Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2007 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 4913
Country/Region: Kenya
Year: 2009
Main Partner: FHI 360
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $18,159,082

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $2,150,000

Updated April 2009 Reprogramming. Increased by $150,000. Partnership Framework: Scale up - improved

and standardized integration of HIV services into MCH and improved and standardized models of follow up

care and referrals. These activities will be implemented through various APHIA partners.


+ More emphasis on decentralization of HIV care and treatment as well as TB services through capacity

building and task shifting

+Male involvement through targeted couple counseling

+Greater involvement of HIV+ mentor mothers

+ Quality improvement through standards based management and recognition


This activity supports key attributions in human capacity development through the training of health care

service providers on PMTCT and other HIV prevention and care topics in order to equip them with

knowledge and skills to provide quality PMTCT services. These service providers include Doctors, Nurses,

Clinical Officers, Nutrition Officers and Health Record clerks. The activity will also support hiring of health

workers to fill critical gaps in service delivery.

COP 2008


This activity relates to Counseling and Testing, Palliative Care: TB/HIV and Palliative Care: Basic Health

Care and Support, HIV/AIDS Treatment: ARV Services, Condoms and Other Prevention Activities, and

Orphans and Vulnerable Children.


This APHIA II Coast activity will expand PMTCT services in the Coast Province, building on the support

previously provided through USAID's IMPACT and AMKENI EngenderHealth Projects. It aims to provide

universal uptake of counseling and testing (CT) and ARV prophylaxis in the province. In all the facilities

across the six districts, counseling and testing will be provided to 118,584 (94%) of 126,166 pregnant

women, and ARV prophylaxis to 6,326 (94%) of 6,726 HIV-positive women. Of these 3,164 will receive

AZT/NVP 1,265 HAART and 1897 single dose nevirapine only. 3,164 exposed infants will receive PCR for

early infant diagnosis. Service delivery will incorporate best practices, namely opt-out approach and rapid

testing. Sites will include, or will be linked to, comprehensive care centers. Opportunistic infection

prophylaxis, the use of more efficacious regimens for ARV prophylaxis and PMTCT plus services will start in

selected sites. Improved capacity to carry out postnatal follow up of infected mothers and exposed babies to

include early infant diagnosis especially in the mother and child health clinics (MCH) are priorities. Cost

barriers to ART uptake which include laboratory costs in its sites will be addressed. Significant changes

from 2008 include the universal provision of PMTCT services in the entire district, provincial hospitals and

high volume health centers, and the use of more efficacious regimens for ARV prophylaxis. Strategies to

provide CT in maternity services during labor and delivery, emphasis on complete ANC profile and birth

planning, improved obstetric care, HIV staging in both ANC and delivery units, ARV and OI prophylaxis,

ART for eligible women, access to HIV care and treatment and TB services for HIV+ pregnant women, their

infants, and family members through decentralization; extending CT services to include couples to reach

23,717 (20%) male partners, Provider Initiated Testing and Counseling (PITC) in family planning (FP) and

Child Welfare Clinics (CWC), improving access to FP services and deployment of additional counselors to

ANC sites are other important changes. Postnatal follow up of infants and mothers will include infant

diagnosis, cotrimoxazole prophylaxis, treatment, and counseling and support on maternal, infant and young

child nutrition and appropriate linkages for nutritional support. In 2009, the APHIA II Coast will support 350

sites, train 350 providers and provide logistical support, renovation, supervision and monitoring. Support to

PMTCT plus services will include training of service providers, strengthening of laboratory and commodity

logistics capacity, increased access to HB, FBC and CD4 assays and linkages to comprehensive care

centers. The program will support and strengthen functional lab networks, decentralization and task shifting

in initiation and provision of ART within MCH for mothers and their HIV infected infants in an effort to

improve access to HIV care and treatment services including ART. Operations research will focus on

improving service delivery. This activity will use the Ministry of Health's WHO/CDC-based curriculum for

training, comply with MOH's clinical and reporting guidelines, and participate in the MOH's Technical

Working Group. Community links in rural areas to provide support especially to HIV+ pregnant women will

be established through national organizations of PLWHA. Agreements with Provincial Medical Officers will

ensure that PMTCT skills are taught to multidisciplinary treatment and care teams at comprehensive care

facilities, and that primary HIV care is integrated into MCH clinics. HIV counseling and testing services to

partners and family members of pregnant women will be scaled up, thus addressing the fourth prong of the

PMTCT program strategy. This prong has remained largely unaddressed in Kenya. Emphasis will also be

placed on primary prevention for the majority of women identified as HIV negative through the PMTCT



PMTCT in this geographical area will significantly support PEPFAR goals for primary prevention and care

by contributing 9.1% of 2009 overall Emergency Plan PMTCT targets for Kenya. Additional sites contribute

to the program's efforts to achieve district wide coverage for services. Support to high volume health

centers, district and provincial hospitals to provide PMTCT plus services significantly increase opportunities

to identify HIV infected patients and potential candidates for ART. Access to services, medical treatment

and care will encourage rural women in underserved communities to attend antenatal care services. This

will facilitate postnatal follow up of HIV positive women, infants and their family members. This APHIA II

Coast activity also contributes substantively to Kenya's Five-year strategy of encouraging pregnant women

to know their status, availing services to reduce mother-to-child infections and providing HIV/AIDS treatment

as a step towards preserving the family unit. It also contributes to the strategy to integrate services and

improve the referral links.


This activity relates to CT, OVC, palliative care and and other prevention activities described under the

Activity Narrative: APHIA II Coast in other parts of the 09 COP. PMTCT plus services include counseling and testing which is

largely diagnostic, provision of ARV prophylaxis, management of opportunistic infections and ARV services.

Strengthening laboratory services and improving commodity logistic systems is a crucial part of HIV/AIDS

treatment services. Operations research on improving service delivery is included.


This APHIA II Coast activity targets adults of reproductive health age, pregnant women, family planning

clients, infants, people living with HIV/AIDS, HIV positive pregnant women and HIV positive infants. BCC

activities will involve community leaders and community based organizations to increase demand for

services. Strategies to improve quality of services will target Ministry of Health staff, doctors, nurses,

midwives, laboratory workers, pharmacists and other health care workers such as clinical officers and public

health officers.


This APHIA II Coast activity will increase gender equity in programming through partnering with women's

groups in the design and implementation of community mobilization approaches. The behavior change

communication (BCC) activities will promote a family approach to PMTCT. This will address male norms,

encourage male participation and help reduce stigma and discrimination. Increased availability of services

will also reduce stigma.


This activity includes emphasis on human capacity development through training, supportive supervision

and task shifting, local organization capacity development and improvement in strategic information. Wrap

around program with the PMI, family planning and safe motherhood, TB and nutrition programs will be

linked with this activity.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14806

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14806 8764.08 U.S. Agency for Family Health 6948 4913.08 APHIA II - Coast $2,000,000

International International


8764 8764.07 U.S. Agency for Family Health 4913 4913.07 APHIA II - Coast $950,000

International International


Emphasis Areas


* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

* Reducing violence and coercion

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Child Survival Activities

* Family Planning

* Malaria (PMI)

* Safe Motherhood

* TB

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $156,450

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.01:

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $1,739,350


+ Geographic coverage has been expanded to include three additional districts in the Coast Province:

Taveta, Lamu, and Tana Delta

+ Peer education activities will be rolled out with the Kenya Girl Guides Association

+ Most-at-risk populations in beaches will be targeted with combination prevention messaging

+ Specific AB messages will target both adult men and women with the aim to reduce multiple concurrent


+ This activity will incorporate $300,000 for HIV Free Generation activities targeting youth

COP 2008

The only changes to the program since approval in the 2007 COP are:

• Geographic coverage has been expanded to include 3 additional districts in the Coast Province: Kilindini,

Kaloleni and Tana River

• $300,000 of this activity supports the healthy youth initiative and is programmed with funds from the $7

million FY 08 plus up

• Peer education activities will be rolled out with the Kenya Girl Guides Association

• AB funds totaling $23,000 will contribute to the sensitization of teachers as a worksite population linking

with additional OP and OHPS funds for a $150,000 activity to reach 750 teachers and train 20 more

• Most-at-risk populations in Mariakani along the Mombasa-Kampala transport corridor will be targeted with

prevention activities using a "cluster" approach


This activity relates to activities in HIV/AIDS Treatment: ARV Services (#8813), Counseling and Testing

(#8781), Orphans and Vulnerable Children (#9048), Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

(#8934), Palliative Care: TB/HIV (#9062), Condoms and Other Prevention Activities (#8930), Prevention of

Mother-to-Child Transmission (#8764), Strategic Information (#9711).


