Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Details for Mechanism ID: 18516
Country/Region: Kenya
Year: 2017
Main Partner: Mkomani Clinic Society
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $4,151,888 Additional Pipeline Funding: N/A

NOTE: PEPFAR no longer creates activity narratives for each mechanism. In their place, PEPFAR has begun releasing mechanism specific targets that reveal the achievements and programs that are expected of the funding. If available for this mechanism, these targets are presented below.

Mechanism Allocation by Budget Code for Selected Year
Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID) $213,227
Care: TB/HIV (HVTB) $253,765
Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT) $252,386
Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP) $267,226
Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT) $139,167
Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS) $2,731,701
Treatment: Pediatric Treatment (PDTX) $294,416
Mechanism Target Information

Since COP2014, PEPFAR no longer produces narratives for every mechanism it funds. However, PEPFAR has now included performance targets or indicator information for each mechanism based on the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) system. The MER guidance is available on PEPFAR's website Note that COP years 2014-2015 were under a previous version of the MER system and the indicators and definitions may have changed as of the new 2.0 guidance.

MER Indicator MER description Target Fiscal Year Target
GEND_GBV By PEP service provision (related to sexual violence services provided) 2018 1,421
GEND_GBV By type of service: Physical and/or Emotional Violence (Other Post-GBV Care) 2018 6,995
GEND_GBV By type of service: Sexual Violence (Post-Rape Care) 2018 1,580
GEND_GBV Number of people receiving post-GBV care 2018 8,575
HTS_TST By Key Population: PWID, Negative 2018 8,109
HTS_TST Number of individuals who received T&C services for HIV and received their test results during the past 12 months 2018 34,100
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point Agg Age (Facility) Index: <15, Female, Negative 2018 851
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point Agg Age (Facility) Index: <15, Male, Negative 2018 645
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point Agg Age (Facility) Index: 15+, Female, Negative 2018 2,259
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point Agg Age (Facility) Index: 15+, Male, Negative 2018 1,771
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) ANC: 15+, Negative 2018 4,677
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) Inpatient: <15, Female, Negative 2018 101
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) Inpatient: <15, Male, Negative 2018 144
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) Inpatient: 15+, Female, Negative 2018 502
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) Inpatient: 15+, Male, Negative 2018 344
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) Other PITC: <15, Female, Negative 2018 960
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) Other PITC: <15, Male, Negative 2018 788
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) Other PITC: 15+, Female, Negative 2018 2,860
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) Other PITC: 15+, Male, Negative 2018 1,613
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) TB: <15, Female, Negative 2018 298
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) TB: <15, Male, Negative 2018 275
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) TB: 15+, Female, Negative 2018 1,396
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) TB: 15+, Male, Negative 2018 892
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) VCT: 15+, Female, Negative 2018 922
HTS_TST Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) VCT: 15+, Male, Negative 2018 529
HTS_TST Sum of Test Result disaggregates 2018 1,177
HTS_TST_POS By Key Population: PWID, Positive 2018 316
HTS_TST_POS By Test Result: Positive 2018 1,177
HTS_TST_POS Service Delivery Point Agg Age (Facility) Index: <15, Female, Positive 2018 31
HTS_TST_POS Service Delivery Point Agg Age (Facility) Index: <15, Male, Positive 2018 27
HTS_TST_POS Service Delivery Point Agg Age (Facility) Index: 15+, Female, Positive 2018 130
HTS_TST_POS Service Delivery Point Agg Age (Facility) Index: 15+, Male, Positive 2018 72
HTS_TST_POS Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) ANC: 15+, Positive 2018 1,846
HTS_TST_POS Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) Inpatient: <15, Male, Positive 2018 1
HTS_TST_POS Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) Inpatient: 15+, Female, Positive 2018 2
