Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Details for Mechanism ID: 9349
Country/Region: India
Year: 2013
Main Partner: University of Washington
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: HHS/HRSA
Total Funding: $750,000

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $0

I-TECH’s goal is to strengthen health systems for improved, expanded, equitable and sustainable HIV service delivery through individual and institutional capacity building. This is an ongoing project that supports goal 4 (HSS) of PEPFAR/India’s strategy.

I-TECH works at the national level with NACO, and with the 10 NACO-designated Centers of Excellence (COE) throughout India. This project also targets health care providers in these institutions.

Project efficiencies are maximized by using innovative and economical capacity building models including the National Distance Learning Clinical Series (NDLCS) using Adobe Connect Pro Platform, clinical and programmatic mentoring, Expert Physician Access Number (EPAN), E-Library, COE Network Website, Research Capacity Building Programs.

I-TECH’s transition strategy is based on equipping COE staff to implement this range of programs in their regions through a) continuous on-site capacity building and technical assistance, and b) creation of customized database management systems

To monitor and evaluate project activities, I-TECH plans a range of activity-specific and project-wide assessments including: baseline and final assessments of training and clinical mentoring; continuous monitoring of specific activities through periodic reporting, site visits and quarterly review meetings. I-TECH plans a program-wide expert external evaluation.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $750,000

I-TECH’s goal is to strengthen health systems for improved, expanded, equitable and sustainable HIV service delivery through individual and institutional capacity building. This is an ongoing project that supports goal 4 (HSS) of PEPFAR/India’s strategy.

I-TECH works at the national level with NACO, and with the 10 NACO-designated Centers of Excellence (COE) throughout India. This project also targets health care providers in these institutions.

Project efficiencies are maximized by using innovative and economical capacity building models including the National Distance Learning Clinical Series (NDLCS) using Adobe Connect Pro Platform, clinical and programmatic mentoring, Expert Physician Access Number (EPAN), E-Library, COE Network Website, Research Capacity Building Programs.

I-TECH’s transition strategy is based on equipping COE staff to implement this range of programs in their regions through a) continuous on-site capacity building and technical assistance, and b) creation of customized database management systems

To monitor and evaluate project activities, I-TECH plans a range of activity-specific and project-wide assessments including: baseline and final assessments of training and clinical mentoring; continuous monitoring of specific activities through periodic reporting, site visits and quarterly review meetings. I-TECH plans a program-wide expert external evaluation.