Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 3950
Country/Region: India
Year: 2009
Main Partner: Johns Hopkins University
Main Partner Program: Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $1,001,895

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $100,000



The Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society (MSACS) has rapidly scaled up Integrated Counseling Testing

Centers (ICTCs) to over 600 centers in the state. As of yet, little effort has been made to mobilize the

community to utilize these services. The overall coverage of pregnant women under the ICTC services in

the six districts is low at 38.6%. The National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) has stated the need for

community mobilization efforts to increase the utilization of the HIV/AIDS services in the state and

recommended that Avert implement the community mobilization activities and JHU provide communication

support for demand generation in the six priority districts.


ACTIVITY 1: Creating Demand for PMTCT Services

In FY09, JHU will intensify the PMTCT demand generation campaign in Maharashtra and Goa. Based on

the lessons learned, JHU will provide technical assistance to NACO for a national level campaign.

ACTIVITY 2: Involving Men in PMTCT

No Change



Prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) is an important prevention strategy of the third phase of

the National AIDS Control Program (NACP-3). The Health Communication Partnership/Johns Hopkins

University (HCP/JHU) will provide technical assistance (TA) to the state and national program to create

demand for PMTCT services. HCP/JHU will assist in the development of campaign materials and support

the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the campaign.


HCP/JHU implements a targeted HIV/AIDS communication program in Maharashtra State under the Avert

Society project. In the first phase (ended in July 2007), HCP/JHU provided TA to the state in the design,

implementation, monitoring and evaluation of behavior change communication activities in HIV/AIDS across

a range of issues including advocacy, work place interventions, NGO capacity building, youth, care and

treatment and high-risk behavior interventions. Several of these activities and approaches have been

adopted by NACO for national level use. In FY08, HCP/JHU will provide technical support to the

Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society (MSACS), the Goa State AIDS Control Society (GSACS) and the

Avert project in the design, development and operationalization of a state-wide communication program.

The aim of the communication program in Phase 2 of the HCP/JHU project (July 2007-June 2011) is to

support the state in developing a unified communication response including uniform communication

messaging, product development and implementation. The communication program will also support the TA

needs of the National AIDS Control Program.


The third phase of the National AIDS Control Program (NACP-3) has accorded high priority to PMTCT.

Under NACP-3, existing VCTCs and PPTCT centers are being re-modeled as a hub that integrates all HIV-

related services and are renamed Integrated Counseling and Testing Centers (ICTCs). ICTCs are

envisaged as a key entry point for both men and women for a range of HIV/AIDS services. In FY08, the

Avert project will provide technical support to MSACS and GSACS in strengthening the ICTCs to increase

coverage of quality PMTCT services. In FY08, HCP/JHU will provide the communication support to increase

the uptake of PMTCT services in the public and private CT centers.

ACTIVITY 1: Creating Demand for PMTCT Services

In FY08, HCP/JHU will assist in developing a multimedia campaign strategy that will include working with

NGOs, CBOs, ICTC centers and link workers to create a demand for PMTCT services. HCP/JHU will

develop prototype materials, including a video that will be based on the stories of mothers who have been

able to prevent HIV transmission to their babies. This video will portray the recommended steps that both

men and women can take and through positive role modeling will seek to educate and promote the

importance of seeking care for PMTCT. This entertainment-education video will be shown in over 700 ICTC

centers and at waiting rooms of antenatal clinics. The video will also focus on safe infant feeding practices,

immunization and HIV testing of the infant at 18 months, integrated with RCH services. Based on

discussions with MSACS, GSACS and NACO, the video will be designed to focus on long-term follow-up of

mother and child for opportunistic infections, ARV treatment and adherence for drugs. In addition, technical

assistance will be provided to MSACS in developing one TV spot, one radio spot, two posters and give-

away materials for NGOs and CBOs. HCP/JHU will also develop specific communication materials targeting

medical doctors, nurses, paramedical staff, counselors and hospital attendants to address their attitudes

and assist them to provide quality PMTCT services to pregnant HIV positive women. These materials will be

distributed to the ICTC team in 700 centers. At the national level, HCP/JHU will provide technical

assistance to NACO to replicate the PMTCT materials in 12 languages.

ACTIVITY 2: Involving Men in PMTCT

Reducing the risk of mother to child transmission of HIV requires a broader view than simply testing

pregnant women, providing short course ARVs and promoting exclusive breastfeeding. Men also need to

protect their partners from infection, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding, by knowing their HIV

status and adopting safer sexual practices. The PMTCT communication strategies will thus view both men

and women as equal partners. HCP will develop prototype materials that will target men and women and

educate men through NGOs and community media activities about the risks of transmission to their wives

and babies.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14164

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14164 14164.08 U.S. Agency for Johns Hopkins 6713 3950.08 $88,000

International University Center

Development for Communication


Emphasis Areas


* Addressing male norms and behaviors

* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.01:

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $100,000


ACTIVITY 1: Demand Generation for Abstinence and Technical Assistance to the SACS

In FY09, this activity will be titled "Technical Assistance for Behavior Change Communication Focusing on


In addition to the FY08 activities, JHU will develop radio programs and a music video to promote messages

emphasizing abstinence within a comprehensive ABC approach.

