Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 3636
Country/Region: Namibia
Year: 2009
Main Partner: U.S. Department of Defense
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Other USG Agency
Funding Agency: USDOD
Total Funding: $280,000

Funding for Management and Operations (HVMS): $280,000


Please review the activity narrative from last year:

This activity will pay the salaries of the DAO PEPFAR program manager and project coordinator, benefits,

office operating costs, including office rental, and transportation/travel costs for the DAO PEPFAR program

manager and project coordinator who perform the daily oversight and management of the DoD's HIV/AIDS

program in Namibia.

In addition, funds will be used towards the professional development of the program manager and project

coordinator in areas related to project management, research, monitoring and evaluation.

This DAO PEPFAR staff will oversee and regularly monitor and evaluate the activities of the partners

selected to support the MoD/NDF's MAPP prevention, care, and treatment programs in the Namibian

Ministry of Defense/Namibian Defense Force (MOD/NDF).

The DAO PEPFAR staff will coordinate as necessary with the MoD/NDF, USAID, CDC, (Ministry of Health

and Social Services (MoHSS) and other national/local PEPFAR funded institutions such as the Namibia

Institute of Pathology.

The DAO PEPFAR program manager, under the supervision of the Defense Attaché, will be the USG's

primary interface for all DoD-related MAPP activities and will serve as the DAO's primary representative at

national, regional and international HIV/AIDS meetings and conferences.

The DAO PEPFAR office will be responsible for all policy and strategic planning and coordination with the

Namibian military and will perform all PEPFAR budgetary and performance reporting for the DoD.

The DAO PEPFAR office is part of the PEPFAR interagency team in Namibia and will continue to contribute

to interagency coordination, planning, implementation and program evaluation and to benefit from technical

expertise of the Inter-agency Task Teams (ITTs) in all PEPFAR programmatic areas.

In close coordination with the MAPP Treatment partner (I-TECH) and MOD/NDF, the DAO PEPFAR

program will seek the technical assistance from the Defense Institute for Medical Operations (DIMO) to

conduct a 5 days non resident international training program with at least 25 medical personnel of the


The DAO PEPFAR office will be responsible for the travel, per diem and any other payments concerning the

technical assistance from DIMO. In addition, the DAO PEPFAR program office will solicit the technical

assistance of an expert in counseling and testing services from the US Department of Defence HIV/AIDS

Prevention Programme (DHAPP) to assist and advise the program on the Ministry's planned wide and

routine testing for the military personnel.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 16245

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

16245 4701.08 Department of US Department of 7391 3636.08 $280,000

Defense Defense

7897 4701.07 Department of US Department of 4622 3636.07 $275,000

Defense Defense

4701 4701.06 Department of US Department of 3636 3636.06 $223,000

Defense Defense

Table 3.3.19: