Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Details for Mechanism ID: 10085
Country/Region: India
Year: 2013
Main Partner: Science Health Allied Research Education Foundation
Main Partner Program: India
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $874,802

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $335,000

SHARE supports NACO to capacitate District AIDS Prevention and Control Units (DAPCUs) and State AIDS Control Societies (SACS) to lead state-level decentralization efforts and integration of the National AIDS Control Program (NACP) with the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM).

SHARE provides a range of Technical Assistance (TA), prioritized in consultation with CDC and NACO, to strengthen DAPCUs/SACS to plan, implement, support through training and supervision, and monitor HIV programs and integration. Based in Andhra Pradesh (AP), it provides focused TA to APSACS to further strengthen integration with NRHM, operations research and gender policy. SHARE supports Goals 2 and 4 (Data for Decision Making, Health Systems Strengthening) of the PEPFAR/India Strategy.

The project is implemented at the national level, reaching 22 SACS and 189 DAPCU districts, including 1134 DAPCU staff, 22 DAPCU Nodal Officers and key staff of NRHM and implementing NGOs. A SHARE staff serves as National DAPCU Coordinator in NACO’s National Technical Support Unit (NTSU). A SHARE team at Hyderabad serves as DAPCU National Resource Team to support initiatives.

Cost-efficiency will be achieved by leveraging a small TA group to support activities that reach 22 States and 189 districts; in addition the project’s focus on service integration will eventually improve broader cost-efficiencies. As part of its transition strategy the project will institutionalize systems for continuous capacity development around integration in SACS and Technical Support Units.

In addition to PEPFAR quarterly and annual reporting the project will continuously monitor DAPCU strengthening activities, including feedback on monthly reports, online and on site mentoring and APSACS related activities.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $539,802

SHARE supports NACO to capacitate District AIDS Prevention and Control Units (DAPCUs) and State AIDS Control Societies (SACS) to lead state-level decentralization efforts and integration of the National AIDS Control Program (NACP) with the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM).

SHARE provides a range of Technical Assistance (TA), prioritized in consultation with CDC and NACO, to strengthen DAPCUs/SACS to plan, implement, support through training and supervision, and monitor HIV programs and integration. Based in Andhra Pradesh (AP), it provides focused TA to APSACS to further strengthen integration with NRHM, operations research and gender policy. SHARE supports Goals 2 and 4 (Data for Decision Making, Health Systems Strengthening) of the PEPFAR/India Strategy.

The project is implemented at the national level, reaching 22 SACS and 189 DAPCU districts, including 1134 DAPCU staff, 22 DAPCU Nodal Officers and key staff of NRHM and implementing NGOs. A SHARE staff serves as National DAPCU Coordinator in NACO’s National Technical Support Unit (NTSU). A SHARE team at Hyderabad serves as DAPCU National Resource Team to support initiatives.

Cost-efficiency will be achieved by leveraging a small TA group to support activities that reach 22 States and 189 districts; in addition the project’s focus on service integration will eventually improve broader cost-efficiencies. As part of its transition strategy the project will institutionalize systems for continuous capacity development around integration in SACS and Technical Support Units.

In addition to PEPFAR quarterly and annual reporting the project will continuously monitor DAPCU strengthening activities, including feedback on monthly reports, online and on site mentoring and APSACS related activities.