Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 6207
Country/Region: Lesotho
Year: 2009
Main Partner: Population Services International
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $1,694,000

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $344,000


New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 18644

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

18644 18644.08 HHS/Centers for Population 8184 6207.08 Increasing $150,000

Disease Control & Services access HIV

Prevention International C&T/Male


Table 3.3.03:

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $1,350,000


New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 18605

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

18605 11982.08 HHS/Centers for Population 8152 5944.08 Increasing $50,000

Disease Control & Services access to HIV

Prevention International C&T

11982 11982.07 HHS/Centers for Population 5944 5944.07 Increasing $50,000

Disease Control & Services access to HIV

Prevention International C&T

Program Budget Code: 15 - HTXD ARV Drugs

Total Planned Funding for Program Budget Code: $0

Program Area Narrative:


Program Budget Code: 16 - HLAB Laboratory Infrastructure

Total Planned Funding for Program Budget Code: $600,000

Total Planned Funding for Program Budget Code: $0

Program Area Narrative:


With the advent of the HIV/AIDS and TB co-epidemics, demands on laboratory services in Lesotho have been dramatically

increasing. In the third quarter of 2003, 16,250 laboratory investigations were conducted by the Central Laboratory (CL),

compared with 114,114 in the third quarter of 2006. This 600% increase in investigations and a 91% growth rate in compound

annual testing represents an enormous strain on the current laboratory system and illustrates the need for expanded staff and

facilities. As noted in the TB/HIV narrative, the CL cannot keep up with the demand for TB and HIV laboratory services, and has to

outsource a significant portion of its services to South Africa, which creates delays and additional costs.

In 2008, with strong PEPFAR support, MOHSW developed a National Laboratory Strategic Plan (NLSP) to address the

shortcomings in the current system. The NLSP is designed to address current weaknesses, including lack of financial resources to

meet program needs, inadequate management staff and skills, poor distribution of supplies and reagents, absence of standard

safety guidelines, a human resource shortage at all levels of service, and poor implementation of QA programs. One of the major

challenges to improving lab systems is the lack of human capacity. The National Health Training College (NHTC) is the only

institution in Lesotho that trains laboratory personnel, and it lacks qualified instructors. Once lab personnel are trained, they do not

have a defined career path, and there are no mechanisms for staff retention.

In July, 2008, the Laboratory Director vacated her post, and it will be some time before her position is filled. The Laboratory

Manager is now also filling the role of the acting Laboratory Director. There is an acute shortage of trained laboratory

management staff at the national and district level.

The MCC Compact with GOL, which recently entered into force, includes plans to design and build a new National Reference

Laboratory (NRL) to replace the dilapidated CL at Queen Elizabeth II hospital. This lab will be built on a new site and is not

expected to be completed until at least mid 2010. While this new NRL will certainly strengthen laboratory systems, in the short

term high volumes of laboratory tests are required in the overburdened CL which also currently serves as the National Reference

Laboratory for the District Hospitals.

The District Laboratories which are associated with the hospitals are also grossly inadequate and suffer from many of the same

problems as the CL. MOHSW is exploring a plan to expand laboratory services at Leribe and Mafeteng, creating regional labs for

expansion of TB culture capacity in order to better serve the southern and northern sections of the country. Construction of these

labs has begun with Global Fund money. There is no other funding, however, which targets District or Regional Labs for improved

infrastructure and services.


PEPFAR/Lesotho played a key role in the development of the NLSP and has assisted the government in developing a National

Laboratory Policy to meet short and longer term lab systems needs. Through its three lab partners, NICD, ASCP, and APHL,

PEPFAR provides support for in-service and long-term training in quality assurance protocols, supervision/mentoring, SOPs,

chemistry, hematology, CD4 testing, logistics and management. PEPFAR also collaborates with Clinton Foundation and MSH to

identify and resolve problems in service delivery and supply distribution.

In light of the recent departure of the Laboratory Director, PEPFAR/Lesotho is providing technical assistance in leadership and

laboratory management to assist in the transition of the new Acting Director.


Given the critical nature of laboratory systems in Lesotho, and their current weakness, PEPFAR will place more emphasis on

longer term technical assistance and fostering supervisory and mentoring relationships. Therefore, PEPFAR has taken the

strategic decision to recruit a Senior Laboratory Technical Advisor position. This position was approved but unfilled in the FY 2008

COP; in FY 2009, CDC will recruit this as a PSC position, which will improve the chances of recruitment.

In FY 2009, PEPFAR plans to consolidate its work under one lead partner, currently TBD. While this partner is recruited, USG will

support the improvement of laboratory infrastructure for the military facility in Maseru through DOD, and work through its current

partner, APHL, to provide senior public health laboratory professionals such as Directors of US Public Health Laboratories to

mentor the Acting Laboratory Director. APHL will use its corps of active and retired laboratory directors to provide Laboratory

Management Workshops and mentor senior laboratory staff, strengthening abilities and self-reliance; build skills in mentoring

through training and example; provide training; and develop skills of members of technical advisory committees (TACs); and

provide technical assistance to the TACs.

PEPFAR is also working through MSH to strengthen procurement and supply chain of laboratory reagents and supplies to

laboratories in Lesotho.


PEPFAR works with MOHSW NTP and HIV/AIDS Directorate to support for the MDR-TB and HIV study, primarily funded by

Global Fund. USG and its partners will work with FIND (Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics) to increase the capacity for

TB Culture and Sensitivity testing. PEPFAR plans to work closely with MCC to develop the planned new NRL and implement a

Laboratory Information System that is integrated into the developing HMIS.

To review and strengthen pre-service training of medical laboratory technicians, PEPFAR is collaborating with NHTC on phase

one of Pre-Service Curriculum Development.


As PEPFAR/Lesotho moves forward to negotiate a Partnership Compact with GOL, we anticipate further strengthening of

Laboratory activities through human resource development activities including distance learning, training more technicians,

improved mentoring and supervision to implement better quality assurance in both the new Reference Laboratory and the regional

and community labs. As Compact negotiations are only at the early stages, we understand that we may need to revise

expectations, and will be in touch with our core team and DP "friend" as we move forward.

Table 3.3.16: