Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 3692
Country/Region: Mozambique
Year: 2008
Main Partner: Academy for Educational Development
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $6,066,041

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $1,760,000

This is a continuing activity under COP08.

In FY08, AED will receive additional AB funds to issue more sub-grants, with priority on focus provinces and

consideration of Nampula for expansion, in order to facilitate technical meetings and for discussions at

national, provincial and district levels.

The FY2007 reprogramming narrative below has not been changed.

All AED activities, under the Capable Partners Program (CAP), interlink with each other for the overall

purpose of building capacity of Mozambican and other NGO/CBO/FBOs to create competent, results-

oriented organizations eligible to compete for USG and other funding to mitigate the impact of HIV.

In COP07, AED has responsibilities for several PEPFAR program areas, representing a major scale-up of

AED's current program in NGO capacity building and grants management. AED will continue to work with

Mozambican networks and organizations that provide services to OVC, home based care clients, Youth in

AB focused Prevention programs, PLWHA groups and association members which together have national

reach. FY07 represents year 2 of a planned 3 year activity that began with FY 06 funding. Special activities

will be focused in Sofala and Zambezia Provinces.

This funding will allow AED to continue its technical support to small, grass roots organizations working in

AB but not yet eligible to receive direct USG funding. This support will continue to strengthen the technical

and organizational capacity of these nascent NGO/CBO/FBOs to provide better AB behavior change

programs to youth groups, faith based associations, school based programs, and community groups that

currently receive PEPFAR AB support. Support to to USG's most important indigenous partner, the

Foundation for Community Development (FDC), will be emphasized. Capacity Building components of this

activity include:


AED will continue to strengthen the operational and technical capacity of local networks, umbrellas and

organizations to plan, coordinate, implement and monitor their community based AB behavior change

programs. AED will foster strong linkages between these groups and district/provincial NAC and MOH

representatives to create supportive environments advocating for individual and normative behavior change.

AED will utilize the CAP method of an 18-month training program for organizations. Skills covered include

institutional strengthening, advocacy, monitoring and evaluation.


This funding will allow AED to expand on its FY06 small grants pilot with International Relief and

Development (IRD). AED, will provide a grants management service to selected organizations, partly as a

demonstration model to assist the organizations in learning better management practices and partly as a

support to USG which finds that direct granting to multiple small but strategic national NGOs difficult to

manage. Organizations benefiting from the grants management activity will be strengthened and will gain

the fiscal experience to acquire smaller HIV funding from NAC and other sources.


FDC provides the most Mozambican response to HIV, directly managing several programs and sub-

granting to dozens of local, CBOs working in AB. In FY07, FDC will receive more AB funding than any

other partner. A portion of this activity's funding will directly provide AED's technical and organizational

support to FDC's AB programs and its AB sub-partners' programs in Maputo, Gaza, Inhambane and

Nampula provinces. This includes a tailor-made program of organizational development and grants

management specific to FDC's capacity as the largest indigenous, grant making organization in the country.

Through this activity, AED is expected to support organizations to reach 300,000 individuals, 100,000 of

whom will receive A messages only. In addition, over 300 peer educations, volunteers and activitas will be

trained to promote HIV/AIDS prevention through abstinence or being faithful.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $822,600

This is a continuing activity under COP08.

In FY08, AED will receive additional C&OP funds to issue more sub-grants, with priority on the focus

provinces and consideration of expansion in Nampula, in order to facilitate technical meetings and

discussions at national, provincial, and district levels.

The FY2007 reprogramming narratives below have not been updated.

Plus-up/Reprogramming: AED will build capacity of and provide subagreements to organizations which

target MARP such as Get Jobs (CSW) and the National Network against Drugs (drug users). Additionally,

C&OP funding allows AED to provide subagreements to organizations which provide the broad range of

sexual transmission prevention activities, effectively leveraging AB funding with C&OP resources.

Original COP: This activity is related to: HBHC 9131; HKID 9147; AB 9135; HXTS 9109; and OHPS 9212

This activity has several components and COP07 funding represents a major scale-up of AED's current

program in NGO capacity building and grants management. AED will continue to work with Mozambican

networks and organizations that provide services to OVC, home based care clients, PLWHA groups and

association members which together have national reach. FY07 represents year 2 of a planned 3 year

activity that began with FY 05 funding. Special activities under COP07 will be focused in Sofala and

Zambezia Provinces. Additionally, the Foundation for Community Development will become a major client

of AED. AED capacity building for FDC will focus on financial and management systems support

assistance in order to meet USAID and other donor requirements.

