment quantities do not overwhelm their recipients in country, an increasing challenge in the context of

program scale up. The RDC concept also brings an increased flexibility in stock management thus reducing

risk of stock obsolescence or need for emergency replenishments, resulting in important savings. Another

important advantage of using the RDC is reduced shipping cost for PEPFAR/Nigeria IPs. Finally, the RDC

approach serves regional and national sustainability, as the RDC is designed to be a commercially viable

entity, available to other health (and non-health) programs, whose benefit will last beyond SCMS.

SCMS will be responsible for the shipment of procured commodities into Nigeria through Abuja or other

points of entry as required. SCMS will take the lead and further streamline the customs clearance process

as appropriate including management of the CC1, CC2 or CC3 duty exemption forms. SCMS will coordinate

with the USG team to fulfill importation requirements and provide needed documentation to allow customs

clearance in an efficient and timely manner.

Delivery arrangements will be negotiated with the implementing partners: SCMS will either deliver to IP

central location or to point of services as needed. When local warehousing is needed SCMS will continue to

explore viable options for pharmaceutically compliant warehouse and continue making use of its recently

acquired cross-docking facility in Abuja. For in country distribution, SCMS will competitively source for and

utilize the service of an efficient and safe in-country courier service operator.

SCMS will also assist IPs to monitor/report on ARV stock levels and usage through the deployment of

pipeline databases. Additionally SCMS will monitor product safety and tracking for recalls


SCMS provides TA and SS services in all areas of the supply chain including product selection, forecasting

& quantification, supply planning, procurement, warehousing, customs clearance and delivery. In COP09,

SCMS will provide TA and SS services to IPs through training in the use of the ProQ or Quantimed

forecasting and Pipeline supply planning tools. SCMS will continue to provide TA and SS services to DoD

based on the recommendations that came out of a supply chain system's assessment carried out in COP07

including the establishment of a government owned, contractor operated warehouse, as part of SCMS

strengthening of the host government's ARV which is expected to bring a long term solution contributing to

the sustainability of the military HIV/AIDS programs in Nigeria. By providing training and supporting capacity

building of local organizations, SCMS addresses the emphasis area of human capacity development.

Activity Narrative: SCMS will provide the USG team with regular reports on ARV drugs as well as monthly financial reports. In

addition, an automated web based procurement tracking database will ensure that the USG team and IPs

have adequate visibility on SCMS procurement status by providing an easy access to accurate and up to

date information on procurement. Further procurement automation and harmonization will also be facilitated

through linkages with the LHPMIP system.

Under this program area, SCMS does not have targets of its own but supports PEPFAR IPs and DoD

reaching their planned treatment targets.


Human capacity development.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13085

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13085 6402.08 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 6385 4043.08 USAID Track $21,799,506

International Supply Chain 2.0 SCMS

Development Management

6741 6402.07 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 4181 4043.07 SCMS $4,155,000

International Supply Chain

Development Management

6402 6402.06 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 4043 4043.06 SCMS $1,695,000

International Supply Chain

Development Management

Table 3.3.15:

Funding for Laboratory Infrastructure (HLAB): $3,535,500


The SCMS objective is to support PEPFAR programs in Nigeria by providing increased access to quality

HIV/AIDS related commodities. SCMS activity under this program area covers the procurement but also the

shipment, distribution and delivery of laboratory commodities as well as other supply chain management

related activities. It also covers technical assistance (TA) and system strengthening (SS) activities provided

to PEPFAR Implementing Partners (IPs) and to the Department of Defense (DoD) to strengthen or build

their supply chain management capacity within their respective programs. In COP09, SCMS will procure

laboratory supplies, equipment, reagents and other medical supplies and consumables needed in laboratory

facilities supporting HIV/AIDS related activities, for three IPs and DoD.

Through its continuous support to and strengthening of commodity security in PEPFAR prevention, care

and treatment programs, SCMS works towards ensuring uninterrupted availability of needed commodities to

populations targeted by these programs including people living with HIV/AIDS, children, adolescents and

adults in the general population as well as most at risk populations.