As one third of all new infections are in the age group of 15-24, there is a need to design prevention

programs for young people that will address over 99% of the country's uninfected population. The power of

a theme song as a rallying point can strike a chord with a young audience and spur it into action. As

requested by National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), JHU/CCP will develop a music video for young

people across the country. While the main target audience will be youth, the theme song will have an

appeal that will cut across age, gender, class and geographical divides. The song will signify the resolve

and the grit to ‘halt and reverse the epidemic'. It will encourage young people to focus on their dreams and

ambitions in life and to protect themselves for their loved ones. The music video will inspire and motivate

audiences to adopt positive, responsible behaviors in the context of HIV/AIDS.

This will be disseminated in a phased manner wherein initially it will be shown to young people in and out of

school/college from various socio-economic backgrounds in selected cities, preferably, Mumbai and Delhi,

followed by a formal launch. It will also be disseminated through web sites popular among youth i.e.

YouTube, Google Video, Yahoo Video, Orkut, etc. Partnerships will be forged with mobile phone service

providers to offer the song as downloadable music for a caller tune.

In FY09, efforts will be intensified to partner with organizations working with youth for greater dissemination

of the music video. Linkages with Red Ribbon Clubs (RRC) will be formed for on-ground activities around

promotion and dissemination of music video.

As per NACO's request, JHU/CCP will provide technical assistance to the Maharashtra State AIDS Control

Society (MSACS) and the Karnataka State AIDS Control Society (KSACS) to develop content for a radio

program addressing youth. Depending upon the success of the program, this activity will be continued in

FY10. These programs will promote messages emphasizing abstinence within a more comprehensive ABC

approach among young people. Radio Jockeys will be sensitized and trained to give messages on AB to

young people. Various on-ground activities, such as partnering with college fests, will be planned in

conjunction with the radio program to encourage participation of young people.

ACTIVITY 2: Technical Assistance to NACO for Communication Campaigns for Bridge and Selected Sub-


No Change



In FY08, the Health Communication Partnership/Johns Hopkins University (HCP/JHU) will provide technical

assistance (TA) to the Avert Society project, the Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society (MSACS), the

Goa State AIDS Control Society (GSACS) and the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) to integrate

balanced abstinence, fidelity and condom messages in interventions among youth and bridge populations

such as truckers, migrants and workers. Key activities will include developing communication strategies,

designing communication campaigns and support for implementations with the aim to create a demand for

prevention, care and treatment services in the states of Maharashtra and Goa.


HCP/JHU implements a targeted HIV/AIDS communication program in Maharashtra State under the Avert

Society project. In the first phase (ended in July 2007), HCP/JHU provided technical assistance to the state

in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of behavior change communication (BCC)

activities in HIV/AIDS across a range of issues including advocacy, work place interventions, NGO capacity

building, youth, care and treatment and high-risk behavior interventions. Several of these activities and

approaches have been adopted by NACO for national level use.

The aim of the communication program in Phase 2 (July 2007 to June 2011) is to support the state in

developing a unified communication response including uniform communication messaging, product

development and implementation. The communication program will also support the technical assistance

needs of the National AIDS Control Program. In FY08, HCP/JHU will provide technical support to MSACS,

GSACS and the Avert project in the design, development and operationalization of a state-wide

communication program.


ACTIVITY 1: Demand Generation for Abstinence and Technical Assistance to the SACS

Most campaigns in the state primarily focus on promoting condoms as a preventive aid which restricts the

choice of safe sexual options to condoms. Promoting messages on abstinence and fidelity expands the

choice of safe sexual options and promotes value-based communications. In FY06, HCP/JHU executed a

multi-media "I am young but not reckless" campaign targeting youth. This campaign was creatively

designed to promote Abstinence messages and an assessment of the campaign reflected high recall value

among youth. The campaign was well received by all stakeholders and NACO has adopted this campaign


In FY08, HCP/JHU will provide TA to MSACS and GSACS in conducting a communication needs

Activity Narrative: assessment, and developing strategies and campaigns for Abstinence and Be Faithful (AB) interventions

among youth and bridge populations. HCP/JHU will hold two workshops each in Maharashtra and Goa with

the State AIDS partners and NGOs to develop the AB communication strategies. In FY08, HCP/JHU will

develop two campaigns focusing on AB interventions among bridge populations (migrants, truckers) and

youth in the state of Maharashtra. The AB campaigns for migrants and truckers will include two radio spots,

four posters, two flyers and two interactive games.

In Maharashtra State, the second phase of the youth campaign will be developed focusing on out-of-school

youth in urban and rural areas. IEC materials for interpersonal communication and community media

activities will be developed based on the needs of out-of-school youth. The campaign will include an

exhibition kit, street play kit, two posters and an interactive game. The IEC materials will be used by an

outreach team of 600 peer educators to disseminate the messages on AB interventions. HCP/JHU will

assist in conducting a workshop to train NGOs in using the materials. The materials developed in

Maharashtra State will be adapted for Goa, where the campaigns will be on a smaller scale as there are

only two districts (total population, 1.5 million, plus 1.5 tourist population). The campaign will also focus on

establishing linkages with youth-friendly counseling and testing, care and treatment services.

ACTIVITY 2: Technical Assistance to NACO for Communication Campaigns for Bridge and Selected Sub-


NACO has requested HCP/JHU to provide TA in the design and development of prototypes of quality

communication products to address HIV prevention among youth and bridge populations, such as truckers,

migrants, workers and women in high-prevalence districts. In FY08, HCP/JHU will support NACO in

developing a National Communication Strategy on AB interventions for youth and bridge populations. TA

will be provided to NACO in replicating the AB materials in 12 languages. One program officer will be

designated to exclusively coordinate with NACO and provide technical assistance. HCP/JHU will also

disseminate to NACO and the SACS the best practices of HCP/JHU and other USG partners in prevention

and care campaigns, to support learning and replicablity.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14120

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14120 6586.08 U.S. Agency for Johns Hopkins 6713 3950.08 $88,000

International University Center

Development for Communication


10808 6586.07 U.S. Agency for Johns Hopkins 5599 3950.07 $275,000

International University Center

Development for Communication


6586 6586.06 U.S. Agency for Johns Hopkins 3950 3950.06 $150,000

International University Center

Development for Communication


Emphasis Areas


* Addressing male norms and behaviors

* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

Workplace Programs

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.02:

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $251,895


ACTIVITY 1: Designing Communication Campaigns for Most-at-Risk-Populations

In addition to FY08 activities, JHU will develop tools in consultation with Maharashtra State AIDS Control

Society (MSACS), Goa SACS and Avert to monitor the dissemination and effective use of various materials.

These tools will monitor distribution/flow and utilization of various materials.

In FY09, the communication materials developed in FY08 will be reviewed by the NGOs and community for

material fatigue and newer needs. Based on the needs identified, the existing materials will be revised and

new materials will be developed. JHU will disseminate the materials at the national level and provide

technical assistance to NACO for replication in 16 languages.

The following new activity will be included in FY09:

ACTIVITY 2: Development and Replication of Materials for Migrant Populations

Migration within and between states in India has been identified as a major potential risk factor for HIV

transmission. In Maharashtra, out of the 96.9 million population, 3.2 million are migrants; the highest

proportion of migrants are from Uttar Pradesh (28.5%) followed by Karnataka (14.7%), Madhya Pradesh

(8.5%), Gujarat (7.6%), Bihar (7.1%) and Andhra Pradesh (6.0%).

MSACS, Mumbai District AIDS Control Society (MDACS) and Avert are currently scaling-up HIV prevention

programs among short-stay migrants in the state. Avert has developed models of migrant intervention and

using the lessons learned will scale-up intervention in the 6 districts. Avert Society will also provide

technical assistance to MSACS and MDACS in scaling up migrant intervention in their districts. In FY08,

JHU will provide technical assistance to design the behavior change communication campaign for short-

stay migrants including developing the prototypes of various materials for the different audiences in the

migrant intervention program. The funds for replication and distribution will be provided by MSACS,

MDACS and Avert.



The Health Communication Partnership/Johns Hopkins University (HCP/JHU) will provide technical

assistance (TA) to USG partners and government agencies at the state and national level involved in

implementing HIV/AIDS programs. TA will be provided for developing prototype materials and designing

strategic communication interventions to support prevention efforts among most-at-risk populations

(MARPs) such as sex workers, men who have sex with men (MSM) and injecting drug users (IDU).


HCP/JHU implements a targeted HIV/AIDS communication program in Maharashtra State under the Avert

Society project. In the first phase (ended in July 2007), HCP/JHU provided technical assistance to the state

in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of behavior change communication (BCC)

activities in HIV/AIDS across a range of issues including advocacy, work place interventions, NGO capacity

building, youth, care and treatment and high-risk behavior interventions. Several of these activities and

approaches have been adopted by the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) for national level use. In

FY08, HCP/JHU will provide technical support to the Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society (MSACS),

Goa State AIDS Control Society (GSACS) and the Avert project in the design, development and

operationalization of a state-wide communication program. The aim of the communication program in Phase

2 (July 2007-June 2011) is to support the state in developing a unified communication response including

uniform communication messaging, product development and implementation. The communication program

will also support the technical assistance needs of the National AIDS Control Program.


According to the MSACS Program Implementation Plan, there are over 129,000 sex workers in the state of

which only 31,600 are reached, 25,000 MSM populations with only 18,200 reached, and over 10,000 IDU

with only 2000 reached. The aim of the National AIDS Control Program Phase 3 (NACP-3) is to saturate

coverage of MARPs by reaching at least 80% of the estimated numbers. As part of this effort, MSACS,

GSACS, and Avert are scaling up targeted interventions to saturate coverage of MARPs in the states of

Maharashtra and Goa. Communication activities focused at reducing risk behaviors, increasing condom

usage, and motivating MARPs to seek STI treatment and HIV testing have been carried out by NGOs. IEC

materials and tools targeting MARPs have been developed by various agencies including HCP/JHU. In

FY08, HCP/JHU will review the existing materials and update them based on the gaps and needs of the

target audience.

ACTIVITY 1: Designing Communication Campaigns for Most-at-Risk-Populations

In FY08, HCP/JHU will hire a panel of consultants to collate and review all the IEC materials on targeted

interventions among MARPs. The purpose of this exercise is to identify the gaps and needs for future IEC

materials. A workshop will be held with representatives of MSACS, Avert project, the Bill and Melinda Gates

Foundation, NGOs and community-based organizations (CBOs) to share the findings of the review and

identify materials that need to be updated and the requirements for new materials. Some of the gaps

already identified are that the current IEC materials do not emphasize the need for condom use with all

partners, and do not address screening for asymptomatic STIs or partner treatment. A major gap is that

there are limited BCC materials for MSM and IDU. HCP/JHU will provide TA to MSACS and Avert to

develop target-audience-specific communication materials for MARPs. Gender-sensitive prevention

services, including testing for sex workers and MSM will be addressed in IEC materials targeting the health

care providers and testing centers. All messages and materials will be pre-tested with the community and

subject experts for acceptance, cultural appropriateness and technical validity.

Activity Narrative: Avert will print the materials and distribute them to over 160 NGOs, CBOs and health care providers for

carrying out BCC activities with MARPs. HCP/JHU will provide technical support to MSACS and Avert in

developing a training module to train over 8000 peer educators on correct techniques for using materials for

interpersonal and community media activities.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14121

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14121 6587.08 U.S. Agency for Johns Hopkins 6713 3950.08 $143,000

International University Center

Development for Communication


10809 6587.07 U.S. Agency for Johns Hopkins 5599 3950.07 $220,000

International University Center

Development for Communication


6587 6587.06 U.S. Agency for Johns Hopkins 3950 3950.06 $200,000

International University Center

Development for Communication


Emphasis Areas


* Addressing male norms and behaviors

* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $250,000

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.03:

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $100,000


ACTIVITY 1: Technical Support Develop Communication Materials for OVC programs

In addition to the FY08 activities, the following changes have been made.

In FY09, JHU/CCP will develop a "Talking Book" - a book with colorful illustrations and audio for children

infected with HIV. The "Talking Book" will be developed primarily for children and their care givers. It will

help caregivers understand and relate to the psycho-social needs of children infected by HIV and will

provide children and their caregivers with basic HIV-related information, including nutrition, possible side

effects of ART and the importance of adherence. The content of this book will be developed by conducting

in-depth discussions with OVC experts and interactive workshops with children and their caregivers. This

will help to bring out the main issues that infected children face in their day-to-day lives. Inputs for the book

will also come through consultative meetings with NACO, SACS, and NGOs working with children, child

counselors and pediatricians. The book will mainly focus on needs of infected children between the ages of

4 and 10.

A monitoring and evaluation plan will designed and carried out to understand the reach of the "Talking

Book." The research will include qualitative feedback from children and their caregivers as well as from

NGO/CBO staff. Service statistics of NGOs/CBOs will be tracked to measure reach of the "Talking Book."

Efforts will also be made to intensify the dissemination of this book to other SACS through NACO.



The Health Communication Partnership/Johns Hopkins University (HCP/JHU) will provide technical

assistance (TA) to USG partners, state and national level government agencies involved in HIV/AIDS

programs to design communication strategies for interventions with orphans and vulnerable children (OVC).