$300,000 of this activity supports the HIV Free Generation activities. In 2009, FHI will implement APHIA II

Coast activities to reach 347,870 individuals, especially youth, and train 2,416 peer educators. AB activities

will be expanded to 3 additional districts in the Coast Province. They will employ the 360-degree Model of

Protection that seeks to delay first sexual encounter and increase secondary abstinence among youth ages

10 to 24 years, as well as increase safer sexual practices among sexually active youth, especially mutual

fidelity. The model calls upon families, schools, health facilities and communities to meet the HIV/AIDS and

RH needs of youth by developing activities that build the capacity of young people to establish and maintain

healthy behaviors to avoid HIV and STIs. The model aims to provide young people with a supportive

environment that involves their family, peers, school, and community. The activity will be implemented by

FBO sub-partners such as Anglican, Seventh Day Adventist and Catholic churches as well as the Muslim

institutions to integrate life skills programs with their youth programs. These programs have been equipping

youth with skills to cope with peer pressure and help them develop positive norms and values to make

appropriate and safe choices in relationships. In addition, the activity will work with Kenya Girl Guides

Association (KGGA) to reach out to more youth in school with abstinence only messages through a life skills

program and the "Sara" communication initiative. Malindi Education Development Association (MEDA) will

target Muslim youth in Malindi with abstinence and be faithful programs. The activity will also develop,

produce and distribute abstinence-specific communication materials through the various partners and

networks implementing the activity in Coast Province. The activity will expand the youth peer education

interventions using the Y-PEER approach established by YouthNet and UNFPA; work with the Provincial

Education Office and KGGA to roll out the life skills peer education program established under the IMPACT

Project for schools in Coast Province. In addition, the activity will work with the Kenya sign language project

(implemented by U.S. Peace Corps) to introduce HIV/AIDS education to institutions such as computer

colleges, driving schools, village polytechnics, and Shanzu Teachers Training College. The project will also

use the AIDS education approaches of "I Choose Life" who have developed a peer education program for

university students and the National Organization of Peer Educaotors' Ambassadors of Change. Sub

awards will be made to the National Organization for Peer Educators, YouthNet, the Kenya Girl Guides

Association, Malindi Education Development Association, Seventh day Adventist, Anglican and Catholic

churches in Coast province.


This APHIA II Coast project will contribute to the Kenya 5-Year Strategy in which youth are a primary target.

This activity will reach 347,870 youth and adults with abstinence and being faithful messages in Coast

Province. Targets in this project will also contribute to numbers of HIV infections averted.


The APHIA II Coast Abstinence and Be Faithful Program activities will relate to HIV/AIDS treatment services

(#8813), counseling and testing (#8781), OVC (#9048), HBHC (#8934), TB/HIV care activities (#9062), OP

(#8930), PMCT (#8764), and strategic information (#9711). This activity will link the target population to

other prevention services especially for the sexually active youth and also encourage all to know their status

by linking to counseling and testing services and treatment for those eligible for ART.


In- and out-of-school youth and community and religious leaders in coast province are the target group. This

target population will be reached through local community, religious leaders, and teachers.


Gender will be addressed through many school programs including those targeting young girls and

specifically work with the Kenya Girl Guide Association. The materials developed under this activity will also

address issues surrounding stigma and discrimination.


Emphasis areas covered by this activity include local organization capacity development as a high

Activity Narrative: percentage of effort. Activities will include peer education and training teachers and other leaders to

promote AB messages for youth. In addition, the program emphasis includes community mobilization

through religious leaders and teachers, information, education and communication through the development

and printing of materials such as comic books and magazines articles, and curricula targeting youth and

promoting AB.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14807

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14807 8950.08 U.S. Agency for Family Health 6948 4913.08 APHIA II - Coast $2,000,000

International International


8950 8950.07 U.S. Agency for Family Health 4913 4913.07 APHIA II - Coast $1,675,000

International International


Emphasis Areas


* Addressing male norms and behaviors

* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Child Survival Activities

* Family Planning

* Malaria (PMI)

* Safe Motherhood

* TB

Workplace Programs

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.02:

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $2,069,850


+ Geographic coverage has been expanded to include Taveta, Tana Delta and Lamu.

+ Clients of sex workers will be targeted with specific interventions that focus on consistent condom use and

knowing of status.

+ Specific prevention messaging targeting women, men and discordant couples will be incorporated into CT

interventions. Specific messages will be developed for each target group.

+ This activity will incorporate $300,000 for HIV Free Generation activities focusing on youth.

+ This activity will target police, uniformed services, women, opinion leaders, and others on issues of

gender-based violence.

COP 2008

The only changes to the program since approval in the 2007 COP are:

•Geographic coverage has been expanded to include 4 additional districts in the Coast Province: Kaloleni,

Kinango, Kilindini and Tana River totaling 10 districts

•$100,000 of this OP activity is programmed with funds from the $7 million FY08 plus-up for the Youth

Prevention Initiative

•OP funds totaling $29,000 will contribute to the sensitization of teachers as a worksite population linking

with additional AB and OHPS funds for a $150,000 activity to reach 750 teachers and train 20 more

•APHIA II Coast will work with police, uniformed services, women, opinion leaders and others on issues of

gender-based violence


This activity relates to activities in HIV/AIDS Treatment: ARV Services (#8813), Counseling and Testing

(#8781), Orphans and Vulnerable Children (#9048), Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

(#8934), Palliative Care: TB/HIV (#9062), Abstinence and Be Faithful Programs (#8950), Prevention of

Mother-to-Child Transmission (#8764).


In 2009, FHI will implement APHIA II Coast to reach 880,787 individuals through community outreach

programs, train 2,617 individuals and distribute condoms through 2282 outlets. The activity will build on

HIV/AIDS Other Prevention activities implemented under the 06 COP. It will reach 880,787 individuals

through community outreach programs and train 2,617 people through existing local NGOs, FBOs and

private sector. The activity will focus on reaching individuals in formal and informal settings. Under the

leadership of the National Organization of Peer Educators (NOPE), the activity will target women and men

at worksites and youth at risk. The local NGO and FBOs will target other high-risk populations including low-

income community women, sex workers, truck drivers, cattle traders, uniformed services, discordant

couples and women in churches and mosques in the Coast Province. Technical assistance partners will

continue to provide assistance and capacity building to partner organizations to implement behavior change

prevention programs. The program will link with and provide referrals to existing networks of HIV/AIDS

counseling and testing, home-based care and ART programs in the program areas, creating

"comprehensive care centers." This intervention will result in reduced HIV risk in the general population,

especially among young adults. They will provide increased access to HIV/AIDS prevention services for

high-risk and under-served populations, and increase awareness of HIV/AIDS preventive behaviors through

the Ministry of Health and other partners. This will also include targeted condom promotion and distribution

to high-risk populations through 2282 condom outlets and improved quality of STI services working through

the Ministry of Health and other partners. Prevention activities will include the following: targeting out-of-

school and most at risk youth with prevention information and referral to youth friendly services; supporting

peer education interventions with sex workers in Malindi, Mombasa, Kilifi and Kwale districts and link them

to VCT, PMTCT, care and support services; support prevention efforts among the uniformed services by

working with the provincial police AIDS Control Unit (ACU) to expand the police peer education program to

four districts in the Coast Province; expand the peer education program targeting truck drivers, loaders, and

seafarers and link the activities to the existing ROADS Project; support prevention programs targeting hard-

to-reach MARPS such as the MSM and injection drug users and the geographically hidden populations

such as Orma and Wadei Somalis in Tana River; provide counseling, information and prevention to HIV-

positive individuals through peer and provider education, outreach services and regional mass media. In

addition, the activity will target people with disabilities and assist them to gain access to integrated networks

for care, treatment and support activities. Local implementing partners will integrate prevention messages

into models of care and support for OVC and PLWAs. Technical assistance will continue to be provided to

implementing partners implementing behavior change communication programs in HIV and substance

abuse and develop new print materials addressing alcohol abuse, stigma and discrimination.


This activity will contribute to the Kenya 5-Year Strategy that focuses on HIV prevention targeting high-risk

groups. Targets in this project will contribution to HIV infections averted.


The APHIA II Coast Other Prevention activities will relate to HIV/AIDS treatment services (#8813),

counseling and testing (#8781), OVC (#9048), HBHC (#8934), TB/HIV care activities (#9062), AB (#8950),

PMCT (#8764).


Men and women in the work place, male and female sex workers and their partners and clients, and other

high-risk population including truck drivers and out-of-school youth.


This APHIA II TBD project will have a strong gender component. Activities will target men in the workplace

and low-income women in the community.


Community mobilization/participation will be implemented to reach the communities surrounding worksites.

Activity Narrative: Individuals will be referred for other HIV/AIDS related services, especially counseling and testing services.

In addition, peer educators in worksites who are also targeting the community will be trained to provide

information related to HIV/AIDS including condom distribution. APHIA II Coast will undertake Prevention

with Positives (PwP) activities working through PLWA support groups linked to the Comprehensive Care

Centers in Coast province. $50,000 of unallocated funds will provide support to patient support groups in

the CCCS and post-test clubs at VCT centers to ensure promotion of faithfulness and condom use by HIV-

infected persons. This will empower 5 HIV+ people in each of 10 patient support groups to become peer

and advocacy leaders in prevention at the community level and will reach 10,000 PLWAs.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14808

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14808 8930.08 U.S. Agency for Family Health 6948 4913.08 APHIA II - Coast $1,800,000

International International


8930 8930.07 U.S. Agency for Family Health 4913 4913.07 APHIA II - Coast $2,190,000

International International


Emphasis Areas


* Addressing male norms and behaviors

* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Child Survival Activities

* Family Planning

* Malaria (PMI)

* Safe Motherhood

* TB

Workplace Programs

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.03:

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $239,882

This PHE activity, "Alcohol Harm Reduction Intervention Among Female Sex Workers In The Coast

Province In Kenya" was approved for inclusion in the COP. The PHE tracking ID associated with this

activity is KE.09.0235. This PHE is NEW in COP 09.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Emphasis Areas

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Public Health Evaluation $239,882

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.03:

Funding for Prevention: Injecting and Non-Injecting Drug Use (IDUP): $300,000


+ Geographic coverage has been expanded to include three additional districts in the Coast Province: Tana

Delta, Lamu and Taveta totaling 13 districts

+ APHIA II will collaborate with community based organizations working with IDUs to integrate HIV

prevention among IDUs in the Coast region. This activity will contribute to outreach educational programs

targeting IDUs.

+ This activity was previously undertaken through other prevention programs.

COP 2008


This activity relates to activities in HIV/AIDS Treatment: ARV Services (#8813), Counseling and Testing

(#8781), Orphans and Vulnerable Children (#9048), Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support

(#8934), Palliative Care: TB/HIV (#9062), Abstinence and Be Faithful Programs (#8950), Prevention of

Mother-to-Child Transmission (#8764).


In 2009, FHI will reach 6,000 IDUS through outreach programs, train 500 individuals on IDU and HIV and

distribute condoms to IDU through 200 outlets. The activity will build on HIV/AIDS Other Prevention

activities implemented under the 08 COP. It will reach IDUs through community outreach programs and

train people through existing local NGOs, FBOs and the private sector. The activity will focus on reaching

individuals in though their peer Networks in Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, Malindi and Lamu and drug

rehabilitation centers in Mombasa and Malindi.

FHI will work to improve the capacity of local organizations in the Coast Province working with IDUs to

implement effective HIV prevention interventions among IDUs. These include the Muslim Education and

Welfare Association (MEWA), Reach Out, Darat, Omari Project and Tawfiq hospital in Malindi. APHIA II

Coast will target IDUs in the community and at rehabilitation centres.

APHIA II program will develop comprehensive programs targeting IDUs which will include risk reduction

counseling, condom distribution, community based outreach, information and education that will address

HIV prevention and risk reduction. IDUs will be referred for other services such as counseling and testing,

ART, palliative care services, STI and TB treatment.

Technical assistance partners will continue to provide assistance and capacity building to partner

organizations to implement HIV Prevention interventions among IDUs. The program will link with and

provide referrals to existing networks of HIV/AIDS counseling and testing, home-based care and ART

programs in the program areas, creating "comprehensive care centers." This intervention will result in

reduced HIV risk among IDUs and the general population, especially among young adults. The intervention

will provide increased access to HIV/AIDS prevention services for high-risk and under-served populations,

and increase awareness of HIV/AIDS preventive behaviors through the Ministry of Health and other

partners. This will also include targeted condom promotion and distribution to this high-risk populations

through 200 condom outlets and improved quality of STI services working through the Ministry of Health

and other partners.


This activity will contribute to the Kenya 5-Year Strategy that focuses on HIV prevention targeting high-risk

groups. Targets in this project will contribution to HIV infections averted.


The APHIA II Coast Other Prevention activities will relate to HIV/AIDS treatment services (#8813),

counseling and testing (#8781), OVC (#9048), HBHC (#8934), TB/HIV care activities (#9062), AB (#8950),

PMTCT (#8764).


IDUs in the community and rehabilitation centers and their partners and clients.


This APHIA II project will have a strong gender component. Activities will target both men and women IDUs

in the community.


Community mobilization/participation will be implemented to reach the IDUs in identified locations in the

community. Individuals will be referred for other HIV/AIDS related services, especially counseling and

testing services. In addition, peer educators will be trained to provide information related to HIV/AIDS

including condom distribution and referral. APHIA II Coast will undertake Prevention with Positives (PwP)

among the IDUs through PLWA support groups linked to the Comprehensive Care Centers in Coast


New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14807

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14807 8950.08 U.S. Agency for Family Health 6948 4913.08 APHIA II - Coast $2,000,000

International International


8950 8950.07 U.S. Agency for Family Health 4913 4913.07 APHIA II - Coast $1,675,000

International International


Emphasis Areas


* Addressing male norms and behaviors

* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Family Planning

* Malaria (PMI)

* TB

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.06:

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $1,270,000



This activity supports key cross-cutting attributions in human capacity development through its training

program for health workers ($80,000).


This activity will provide integrated and comprehensive home and basic health care to 45,000 people with

HIV/AIDS linked to 58 comprehensive care centers. Through a training of trainers, primary care facility

health workers will be trained to provide comprehensive and integrated care training to home /community

based care workers. They in turn will train the primary care givers at home, which will complement the

facility based services. At the health facility clinics integrated training following NASCOP/DRH/Malaria/NLTP

curricula will be offered to some identified staff so that they may offer services for the prevention,

identification and management of OIs, monitoring of the infected adults, children and their families, coupled

with appropriate counseling and education. All babies born and children of HIV infected mothers will be

followed up at the CCCs or MCHs and appropriately managed. A HBC desk will be established to manage

referrals to and from the community. The community based component will include treatment literacy, basic

management of OIs, antiretroviral treatment (ART) and TB treatment adherence, adequate nutrition, home

hygiene and nursing skills , malaria prevention and treatment, FP and identification and referral of clients

suspected of having HIV and TB. Formal linkages between health facilities and the community-based

activities will be created to enhance effective care, follow-up, and tracking of referrals and assessment of

patient satisfaction with the services. Both formal health care workers and community and home based care

volunteer workers will be trained on effective referral. Lay treatment support volunteers will be recruited and

trained, using the curricula to provide psychosocial support, adherence support for ART, TB and regular

clinic visits. This activity will also lead to the mobilization and strengthening of organizational and

institutional capacity of ten District institutions to integrate, plan, lead, monitor and evaluate home and

community care support programs. Quality assurance and quality improvement of this activity, for both

facility and community interventions will be key in ensuring that standards of care are met. Care providers

will be trained on the Ministry of Health SOPs. Through this activity, the organizational capacity of PLWA

groups will be strengthened so as enable them to be pro-active leaders, advocates and participants in the

response to the epidemic. In addition, this activity will lead to the linkage of 7,000 families with economic

support programs. Community members including PLWA and older OVC will be trained on this methodology

and also in basic financial management and skills for their projects and also linked to other microfinance

institutions operating in the region. To ensure continued support for this effort at the community level, FBOs,

CBOs, PLHA groups, women and youth groups will be trained in basic program and financial management

skills as part of capacity building. Training of paralegals and child counselors will be expanded to the

Districts of Kwale, Taita-Taveta, Lamu and Tana River.

The activity will be implemented by partners such as Catholic Arch Diocese of Mombasa, Catholic Diocese

of Malindi as well as Coast people living with AIDS (COPE). With initiation of ART, the number of registered

PLHA groups increased. However, in spite of the commitment of members of these groups, the

organizations are structurally weak and have not played a key role in HIV/AIDS programming in coast. In

order to address this, the activity will work with National empowerment of networks of people living with

HIV/AIDS in Kenya (NEPHAK) and women fighting AIDS in Kenya (WOFAK) to build the technical capacity

of these organizations and assist them to implement programs in their communities. Social impact will work

intensively with these groups to strengthen their organizational capacity.

Provision of safe water supply in the homestead will be supported to reach 20,000 families through the use

of approved hypo chloride treatment of water used for drinking and preparation of food. In addition, these

families will be linked to a supply of insecticides treated bed nets targeting especially those with pregnant

women and children less than five years. Nutritionally deficient bed ridden patients will be supported with

food supplements. Vulnerable households will be linked to food security and extension services.


The APHIA II Coast will reach 45,000 clients through the home based care program and 1,500 individuals

will be trained to provide palliative care at home. This APHIA II Coast activity responds to NACC's priority

areas #2 "Improve the quality of life of people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS" and #3 "Mitigation of socio

-economic impact". It is expected that the APHIA II Coast will adhere to GOK policies and guidelines and

participate in national-level HIV technical working groups.


These APHIA II Coast activities will be tightly linked to the FY 2009 activities across the spectrum of care

including programmes of Orphans and vulnerable children, Prevention of Mother to child HIV transmission,

TB/HIV, RH/FP services, Abstinence and Behavior change and Counseling and testing. It will also link with

programs providing appropriate nutrition for PLWHA.


These APHIA II Coast activities target people living with HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS affected families, and

caregivers of OVC and PLWHA. It also targets the community, in order to improve community support and

the health care providers in public, private and faith based health facilities.


This activity will address Stigma and Discrimination associated with people infected and affected by HIV, as

well as increasing gender equity in programming through the delivery of key messages, Linkages will be

created with systems/groups offering support in health, psychosocial aspects, food, microfinance, and

reproductive health. Also to provide access to increased resources in order to address the wide spectrum of

problems that is faced by households when dealing with a debilitating disease in an adult family member.


The main Emphasis Areas for these activities will be workplace HIV prevention; care and treatment

Activity Narrative: programs that target both adults and children, as well as Health Related Wraparound Programs addressing

Family Planning and Safe Motherhood needs of adults.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14809

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14809 8934.08 U.S. Agency for Family Health 6948 4913.08 APHIA II - Coast $1,205,000

International International


8934 8934.07 U.S. Agency for Family Health 4913 4913.07 APHIA II - Coast $300,000

International International


Emphasis Areas

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Family Planning

* Safe Motherhood

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $80,000

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.08:

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $4,400,000


The narrative has been split to reflect adult and pediatric care and support and treatment. References to

targets have been updated including emphasis areas and budgets.


This activity supports key cross-cutting attributions in human capacity development through its training

program for health workers ($400,000).

COP 2008


These APHIA II Coast activities will be tightly linked to the FY 2008 activities and across the continuum of

care with other services supported by APHIA II Coast in basic HIV care and support, Orphans and

vulnerable children, Prevention of Mother to child HIV transmission, TB/HIV, RH/FP services, Abstinence

and Behavior change and Counseling.


This APHIA II Coast activity will be carried in all the districts through consolidating established HIV

treatment programs and expanding the activities to include all health centers and high volume dispensaries

(both private and GOK facilities). As a result of these activities, 10,000 people with HIV will initiate

antiretroviral therapy and 20,000 will be receiving antiretroviral therapy and follow-up at 130 central and

satellite ART sites at the end of the period. A total of 300 health care workers will be trained in the provision

of antiretroviral therapy (ART). This includes 120 staff being trained on rational use of ART and 180 trained

on IMAI - Integrated Management of Adult and adolescent illness for the rural health facility based health

care workers). Other activities will include infrastructure improvements for the service delivery areas and

laboratories, supply of equipments and commodities such as laboratory reagents and pharmaceuticals,

production and dissemination of patient education materials addressing adherence to antiretroviral therapy,

prevention among positives, strengthening the clinical mentorship, QA/QI and supervision structure.

In addition to supporting outpatient provision of ARVs specific activities will increase the opportunities to

identify eligible patients for ART in key areas, such as the in-patient wards, TB clinics (TB-HIV co-infected

patients) and from MCH-FP services. The laboratory networks for CD4 count tests, involving all health

facilities offering HIV care & treatment, will be strengthened and improved to ensure that all HIV-infected

patients have access to CD4 tests and are evaluated for eligibility for ART. All services will be tightly linked

across the spectrum of care with other services in basic home-based care and community support in

conjunction with systems strengthening. District based mentorship teams will support the effective

decentralization of quality HIV care and treatment services. Health care workers and PLHIV who have

openly disclosed their HIV status will be trained and appropriately deployed at the ART sites to advocate for

ART adherence at health facility and community level.

The above activity will also target the private sector through the Gold Star Network (GSN) initiative, which

involves working with private medical practitioners (medical doctors, clinical officers, nurses), private

hospitals and nursing homes and workplace clinics. An additional 45 providers in the private sector will be

recruited and trained to offer comprehensive HIV care and treatment in the Coast through GSN. The

providers within the network will be linked with the public sector through the GSN support centers to access

laboratory facilities and PEPFAR drugs for patients who can not afford to purchase the ARV.


These APHIA II Coast activities will greatly contribute to USG's 5-year strategy in support of Kenya's

integrated HIV/AIDS programs by expanding established ART programs to include new areas in Coast

province. As a result of these activities, 10,000 new patients will receive ARVs, contribute to the results of

expansion of ART treatment for clinically qualified HIV positive patients, strengthen human resource

capacity to deliver ART treatment, and strengthen referral network for provision of ART. The number of

individuals who ever received ARVs by the end of reporting period will be 24,000.


