Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2013 2014

Details for Mechanism ID: 14839
Country/Region: India
Year: 2013
Main Partner: John Snow, Inc
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $0

HIV Innovations is a platform for supporting and disseminating innovative approaches, products, technologies and processes to improve HIV outcomes, decrease incidence of new HIV infections, and strengthen the capacity of the prevention to care continuum programs to effectively and sustainably address HIV in India.

Working closely with the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), business associations, development partners and other stakeholders in HIV, the USG will support establishment of new platform(s) in the public and private sectors to identify, test, adapt, scale up and sustain innovations that have potential to substantially impact India’s HIV epidemic.

The two major foci for this mechanism are (1) support for innovations to strengthen service delivery, administrative and organizational structures, policy and systems in the public sector to improve efficiency, quality and scale of the HIV prevention to care continuum; and (2) support for innovations in PMTCT program strengthening for greater impact. Specific priorities will be determined in conjunction with Government of India counterparts, in keeping with PEPFAR/India’s strong country ownership agenda.

Modalities will include Grand Challenges on specific program issues and areas which have not yet been effectively and fully addressed by existing implementation approaches, as well as areas where substantial impact can be potentially achieved, furthering PEPFAR objectives in prevention, care, system strengthening, sustainability, country ownership and capacity building.

Efficiencies will be achieved and impact increased by leveraging other USG and partner funding and in-kind contributions. This approach will strongly support the GHI integrated approach.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $0

HIV Innovations is a platform for supporting and disseminating innovative approaches, products, technologies and processes to improve HIV outcomes, decrease incidence of new HIV infections, and strengthen the capacity of the prevention to care continuum programs to effectively and sustainably address HIV in India.

Working closely with the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), business associations, development partners and other stakeholders in HIV, the USG will support establishment of new platform(s) in the public and private sectors to identify, test, adapt, scale up and sustain innovations that have potential to substantially impact India’s HIV epidemic.

The two major foci for this mechanism are (1) support for innovations to strengthen service delivery, administrative and organizational structures, policy and systems in the public sector to improve efficiency, quality and scale of the HIV prevention to care continuum; and (2) support for innovations in PMTCT program strengthening for greater impact. Specific priorities will be determined in conjunction with Government of India counterparts, in keeping with PEPFAR/India’s strong country ownership agenda.

Modalities will include Grand Challenges on specific program issues and areas which have not yet been effectively and fully addressed by existing implementation approaches, as well as areas where substantial impact can be potentially achieved, furthering PEPFAR objectives in prevention, care, system strengthening, sustainability, country ownership and capacity building.

Efficiencies will be achieved and impact increased by leveraging other USG and partner funding and in-kind contributions. This approach will strongly support the GHI integrated approach.