HCP/JHU will also develop prototypes of communication materials on OVC that could be adopted by USG

partners and other agencies


HCP/JHU implements a targeted HIV/AIDS communication program in Maharashtra State under the Avert

Society project. In the first phase (ended in July 2007), HCP/JHU provided technical assistance to the state

in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of behavior change communication activities in

HIV/AIDS across a range of issues including advocacy, work place interventions, NGO capacity building,

youth, care and treatment and high-risk behavior interventions. Several of these activities and approaches

have been adopted by NACO for national level use. In FY08, HCP/JHU will provide technical support to

MSACS, GSACS and Avert in the design, development and operationalization of a state-wide

communication program. The aim of the communication program in Phase-2 of the HCP/JHU project (July

2007-June 2011) is to support the state in developing a unified communication response including uniform

communication messaging, product development and implementation. The communication program will

also support the TA needs of the National AIDS Control Program.


ACTIVITY 1: Technical Support to Develop Communication Materials for OVC Programs

HCP/JHU will provide TA to the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), Maharashtra State AIDS

Control Society (MSACS), Goa State AIDS Control Society (GSACS) and USG partners to develop

communication strategies and prototype materials to support OVC programs. HCP/JHU will also collaborate

with Family Health International (FHI) to conduct a communication needs assessment for OVC programs in

USG focus states. In FY08 HCP/JHU will focus on developing specific communication aids for health care

providers, mothers, and caregivers on the provision of basic health care and nutritional support for OVC in

home and institutional settings. Additionally, HCP/JHU will design communication activities to address

stigma and discrimination against OVC at the community level and by schools.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14123

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14123 6627.08 U.S. Agency for Johns Hopkins 6713 3950.08 $33,000

International University Center

Development for Communication


10785 6627.07 U.S. Agency for Johns Hopkins 5599 3950.07 $33,000

International University Center

Development for Communication


6627 6627.06 U.S. Agency for Avert Society 4134 4134.06 $300,000



Emphasis Areas


* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.13:

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $250,000


ACTIVITY 1: Increasing Demand for CT Services for MARPs and the General Population

In FY 09, JHU will continue to intensify the Integrated Counseling Testing Centers (ICTCs) demand

generation campaign in Maharashtra and Goa. Based on the lessons learned, JHU will provide technical

assistance to National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) for a national level campaign.

Additionally, JHU will disseminate the evaluation report of the end-line survey and develop/modify the ICTC

demand generation campaign and communication material as per the state requirement, to increase the up

take of services.



The Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society (MSACS) has scaled-up Integrated Counseling and Testing

Centers (ICTCs) rapidly to over 700 centers in the state. However, these efforts were not matched by

creating demand for these services, including improving the quality of the services provided through these

centers. The Health Communication Partnership/Johns Hopkins University (HCP/JHU) will provide technical

assistance (TA) to MSACS, the Goa State AIDS Control Society (GSACS), the Avert Society project and the

National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) to design a demand generation campaign for counseling and

testing (CT) services in the public and private sectors, focusing on accessibility and quality.


HCP/JHU implements a targeted HIV/AIDS communication program in Maharashtra State under the Avert

project. In the first phase (ended in July 2007), HCP/JHU provided TA to the state in the design,

implementation, monitoring and evaluation of behavior change communication (BCC) activities in HIV/AIDS

across a range of issues including advocacy, work place interventions, NGO capacity building, youth, care

and treatment and high-risk behavior interventions. Several of these activities and approaches have been

adopted by NACO for national level use. In FY08, HCP/JHU will provide technical support to MSACS,

GSACS and Avert in the design, development and operationalization of a state-wide communication

program. The aim of the communication program in Phase 2 of the HCP/JHU project (July 2007-June 2011)

is to support the state in developing a unified communication response including uniform communication

messaging, product development and implementation. The communication program will also support the TA

needs of the third phase of the National AIDS Control Program (NACP-3).


It is estimated that more than 90% of HIV-infected people do not know their status. Under NACP-3, existing

VCTCs and PPTCT centers are being re-modeled as a hub that integrates all HIV related services and are

renamed Integrated Counseling and Testing Centers (ICTC). ICTCs are envisaged as a key entry point for

both men and women for a range of HIV/AIDS services. The aim of expanding ICTC services to over 700

centers was to help individuals learn their HIV status, and seek HIV prevention and care and treatment

services. The Avert project has planned to scale up CT services in the private sector including supporting

NGOs to provide user-friendly testing services to most at-risk populations (MARPs). In FY08, HCP/JHU will

provide communication support to increase the uptake in public and private CT centers.

ACTIVITY 1: Increasing Demand for CT Services for MARPs and the General Population

There have been few communication campaigns or IEC materials in the state of Maharashtra targeting

MARPs, bridge populations (truckers and migrants) and youth to know their HIV status through seeking HIV

CT services. Even at the national level, the materials on counseling and testing are scant. In recent years

CT services have been rapidly scaled-up, however the effort to increase demand and improve the quality of

services is sub-optimal. In FY08, HCP/JHU will assist MSACS, GSACS and the Avert project in designing

demand generation campaigns focusing on the availability of quality CT services, the benefits of early

testing and linkages to care and treatment services.

HCP/JHU will hold consultative meetings with MSACS, GSACS, Avert project, NGOs and the public and

private CT centers to design the CT campaign. HCP/JHU will provide technical assistance in designing an

integrated multi-media campaign comprised of two TV spots, two radio spots, an exhibition and street-play

kit for community media activities, four posters, a flip chart, give-away materials for NGOs and a counseling

booklet and referral guide for the CT centers. The IEC materials will cater to 700 public sector CT centers,

nine private centers and over 150 NGOs implementing prevention programs among MARPs.

HCP/JHU will develop an interactive training video accompanied by a facilitators guide for training of

trainers (TOT) who will conduct training for counselors at CT centers. HCP/JHU will provide technical

assistance to NACO to replicate the CT materials in 12 languages.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14124

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14124 10938.08 U.S. Agency for Johns Hopkins 6713 3950.08 $132,000

International University Center

Development for Communication


10938 10938.07 U.S. Agency for Johns Hopkins 5599 3950.07 $55,000

International University Center

Development for Communication


Emphasis Areas


* Addressing male norms and behaviors

* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.14:

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $100,000


In FY08 and continuing in FY09, research and monitoring will be integrated into program design and

implementation. For example, JHU/CCP will pre-test prototype materials to ensure they appeal to the

intended audiences and also provide cues to action. JHU/CCP has global expertise in developing tools for

monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of communication activities. The FY08 activities are modified in following


ACTIVITY 1: Designing an Evaluation Methodology and Monitoring Tools to Assess the Effectiveness of

Communication Activities

In FY09, CCP will assist the Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society (MSACS), Goa SACS (GSACS), and

the Avert project to evaluate the communication campaigns/activities. JHU/CCP will assist the agencies in

designing an evaluation methodology, including sampling and interview tools, to assess the effectiveness of

the materials, messages and media-mix in terms of behavioral objectives and project-wide indicators.

JHU/CCP will also provide TA for developing the evaluation protocol, selecting the agencies, implementing

the evaluation and using evaluation data for program planning.

ACTIVITY 2: Monitoring and Evaluation of the Media Advocacy Initiative

In FY08, and continuing in FY09, the media advocacy efforts will be monitored and evaluated in order to: a)

assess changes in awareness about HIV/AIDS among media professionals, b) map quantity and quality of

HIV/AIDS reporting pre- and post-media advocacy workshops, and c) understand obstacles in HIV/AIDS


Pre- and post-workshop media mapping exercises will be conducted to examine quantity and quality of

HIV/AIDS reporting. All the media professionals who attend the workshop will be requested to submit their

published writings before and after the workshop on issues directly related to HIV/AIDS or any other critical

and sensitive issues related to health.

A content analysis of media outputs from among the various channels represented at the media advocacy

workshops will be undertaken. This will allow for an examination of the changes in the levels and quality of

reporting on HIV/AIDS related issues that can be directly attributed to the workshops.



The Health Communication Partnership/Johns Hopkins University (HCP/JHU) will provide technical

assistance (TA) to the Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society (MSACS), the Goa State AIDS Control

Society (GSACS), the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) and USG partners for developing

formative research, and monitoring and impact evaluation as needed to cut across all stages of design and

implementation of the communication program. HCP/JHU will provide expertise in evidence-based

programming, ensuring the application of state-of-the-art individual behavior change and social change

perspectives as well as robust methodological analyses.


HCP/JHU implements a targeted HIV/AIDS communication program in Maharashtra State under the Avert

Society project. In the first phase (ended in July 2007), HCP/JHU provided TA to the state in the design,

implementation, monitoring and evaluation of behavior change communication (BCC) activities in HIV/AIDS

across a range of issues including advocacy, work place interventions, NGO capacity building, youth, care

and treatment and high-risk behavior interventions. Several of these activities and approaches have been

adopted by NACO for national level use. In FY08, HCP/JHU will provide technical support to MSACS,

GSACS and Avert project in the design, development and operationalization of a state-wide communication

program. The aim of the communication program in Phase 2 of the HCP/JHU project (July 2007-June 2011)

is to support the state in developing a unified communication response including uniform communication

messaging, product development and implementation. The communication program will also support the TA

needs of the National AIDS Control Program.


