Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013 2014

Details for Mechanism ID: 12706
Country/Region: Haiti
Year: 2013
Main Partner: New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Other USG Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/HRSA
Total Funding: $370,000

NYS AIDS Institute/HEALTHQUAL partners with MSPP to build national capacity for quality management of HIV treatment and to strengthen health systems. Applying a public health approach to quality management, HEALTHQUAL builds capacity at the national-, departmental-, and clinic-levels to support performance measurement (PM) data collection and analysis to inform interventions that will improve the quality of treatment and patient outcomes. Aggregated clinic PM data is used to inform national HIV health system improvement priorities.

Objectives include: 1. Provide technical assistance (TA) in the development of a national quality management program. 2. Promote sustainable quality improvement activities in clinics across all departments in the country. 3. Provide TA to build capacity for data quality, collection, analysis and use to assess the quality of care provided at all HIV care providers and to inform local, departmental, and national improvement priorities and policy. 4. Implement advanced quality leadership course to build departmental capacity for quality management, strengthening sustainability. The target audience for activities is the core MSPP team, MSPP departmental staff, and quality leaders at HIV clinics, ultimately supporting all HIV clinics nationwide. Cost efficiencies will continue to be accomplished through the mentoring and deployment of quality coaches at the department level to provide local coaching, reducing travel costs for the central team. Collaboration with other partners assures that national coverage is met without duplication of partner activities. In FY11 HEALTHQUAL International implemented a robust cross-country, program-wide M&E program that includeed activities in Haiti. This M&E operation will continue in FY2012.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $370,000

NYS AIDS Institute/HEALTHQUAL (HQ) will provide TA to MSPP to monitor, implement, and deploy a national quality management plan to guide activities and integrate quality improvement into existing national health systems. Objectives include: continue TA to MSPP leadership to: build multilevel capacity for data analysis, interpretation, and use to inform local, regional, and national improvement priorities in alignment with the Partnership Framework goal for SI, improve assessment capacity and effective reporting capability of results and patient outcomes; assure data quality and strengthen data systems; increase coaching skills of departmental quality coaches to improve sustainability through decentralized program implementation and clinic support; provide advanced quality leadership development for departmental personnel.

Activities for COP12 will focus on building capacity for data analysis and interpretation within MSPP to increase sustainability and country-ownership of the program. MSPP personnel will be identified for training and mentoring by the HEALTHQUAL US-based staff specifically around data usage and analysis.

The MSPP quality program continues to support participating clinics by utilizing trained local quality coaches located in the departments (currently 40+ nationwide), training new coaches as needed. COP 12 activities will focus on improving skills of local coaches through a national coaches training, with follow-up mentoring provided by a recently subcontracted Haitian-national quality coaching consultant who will provide services throughout the country.