Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2007 2008

Details for Mechanism ID: 5229
Country/Region: Kenya
Year: 2008
Main Partner: IAP Worldwide Services, Inc.
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Management and Operations (HVMS): $0


IAP Worldwide Services recruits and provides support to employees assigned to USAID worldwide. In

Kenya, IAPWS has assigned two senior HIV/AIDS advisors to USAID. They:

1. Provide technical and managerial support to HIV and AIDS prevention, care and support programs;

advise staff responsible for day-to-day project management of implementing agencies and programs;

ensure linkages between and among the various activities of USAID; and assure coordination on policy

issues, strategic planning and periodic reporting; supervise staff as required and provide mentoring to FSN

staff to enable them to take on increasingly substantive roles in support of the unified USG Mission

response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

2. Coordinate activities to assist the GOK to shape policy and influence resource allocation decisions and

work closely with the GOK and other development partners on implementation of Global Fund grants and

coordinate Global Fund and PEPFAR resources for program strengthening.

3. Liaise with other USG agencies, providing effective coordination with the Centers for Disease Control

(CDC), US Army Medical Research Unit, Peace Corps, and Kenya's USG Interagency Coordinator and his


4. Represent USAID in donor meetings to ensure coordination of HIV/AIDS issues with other donors,

including the Global Fund coordinating committees.

5. Assist with preparation of overall strategic plans, results reporting, and general strategizing, and develop

and strengthen synergy between HIV/AIDS activities and the activities in other sectors within the USAID


6. Advise USAID's implementing partners in HIV/AIDS on the appropriateness of indicators and data

collection efforts and assure the development of evaluation plans and utilization of evaluation findings.