These APHIA II Coast activities will be tightly linked to the FY 2008 activities and across the continuum of

care with other services supported by APHIA II Coast in basic HIV care and support, Orphans and

vulnerable children, Prevention of Mother to child HIV transmission, TB/HIV, RH/FP services, Abstinence

and Behavior change and Counseling and testing. It will also link with programs providing appropriate

Nutrition for PLWHA.


These APHIA II Coast activities target people affected by HIV/AIDS, people living with HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS

affected families, and caregivers of OVC and PLWHA. It also targets the community, in order to improve

community support and the health care providers in public, private and faith based health facilities.


The main Emphasis Areas for these activities will be workplace HIV prevention; care and treatment

programs that target both adults and children, as well as Health Related Wraparound Programs addressing

Family Planning and Safe Motherhood needs of adults

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14813

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14813 8813.08 U.S. Agency for Family Health 6948 4913.08 APHIA II - Coast $4,900,000

International International


8813 8813.07 U.S. Agency for Family Health 4913 4913.07 APHIA II - Coast $2,960,000

International International


Emphasis Areas

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Child Survival Activities

* Family Planning

* Safe Motherhood

Workplace Programs

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $400,000

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.09:

Funding for Care: Pediatric Care and Support (PDCS): $140,000



This activity supports key cross-cutting attributions in human capacity development through its training

program for health workers ($15,000)


These activities will be tightly linked to the FY 2008 activities and to other APHIA II Coast activities including

HIV treatment, orphans and vulnerable children, Prevention of Mother to Child HIV Transmission, TB/HIV,

RH/FP services, Abstinence and Behavior change and counseling and testing. It will also link with programs

providing appropriate Nutrition for PLWHA.


This APHIA II Coast activity will be carried out in all districts of Coast Province. This activity will provide an

integrated and comprehensive home and basic health care package to 5,000 children with HIV/AIDS that is

linked to 100 comprehensive care centers and a network of Rural Health Facilities (RHFs). The activities will

involve the intensified identification of HIV-exposed and infected children both at the facility and community

level. In MCH settings, 6,400 blood samples for DBS will be collected for early infant diagnosis from HIV-

exposed infants and those accompanied by mothers with unknown HIV status. The DBS networks will be

strengthened to include all facilities offering PMTCT services in the supported areas. Health care workers

from these sites will be orientated on the standard operating procedures for effective collection of samples

and timely retrieval of results. All babies and children of HIV infected mothers will be followed up at the

CCCs or MCHs and appropriately managed. A case manager will manage referrals to and from the

community. DBS collection will be closely linked to Cotrimoxazole prophylaxis, immunization schedule and

regular growth & nutritional monitoring. A total of 200 health care workers will be trained on infant and

young child feeding (IYCF) in order to strengthen the care components. The laboratory networks for CD4

count tests will be strengthened and improved to ensure that all infected Children are screened to assess

eligibility for ART. Provision of safe water supply in the homestead will be supported to reach clients

households. In addition, these families will be linked to a supply of insecticides treated bed nets targeting

especially those with pregnant women and children under five years. The above activity will also target the

private sector approach through the Gold Star Network (GSN) initiative working with private medical

practitioners (medical doctors, clinical officers, nurses), private hospitals and nursing homes and workplace



These APHIA II Coast activities will expand established pediatric care and support sites within the HIV

programs to include new areas in Coast province. As a result of these activities, 5,000 children will be

offered facility based care and support; they will have clinical, psychological, social, spiritual and nutritional

care during both specific clinics and the support groups, led by child peers.


These activities will be tightly linked to the FY 2008 activities and to other APHIA II Coast activities including

HIV treatment, orphans and vulnerable children, Prevention of Mother to Child HIV Transmission, TB/HIV,

RH/FP services, Abstinence and Behavior change and counseling and testing. It will also link with programs

providing appropriate Nutrition for PLWHA.


These APHIA II Coast activities targets people affected by HIV/AIDS, orphans and vulnerable children,

people living with HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS affected families, HIV positive infants and children and caregivers of

OVC and PLWHA. It also targets the community, in order to improve community support and the health care

providers in public, private and faith based health facilities.


The main Emphasis Areas for these activities will be workplace HIV prevention; care and treatment

programs that target both adults and children, as well as Health Related Wraparound Programs addressing

Family Planning and Safe Motherhood needs of adults.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14809

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14809 8934.08 U.S. Agency for Family Health 6948 4913.08 APHIA II - Coast $1,205,000

International International


8934 8934.07 U.S. Agency for Family Health 4913 4913.07 APHIA II - Coast $300,000

International International


Emphasis Areas

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Family Planning

* Safe Motherhood

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $15,000

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.10:

Funding for Treatment: Pediatric Treatment (PDTX): $500,000



This activity supports key cross-cutting attributions in human capacity development through its training

program for health workers ($50,000)


This activity relates to activities in Counselling and Testing, Paediatric Care and Support, Adult care and

Treatment, TB/HIV, and PMTCT.


This APHIA II Coast activity will be carried in all the districts by consolidating established HIV treatment

programs and expanding the Pediatric ART activities to all health centers and high volume dispensaries

offering adult ART (both private and GOK facilities). As a result of these activities, 1,470 new pediatric

patients will initiate antiretroviral therapy (ART) and 2,600 will be receiving ART at the end of the period,

which will bring the total ever treated to 3,120. These services will be provided at 100 central and satellite

ART sites. A total of 60 health care workers will be trained in pediatric HIV management and psychosocial

care. Other activities will include infrastructure improvements for the service delivery areas and

laboratories, supply of equipments and commodities such as laboratory reagents and pharmaceuticals,

production and dissemination of patient education materials addressing adherence to antiretroviral therapy,

prevention among positives, strengthening the clinical mentorship, QA-QI and supervision structure. In

addition to supporting outpatient provision of Pediatric ARVs, specific activities will increase the

opportunities to identify eligible patients for ART in the key areas such as the in-patient wards, TB clinics

(TB-HIV co-infected patients) and from MCH-FP services and other community support services i.e. OVC

and home based care program client families. All infants with positive DBS results will be started on ART.

The laboratory networks for CD4 count tests, involving all health facilities offering HIV care and treatment,

will be strengthened and improved to ensure that all HIV-infected patients have access to CD4 tests and are

evaluated for eligibility for ART. All services will be closely linked across the spectrum of care with other

services in basic home-based care and community support in conjunction with systems strengthening.

District based mentorship teams will support the effective decentralization of quality HIV care and treatment

services. Health care workers and PLHIV who have openly disclosed their HIV status will be trained on

pediatric psychosocial support and appropriately deployed at the ART sites to advocate for ART adherence

at health facility and community level. Relevant pediatric IEC materials will disseminated to educate

patients, parents and guardians attending ART clinics to enhance adherence to the ARV. The above activity

will also target the private sector approach through the Gold Star Network (GSN) initiative working with

private medical practitioners (medical doctors, clinical officers, nurses), private hospitals and nursing homes

and workplace clinics; additional 15 providers in the private sector will be recruited and will be trained to

offer Comprehensive Pediatric HIV Management in Coast through GSN. The providers within the network

will be linked with the public sector through the GSN support centers to access laboratory facilities and

PEPFAR drugs for patients who can not afford to purchase the ARV.


These APHIA II Coast activities will expand established pediatric ART programs to include new areas in

Coast province. As a result of these activities, 1,470 new patients will receive ARVs, contributing to the

results of expansion of ART treatment for clinically qualified HIV positive, pediatric patients, strengthen

human resource capacity to deliver pediatric ART treatment, and strengthen referral network for provision of

pediatric ART.