The SCMS laboratory infrastructure budget will cover the cost of commodities as well as well as logistical

and administrative services from the field office for the coordination and management of the lab

procurements undertaken by SCMS. In COP09, SCMS will procure laboratory commodities and provide

requested technical assistance for three IPs and DoD, each of which has attributed specific funds to SCMS

for these services: DOD, $1,000,000; Columbia University/ICAP, $200,000; University of Maryland,

$2,295,500; and URC, $40,000.

SCMS will support the IPs and DoD in the following areas of the supply chain cycle: product selection in

accordance with the Federal Government of Nigeria's (FGoN) national guidelines for the provision of

laboratory services for HIV/AIDS programs, marketing authorization status (NAFDAC registration) and

FGoN importation regulation. SCMS will also be responsible for ensuring that commodities procured meet

eligibility criteria under the USG acquisition rules and regulations including source and origin waivers and

approvals by the US Food and Drug Administration or other relevant stringent drug regulatory authorities.

SCMS will assist in quantification and forecasting of requirements and will support the development of long

term supply plans (considering in country stocks and anticipated consumption rates) for stock management

and delivery planning (which is especially critical for specialized laboratory equipment and supplies to

minimize long procurement lead times).

SCMS will identify suitable sources of supply both internationally and nationally. SCMS will work with IPs in

Nigeria to locally procure products that are either banned for importation or for which local procurement

represents a key advantage in terms of cost, delivery and/or associated services. SCMS will continue to fine

tune, implement, identify and pre-qualify suitable local suppliers to expand the scope of its local

procurements, this will be especially necessary for laboratory equipment with respect to maintenance

contracts and rapid availability of replacement parts and necessary reagents.

In COP 09, SCMS will initiate activities geared towards harmonization of laboratory equipments, supplies

and reagents. A series of workshops will also be organized where manufacturer's representatives will be

given the opportunity to meet with the end users and others who can objectively evaluate the performance

of the equipments, supplies and reagents. This intervention will be the basis for developing a guide towards

harmonization and ensure that the end users get greater value for their equipments and supplies.

SCMS will coordinate with the USG team to ensure selected products are appropriately registered in

Nigeria. For products not yet registered by NAFDAC, SCMS will make suitable recommendations including

waiver applications where appropriate. SCMS will take the lead to communicate with manufacturers on

registration gaps in Nigeria.

SCMS procurement leverages global spending to provide best value and offers clients certainty of

competitive prices and international quality standards. SCMS procurement strategy is articulated around

buying generics whenever possible, pooling procurement for HIV/AIDS care, prevention and treatment

programs across PEPFAR focus countries and negotiating long term contracts with suppliers. IPs and

DoD's requests for laboratory commodities will be addressed to and coordinated with SCMS field office


SCMS will be responsible for the shipment of procured commodities into Nigeria through Abuja or other

points of entry as required. SCMS will take the lead and further streamline the customs clearance process

as appropriate including management of the CC1, CC2 or CC3 duty exemption forms. SCMS will coordinate

with the USG team to fulfill importation requirements and provide needed documentation to allow customs

clearance in an efficient and timely manner.

Where appropriate, commodities procured and imported by SCMS will be supplied through the SCMS

Regional Distribution Center (RDC) in Ghana. The warehousing of commodities in the RDC is a critical

component of the SCMS technical solution. The use of the RDC will significantly reduce lead times and

provide an important buffer between the supply from manufacturers and demands from the PEPFAR

programs in Nigeria. The RDC also ensures that shipment quantities do not overwhelm their recipients in

country, an increasing challenge in the context of program scale up. The RDC concept also brings an

increased flexibility in stock management thus reducing risk of stock obsolescence or need for emergency

replenishments, resulting in important savings. Finally, the RDC approach serves regional and national

sustainability, as the RDC is designed to be a commercially viable entity, available to other health (and non-

health) programs, whose benefit will last beyond SCMS. Where possible and appropriate, SCMS will road

freight from the RDC Ghana to Abuja; a mode of delivery that will provide significant savings over airfreight.

