Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012

Details for Mechanism ID: 10764
Country/Region: Malawi
Year: 2012
Main Partner: ICF International
Main Partner Program: ICF Macro
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $200,000

MACRO will implement a Service Provision Assessment (SPA) in Malawi. SPA is a study that investigates availability and quality of services at the health facility level as per a defined set of national and international standards. SPA will provide data on the infrastructure set up, HRH situation, the extent to which service standards are met and staff and client satisfaction. As a result, SPA will provide valuable information for Malawi's Global Health Initiative strategy which has infrastructure, HRH and governance as its three focus areas. The findings of the SPA survey will inform PEPFAR decisions and priority setting.The SPA survey will be conducted on a national scale. The decision on whether it will be a census or based on a sample of facilities is being carefully considered. This survey will be conducted in close collaboration with local research organizations which will play a central role and will benefit from skill transfer from the international consultancy firm.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $200,000

This project aims to conduct a comprehensive service provision assessment at the health facility level. While there have been similar studies conducted in Malawi in the past, most of the information is outdated and too narrow in scope. The SPAs broad scope will include HIV/AIDS, family planning, malaria, etc. In mid-February 2012, a SPA consultant will come to Malawi to facilitate a planning meeting to address various issues, including questionnaire adaptation.The findings of the survey will be instrumental in updating the Ministry of Health's capital investment plan. It will also aid decision-making around USG infrastructure investments. Technical assistance for the survey will be provided by MACRO International to work with a local survey implementer. This collaboration will enable skill transfer and capacity building of the local research organization.

Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
enumerations.Malaria (PMI)
Child Survival Activities
Safe Motherhood
Family Planning