AED's major effort under COP07 will be to continue to strengthen the capacity of nascent 1) networks and

associations (such as MONASO, Rensida, CORUM, etc.) as well as 2) national and local organizations for

the ultimate purpose of eventually becoming self sufficient and able to acquire funding from sources other

than PEPFAR. This will include institutional strengthening as well as strengthening activities in program

planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting. All organizations will be part of the integrated health

network system which focuses geographically on the catchment areas of USG-supported clinical care and

ARV treatment sites. Training for the all networks and non-governmental organizations will focus on

increasing their abilities to solicit, receive and account for funds, sub-granting to member organizations and

reporting results to donors. Capacity building efforts will be tied, where appropriate, to direct service

delivery in OVC and HBC and to AB and C&OP activities. During COP07 it is expected that direct targets of

1,000 reached and 100 trained will be achieved, but virtually no indirect targets. Indirect targets will be

expected in Year 3.

In addition to capacity building, AED will also provide a grants management service to selected

organizations, partly as a demonstration model to assist the NGO in learning better management practices

and partly as a support to USG where they find granting to small but strategic national NGO impossible to

grant directly.

C&OP funding should be used in the AED program to assist organizations carrying out activities in this

programatic area.

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $560,000

Reprogramming August08: Funding decrease $300,000. Funds reprogrammed to support Mission RFA

(RFA funded across 3 SOs to ensure an integrated package of services, leveraging each SO's strengths.

This is a continuing activity under COP08.

AED will continue to work with Mozambican organizations to strengthen their technical and administrative

capacity in palliative care with a special emphasis on engaging fatih-based organizations. The additional

funds will be used to allow AED to expand to Nampula province, a new focal province, which represents a

new set of challenges in building up the capacity of civil society organizations and a coordinated response.

AED will use its unique positioning within the community to strengthen its ties with Muslim and Christian

organizations, which should enable them to be key leaders in community-based care for HIV infected and

affected populations.

The FY2007 narrative below has not been updated.

This activity is related to HKID 9147, HVAB 9135, HXTS 9109, and C&OP 9154.

All AED activities interlink with each other for the overall purpose of building capacity of local

NGO/CBO/FBO to stand on their own and for grants management under the Capable Partners Program

(CAP); some activities have specific components assigned to it. In COP07, AED has responsibilities for

several components which represent a major scale-up of AED current program in NGO capacity building

and grants management. AED will continue to work with Mozambican networks and organizations that

provide services to OVC, home based care clients, PLWHA groups and association members which

together have national reach. (see below for further details) FY07 represents year 2 of a planned 3 year

activity that began with FY 06 funding. Special activities will be focused in Sofala and Zambezia Provinces.

Through this palliative care activity , AED will continue to work with Mozambican networks and

organizations that provide home based pallative care and together have national reach. This support will

continue to strengthen the capacity of these nascent Mozambican support networks as well as national

organizations and provide additional support to their members to deliver essential services to home based

palliative care, focusing geographically on the catchment areas of USG-support clinical care and ARV

treatment sites. In FY07, NGOs will be required to link directly with clinics, with at least 50% of their HBC

clients who are also receiving clinical palliative care. Stronger monitoring and evaluation procedures will be

developed to assist HBC volunteers provide more effective services and report more efficiently. In another

related activity with SAVE/HACI, HBC volunteers will receive regular psychosocial training in order to better

support for their clients and to better understand their own reactions to working with the terminally ill.

In FY07, AED is scheduled to rapidly gear up their 06 activities, which have started rather slowly. Phase I ,

Year 1 began in March 2006 (with early FY06 funding), AED sub-granted with International Relief and

Development (IRD) to conduct assessments of some of the networks and associations especially at national

level and in Sofala province. In addition, IRD piloted a program in Inhambane Province to provide small sub-

grants to CBOs, adapt assessment tools for use with community groups and develop a monitoring system

to assist community groups to manage their program with the small grants they received.

AED only recently received the rest of their FY06 funding (Phase II) and are in the process of gearing up

their presence in Mozambique, selecting staff, assessing and selecting network NGO partners, etc. Based

on It is expected that AED work will rapidly escalate based on their pilot efforts under Phase I.