Delivery arrangements will be negotiated with URC, ICAP, UMD and DOD; SCMS will either deliver to a

central location or to point of services as needed. When local warehousing is needed SCMS will continue to

explore viable options make use of its recently acquired cross-docking facility and the longer term

Activity Narrative: warehouse facility (which will be acquired in COP 09). For in country distribution where necessary, SCMS

will competitively source for and utilize the service of an efficient and safe in-country courier services


SCMS will also assist IPs to monitor/report on stock levels and usage through the deployment of pipeline

databases. In COP 09, Supply Chain Support Teams (to be made up of technical SCMS staff and GoN or

IP staff as appropriate) will be constituted by SCMS to work with the IPs in providing their trained

logisticians with the capacity to monitor and support the performance of the supply chains at various levels.

Using standardized indicators of logistics performance, the SCSTs will track performance of the supply

chains and together, act as an early warning system to identify impending or imminent supply chain

breakdowns and act to forestall these. By developing methodologies and tools for conducting these

activities, SCMS will work with FGoN and IPs to establish and institutionalize this activity thereby building

the capacity to identify these problems and resolve them before service delivery is compromised.

SCMS provides TA and SS services in all areas of the supply chain including product selection,

quantification & forecasting, supply planning, procurement, warehousing, customs clearance and delivery.

In COP09, SCMS will continue to provide TA and SS services to IPs including the training of individuals in

the use of the ProQ or Quantimed forecasting and Pipeline supply planning tools. SCMS will continue to

provide TA and SS services to DoD based on the recommendations that came out of a supply chain

system's assessment carried out in COP07. By providing training and supporting capacity building of local

organizations, SCMS addresses the emphasis area of human capacity development.

SCMS will provide the USG team with regular reports on supplies and equipments as well as monthly

financial reports. In addition, an automated web based procurement tracking database will ensure that the

USG team and IPs have adequate visibility on SCMS procurement status by providing an easy access to

accurate and up to date information on procurement. Further procurement automation and harmonization

will also be facilitated through linkages with the LHPMIP system.

Under this program area, SCMS does not have targets of its own but supports PEPFAR IPs and DoD

reaching their treatment planned targets.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13087

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13087 12439.08 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 6385 4043.08 USAID Track $1,260,000

International Supply Chain 2.0 SCMS

Development Management

12439 12439.07 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 4181 4043.07 SCMS $610,000

International Supply Chain

Development Management

Table 3.3.16:

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $1,150,000


In COP08, the Supply Chain Management System (SCMS) continued activities on the in-country Logistics

and Health Program Management Information Platform (LHPMIP). LHPMIP is a Government of Nigeria

(GoN) system designed to strengthen the logistics and management of Nigeria's HIV/AIDS program.

LHPMIP supports: 1) facility level reporting; 2) implementing partner (IP) performance reporting; and, 3)

logistics management and information tracking. The LHPMIP platform allows for timely collection, review,

cleaning and analysis of data from the field. This enables HIV/AIDS program managers with real time data

necessary to plan effectively and make informed decisions. Development and implementation of the

LHPMIP is jointly overseen by a GoN and United States Government (USG) Project Management Team


In COP09, SCMS will continue to consolidate the achievements made in the previous years which will

ultimately ensure that required data is available on time to facilitate timely decision making and also improve

information sharing amongst all partners.

LHPMIP implementation is through four discrete tasks. The tasks are hosted on a common infrastructure

platform composed of servers, communication gateways, framework and application software and

maintenance (point update releases for added functionality and patches to address bugs). Included will be

application maintenance (backups, load balancing etc) and round the clock monitoring as well as technical

support. The infrastructural costs also include local servers and equipment for reporting from facilities. This

infrastructure costs totals approximately $276,944 for COP 09.

