Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 7722
Country/Region: Haiti
Year: 2009
Main Partner: Population Services International
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $300,000

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $300,000

The narrative will be modified in the following ways:

Activity 1 : VCT staff will include an 'accompagnateur' to provide immediate support to HIV+ clients and

reinforce uptake to care and support centers. PSI will also include non-medical screening and referral for


As a linkage with other PEFAR-funded HIV activities, PSI will coordinate with ongoing programs with youth

and commercial sex workers to increase their access to counseling and testing services; and will also work

to increase male and female condom sales points in and around the areas that the mobile unit conducts HIV

tests so that clients have a continuous source of condoms as a method for preventing HIV.

Summary: In Fiscal Year (FY) 2008, Population Services International (PSI) will continue to provide mobile

voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) services and activities in partnership with local organizations. These

local organizations will promote the VCT services for the scheduled VCT days and PSI/H will provide

technical support, as well as carry out the VCT and referrals for care and support. PSI will scale up its VCT

media campaign to reach the target audiences.

Background: During COP 2007, PSI was responsible for coordinating the training of counseling staff and

pre and post test counseling sessions at the Haitian National Police Academy clinic as well as developing a

mobile testing team. In 2006, 1,615 clients used mobile VCT services during a six-month pilot phase. Of

the new police recruits, 1,330 were counseled and tested. PSI increased local capacity to provide quality

VCT services by training 10 counselors and seven police peer educators. In FY 2008 PSI will emphasize

mobile VCT activities.

Activity 1: PSI will continue to increase the number of individuals who access mobile VCT services. The

mobile VCT team consists of at least three counselors, two laboratory technicians and one driver/assistant.

PSI is responsible for ensuring that members of the team are adequately trained for their respective jobs.

PSI will work with INHSAC to provide refresher courses for their mobile team members. In FY 2008, at

least 3,000 clients will receive mobile VCT (target groups include youth, couples, and vulnerable groups).

PSI will develop tracking and follow up procedures to ensure that all persons identified as being positive are

enrolled in a Palliative Care program. This will include the provision of an escort for the patient to the

preferred Palliative Care site. At least 90% of patients who test positive for HIV will be referred and followed

up at the appropriate palliative care and/or anti-retroviral (ARV) services site.

Activity 2: In FY 2008, PSI will increase the number of individuals reached through VCT communications

and outreach programs. PSI will continue to design media campaigns and promotional materials (TV, radio,

posters, brochures etc) for target populations.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 18956

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

18956 18956.08 HHS/Centers for Population 7722 7722.08 $300,000

Disease Control & Services

Prevention International

Table 3.3.14: