Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Details for Mechanism ID: 13028
Country/Region: Kenya
Year: 2013
Main Partner: CHF International
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $1,233,429


CHF will contribute to prevention of HIV transmission through provision of safe and adequate blood in Kenya. This will be accomplished by giving TA to blood safety program for collection, testing, processing and distribution of blood at quality assured laboratories; establishment of a national quality system; and support for appropriate blood utilization. These objectives are in keeping with 3rd Kenya National AIDS Strategic Plan (KNASP-III) goal of eliminating HIV transmission in healthcare settings in next two years. This will contribute to GHI goals of reducing maternal, infant and malaria-related morbidity. The TA provided will also lead to systems strengthening.


CHF will support NBTS to align itself to the new Kenyan constitution by positioning itself as a national body but serving all counties in the country. It will support a sustainable health financing system that will tap into national resources, multilateral partners and public-private-partnerships. It will ensure cost-efficiency through improved financial management system, efficient automated blood testing and processing and use of blood components and pediatric packs. CHF will support NBTS to leverage PEPFAR HIV prevention programs to develop a pool of safe regular donors and will use modern technology such as SMS to communicate with them. A monitoring and evaluation system will be strengthened using an information management system and use of data to enhance program efficiency.

Transition to country

CHF will build capacity of AFSBT and other local implementing partners while gradually transitioning activities to them.

Vehicle info: Partner has not purchased vehicles in the past and will not procure vehicles.

This activity supports GHI/LLC.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Blood Safety (HMBL): $1,233,429

Objectives and approaches

CHF in consortium with the Africa Society for Blood Transfusion (AFSBT) will contribute to the prevention of HIV transmission by supporting the provision of safe and sufficient blood in Kenya. It will support National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) and other blood safety partners to update Blood Safety policies to be in line with the new Kenya constitution and current international Blood Safety trends as guided by WHO. It will give expert guidance to all technical sub-committees of the NBTS TWG to ensure that highest standards of blood safety are met. It will contract and coordinate blood mobilizing partners who will adopt newer approaches of donor recruitment and retention including use of SMS, internet, tele-recruitment, and use of regional blood donation buses. It will support scaling up mass media campaigns to develop a culture of regular blood donation in Kenya. It will ensure quality in blood testing laboratories for TTIs and compatibility testing by adopting standard operating procedures and enrollment of NBTS in external quality assurance schemes. It will support NBTS in the WHO-AFRO stepwise accreditation process for its key laboratories to achieve international certification. It will promote component processing while up scaling appropriate utilization in transfusing facilities through training, mentorship and establishment of hospital transfusion committees. The M&E program will be strengthened so as to ensure data analysis and usage for decision making while strengthening software for information management system. CHF will support a biannual national blood needs and utilization assessment. It will advise on infrastructure development that will support collection, equitable access and distribution of blood to the rural areas while supporting innovative cold chain systems that can serve the Northern and arid parts of Kenya.

Integration with other activities

CHF will support the blood safety program in Kenya to ensure integration within the broader HIV program and other health programs. This will include HIV prevention and healthy lifestyles as well as cross-referrals across testing and treatment programs. It will also advocate for support by facility partners such as treatment and PMTCT to support appropriate utilization of blood while training the health workers on the same.

Coverage and scope

The activities will cover all potential blood donors from 16 years to 65 years in line with NBTS policy guidelines. CHF activities will be national and will be cross-cutting across all blood safety partners. CHF will train 100 TOTs and 500 health workers on blood safety, support formation of 100 hospital transfusion committees and coordinate mobilization of 137,000 units of blood.

Country ownership and Sustainability

CHF will build the capacity of AFSBT and other local partners including NBTS to ensure success of the blood safety project in Kenya beyond CHFs project period. It will use the training of trainer (TOT) model to ensure a pool of qualified trainers in-country; additionally it will support integration of blood safety training into pre-service curricula.

Subpartners Total: $0
African Society of Blood Transfusion : NA
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $450,000
Human Resources for Health $450,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
enumerations.Malaria (PMI)
Child Survival Activities
Safe Motherhood