HTS_TST_POS Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) Inpatient: 15+, Male, Positive 2018 2
HTS_TST_POS Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) Other PITC: <15, Female, Positive 2018 38
HTS_TST_POS Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) Other PITC: <15, Male, Positive 2018 31
HTS_TST_POS Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) Other PITC: 15+, Female, Positive 2018 119
HTS_TST_POS Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) Other PITC: 15+, Male, Positive 2018 72
HTS_TST_POS Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) TB: <15, Female, Positive 2018 15
HTS_TST_POS Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) TB: <15, Male, Positive 2018 15
HTS_TST_POS Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) TB: 15+, Female, Positive 2018 88
HTS_TST_POS Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) TB: 15+, Male, Positive 2018 117
HTS_TST_POS Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) VCT: 15+, Female, Positive 2018 707
HTS_TST_POS Service Delivery Point by Agg Age (Facility) VCT: 15+, Male, Positive 2018 535
KP_PREV By key population type: Females who inject drugs (Female PWID) (Numerator: Number of key populations reached with individual and/or small group level HIV preventive interventions that are based on evidence and/or meet the minimum standards required) 2018 404
KP_PREV By key population type: Males who inject drugs (Male PWID) (Numerator: Number of key populations reached with individual and/or small group level HIV preventive interventions that are based on evidence and/or meet the minimum standards required) 2018 857
KP_PREV Number of key populations reached with individual and/or small group level HIV preventive interventions that are based on evidence and/or meet the minimum standards required 2018 1,261
OVC_SERV Age/Sex: <1 2018 44
OVC_SERV Age/Sex: 1-9 2018 1,623
OVC_SERV Age/Sex: 10-14 Female 2018 867
OVC_SERV Age/Sex: 10-14 Male 2018 825
OVC_SERV Age/Sex: 15-17 Female 2018 302
OVC_SERV Age/Sex: 15-17 Male 2018 274
OVC_SERV By: Age/sex: 18-24 Female 2018 69
OVC_SERV By: Age/sex: Male 18-24 2018 66
OVC_SERV Number of active beneficiaries served by PEPFAR OVC programs for children and families affected by HIV/AIDS 2018 4,070
OVC_SERV Program Completion: Active 2018 3,974
OVC_SERV Program Completion: Exited without graduation 2018 12
OVC_SERV Program Completion: Graduation 2018 56
OVC_SERV Program Completion: Transferred 2018 28
OVC_SERV Sum of Age/Sex disaggregates 2018 2,268
PMTCT_ART Already on ART at beginning of current pregnancy 2018 440
PMTCT_ART New on ART 2018 406
PMTCT_ART Number of HIV-positive pregnant women who received ART to reduce risk of mother-to-child-transmission (MTCT) during pregnancy 2018 846
PMTCT_ART Number of pregnant women with known HIV status (includes women who were tested for HIV and received their results) 2018 6,523
PMTCT_EID Number of infants who had a virologic HIV test within 12 months of birth during the reporting period 2018 846
PMTCT_EID Number of infants with a negative virological test result between 2 and 12 months of birth 2018 205
PMTCT_EID Number of infants with a negative virological test result within 2 months of birth 2018 624
PMTCT_EID Number of infants with a positive virological test result between 2 and 12 months of birth 2018 10
PMTCT_EID Number of infants with a positive virological test result within 2 months of birth 2018 7
PMTCT_STAT By Age (Numerator): 15-19 2018 58
PMTCT_STAT By Age (Numerator): 20-24 2018 2,440
PMTCT_STAT By Age (Numerator): 25-49 2018 4,025
PMTCT_STAT By Number of known positives: 15-19 2018 16
PMTCT_STAT By Number of known positives: 20-24 2018 154
PMTCT_STAT By Number of known positives: 25-49 2018 262
PMTCT_STAT By Number of new negative: 15-19 2018 32
PMTCT_STAT By Number of new negative: 20-24 2018 2,096
PMTCT_STAT By Number of new negative: 25-49 2018 3,442
PMTCT_STAT By Number of new positives: 15-19 2018 10
PMTCT_STAT By Number of new positives: 20-24 2018 190
PMTCT_STAT By Number of new positives: 25-49 2018 321
PMTCT_STAT Number of pregnant women with known HIV status (includes women who were tested for HIV and received their results) 2018 6,523
PMTCT_STAT_den By Age (Denominator): <15-19 2018 58
PMTCT_STAT_den By Age (Denominator): 20-24 2018 2,440
PMTCT_STAT_den By Age (Denominator): 25-49 2018 4,025
TB_ART Aggregated Age/Sex: Female <15 (Numerator: The number of registered new and relapse TB cases with documented HIV-positive status who are on ART during TB treatment during the reporting period) 2018 13
TB_ART Aggregated Age/Sex: Female 15+ (Numerator: The number of registered new and relapse TB cases with documented HIV-positive status who are on ART during TB treatment during the reporting period) 2018 80
