Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2013 2014 2015

Details for Mechanism ID: 17006
Country/Region: Indonesia
Year: 2013
Main Partner: Public Health Institute
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $858,387

Strengthening strategic information in Indonesia is a major focus for PEPFAR/Indonesia. This focus, in support of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy and Action Plan for 20102014, will be implemented by providing TA and capacity building to the MOH and the Central Bureau of Statistics in support of an integrated bio-behavioral surveillance on HIV (iBBS) and size estimations among key populations and NAC and by providing support to the NAC for monitoring and reporting on the impact of the HIV/AIDS program.

PEPFAR/Indonesia will support dedicated technical assistance to two of our key GOI partners for strategic information/monitoring and evaluation capacity building.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $858,387

A senior surveillance advisor at will be placed at the MOH with to strengthen the national and mentor MOH. A second senior advisor will provide on-going TA to NAC to strengthen the capacity of NAC to effectively manage the performance of grant awardees, to gather and analyze data for decision-making and policy development for HIV/AIDS strategies at the national and sub-national levels, and to provide TA and guidance to implementing partners, including the provincial and district level NAC offices.

Both of these USG-funded positions within GOI institutions will foster the implementation of sustainable, country-led approaches to understand, respond, and monitor the Indonesia HIV epidemic through improved surveillance and M&E. It is expected that these advisors will mentor staff and build capacity in each institution and remain in place for two or three years.

In 2012 USAID/Indonesia signed a limited scope grant to the National AIDS Commission (NAC) for $6 million over five years. The purpose of the grant is to strengthen the capacity of NAC to act as the leader in the planning and implementation of HIV/AIDS prevention activities nationwide, and to ensure that U.S. support for HIV/AIDS prevention in Indonesia is coordinated with activities undertaken by the Government of Indonesia (GOI) and other bilateral donors. To ensure that NAC can provide technical leadership to the GOI for strategic planning and monitoring changes in the epidemiology of the disease, USAID proposes to place a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Fellow at the NAC.

The M&E Fellow will provide on-going technical assistance to the NAC to strengthen the capacity of NAC to effectively manage the performance of grant awardees, to gather and analyze data for decision-making and policy development for HIV/AIDS strategies at the national and sub-national levels, and provide technical assistance and guidance to implementing partners, including the provincial and district level NAC offices.

The M&E Fellow will be located at the NAC offices in Jakarta, provide on-going mentoring of NAC M&E staff, and lead the design of standardized monitoring and reporting tools for NAC to monitor the performance of grants under IPF, and report on program performance and the contribution of approaches to stakeholders and donors, including the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM) and USAID.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $171,677
Human Resources for Health $171,677