Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013 2014

Details for Mechanism ID: 13453
Country/Region: India
Year: 2013
Main Partner: FHI 360
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $450,000

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $209,500

SNEH is a continuing project that contributes to PEPFAR India’s goals 2 and 4 (data for decision-making and HSS). The goal of SNEH is to increase capabilities of nurses to provide HIV clinical services in India as part of sector-wide efforts to strengthen human resources for health (HRH) systems. Project objectives are to 1) demonstrate an effective model to enhance HIV clinical capacities of nurses working on HIV ; 2) provide TA to nursing councils and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) to strengthen human resource planning/management; and 3) provide need-based TA (models) in capacitating nursing councils and institutions.

The project targets nursing decision-makers at national level, and all nurses working in the area of HIV in India. SNEH will work with associations of nurses, nursing institutions, and academic institutions and build their overall institutional capacity in areas including information systems, continuing education, curriculum development, accreditation and policy review and development. Increasing gender equity in HIV services is addressed in all components of these in-service trainings.

To support cost-efficiency, SNEH’s activities are limited to TA at the national and state level, with all implementation done by GOI. SNEH will ensure through regular partner meetings that efforts of USG funded agencies are complementary rather than duplicative. The project strategy is to build capacity of local government staff, so that effects will be sustainable beyond the project life.

M&E will be through project-specific process monitoring of activities and through Management Information Systems developed by FHI 360 and its sub partners. FHI will hold quarterly review meetings with donors and project partners.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $240,500

SNEH is a continuing project that contributes to PEPFAR India’s goals 2 and 4 (data for decision-making and HSS). The goal of SNEH is to increase capabilities of nurses to provide HIV clinical services in India as part of sector-wide efforts to strengthen human resources for health (HRH) systems. Project objectives are to 1) demonstrate an effective model to enhance HIV clinical capacities of nurses working on HIV ; 2) provide TA to nursing councils and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) to strengthen human resource planning/management; and 3) provide need-based TA (models) in capacitating nursing councils and institutions.

The project targets nursing decision-makers at national level, and all nurses working in the area of HIV in India. SNEH will work with associations of nurses, nursing institutions, and academic institutions and build their overall institutional capacity in areas including information systems, continuing education, curriculum development, accreditation and policy review and development. Increasing gender equity in HIV services is addressed in all components of these in-service trainings.

To support cost-efficiency, SNEH’s activities are limited to TA at the national and state level, with all implementation done by GOI. SNEH will ensure through regular partner meetings that efforts of USG funded agencies are complementary rather than duplicative. The project strategy is to build capacity of local government staff, so that effects will be sustainable beyond the project life.

M&E will be through project-specific process monitoring of activities and through Management Information Systems developed by FHI 360 and its sub partners. FHI will hold quarterly review meetings with donors and project partners.