AED's major effort under COP07 will be to continue to strengthen the capacity of nascent 1) networks and

associations (such as MONASO, Rensida, CORUM, etc.) as well as 2) national and local organizations for

the ultimate purpose of eventually becoming self sufficient and able to acquire funding from sources other

than PEPFAR. This will include institutional strengthening as well as strengthening activities in

programmatic planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting. All organizations will be part of the

integrated health network system which focuses geographically on the catchment areas of USG-supported

clinical care and ARV treatment sites. Training for the all networks and non-governmental organizations will

focus on increasing their abilities to solicit, receive and account for funds, sub-granting to member

organizations and reporting results to donors. Additionally, the Foundation for Community Development will

become a major client of AED. AED capacity building for FDC will focus on financial and management

systems support assistance in order to meet USAID and other donors requirements. Capacity building

efforts will be tied, where appropriate, to direct service delivery in OVC and HBC and to activities and

services within the AB and C&OP program areas. During COP07 it is expected that direct targets will be

achieved, but virtually no indirect targets. (See below) Indirect targets will be expected in Year 3.

In addition to capacity building, AED will also provide a grants management service to selected

organizations, partly as a demonstration model to assist the NGO in learning better management practices

and partly as a support to USG where they find granting to small but strategic national NGO impossible to

grant directly.

AED will work with ANEMO, professional association of nurses, to strength their institutional capacity in two

areas: 1) the Training of Trainers section to be able to provide training services in a variety of clinic related

areas and 2) expansion of the service delivery section. Under a sub-grant, ANEMO will be able to maintain

their Master Trainers duties and responsibilities to continue to train trainers for improved HBC. Refresher

courses will be developed by MOH for the Master Trainers to roll out. In addition, OI and STI trainings can

be provided by these same Master Trainers who can train clinical staff as well as home-based care

providers. In collaboration with other activities, ANEMO will be able to develop their professional association


Through yet another related activity USAID_HTXS_9109, ANEMO will be involved in treatment adherence

for ARV and TB. ANEMO will be assisted to develop mechanisms and curriculum for training and hiring

retired and unemployed treatment adherence care workers (TACW). The Master Trainers will expand their

expertise into treatment adherence and train and supervise the TACWs who will be based at clinic sites,

and will refer ART patients to community based care providers for continued support, follow-up and

referrals. This activity is expected to keep clients in the clinical system by monitoring their adherence and

Activity Narrative: referring any complications identified.

Lastly, AED will continue to provide strengthening and capacity building of NGOs/CBOs/FBOs to improve

services to OVC and Home-based Care clients. While clients directly reached under this joint activity is

relatively small (1,500 HBC and 4,000 OVC), it is anticipated that with strengthened institutional and

programmatic capacities, rapid roll-out of services to additional clients will occur in the out years.

Through this package of activities, 35 non-governmental organizations will receive institutional capacity

building and 175 individuals trained in institutional capacity and in community mobilization, and who take an

important leadership role in care and treatment. At least one individual from each of the 35 organizations

will also be trained in reduction of stigma and discrimination.

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $1,676,441

Reprogramming August08: Funding increase by $726,441.

This is a continuing activity under COP08. AED will continue to build the capacity of Mozambican

organizations providing services to OVC which under COP08 will include sub-granting to local partners

providing direct services to OVC. AED will focus on capacity-building for sub-grantees to ensure integrity

and quality in programmatic planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting. Through this effort, AED

will be able to accurately report on the number of OVC receiving supplemental direct services under the sub


As part of the USG focus on and expansion to Nampula province, additional funding this year will go to

expanding AED's geographic reach/coverage to that region.

To better inform programming and ensure that best practices are shared among partners, AED will organize

periodic technical meetings with USAID partners, MMAS and other relevant counterparts which provide

OVC services. AED will also coordinate a beneficiaries meeting with the OVC, which has never been done

in Mozambique. This activity will be modeled after the work done in the Namibia OVC program and will

provide an opportunity for meaningful participation of OVC in our interventions.

The FY2007 narrative below has not been updated.

This activity is related to: HBHC 9131; HVAB 9135; HTXS 9109; and OHPS 9212.