In FY07 and continuing in FY08, research and monitoring will be integrated into program design and

implementation. For example, while developing prototype materials, HCP/JHU will pretest these materials to

ensure that they appeal to the intended audiences and also provide cues to action. HCP/JHU has global

expertise in developing tools for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of communication activities. The roll-out

plan for the interventions will include sets of tools for both monitoring and evaluation and in FY 08,

HCP/JHU will use its expertise in this area to develop tools for the India program.

ACTIVITY 1: Designing an Evaluation Methodology and Monitoring Tools to Assess the Effectiveness of

Communication Activities

In FY08, HCP/JHU will assist MSACS, GSACS, and the Avert project to evaluate the communication

campaigns on ARV treatment, PMTCT and counseling and testing services. HCP/JHU will assist the

agencies to design an evaluation methodology, including sampling and interview tools, to assess the

effectiveness of the materials, messages and media-mix in terms of behavioral objectives and project-wide

indicators. HCP/JHU will also provide TA for developing the evaluation protocol, selecting the agencies,

implementing the evaluation and using evaluation data for program planning.

In addition, HCP/JHU will develop tools for process and behavioral change monitoring. Monitoring tools will

include simple, user-friendly forms that partners can use to determine the extent to which interventions are

being implemented according to plan, deviations if any, and effects this might have on the overall project.

Activity Narrative: Monitoring tools will be developed to examine the extent to which the use of the communication materials

impacts various intermediate factors (such as improved knowledge, positive attitudes, and interpersonal

communication) and at the same time facilitates behavior change. These tools will help the projects collect

strategic information and plan for improvements in project activities.

An innovative methodology that will be explored for monitoring entails using specific elements in the

projects or materials themselves to facilitate monitoring the communication activities. For example, youth

participation will be a key component in the development of the youth materials. The information generated

from the activities in which the youth participate can also serve as a source of monitoring data, such as

ensuring that stories of change captured at youth meetings as qualitative monitoring data.

ACTIVITY 2: Monitoring and Evaluation of the Media Advocacy Initiative

In FY08, HCP/JHU will periodically monitor HIV/AIDS reporting in the print and electronic media. The

activities will include: 1) follow-up meetings with journalists to assess changes in their attitudes in reporting;

2) conducting content analysis of reporting across media; and 3) assessing levels of coordination between

NGOs, CBOs and the journalists for effective reporting. Based on the findings, HCP/JHU will develop

strategies to improve the quality, sensitivity, and coverage of a wide-range of HIV/AIDS activities and

issues, including those related to gender concerns.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14353

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14353 6158.08 U.S. Agency for Johns Hopkins 6713 3950.08 $88,000

International University Center

Development for Communication


10806 6158.07 U.S. Agency for Johns Hopkins 5599 3950.07 $77,000

International University Center

Development for Communication


6158 6158.06 U.S. Agency for Johns Hopkins 3950 3950.06 $75,000

International University Center

Development for Communication


Emphasis Areas


* Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS programs

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.17:

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $100,000


ACTIVITY 1: Building Leadership in Strategic Communication to Facilitate Policy Change

No Change

ACTIVITY 2: Building the Capacity of Journalists for Responsive Reporting on HIV/AIDS

Title has been changed to: "Media Sensitization/Capacity Building for Electronic and Print News Media"

National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) has requested JHU to partner with the Thompson Foundation

to conduct Media Briefings. The objective of the briefings is to build the capacity of producers, reporters,

editors, radio jockeys (RJs), and other content creators from Doordarshan (DD - National TV), All India

Radio (AIR), Private FM, Cable and Satellite channels and Print media, on HIV/AIDS programming and

reporting. This would include about 10 TV, Print, and Radio briefings across the country covering major DD

and AIR stations. The objectives of media briefings are to: provide participants with correct HIV/AIDS

medical and social information which will help them to write scripts and produce shows that not only cover

the complex issues around HIV/AIDS, but to do so in a creative manner; sensitize participants on the issues

of HIV/AIDS reporting and equip them with skills to develop effective program content in these topic areas;

build capacity of NACO and State AIDS Control Society's (SACS) IEC departments to enable them to work

with media in developing and integrating effective communication on HIV/AIDS.

JHU will partner with NACO and implement the media briefing program. JHU will carry out three workshops

with the media groups and in FY09, seven workshops will be implemented. The effectiveness of media

briefings will be evaluated using appropriate methodologies.

The following new activities will be included in FY09:

ACTIVITY 3: Development and Monitoring of Implementation of District Communication Plans

Under the National AIDS Control Program III (NACP-III), HIV programs are planned to be integrated in the

National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) framework for optimization of resources and to ensure sustainability

of interventions. In order to operationalize this vision, District AIDS Prevention Control Units (DAPCUs) are

being established in all the states. The Maharashtra State AIDS Control Society (MSACS) has developed

district level plans for implementing prevention, care and treatment services.

