Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Details for Mechanism ID: 7480
Country/Region: Indonesia
Year: 2013
Main Partner: U.S. Department of Defense
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Other USG Agency
Funding Agency: USDOD
Total Funding: $27,000

The Office of Defense Cooperation in partnership with the Indonesia Armed Forces Surgeon General Office (PUSKES) is committed to focus on prevention and testing. ODC is supporting TNI and FHI in conducting an integrated behavioral and biological surveillance (IBBS). The results from the IBBS will then be used to review and revise the prevention curriculum, and scale up testing and counseling efforts from voluntary to provider-initiated testing and counseling. In FY2012 COP ODC will continue to support TNIs prevention and testing/ counseling programs, and will assist the Indonesian Armed Forces to monitor and evaluate, control the HIV growth number and lower the HIV prevalence through trainings, and improved services in counseling and testing.

TNI, with support from DOD is also partnering with FHI in the process of developing a curriculum for continuum of care, PWP and psycho-social counseling of HIV-positive TNI personnel and their dependents, and care, support and treatment counseling. With this in mind, DOD will support TNI in prevention and testing counseling efforts:

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $0

Provide TA for continuum of care, PWP and psycho-social counseling of HIV-positive TNI personnel and their dependents, and care, support and treatment counseling

MOH curriculum and materials will be adapted for military

The TA of continuum of care, PWP and psycho-social counseling of HIV-positive TNI personnel and their dependents, will assist TNI in developing VCT, PITC and CST materials, assist in conducting Neuro-AIDS workshop, and design PLHIV support group. The activities will be conducted in Jakarta and Surabaya which the participants will consist from several of TNI hospitals especially level I and level II.

This program will increase the coverage of HIV testing and counseling and improve care, support and treatment access for military personnel and their dependents, who receive a HIV positive test result, in order to support positive prevention program.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $0

Providing TA for senior leadership Advocacy workshop for development of continuum of care

There are so many miss understanding within the TNI senior officers. This advocacy workshop will enhance TNI senior officers to have a comprehensive knowledge on HIV continuum of care and in developing HIV program. This advocacy will involves not only health sectors but also will include other sectors such as personnel sector, security sector, religious sector and law sector.

Every two years DHAPP host an International Military HIV/AIDS Conference (IMILHAC). The The DOD program manager and two TNI personnel active in the HIV/AIDS program will attend the IMILHAC to be held during the course of FY 2012. This conference is a means of South-to-South networking, and sharing of information among DHAPP and its partner militaries. By attending the IMILHAC, TNI officers will broaden knowledge, experience and network.

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $0

Implementing partner: DOD

Total program for HVCT will be $25,000. This full amount will come from pipeline.

DOD through the ODC office will continue to support TNIs HTC through scaling up the provider initiated testing and counseling, as mandated by MOH guidelines and TNIs HIV service delivery and continuum of care.

PITC will be the core of HVCT program due to lack of training and socialization in the past. The target population will cover both military and civilian that have access to TNI hospitals. The approaches that will be use include VCT, and PITC. The service is consisting of static and mobile service. The standard and method of testing is base on MoH standard (3 rapid test). The referral system can be done in TNI hospitals or to general hospitals.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $27,000

Implementing partner: DOD

Total program for HVOP will be $40,000

o $27,000 of FY13 COP funds

o $13,000 from pipeline

Support the prevention materials and training curriculum on OI/TB developed by FHI based on the TNI needs. ODC will continue to support peer education training as a key means to strengthen the sharing of peer to peer HIV prevention information. Peer Leader Training reinforces prevention of HIV and sexual transmitted diseases, and provides information on approach strategies and overcoming societal stigmas. A gender component will also be included targeting male norms and encouraging couples testing and counseling for military personnel and their spouses.


Population Approx Dollar Amount Coverage number to be reached by each intervention component

4 PL training each 30 participants (4x30=120) $40,000 30 X 30 = 900

Age 25-49, sex male 80% and female 20%

To promote the quality assurance the PL training will be facilitated by certified trainers and supervised by the core trainer.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $10,000
Gender: Gender Equality $10,000