The first task (T1) involves the development and implementation of the facility reporting module based on

indicators in the Nigerian National Response Information Management System (NNRIMS). In COP 08, the

Pilot testing of the Facility Reporting module was completed, standard operating procedures (SOPs) were

created, user guides and training materials were developed, and 44 persons were trained from GoN, USG

and the IPs to step the training down to their facilities by MEASURE (Monitoring & Evaluation to Assess and

Use Results) Evaluation. By the end of COP08, development of a national roll out plan will have been

completed in conjunction with MEASURE and the GoN with guidance from the PMT. In COP 09, further

required system modification (based on feedback from the pilot) will be effected. Pending availability of

additional funding, full roll out of the module will follow in a phased approach, progressively scaling up from

pilot sites to 160 of the identified sites across Nigeria. In collaboration with MEASURE, the training curricula

developed in conjunction with MEASURE in COP07 will be updated and a set of 15 state based master

trainers will be trained in a training of trainiers (TOT) to support rapid rollout of the platform. SCMS will

provide ongoing support to users, with a focus on new users and will operate a help desk (phone & email)

line such that any system user can call/mail in to report a problem and receive prompt technical support by

phone/email. SCMS will initiate the migration of some system support activities to the GoN. SCMS will work

with the GoN to provide some summary system data in the form of generic charts in hard copy to facilities

as they come onto the system to encourage system uptake and use. SCMS also will continue to provide

technical solutions and support for on-going implementation and Data Quality activities; these will include

presence at roll out/step down trainings as well as monitoring and supervisory visits. Support for this task

will account for approximately $262,382 of the budget.

The second task (T2) addresses the development of the organization reporting module. Current

organizational information (funding source, funding figure and target for each program, the sub-partners,

etc) will be provided by USG and the GoN to populate the platform. Additional program level information

(i.e. activities carried out at the program rather than facility levels by each IP) will also be entered at the IP

level. The module then aggregates relevant data from the facility reporting module (of Task 1) and the

additional program level information for each IP for inclusion in the organization reports. This module

provides program level information to program managers and policymakers in a manner that will permit a

timely analysis to monitor progress towards PEPFAR and GoN goals and thus allow timely evidence-based

decisions. By the end of COP 08, this module will be live with SOPs, a user guide and training materials to

guide the users. USG IPs and the GoN will have been provided access to the system and trained in its use.

It is also expected that by the end of COP08, the USG will have used LHPMIP to run and analyse data for

some of its Program/Progress Reports (APR & SAPR). In COP 09 full deployment of the module will be

undertaken in appropriate collaboration with MEASURE Evaluation. It is anticipated that following on the

COP08 activities, necessary modifications and training sessions would take place to optimize the use of

LHPMIP for subsequent Program/Progress Report exercises. SCMS will provide the same support as

described in task one above. Support for task two will account for approximately $123,696 of the budget.

The third task focuses on using LHPMIP to report Logistic information. Earlier on, a needs assessment was

conducted and this informed the design of a system to harmonize the collection and transmission of national

LMIS for HIV/AIDS commodities. By the end of COP 08, based on the results of the assessment, SCMS

would have held a design workshop and undertaken the subsequent configuration of the platform to collect

logistic information, carried out a user acceptance test and developed a plan for implementation (including

pilot testing) of the module (in collaboration with relevant stakeholders). Pending availability of additional

funding, in COP 09, the full deployment of the module will take place with SCMS providing technical

solutions and support for data quality activities, on-going implementation and technical support to system

users for ongoing access and use of the module; these will include but would not be limited to trainings

(master trainers, start up & refresher) and monitoring visits. Activities for Task three will require

approximately $168,589 of COP09 funds.

SCMS will also explore the feasibility of importing logistic information from the facility dispensing tool into

LHPMIP and from LHPMIP into the warehouse management tool (to create a wholistic transactional system

that automates resupply from the Central Medical Stores to the facility). The electronic LMIS (Logistics

Management Information System) will provide information in real time that will be used to support

procurement planning, ordering, commodity distribution/delivery (to points of care) and monitoring of stock

levels at the facilities.

A fourth task focuses on the collection of facility profile data to enhance the GIS (Geographic Information

Activity Narrative: System) facility component. SCMS organized a workshop to define the descriptive data to be included in the

facility profile (e.g., number of beds, number of staff in each cadre, number of incinerators, patient load, etc)

in COP 08. By the end of COP08, the project would also have created the application, trained USG IPs on

data collection for USG supported facilities (est. at about 700), and developed a plan to collect facility profile

data on all other (i.e. GoN) sites offering HIV/AIDS services (est 2,000). In COP 09, SCMS will train

partners so that they can use the data that will have been collected from the PEPFAR and GoN sites. In

addition, a series of system enhancements will be made to the GIS function. The PC Client software now

used to report data from some facilities will be updated and optimized so that it can serve as the primary

data collection tool for this task . The facility registry component of the LHPMIP system will also be updated

to allow for use of some of the data to be collected under this task. Specifically, SCMS will work closely with

the USG SI team in identifying a consultant to identify tasks and associated costs for the geo-coding of

available data and migration to a robust GIS, including costing of hardware and software. This represents a

first phase of the development of a fully populated GIS relational database for in-depth analysis of the

nature and trends of the epidemic in Nigeria. Support for task four of the budget will account for

approximately $168,389 of the budget.