All AED activities interlink with each other for the overall purpose of building capacity of local

NGOs/CBOs/FBOs to stand on their own and for grants management under the Capable Partners Program

(CAP); some activities have specific components assigned to it. In COP07, AED has responsibilities for

several components which represent a major scale-up of AED current program in NGO capacity building

and grants management. AED will continue to work with Mozambican networks and organizations that

provide services to OVC, home based care clients, PLWHA groups and association members which

together have national reach. FY07 represents year 2 of a planned 3 year activity that began with FY 06

funding. Special activities will be focused in Sofala and Zambezia Provinces.

AED will continue to work with Mozambican networks and organizations that provide home based palliative

care and together have national reach. This support will continue to strengthen the capacity of these

nascent Mozambican support networks as well as national organizations and provide additional support to

their members to deliver 6 essential services to OVC, focusing geographically on the catchment areas of

USG-support clinical care and ARV treatment sites. In FY07, NGOs will be required to link directly with

clinics, with at least 50% of their HBC clients who are also receiving clinical palliative care. Stronger

monitoring and evaluation procedures will be developed to assist OVC volunteers providing more effective

services and reporting more efficiently. In another related activity with SAVE/HACI, OVC volunteers will

receive regular psychosocial training in order to better support for their clients and to better understand their

own reactions to working with very needy children.

While clients directly reached under this joint activity is relative small (4,000 OVC and 260 individual

trained), it is anticipated that with strengthened institutional and programmatic capacities, rapid roll-out of

services to additional clients will occur in the out years.

In FY07, AED is scheduled to rapidly gear up their FY06 activities, which have started rather slowly. In

phase 1, Year 1, which began in March 2006 (with early FY06 funding), AED sub-granted with international

Relief and Development (IRD) to conduct assessments of some of the networks and associations,

especially at national level and in Sofala province. In addition, IRD piloted a program in Inhambane

Province to provide small sub-grants to CBOs, adapted assessment tools for use with community groups

and developed a monitoring system to assist community groups to manage their program with the small

grants they received.

AED only recently received the rest of their FY06 funding (Phase II) and are in the process of gearing up

their presence in Mozambique, selecting staff, assessing and selecting network NGO partners, etc. It is

expected that AED's work will be rapidly launched based on their pilot efforts under Phase I.

AED's major effort under COP07 will be to continue to strengthen the capacity of nascent 1) networks and

associations (such as MONASO, Rensida, CORUM, etc.) as well as 2) national and local organizations for

the ultimate purpose of eventually becoming self sufficient and able to acquire funding from sources other

than PEPFAR. This will include institutional strengthening as well as strengthening activities in

programmatic planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting. All organizations will be part of the

integrated health network system which focuses geographically on the catchment areas of USG-supported

clinical care and ARV treatment sites. Training for the all networks and non-governmental organizations will

focus on increasing their abilities to solicit, receive and account for funds, sub-granting to member

organizations and reporting results to donors. Additionally, the Foundation for Community Development will

become a major client of AED. AED capacity building for FDC will focus on financial and management

systems support assistance in order to meet USAID and other donors' requirements. Capacity building

efforts will be tied, where appropriate, to direct service delivery in OVC and HBC and to activities and

services within the AB and C&OP program areas. During COP07 it is expected that direct targets will be

achieved, but virtually no indirect targets. Indirect targets will be expected in Year 3.

In addition to capacity building, AED will also provide a grants management service to selected

organizations, partly as a demonstration model to assist the NGO in learning better management practices

and partly as a support to USG where they find granting to small but strategic national NGOs difficult to

grant directly.

AED will also strengthen NGO that provide services for AB and OVC. Many small NGOs and faith-based

organizations are providing a variety of AB messages to selected community audiences, e.g. churches,

schools, etc. Most of these organizations are not eligible to receive direct funding from USG, but could be

strengthened to acquire funding from NAC and other sources. AED, along with activity AB # will provide a

Activity Narrative: major effort in working with NGOs/CBOs/FBOs that are providing AB messages at the community level in

an attempt change both normative and individual behavior.

A special emphasis in COP07 will be to coordinate and expand existing programs of non-governmental

organizations dealing with child protection and family support in close collaboration with the Child and

Family Initiative ($20,000).

Through this package of activities, 35 non-governmental organizations will receive institutional capacity

building and 175 individuals trained in institutional capacity and in community mobilization, and who take an

important leadership role in care and treatment. At least one individual from each of the 35 organizations

will also be trained in reduction of stigma and discrimination.

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $97,000

This is a continuing activity under COP08.