In FY 08, JHU will assist MSACS, Mumbai District AIDS Control Society (MDACS), Goa State AIDS Control

Society (Goa SACS) and Avert Society in developing district level communication plans. JHU will identify

opportunities to integrate the HIV/AIDS communication activities with the NRHM communication plan. JHU

in collaboration with the SACS and Avert will develop communication plans for 35 districts in Maharashtra

and 2 districts in Goa.

JHU will also provide technical support in the implementation and monitoring the outputs planned.

In FY09, JHU will continue to assist MSACS, MDACS, Goa SACS and Avert Society in reviewing and

developing the plans for the year based on the communication needs identified.

ACTIVITY 4: Technical Support to Develop Advocacy Package for Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS Programs in 9

Ministries and Government Departments

Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS programs in government ministries and the private sector is a core prevention

strategy of NACP-III . As part of this vision, MSACS has planned to mainstream HIV/AIDS programs in nine

ministries and MDACS in ten municipal corporation departments in Mumbai. The ministries include Home,

Public Health, Social Justice, Women & Child Development, Family Welfare, Tourism, Youth Affairs, Rural

Development and Industries & Mines. The Avert Technical Support Unit (TSU) will assist MSACS and

MDACS in developing the mainstreaming plan including advocacy, sensitization of ministries and

implementation of activities.

JHU will assist the Avert TSU in developing the advocacy package and IEC materials for the various

ministries. Additionally, JHU will provide technical support in developing and implementing HIV/AIDS

communication activities in the ministries.



Communication systems strengthening are a central component of the Health Communication

Partnership/Johns Hopkins University's (HCP/JHU) HIV/AIDS project aimed at building national and state

capacity in communication programming. This will include building leadership at the national and state level

on strategic communication planning through a series of workshops, needs-based on-site support and

relevant tools on strategic planning. HCP/JHU will develop a panel of regional/national journalists on

responsive HIV/AIDS reporting in the electronic and print media.


HCP/JHU implements a targeted HIV/AIDS communication program in Maharashtra State under the Avert

Society project. In the first phase (ended in July 2007), HCP/JHU provided technical assistance to the state

in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of behavior change communication activities in

HIV/AIDS across a range of issues including advocacy, work place interventions, NGO capacity building,

youth, care and treatment and high-risk behavior interventions. Several of these activities and approaches

have been adopted by NACO for national level use. In FY08, HCP/JHU will provide technical support to

MSACS, GSACS and the Avert project in the design, development and operationalization of a state-wide

communication program. The aim of the communication program in Phase-2 of the HCP/JHU project (July

2007-June 2011) is to support the state in developing a unified communication response including uniform

Activity Narrative: communication messaging, product development and implementation. The communication program will

also support the technical assistance (TA) needs of the National AIDS Control Program.


ACTIVITY 1: Building Leadership in Strategic Communication to Facilitate Policy Change

In FY08, HCP/JHU will conduct two workshops to train 30 communication officers of NACO, MSACS,

GSACS, the Avert project and USG partners in the focus states on leadership in strategic communications.

HCP/JHU will provide ongoing technical support to these communication officers on strategic

communication planning and on policy issues at the national and state levels. The communication officers

will collaborate with the technical officers of their agencies on targeted interventions, care and support,

counseling and testing, PMTCT and ARV treatment to effectively integrate strategic communication

activities in program components. HCP/JHU will assist NACO to develop policies on HIV/AIDS Helplines

including streamlining functioning to provide quality services. HCP/JHU will build the monitoring and

evaluation systems of NACO and the SACS including developing indicators and tools to monitor the

effectiveness of communication activities.

ACTIVITY 2: Building the Capacity of Journalists for Responsive Reporting on HIV/AIDS

HCP/JHU will identify and train a panel of 15 national and 15 regional journalists from Maharashtra State on

HIV/AIDS policies and responsive reporting. The trained journalists will advocate with their agencies to

increase reporting on HIV/AIDS policies and success stories of prevention, care and treatment programs.

These journalists will be encouraged to train their peers on HIV/AIDS policies and effective reporting and

will be linked to NGOs, SACS and District AIDS Prevention Control Units. HCP/JHU will monitor the

effectiveness of the reporting carried out by these trained journalists.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14354

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14354 6159.08 U.S. Agency for Johns Hopkins 6713 3950.08 $154,000

International University Center

Development for Communication


10807 6159.07 U.S. Agency for Johns Hopkins 5599 3950.07 $110,000

International University Center

Development for Communication


6159 6159.06 U.S. Agency for Johns Hopkins 3950 3950.06 $225,000

International University Center

Development for Communication


Emphasis Areas

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $100,000

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.18:

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $350,000
Human Resources for Health $250,000
Human Resources for Health $100,000