These APHIA II Coast activities will be tightly linked to the FY 2009 activities and across the spectrum of

care with other services supported by APHIA II Coast in Palliative care, Orphans and vulnerable children,

Prevention of Mother to child HIV transmission, TB/HIV, RH/FP services, Abstinence and Behavior change

and counseling and testing. It will also link with programs providing appropriate nutrition for PLWHA.


These APHIA II Coast activities target people affected by HIV/AIDS, Orphans and vulnerable children,

people living with HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS affected families, HIV positive infants and children and caregivers of

OVC and PLWHA. It also targets the community, in order to improve community support and the health care

providers in public, private and faith based health facilities.


The main Emphasis Areas for these activities will be workplace HIV prevention; care and treatment

programs that target both adults and children, as well as Health Related Wraparound Programs addressing

Family Planning and Safe Motherhood needs of adults.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14813

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14813 8813.08 U.S. Agency for Family Health 6948 4913.08 APHIA II - Coast $4,900,000

International International


8813 8813.07 U.S. Agency for Family Health 4913 4913.07 APHIA II - Coast $2,960,000

International International


Emphasis Areas

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Child Survival Activities

* Family Planning

* Malaria (PMI)

* Safe Motherhood

* TB

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $50,000

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.11:

Funding for Care: TB/HIV (HVTB): $350,000



This activity supports key cross-cutting attributions in human capacity development through its training

program that targets health workers ($35,000).


The activity will link to APHIA Coast other activities in CT, Palliative Care: Basic Health Care and Support ,

ARV services , Condoms and Other Prevention , Orphans and Vulnerable Children , Prevention of Mother

to Child Transmission and Abstinence and Be Faithful.


This APHIA II Coast activity has been supported in 9 out of 13 districts of Coast Province. Intensified HIV

screening of TB patients will be part of the institutionalized TB/HIV collaboration and PITC in all TB

diagnostic and continuation centers. This activity will provide clinical prophylaxis and treatment for TB to

500 HIV patients and HIV counseling and testing to 1,000 TB patients. It will also support training of HIV

and TB care staff on routine PITC of TB suspects and cases using the TB-HIV curriculum. The project will

provide additional staff if required, support intensified screening of HIV cases for TB, support upgrading of

laboratories with additional equipment, and renovation of laboratory space, as necessary. CTX prophylaxis

will be introduced for all HIV infected TB cases. Therapeutic and supplementary nutrition will be provided to

eligible TB/HIV patients. Planning, monitoring and supervisory mechanisms for collaborative activities will

be strengthened at provincial, district and TB zone levels. Isoniazide (INH) prophylaxis will be provided for

six months to HIV infected infants identified through PCR testing from DBS samples. The capacity of select

HIV/AIDS CBOs and local NGOs like Mkomani Clinic Society will be increased to integrate TB into their on-

going HIV/AIDS activities. Low literacy materials on TB/HIV will be supplied. The private providers who

cater for the lower socio-economic groups will be trained and linked to either the public HIV/AIDS and TB

programs or the Gold Star Network whose target is paying clients in the private sector. An estimated 90

public and private sector providers will be trained on TB-HIV. Intensified TB screening for HIV patients and

HIV screening for TB suspects/patients will be offered as a standard of care in all the facilities;

approximately 500 TB patients will be identified as being infected with both TB and HIV.


This APHIA II Coast TB/HIV care activity will provide clinical prophylaxis and treatment for TB to 500 HIV

patients, HIV counseling and testing to 1,000 TB patients and train 90 health workers in TB/HIV related

activities in 14 health care facilities in Coast Province.

4. LINKS TO OTHER ACTIVITIES The activity will link to APHIA Coast other activities in CT, Palliative

Care: Basic Health Care and Support , ARV services , Condoms and Other Prevention , Orphans and

Vulnerable Children , Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission and Abstinence and Be Faithful that all

seek to provide comprehensive district based services coordinated at the provincial level.


This activity targets People Living with HIV/AIDS, HIV/AIDS affected families and individuals diagnosed with



The main Emphasis Areas for these activities will be workplace HIV prevention; care and treatment

programs that target both adults and children, as well as Health Related Wraparound Programs addressing

Family Planning and Safe Motherhood needs of adults.

Project emphasis is intensified TB screening and prevention for the HIV infected patients at health facility

level, but with enhanced emphases in community mobilization/participation, development referral systems,

local organizations' capacity development, workplace programs, and IEC materials provision. APHIA II

Coast will intensify provider-driven PITC in health care settings seeking to enhance testing in TB diagnostic

centers that currently do not provide ART services. These facilities are largely health centers and

dispensaries that offer TB diagnostic services but are not providing ART. HIV positive patients identified via

these activities will be referred to nearby treatment sites. This will complement the current PITC program

that has intensified testing in facilities where both TB and ART services are provided.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14810

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14810 9062.08 U.S. Agency for Family Health 6948 4913.08 APHIA II - Coast $390,000

International International


9062 9062.07 U.S. Agency for Family Health 4913 4913.07 APHIA II - Coast $400,000

International International


Emphasis Areas

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Family Planning

* Safe Motherhood

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $35,000

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.12:

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $2,000,000


+ Prime partner Family Health International has been competitively selected to implement the activity.

+The activity will place an emphasis on the HIV counseling and testing of children with a focus on provider-

initiated home and community-based testing as an entry for care and support services to children. Using the

opt-out approach; the activity will test 90% of OVC enrolled; targeting approximately 22,500 with testing and

counseling. Of those tested, approximately 1,800 will be identified as HIV-exposed or infected and enrolled

into facility-based HIV care and treatment services to receive cotrimoxazole (CTX), evaluation for ART

eligibility and other basic HIV care services.

+ In 2009, the activity will support the referral of particularly vulnerable OVC to the Nutrition and HIV/AIDS

Program and ensure that an increased number of OVC requiring food and nutritional services will be

reached with food supplements procured through the NHP.

+ In 2009, the activity will support the development of OVC standards for Kenya and in supporting quality

improvement approaches for monitoring and improving the quality of OVC programs at the provincial level.

+ In FY09, the activity will also focus on integrating prevention activities. The activity will link with prevention

programs to support male circumcision and counseling and testing for OVC as well as prevention with

positives for adolescents.

+In 2009, the activity will also focus on establishing appropriate linkages with PMI and ensure that OVC

being supported are also able to benefit from mosquito nets procured by PMI.


This activity will support key cross cutting attributions of the budget amounting to $60,000 towards

Economic Strengthening through the support of income generating activities to support increased

household food security and technical support to savings led activities. The activity will also attribute a

portion of its budget to supporting educational activities targeting OVC enrolled in the program in the

amount of $100,000. A further $20,000 will be attributed to provision of safe water guards for households

looking after OVC.

COP 2008


The APHIA II Coast orphans and vulnerable children activities will relate to HIV/AIDS treatment services

(#8813), counseling and testing (#8781), Other Prevention (#8930), HBHC (#8934), TB/HIV care activities

(#9062), AB (#8950) and PMTCT (#8764).


This activity will lead to provision of comprehensive support to 25,000 OVC and their households both

directly and through leveraged resources from other partners in the region. There are existing programs

responding to the needs of OVC but this is, in most cases, a scattered and an uncoordinated response.

Initial activities will therefore focus on strengthening that and ensuring it is comprehensive package as laid

out in the USG guidelines. Through the technical leadership of CRS (Catholic Relief Services) and Social

Impact the capacity of NGOs CBOs, FBOs will be strengthened through training of trainers so as to enable

them train at least 2,250 care givers provide a high quality comprehensive care to OVC. Recognizing the

role that they play in the response to taking care of their own, key community stakeholders who include civic

leaders, parents, care givers, community leaders, religious leaders and community groups will be engaged

through capacity development activities to survey vulnerable children and their needs, assess existing

community resources and gaps, establish a coordination and referral mechanism, plan and monitor a joint

response to the OVC. CLUSA, who are one of the strategic Partners for APHIA Coast will provide technical

leadership in mobilizing the community to lead the response to OVC.