AED will work with USG treatment partners nationwide to facilitate knowledge and best-practice transfer

across all treatment partners. AED will work in close collaboration with treatment partners as well as

Ministry of Health delegates to ensure broad participation in provincial level meetings and site exchange

visits between the treatment partners. Following consultation with partners, within the USG, and with the

OGAC adult treatment working group, it was decided to move towards a district level model. To that end,

AED will facilitate site exchange visits between treatment partners to more fully develop their understanding

of what a district support model entails. Treatment partners, with leadership from the Ministry of Health, will

also work towards standardizing a minimum package and AED's role is to facilitate open communication

through the creation of an enabling environment and a communication framework from which to work within.

The FY2007 narrative below has not been updated.

This activity is related to: OHPS 8800; HBHC 9131; HKID 9147; HVAB 9135; C&OP 9154; and OHPS


All AED activities interlink with each other for the overall purpose of building capacity of local

NGO/CBO/FBO to stand on their own and for grants management under the Capable Partners Program

(CAP); some activities have specific components assigned to it. In COP07, AED has responsibilities for

several component which represent a major scale-up of AED current program in NGO capacity building and

grants management. AED will continue to work with Mozambican networks and organizations that provide

services to OVC, home based care clients, PLWHA groups and association members which together have

national reach. FY07 represents year 2 of a planned 3 year activity that began with FY 06 funding. Special

activities will be focused in Sofala and Zambezia Provinces.

This activity addresses the treatment component of AED activities. Under this activity, supported by

USAID_HBHC_AED and USAID_OHPS_AED, ANEMO's involvement in treatment adherence for ARV and

TB will be strengthened. ANEMO will be assisted to develop mechanisms and curriculum for training and

hiring retired and unemployed treatment adherence care workers (TACW). The Master Trainers will expand

their expertise into treatment adherence and train and supervise the TACWs who will be based at clinic

sites, and will refer ART patients to community based care providers for continued support, follow-up and

referrals. This activity is expected to keep clients in the clinical system by monitoring their adherence and

referring any complications identified.

AED more general work with ANEMO, professional association of nurses, will be to strength their

institutional capacity in two areas: 1) the Training of Trainers section to be able to provide training services

in a variety of clinic related areas and 2) expansion of the service delivery section. Under a $300,000 sub-

grant, ANEMO will be able to maintain their Master Trainers duties and responsibilities to continue to train

trainers for improved HBC. Refresher courses will be developed by MOH for the Master Trainers to roll out.

In addition, OI and STI trainings can be provided by these same Master Trainers who can train clinical staff

as well as home-based care providers. In collaboration with activity USAID_OHPS_AED, ANEMO will be

able to develop their professional association responsibilities.

AED other activities also support and strengthen NGO/CBO/FBO what work in the programmatic areas of

AB, OVC and home-based palliative care. COP07 activities in treatment and TB adherence will train 94

NGO/CBO/FBO staff who in turn will reach 750 PLWHA.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $1,150,000

This is a continuing activity under COP08.

AED will continue to increase the capacity of Mozambican organizations and networks to develop, manage,

and implement prevention, care and treatment services through the provision of ongoing organizational

development technical assistance. In FY 08 AED will add the province of Nampula to their roster of focus

provinces and will work closely with all faith-based organizations. A special focus will be working with

Christian and Muslim groups which represent the two predominant religious groups within the province in

order to spur their networks activism and involvement in HIV/AIDS in the community.

The narrative below from FY2007 has not been updated.

This activity has several components and COP07 funding represents a major scale-up of AED's current

program in NGO capacity building and grants management. AED will continue to work with Mozambican

networks and organizations that provide services to OVC, home based care clients, PLWHA groups and

association members which together have national reach. FY07 represents year 2 of a planned 3 year

activity that began with FY 05 funding. Special activities under COP07 will be focused in Sofala and

Zambezia Provinces.

Phase I , Year 1 began in March 2006 (with early FY06 funding), AED sub-granted with International Relief

and Development (IRD) to conduct assessments of some of the networks and associations especially at

national level and in Sofala province. In addition, IRD piloted a program in Inhambane Province to provide

small sub-grants to CBOs, adapt assessment tools for use with community groups and develop a

monitoring system to assist community groups to manage their program with the small grants they received.