The LHPMIP platform consist of a common infrastructure comprising servers, communications gateways,

application software, software maintenance (point releases that add new functionality to the standard

platform and patches that address bugs), application maintenance (which includes tasks such as back-ups

and load balancing, and ongoing monitoring and technical support from Voxiva's monitoring centers).

Currently, the application is hosted on a server located in Voxiva's global hosting facility in the United

States. It is anticipated that the process of moving the host server to Nigeria will commence in COP 09,

after a thorough cost and performance assessment of local hosting options to be undertaken with COP08

funds. This assessment will lead to a detailed plan and schedule for relevant next steps. Irrespective of

where the server is hosted, a sustainability plan and schedule will be developed and capacity building of a

local technical team to support LHPMIP will commence.

SCMS will continue to provide TA in the use and application of the system to the USG,the GoN (NACA,

NASCP, NPC) while MEASURE Evaluation will provide leadership in data quality assurance, data demand

and information use (to ensure that operators use data from the platform for decision making).

SCMS will collaborate with MEASURE Evaluation and the PMT to leverage resources to hold a series of

trainings in COP 09. Working with MEASURE Evaluation, it is expected that for Task 1 activities, a total of

17 persons will be trained as follows: 2 GON personnel (LHPMIP Project Manager and System

administrator) and 15 master trainers (to be trained through a TOT for 3 persons from each of the 5 states,

it is expected that those trained in the TOT in each state will have the responsibility of training, with the

support of GON, at least 2 persons each from 40 of the facilities already identified in COP 06). The master

trainers from the GoN will build on the integration of this platform with other systems and promote improved

utilization of data at national and sub-national levels. For Task 2 activities, a refresher training will be held

for a total of 21 persons as follows: USG (3), GON (6) and IPs (12). For T3, as in Task 1, a TOT would be

carried out in collaboration with MEASURE Evaluation for Master Trainers from who will then step down the

training to logistics staff at the facility level. For Task 4, a total of 143 persons will be trained as follows:

USG (3), GON (6) and IPs (134 i.e. 2 per 67 USG IPs). SCMS will collaborate with MEASURE and the PMT

to implement the afore-mentioned training sessions, and it is hoped that additional funds can be leveraged

to permit expanded training and rollout.

SCMS will encourage and provide the GoN necessary TA to identify a candidate to fill the staff position of

LHPMIP Administrator/Project Lead. This individual will - with TA from SCMS - be charged with the

coordination and timely implementation of activities.

As a further support to SI activities, SCMS will assist in determining specifications for ICT (Information and

Communication Technology) equipment such as computers, peripherals, phones etc. and procurement of

such equipment for the IP.

LHPMIP will inform HIV/AIDS programs management and support their scale-up to reach national targets of

providing treatment to 350,000 People Living with HIV/AIDS, prevent 1,145,545 new infections, and provide

care and support to 1,750,000 HIV affected individuals. Furthermore, SCMS activity through LHPMIP

supports coordination and integration of information systems by ensuring that all key stakeholders are

involved at all stages of the design, development, and implementation, with oversight of LHPMIP by both

the GoN and USG. In addition, this participatory approach supports country ownership and contributes to

sustainability of the platform. To further support sustainability, SCMS will build GoN capacity in use and

administration of the platform.

SCMS will provide training for 23 individuals in strategic information in COP09. It will also provide 10 local

organizations with technical assistance on strategic information activities.