TB_ART Aggregated Age/Sex: Male <15 (Numerator: The number of registered new and relapse TB cases with documented HIV-positive status who are on ART during TB treatment during the reporting period) 2018 13
TB_ART Aggregated Age/Sex: Male 15+ (Numerator: The number of registered new and relapse TB cases with documented HIV-positive status who are on ART during TB treatment during the reporting period) 2018 112
TB_ART The number of registered new and relapse TB cases with documented HIV-positive status during TB treatment during the reporting period 2018 218
TB_ART The number of registered new and relapse TB cases with documented HIV-positive status who are on ART during TB treatment during the reporting period 2018 218
TB_ART_den Aggregated Age/Sex: Female <15 (Denominator: The number of registered new and relapse TB cases with documented HIV-positive status during TB treatment during the reporting period) 2018 13
TB_ART_den Aggregated Age/Sex: Female 15+ (Denominator: The number of registered new and relapse TB cases with documented HIV-positive status during TB treatment during the reporting period) 2018 80
TB_ART_den Aggregated Age/Sex: Male <15 (Denominator: The number of registered new and relapse TB cases with documented HIV-positive status during TB treatment during the reporting period) 2018 13
TB_ART_den Aggregated Age/Sex: Male 15+ (Denominator: The number of registered new and relapse TB cases with documented HIV-positive status during TB treatment during the reporting period) 2018 112
TB_PREV The number of ART patients who completed a course of TB preventive therapy or at least 6 months of Isoniazid Preventive Therapy (IPT) during the reporting period 2018 2,650
TB_PREV The number of ART patients who were newly started on TB preventive therapy (including those who newly started on TB preventive therapy in this reporting period and those who started in the previous reporting period but had not been reported as they did not fulfill the minimum requirements for the previous reporting period) 2018 2,944
TB_STAT Aggregated Age/Sex: Female <15 (Numerator: Number of registered new and relapsed TB cases with documented HIV status, during the reporting period) 2018 25
TB_STAT Aggregated Age/Sex: Female 15+ (Numerator: Number of registered new and relapsed TB cases with documented HIV status, during the reporting period) 2018 118
TB_STAT Aggregated Age/Sex: Male <15 (Numerator: Number of registered new and relapsed TB cases with documented HIV status, during the reporting period) 2018 38
TB_STAT Aggregated Age/Sex: Male 15+ (Numerator: Number of registered new and relapsed TB cases with documented HIV status, during the reporting period) 2018 153
TB_STAT Number of registered new and relapsed TB cases with documented HIV status, during the reporting period 2018 334
TB_STAT Total number of registered new and relapsed TB cases, during the reporting period 2018 337
TB_STAT_den Aggregated Age/Sex: Female <15 (Denominator: Total number of registered new and relapsed TB cases, during the reporting period) 2018 25
TB_STAT_den Aggregated Age/Sex: Female 15+ (Denominator: Total number of registered new and relapsed TB cases, during the reporting period) 2018 120
TB_STAT_den Aggregated Age/Sex: Male <15 (Denominator: Total number of registered new and relapsed TB cases, during the reporting period) 2018 38
TB_STAT_den Aggregated Age/Sex: Male 15+ (Denominator: Total number of registered new and relapsed TB cases, during the reporting period) 2018 154
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Female 2018 1,178
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Male 2018 1,168
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Female 2018 16,718
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Male 2018 7,889
TX_CURR Number of adults and children receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) 2018 26,953
TX_CURR Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex <15 2018 2,346
TX_CURR Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex 15+ 2018 24,607
TX_CURR Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex disaggregates 2018 26,953
TX_NEW Aggregated Grouping by Age/Sex: <15 Female 2018 248
TX_NEW Aggregated Grouping by Age/Sex: <15 Male 2018 199
TX_NEW Aggregated Grouping by Age/Sex: 15+ Female 2018 1,549
TX_NEW Aggregated Grouping by Age/Sex: 15+ Male 2018 957
TX_NEW Breastfeeding status 2018 38
TX_NEW Number of adults and children newly enrolled on antiretroviral therapy (ART) 2018 2,953
TX_NEW Pregnancy status 2018 406
TX_NEW Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex disaggregates 2018 2,953