This activity will contribute to the Kenya 5-year strategy and will increase the number of OVC receiving

HIV/AIDS care and support, and will reach 25,000 OVC with comprehensive quality services and train 2,250



The APHIA II Coast OVC activities will relate to HIV/AIDS treatment services (#8813) , counseling and

testing (#8781), Other Prevention (#8930), home based care services (#8934), abstinence and be faithful

(#8950), prevention of mother to child transmission (#8764) and TB/HIV (#9062). This activity will provide

referral, as appropriate, to OVC and their community to necessary HIV/AIDS services especially counseling

and testing and treatment.


This activity targets orphans and vulnerable children, caregivers of OVC, and community health workers.

The local capacity of each organization will be strengthened by working with community leaders, religious

leaders, volunteers as well as partnering with other existing community-based and faith-based organizations

that exist in the same community.


The key legislative issues being addressed is stigma and discrimination through close links in building the

capacity of the community to address the local needs of the OVC in each community as well as in training

the caregivers of the OVC. This activity also addresses the wrap around issue of food and education.

Ensuring the needs of the girl child will also be addressed as the needs relate to being an OVC.


Major emphasis is in community mobilization/participation and minor emphasis areas in developing

network/linkages, local organization capacity development and training.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14811

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14811 9048.08 U.S. Agency for Family Health 6948 4913.08 APHIA II - Coast $4,950,000

International International


9048 9048.07 U.S. Agency for Family Health 4913 4913.07 APHIA II - Coast $1,700,000

International International


Emphasis Areas


* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

* Increasing women's access to income and productive resources

* Increasing women's legal rights

* Reducing violence and coercion

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Child Survival Activities

* Malaria (PMI)

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Economic Strengthening $60,000


Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Education $100,000


Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Water $20,000

Table 3.3.13:

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $2,400,000


+ Geographic coverage has been revised and expanded to include additional districts in the Coast Province

+ Target population will be expanded to include testing for OVCs

+ APHIA II Coast will expand counseling services within the province and include outreach services

provided through existing and new VCT sites that are integrated within health facilities. The CT services will

include door to door CT and testing of family members of the infected individuals receiving care and

treatment within the facility and other outreaches like moonlight VCT as well as institutionalizing testing and

counseling in health care settings. PITC services will be scaled up.

+ HBCT services will be provided in Mombasa town beginning in the slum areas and HBCT will be initiated

in Kwale district.

+ This activity will also provide support at the provincial and district levels for the annual national HIV testing


COP 2008

The only changes to the program since approval in the 2007 COP are:

+ geographic coverage has been revised and expanded to include additional districts in the Coast Province

+ target population will be expanded to include OVCs

+ APHIA II Coast will expand counseling services within the province and include outreach services

provided through existing and new VCT sites that are integrated within health facilities. The CT services will

include door to door VCT and testing of family members of the infected individuals receiving care and

treatment within the facility.


This activity is related to activities in TB/HIV care activities, HIV/AIDS treatment services, abstinence and be

faithful, OVC, HBHC, other prevention and PMCT.


In 2009, this activity will reach 250,000 individuals with Counseling and Testing services including PITC,

VCT, and HBCT. 500 providers will be trained in counseling and testing according to national standards. In

2009, this activity will provide counseling and testing services to 250,000 people through the broadened

entry points which include the clinical care settings through the provider initiated testing (PIT) and the

traditional VCT sites, both integrated and free standing. The MOH already has an approved HIV testing

serial testing protocol using whole blood and simple rapid tests. Previous efforts concentrated on diagnostic

testing mainly of patients who had clinical indications of AIDS. This time, all clients visiting health facilities

for different services will be given an opportunity to know their HIV status as a routine test in the package of

care. This will be strengthened further through routine counseling and testing of TB and STI patients. Also

previous efforts concentrated on integrating HIV testing in level III and IV health care facilities. This will be

scaled up to the lower level health facilities especially in Districts where CC-ART sites have been

decentralized. The coast region has already established counseling and testing services but some Districts

have hard to reach populations. Outreach mobile teams will be facilitated to conduct CT services to these

communities. Home/family based CT services will be initiated in Mombasa, Malindi and Kilifi who already

have index clientele enrolled in care. This will require the recruitment, training or orientation of lay

counselors to support this activity. Voluntary counseling and testing will be scaled up through community

mobilization and outreach services for youth and adolescents in the region. This will be done in

collaboration with National organization for Peer Educators (NOPE) who is one of the Strategic Partners to

promote the culture of the need to know one's sero status among the youth. Building on NOPE's work with

workplace HIV/AIDS programs, CT and testing will be integrated in workplace programs that already have

HIV/AIDS policies and care and treatment programs so that there is an active linkages for those testing HIV

positive. The broadening of entry points to counseling and testing will require that at least 150 service

providers are trained in routine and diagnostic counseling and testing especially at lower levels of health

care provision. The training will encompass aspects of care and treatment and the need for systematic

referral. In addition, CT services will targeted to reach most at risk populations such as sex workers,

truckers, couples, OVCs, substance abusers and training in couple counseling and youth and adolescent

counseling for all existing counselors will also be conducted. Through the collaboration with (CLUSA) and

using the FHI model for SBC, community mobilization campaigns for couple counseling and testing will be

conducted. Quality assurance and quality improvement are key to the fulfillment of the government

objectives and the Districts will be supported to provide supervision to the service providers including

training of more people in support supervision. Sub agreements in this program will be awarded to National

Organization for Peer Educators (NOPE) and the Ministry of Health.


This APHIA II Coast project will contribute to the Kenya 5-Year Strategy which focuses on HIV prevention.

Targets in this project will contribute to numbers counseled and tested for HIV/AIDS. The proposed program

contributes to COP 2008 targets, and is consistent with the PEPFAR 5-Year Strategy, in the following

manner: Increased access to counseling and testing clinical services, and increased availability of

counseling and testing clinical services.


The APHIA II Coast Counseling and Testing activities will relate to HIV/AIDS treatment services, Abstinence

and Be Faithful Program, OVC, HBHC, TB/HIV care activities, OP, and PMCT. This activity will ensure

referral for services for those that test positive especially to prevention services and post test clubs and to

care services such as TB, and treatment while others will be referred to post test clubs.


This activity will target the general population including adults (men, women, FP clients, youth), People

affected by HIV/AIDS (children born of HIV infected mothers, spouses of HIV infected persons, family

members of an HIV infected person), community members including faith based organizations, non-

governmental organizations, and community based organizations. Health providers both in the private and

public sector providers will be targeted.


Gender is a key legislative issue addressed in this activity. This includes activities supporting counseling

that challenges norms about masculinity, delayed sexual activity and reduced multiple sex partners for boys

and men and transactional sex. The activity also include support for testing and support services for victims

of sexual abuse and violence, training on couple counseling, risk assessment, stigma reduction, and

supporting women to mitigate potential violence.


This activity supports the development and implementation of referral systems, quality assurance and

supportive supervision for CT counselors. The activity will also support the training of additional counselors

especially targeting testing for youth and in clinical setting. The activity will also work with local

organizations and MOH in Coast province to strengthen their capacity to implement programs.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14812

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14812 8781.08 U.S. Agency for Family Health 6948 4913.08 APHIA II - Coast $2,000,000

International International


8781 8781.07 U.S. Agency for Family Health 4913 4913.07 APHIA II - Coast $900,000

International International


Emphasis Areas


* Addressing male norms and behaviors

* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Child Survival Activities

* Family Planning

* Malaria (PMI)

* Safe Motherhood

* TB

Workplace Programs

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.14:

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $500,000


+ Jointly with program and MOH technical staff strengthen integration, linkages and/or referral systems

between facility-based and community-based monitoring and reporting systems especially with regard to

enrollment and retention of HIV+ clients on care and support (PMTCT, CT, TB, OVC and ART)

+ Increasingly, shift focus to quality of prevention care and treatment through planned and regular analysis,

feedback and use of data on quality indicators at facility/community, district and provincial data review


+ Support MOH/PMO/PHRIO in strengthening HMIS functions especially on overall reporting rates, records

keeping, structured supportive supervision using M&E focused supervisory checklists, data use and hiring

of data clerks to reduce increased data management burden on health care workers in the province.