SCMS activities under this program area address several emphasis areas. First, by providing a tool that

facilitates collection of and timely access to data, it contributes to a strengthened Health Management

Information System (HMIS) in Nigeria and thus supports the availability of key indicators to inform service

delivery and programs and meet reporting requirements. It also supports gender equity in HIV/AIDS

program by providing data from HIV/AIDS services disaggregated by sex, thus increasing awareness of

gender inequity and providing grounds for decision making. Finally, it contributes to human capacity

development by supporting training on the use and administration of the platform.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13088

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13088 6661.08 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 6385 4043.08 USAID Track $1,120,000

International Supply Chain 2.0 SCMS

Development Management

6743 6661.07 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 4181 4043.07 SCMS $2,900,000

International Supply Chain

Development Management

6661 6661.06 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 4043 4043.06 SCMS $600,000

International Supply Chain

Development Management

Table 3.3.17:

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $1,000,000

In COP08, the SCMS project continued to build the capacity of the Government of Nigeria (GON) and

PEPFAR implementing partners (IPs) to manage well-functioning HIV/AIDS program logistics systems

through the provision of supply chain services, where necessary, and technical assistance and capacity

building in logistics functions through training in quantification, procurement monitoring and supervision,

management skill development, and logistics data analysis for logistics management decision-making.

Through such assistance, these entities improved their capacity to plan and synchronize procurements,

thereby reducing the risk of product stockouts and expiration. The SCMS project also assisted the GON

and IPs to establish appropriate coordinating bodies to oversee logistics activities and, where necessary,

stimulate the formulation of appropriate logistics policies to support the implementation of procurement,

distribution, storage, and logistics management information management practices. All of these activities

were informed by the several assessments conducted jointly with the GON and IPs.

Sustainability of these SCMS technical interventions will be ensured through a variety of approaches, such

as improving the enabling environment for the national program and ensuring availability of appropriate

work tools and building capacity of the GON and the IPs in supply chain management functions.

In COP09, SCMS will work to consolidate the gains in this area and continue building capacity of the GON

and IPs in management of functioning HIV/AIDS system(s) by supporting and providing an enabling

environment for the two coordinating committees, the Logistics Technical Working Group (LTWG) and the

Logistics Steering Committee (LSC), both of which were established in COP08. Specifically, SCMS will

host the secretariats for an interim period, provide trainings for the up to 42 committee members on all

aspects of supply chain management and the use of supply planning tools, dispensing tools, etc., during the

regular meetings (to be supported by SCMS), and mentor members of the LTWG to strengthen logistics

management systems and monitoring and supervisory activities for GON ART centers. With guidance and

support from SCMS, these oversight and technical working bodies will be able to use logistics data for

sound decision-making, including the utilization of informed quantification exercises to drive procurement

actions. SCMS will use the forum created by these committees to explore the options for robust technical

innovations, such as Coordinated Pooled Procurement (CPP) of HIV/AIDS commodities in concert with

multilateral and bilateral stakeholders to support the national program implementation, for both the GON

and PEPFAR IP-managed services. SCMS will, where appropriate, work to ensure that the memberships

of the committees are expanded to include other stakeholders, as this will help in strengthening coordination

among all stakeholders under the leadership of the GON.

Currently, there is a disconnect between the procurement planning cycles of various IPs and the GON, and

there is no consolidated database tracking national commodity requirements, procurement, and usage. In

COP08, SCMS worked with IPs and the GON to separately quantify ARVs and other selected commodity

needs in the country. In COP09, SCMS will work with appropriate partners and stakeholders to commence

a national joint quantification (using standardized methodologies), to be followed with quarterly reviews of

this quantification, to inform procurement activities for selected HIV/AIDS commodities prioritizing rapid test

kits (RTKs), first-line ARVs, and selected OI drugs. This joint quantification will enable all stakeholders to

make an accurate determination of national commodity requirements and will improve medium to long-term

planning and resource mobilization. This data will assist the implementation of HIV/AIDS Commodity

Security initiatives started under COP08.