TX_PVLS Number of adult and pediatric ART patients with a viral load result documented in the patient medical record and /or laboratory records in the past 12 months 2018 26,904
TX_PVLS Number of adults and pediatric patients on ART with suppressed viral load results (<1,000 copies/ml) documented in the medical records and /or supporting laboratory results within the past 12 months 2018 23,969
TX_PVLS Numerator: Aggregate Age/Sex by Indication: <15 Female Routine 2018 908
TX_PVLS Numerator: Aggregate Age/Sex by Indication: <15 Female Targeted 2018 82
TX_PVLS Numerator: Aggregate Age/Sex by Indication: <15 Male Routine 2018 924
TX_PVLS Numerator: Aggregate Age/Sex by Indication: <15 Male Targeted 2018 56
TX_PVLS Numerator: Aggregate Age/Sex by Indication: 15+ Female Routine 2018 13,387
TX_PVLS Numerator: Aggregate Age/Sex by Indication: 15+ Female Targeted 2018 764
TX_PVLS Numerator: Aggregate Age/Sex by Indication: 15+ Male Routine 2018 7,071
TX_PVLS Numerator: Aggregate Age/Sex by Indication: 15+ Male Targeted 2018 707
TX_PVLS Numerator: Indication: Routine 2018 22,290
TX_PVLS Numerator: Indication: Targeted 2018 1,679
TX_PVLS Numerator: Preg/BF by Indication: Breastfeeding Routine 2018 26
TX_PVLS Numerator: Preg/BF by Indication: Breastfeeding Targeted 2018 7
TX_PVLS Numerator: Preg/BF by Indication: Pregnant Routine 2018 727
TX_PVLS Numerator: Preg/BF by Indication: Pregnant Targeted 2018 85
TX_PVLS_den Denominator: Aggregate Age/Sex by Indication: <15 Female Routine 2018 1,182
TX_PVLS_den Denominator: Aggregate Age/Sex by Indication: <15 Female Targeted 2018 90
TX_PVLS_den Denominator: Aggregate Age/Sex by Indication: <15 Male Routine 2018 1,127
TX_PVLS_den Denominator: Aggregate Age/Sex by Indication: <15 Male Targeted 2018 82
TX_PVLS_den Denominator: Aggregate Age/Sex by Indication: 15+ Female Routine 2018 14,101
TX_PVLS_den Denominator: Aggregate Age/Sex by Indication: 15+ Female Targeted 2018 780
TX_PVLS_den Denominator: Aggregate Age/Sex by Indication: 15+ Male Routine 2018 8,612
TX_PVLS_den Denominator: Aggregate Age/Sex by Indication: 15+ Male Targeted 2018 930
TX_PVLS_den Denominator: Indication: Routine 2018 25,022
TX_PVLS_den Denominator: Indication: Targeted 2018 1,882
TX_PVLS_den Denominator: Preg/BF by Indication: Breastfeeding Routine 2018 32
TX_PVLS_den Denominator: Preg/BF by Indication: Breastfeeding Targeted 2018 9
TX_PVLS_den Denominator: Preg/BF by Indication: Pregnant Routine 2018 761
TX_PVLS_den Denominator: Preg/BF by Indication: Pregnant Targeted 2018 93
TX_RET Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Female (Numerator: Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART) 2018 218
TX_RET Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Male (Numerator: Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART) 2018 158
TX_RET Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Female (Numerator: Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART) 2018 1,406
TX_RET Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Male (Numerator: Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART) 2018 869
TX_RET Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART 2018 2,789
TX_RET Numerator by Status: Breastfeeding 2018 40
TX_RET Numerator by Status: Pregnant 2018 406
TX_RET Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up 2018 25,560
TX_RET_den Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Female (Denominator: Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up) 2018 1,171
TX_RET_den Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Male (Denominator: Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up) 2018 1,168
TX_RET_den Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Female (Denominator: Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up) 2018 15,609
TX_RET_den Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Male (Denominator: Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up) 2018 7,612
TX_RET_den Denominator by Status: Breastfeeding 2018 27
TX_RET_den Denominator by Status: Pregnant 2018 381
TX_TB Number of ART patients who were screened for TB at least once during the reporting period 2018 87
TX_TB Number of ART patients who were started on TB treatment during the reporting period 2018 87
TX_TB Numerator: By Aggregated Age/Sex: <15, Female 2018 5
TX_TB Numerator: By Aggregated Age/Sex: <15, Male 2018 6
TX_TB Numerator: By Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+, Female 2018 32
TX_TB Numerator: By Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+, Male 2018 44
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $2,219,572
Gender: Gender Equality $89,193
Equity in HIV prevention, care, treatment and support
Capacity building
Human Resources for Health $2,070,379
Motor Vehicles: Purchased $60,000