AED only recently received the rest of their FY06 funding (Phase II) and are in the process of gearing up

their presence in Mozambique, selecting staff, assessing and selecting network NGO partners, etc. Based

on It is expected that AED work will rapidly escalate based on their pilot efforts under Phase I.

AED's major effort under COP07 will be to continue to strengthen the capacity of nascent 1) networks and

associations (such as MONASO, Rensida, CORUM, etc.) as well as 2) national and local organizations for

the ultimate purpose of eventually becoming self sufficient and able to acquire funding from sources other

than PEPFAR. This will include institutional strengthening as well as strengthening activities in

programmatic planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting. All organizations will be part of the

integrated health network system which focuses geographically on the catchment areas of USG-supported

clinical care and ARV treatment sites. Training for the all networks and non-governmental organizations will

focus on increasing their abilities to solicit, receive and account for funds, sub-granting to member

organizations and reporting results to donors. Additionally, the Foundation for Community Development will

become a major client of AED. AED capacity building for FDC will focus on financial and management

systems support assistance in order to meet USAID and other donors requirements. Capacity building

efforts will be tied, where appropriate, to direct service delivery in OVC and HBC and to activities and

services within the AB and C&OP program areas. During COP07 it is expected that direct targets will be

achieved, but virtually no indirect targets. (See below) Indirect targets will be expected in Year 3.

In addition to capacity building, AED will also provide a grants management service to selected

organizations, partly as a demonstration model to assist the NGO in learning better management practices

and partly as a support to USG where they find granting to small but strategic national NGO impossible to

grant directly.

AED will work with ANEMO (Mozambican Nurses Association), to strength their institutional capacity in two

areas: 1) the Training of Trainers section to be able to provide training services in a variety of clinic related

areas and 2) expansion of the service delivery section. Under a sub-grant, ANEMO will be able to maintain

their Master Trainers duties and responsibilities to continue to train trainers for improved HBC. Refresher

courses will be developed by MOH for the Master Trainers to roll out. In addition, OI and STI trainings can

be provided by these same Master Trainers who can train clinical staff as well as home-based care

providers. In collaboration with activity #5442, ANEMO will be able to develop their professional association


Through yet another related activity #3692 ANEMO will be involved in treatment adherence for ARV and

TB. ANEMO will be assisted to develop mechanisms and curriculum for training and hiring retired and

unemployed treatment adherence care workers (TACW). The Master Trainers will expand their expertise

into treatment adherence and train and supervise the TACWs who will be based at clinic sites, and will refer

ART patients to community based care providers for continued support, follow-up and referrals. This

activity is expected to keep clients in the clinical system by monitoring their adherence and referring any

complications identified.

AED will also strengthen NGO that provide services for AB and OVC. Many small NGOs and faith-based

organizations are providing a variety of AB messages to selected community audiences, e.g. churches,

schools, etc. Most of these organizations are not eligible to receive direct funding from USG, but could be

strengthened to acquire funding from NAC and other sources. AED, along with activity # 5293 will provide a

major effort in working with NGOs/CBOs/FBOs that are providing AB messages at the community level in

an attempt change both normative and individual behavior.

Lastly, this activity will continue to provide strengthening and capacity building of NGOs/CBOs/FBOs to

improve services to OVC and Home-based Care clients. While clients directly reached under this joint

activity is relatively small (1,500 HBC and 4,000 OVC), it is anticipated that with strengthened institutional

and programmatic capacities, rapid roll-out of services to additional clients will occur in the out years.

Through this package of activities, 35 non-governmental organizations will receive institutional capacity

building and 175 individuals trained in institutional capacity and in community mobilization, and who take an

important leadership role in care and treatment. At least one individual from each of the 35 organizations

will also be trained in reduction of stigma and discrimination. Trainers will expand their expertise into

treatment adherence and train and supervise the TACWs who will be based at clinic sites, and will refer

ART patients to community based care providers for continued support, follow-up and referrals. This

activity is expected to keep clients in the clinical system by monitoring their adherence and referring any

Activity Narrative: complications identified.


• Organizational capacity of Mozambican organizations and networks improved

Subpartners Total: $300,000
Not Identified: $300,000
Mozambican National Nursing Association: NA
Foundation for Community Development - Mozambique: NA
International Relief and Development: NA
Mozambique Network of AIDS Service Organizations: NA
ASVIMO Organização Moçambicana de Apoio à Criança em Situação Dificil: NA
Get Jobs: NA