Commodity warehousing and effective distribution are crucial determinants to optimal supply chain

performance. During COP08, SCMS leased a local warehouse to be developed into a cross-docking facility

in order to improve its commodity receipt and distribution to IPs. Experience accumulated over these

incipient warehousing and distribution activities has highlighted the need to further explore the possibility of

holding larger volumes of commodities for slightly longer periods than anticipated. Hence, in the

foreseeable future, it may be necessary to hold buffer stocks of some commodities in-country by the project

in order to effectively deal with emergent needs, especially to support the operationalization of envisaged

coordinated procurements across IPs and programs. SCMS will build this capacity within its country

operations for use by USG agencies and IPs. This activity will also align and link with the Government-

Owned, Contractor-Operated (GOCO) initiative developed in COP08 for the Nigeria Ministry of Defense with

support from the U.S. Department of Defense HIV program. If necessary, SCMS will acquire and fit out a

long-term pharmaceutical storage warehouse (with cold storage) for its own operations to cope with the

demands expected from a rapidly growing (in terms of the number of different of items and volume of

commodities required) project in Nigeria. To further expand capacity in this area, SCMS will work with IPs

to ensure they maintain proper warehousing and storage conditions in line with international standards.

Appropriate warehouse management tools will be deployed as may be required by the IPs. These activities

will ensure that commodities are properly managed/handled (thereby minimizing damages and avoiding

expiry that can arise from overstock) and stored in such a way to optimize the quality of the commodities.

An effective and efficient Federal Central Medical Stores (CMS) is crucial to the performance of ARV, and

other, supply chains. As such, strengthening CMS will be a cornerstone of the SCMS systems

strengthening activities. An earlier assessment of CMS has shown that it currently has a weak capacity to

respond to the demands for warehousing and storage of products. Consequently, SCMS developed a two-

phase intervention approach, cognizant of the support from other partners such as the WHO. The first

phase was implemented in COP08, while the second phase (provision of handling and racking equipments

and installation of warehouse management tools/software) will be implemented in COP09. Inextricably

linked to this phase is the provision of on-going technical assistance to CMS to help develop, document,

and implement standard operating procedures and significantly improve working practices. SCMS will

provide focused training in warehouse management to identified CMS staff. On-going TA will also be given

to assist the CMS in developing a strategic plan to guide future activities, identification, and documentation

of infrastructure developments needs and required skills in advocacy activities.

Monitoring the performance of health supply chains and taking remedial actions promptly when necessary

are crucial to sustained optimal performance. However, the skill and commitment to such monitoring is

lacking in the country. In COP09, SCMS will introduce the concept of Supply Chain Support Teams

(SCSTs) comprising technical SCMS staff and GON or IP staff, as appropriate, into its Nigeria operations.

Activity Narrative: These teams will provide trained logisticians with the capacity to monitor and support the performance of

supply chains at various levels. Using standardized indicators of logistics performance, the SCSTs will

track performance of the supply chains and, together, act as an early warning system to identify impending

or imminent supply chain breakdowns and act to forestall these problems. By developing methodologies

and tools for conducting these activities, SCMS will work with the GON and IPs to establish and

institutionalize this capacity, thereby building the capacity to identify these problems and resolve them

before service delivery is compromised.

SCMS organized a SCM course for 25 participants in COP08. This highly effective and well-tested course

was oversubscribed. In COP09, SCMS will organize a SCM Course for HIV/AIDS commodities (in-country)

to build capacity and ensure a broader understanding of supply chain issues for an additional 24 individuals

from the GON and IPs. In order to build the capacity of its staff to better manage training activities such as

the SCM course utilising local resources, a Trainng of trainers on facilitation skills will be organized for 15

local supply chain professionals selected from the GON, SCMS, and the IPs, as appropriate, to create a

pool of master trainers that can be drawn upon to provide future trainings in-country. In COP 09, an

additional 18 persons (from the IPs and DoD) will be trained in the use of supply planning tools (such as

Quantimed, PipeL, ProQ and ADT) to enhance supply chain management. Furthermore, SCMS will provide

capacity building for SCM practitioners by supporting quarterly seminars during the meeting of the Nigeria

Chapter of the Association of Public Health Logisticians, whose membership now exceeds 40 health

logistics professionals.