+ Conduct basic program evaluations (process evaluations, assessments, program reviews and some

outcome level evaluations) in prevention, care and treatment programs to document implementation and

short-term effectiveness of programs.


This activity supports key cross-cutting attributions in human capacity development through training of GOK

and USG partner personnel in HMIS, M&E and Surveillance both at national and regional level.

COP 2008

The only changes since approval in 2007 COP are:

+The planned documentation of best practices in each program area and dissemination to stakeholders in

the region to improve program efficiency and effectiveness, and planned Behavioral Monitoring Surveys

(BMS) and dissemination of findings to stakeholders for improved HIV/AIDS programming. This activity also

includes the development of data quality improvement plan, training data point persons on DQA tools and

implementation of regular data quality audits at sampled health facilities and community level programs.


This activity is related to other activities in Strategic Information (#7098, #7002 and #9220).


This activity will strengthen the provincial and district level Health Management Information Systems (HMIS)

currently in use by MOH at health facilities and Community Based Program Activity Reporting (COBPAR)

currently being rolled out at Constituency AIDS Control Committee (CACC) levels by the National AIDS

Control Council (NACC) through three key components. Component 1: Support APHIA II Coast/FHI and

MOH program data collection processes for performance reporting needs (quarterly, semi-annual, annual).

This component will support participatory, coordinated and efficient data collection, analysis, use and

provision of information to track achievement of APHIA II Coast/FHI and MOH's district level Annual

Operation Plan II objectives. This process will also inform decisions at the local, district and provincial

levels, using standardized M&E/HMIS tools approved by the MOH. Component 2: Strengthen community

and facility based reporting systems being rolled out by NACC and NASCOP. The component will support

APHIA II Coast/FHI and MOH to measure progress towards its overall contribution to the country's

Emergency Plan, National Health Sector Strategic Plan II and Kenya's National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan

goals and results frameworks. Specific activities will include building capacity of 40 local organisations and

facilities to collect, report, analyse, and use both routine facility and non-facility data for planning and

program improvement. Component 3: Take the lead role in coordinating M&E activities in the province to

meet the information needs of the Emergency Plan, MOH, NACC and other stakeholders, in line with the

"three ones" principle. APHIA II Coast/FHI will organize district-level consensus building forums on M&E

issues, distribute standardized data collection and reporting tools, conduct regular data quality assurance

processes at all data generation points, train 140 facility and community based data point staff on the new

data collection/reporting tools and data use for improving program performance, and hold provincial level

quarterly and annual stakeholders' information dissemination meetings. APHIA II Coast/FHI will be held

accountable for tangible results, especially in increased use of harmonized data collection and reporting

tools at health facilities developed by MOH, increased data use in planning and at dissemination workshops

to various stakeholders, increased supportive-supervisory visits and routine data quality assessments at all

data collection points by M&E/HMIS officers, and improved coordination of M&E activities in Coast province.

These efforts should result into demonstrated evidence in increased national level reporting by up to 60%

from health facilities to NASCOP national database.


The activity builds on the FY 2006 activities that support the national M&E systems as well as contributing

to the Emergency Plan's training outputs. In overall, the activity will provide technical assistance to twenty

five local organizations/health facilities in strategic information in addition to supporting the training of 75 SI

and program managers in M&E/HMIS, reporting and data use for program management.


This activity is related to the strategic information activity to be carried out by MEASURE Evaluation

(#7098), where MEASURE Evaluation will be supporting NACC in rolling out COBPAR system for

community level reporting. It is also related to the strategic information to be carried out by NASCOP

(#7002), where NASCOP will rolling out Form 726, Form 727 and program specific client registers for data

collection and reporting at health facilities. It is also related to SI TE/TBD (#9220), that will attempt to

investigate the causes for low reporting rate by health facilities and recommend strategies for achieving

100% reporting level by health facilities.


This activity targets host government workers and other health care workers like M&E and HMIS officers for

data collection, analysis, reporting and use at both health facilities and community level. Program managers

are as well targeted for orientation on the role M&E program management.


The major emphasis area is Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) and minor areas include

Activity Narrative: monitoring, evaluation, or reporting (or program level data collection) and Other SI Activities.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14814

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14814 9711.08 U.S. Agency for Family Health 6948 4913.08 APHIA II - Coast $300,000

International International


9711 9711.07 U.S. Agency for Family Health 4913 4913.07 APHIA II - Coast $90,000

International International


Emphasis Areas

Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Child Survival Activities

* Family Planning

* Malaria (PMI)

* Safe Motherhood

* TB

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $150,000

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.17:

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $100,000



In 2009 APHIA II Coast will continue to strengthen the dissemination of key Government of Kenya (GOK)

policies and guidelines, developed at national level, to the district level. In addition APHIA II Coast will

continue to support provincial and district health systems strengthening by convening consultative meetings

and various stakeholders' forums.

In addition, APHIA II Coast will continue to strengthen the institutional capacity of various local partners at

grassroots level using very participatory methodologies. This will include institutional strengthening for 15

organizations. APHIA will also build the management and supervisory capacity of District Health

Management Boards (DHMTs) to effectively carry out their roles. All persons trained under APHIA will also

be equipped with skills for stigma mitigation. The prevention peer educators and community health workers

will engage the community on dialogue on stigma with the aim of enabling people to identify stigma in their

community and work towards stigma reduction, other approaches to be utilized will include community

theatre and outreaches.


This activity will contribute to strengthening Government of Kenya systems on policy, planning and

budgeting. This will be done by enhancing dissemination and understanding of key government policies

and guidelines, which will be developed or reviewed nationally, out to the districts through provincial

channels and building the capacity of local APHIA implementing partners.


This activity will link to other APHIA II Coast activities, particularly in AB and OP.


This activity will target all population of Coast province including youth, women, and men.


The main emphasis area for this activity will be local organization capacity building via serving to enhance

the management and coordination capacity of district and provincial health management teams in at least ¾

of the districts in the province served by the implementer.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 16331

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

16331 16331.08 U.S. Agency for Family Health 6948 4913.08 APHIA II - Coast $100,000

International International


Table 3.3.18:

Subpartners Total: $0
Voi Youth Forum: NA
Kenya Girl Guides Association: NA
Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium: NA
Amref Health Africa: NA
Kenya Police Department: NA
Malindi Educational Development Association: NA
Solidarity with Women in Distress: NA
Strengthening Community Partnership and Empowerment: NA
International Centre for Reproductive Health: NA
Ministry of Health - Kenya: NA
PharmAccess Foundation: NA
Pathfinder International: NA
National Empowerment Network of people living with HIV/AIDS: NA
Moving the Goal Posts: NA
I Choose Life: NA
Kenya Wildlife Service: NA
Social Impact: NA
Catholic Relief Services: NA
Cooperative League of the USA: NA
Johns Hopkins University: NA
National Organization of Peer Educators: NA
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $1,306,332
Human Resources for Health $156,450
Public Health Evaluation $239,882
Human Resources for Health $80,000
Human Resources for Health $400,000
Human Resources for Health $15,000
Human Resources for Health $50,000
Human Resources for Health $35,000
Economic Strengthening $60,000
Education $100,000
Water $20,000
Human Resources for Health $150,000