During COP09, SCMS will continue to focus on strengthening institutional capacity for logistics

management in the four relevant government departments (HAD, FDS, DPRS, and NACA) and among the


In order to ensure a conducive policy environment for SCM activities, SCMS will continue to collaborate with

USG policy partners on the development of a harmonized national logistics policy. SCMS will identify

various Federal policies and legislation that can impede the smooth running of SCM activities and actively

work with the IPs and USG policy partners to resolve them as well as to harmonize policies, guidelines, and

standard operating procedures related to logistics. This effort will lead to an improved environment in which

HIV/AIDS services can be provided and accessed by those who need it, and will enhance the health

commodity system overall.

In order to further improve on procurement responsiveness to USG and IP needs, SCMS will continue to

fine-tune and implement the in-country procurement systems instituted in COP08. SCMS will work to

establish local indefinite quantity contracts and bulk procurement agreements, as appropriate in anticipation

of demand. These interventions will ensure that commodities are available on-time and thus prevent stock-

outs. Whenever appropriate, SCMS will work with clients to coordinate demand and synchronize

procurements in order to take advantage of the economies of scale inherent in its client base. Pooled

procurement of commodity requirements will be actively promoted.

Currently, there are several challenges associated with the procurement of opportunistic infection (OI)

drugs. A number of key OI medicines are banned from importation into Nigeria, and hence by default, need

to be procured from local manufacturers. However, the fact that none of locally manufactured products has

U.S. FDA or similar stringent drug regulatory authority approval places PEPFAR IPs in an untenable

situation. In COP09, SCMS will work with, the USG, IPs, and the GON to identify key OI drugs that are

needed and initiate the process of pre-qualification towards identifying local sources. SCMS will also work

with the GON towards defining the modalities for pain management by HIV/AIDS programs. SCMS

intervention in this area will ensure that required materials for palliative care are available for use in the

programs, thus improving the quality of life of PLWHAs.

The current distribution system for GON programs is still sub-optimal. In COP09, SCMS will implement the

recommendations from the distribution options study (conducted in COP08). This implementation will result

in an improved distribution system that ensures timely delivery of required materials, thus preventing stock-

outs at the sites. It is envisaged that this area will provide an opportunity to work with private sector

providers and support collaboration between the GON and the private sector in mutually rewarding public-

private partnerships.

In COP09, SCMS will continue to assist the GON in taking a leading role in the transition to and

implementation of a national logistics system for use by all partners. SCMS will conduct a Logistics

Indicator Assessment (as appropriate) with the IPs and subsequently work with GON to conduct system

design, LMIS, and LMIS SOP training for at least 15 staff (from the three IPs that have shown interest)

based on the results of the assessment conducted for the IP. SCMS intervention will ensure that inventory

control procedure and logistics management information systems are harmonized with the national system

and strengthen information sharing among all players.

In COP09, SCMS will initiate activities geared towards harmonization of laboratory equipments, supplies,

and reagents. A series of workshops will also be organized for end users and others who can objectively

evaluate the performance of the equipment, supplies, and reagents that are currently in use. This

intervention will be the basis for developing a guide towards harmonization and ensure that the end users

get greater value for their equipments and supplies without promoting any particular product or brand.

Each of the planned interventions by SCMS will result in the following: availability of a national quantification

with standardized methodologies to inform procurement and supply plans; increased coordination through

the steering and operational logistics committees; an improved policy environment for smooth functioning of

the supply chain system; an appropriate warehousing, commodity storage/handling and distribution system;

streamlined laboratory requirements that will be efficiently managed; better information sharing; and

increased availability of materials required for palliative and other types of care.


Activity Narrative: The objective of the project is to build and strengthen the capacity of program policymakers, managers, and

operators (the GON and IPs) to effectively implement the National HIV/AIDS Program through regular

meetings, intensive training, monitoring, and supportive supervision for logistics activities.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13089

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13089 5300.08 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 6385 4043.08 USAID Track $1,500,000

International Supply Chain 2.0 SCMS

Development Management

6727 5300.07 U.S. Agency for Partnership for 4181 4043.07 SCMS $1,200,000

International Supply Chain

Development Management

5300 5300.06 U.S. Agency for John Snow, Inc. 2775 556.06 DELIVER $464,000



Emphasis Areas

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $420,000

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.18:

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $420,000
Human Resources for Health $420,000