Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 52
Country/Region: Haiti
Year: 2009
Main Partner: Population Services International
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $800,000

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $800,000

SUMMARY: Recent data from the DHS 2005-2006 indicates consistent low condom use in Haiti. In

addition, findings from the Measuring Access and Performance (MAP) study conducted by PSI in 2006

revealed distinct disparities in condom coverage and accessibility among the geographic regions. In the

past, the PSI/Haiti program has used this evidence to develop a strategy to ensure condoms are widely

available across different geographical regions of the country, specifically to high-risk groups. PSI used

behavior change communication (BCC) messages that will positively influence underlying barriers to

condom use. The funding awarded for this program will build on PSI's work promote improved social

marketing and distribution capacity, as well as enhance Haiti's support and coordination with commercial

and public sector distributors of condoms. To evaluate progress, a follow-up MAP study will be required in

2009. The specific groups targeted under this program will include: Commercial Sex Workers; youth (15-

24yrs); and sexually active men in the general population (25-49yrs).

BACKGROUND: PSI/Haiti has a condom social marketing and distribution program previously funded by

PEPFAR. PSI provided affordable, high-quality condoms to segments of the population that were not

effectively served by public and commercial sector sources. These condoms were branded and sold at

highly-subsidized prices using commercial distribution systems across the country. This strategy is

supported by the Ministry of Health as a means of ensuring condom availability throughout Haiti. PSI

partnered with UNFPA and other partners to support the Ministry of Health in developing a national condom

distribution system for targeted populations. The partner awarded this funding will continue to work with the

Ministry of Health and with other donors to reinforce branded communications campaigns aimed at

increasing demand, addressing barriers to condom use, and emphasizing the dual use of condoms for

HIV/AIDS protection and avoiding unwanted pregnancies among young, high risk women through linkages

with USAID's population program.

Table 1: MAP Study Regions and Coverage of Pantè, Reyalite condoms by PSI region




of Total AreaDensity

hab/km2Coverage of PantéCoverage of Reyalité

REGION I/ IIWest2 810 72633.614.768975%25%

REGION IIIArtibonite1 706 54920.427.222570%30%


REGION IVNorth1 131 42813.513.929450%<20%


REGION VArtibonite705 5528.411.622045%25%


REGION VISouth-East997 90911.914.724545%25%



REGION VIISouth1 021 58612.217.920675%20%



TOTAL8 373 750



1 879


ACTIVITY 1: According to the MAP 2008 study (a GPS distribution study) conducted by PSI, nationally

Pantè is available in 73% of sampled areas, and increase of about 20% from 2006. Male condoms of any

type are available to three quarters of the general population. Even though the gap between rural and

urban areas is much lower in the 2008 study compared to the 2006 study, rural access continues to be

lower. When analyzed by type of area, it appears that rural coverage increased from 39 % in 2006 to 50%

in 2008, whereas urban coverage increased from 67% to 97%. In the COP09 the grantee will focus its

sales efforts in regions where coverage is low, specifically in the North West, Nippes and South East

geographical departments. The MAP to be conducted in 2009 will also be used to guide programmatic

decisions in terms of better covering the most underserved areas.

During promotional events, agents will conduct condom demonstration sessions where messages about

condom efficacy, risk reduction, and correct and consistent condom use will be emphasized. The brand

campaign will be reinvigorated taking into account the 2006 TRaC study results on brand appeal. TV and

radio spots will be broadcast over at least 4 stations in each department. Billboards and murals also will be

designed and selectively placed for increased visibility. Messages will be coordinated at the PEPFAR BCC

Task Working Group with other BCC prevention partners to ensure consistent messages from all partners.

In addition, the grantee will scale up the distribution of condoms through NGOs and other institutional

partners who have access to Most at Risk Persons (MARPS) who are otherwise difficult to reach. A solid

partnership will be developed through trainings on behavior change social marketing and regular

supervision visits of those partners who assist the grantee in referring people to condom points of sale and

creating new outlets.

ACTIVITY 2: Support and technical assistance will be provided to improve coordination with public sector

condom distribution. This assistance will improve the coordination of condom distribution with the public

sector and ensure that all market segments - including people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) - have access

to condoms from the appropriate source. PEPFAR will support the development of networks and linkages

between condom social marketing, the private sector, and the public sector (primarily UNFPA and the

Ministry of Health) to increase condom distribution coverage and efficiency throughout Haiti.

Activity Narrative: ACTIVITY 3: The grantee of this funding will use the results of the 2008 and 2009 CSW and Youth

population-based studies, called TRaC (Tracking Results Continuously) to develop appropriate behavior

change messages for these two target groups. Materials will be created for both IPC and mass media

distribution. The PEPFAR partner will link this HIV activity with its family planning activities by emphasizing

messages surrounding the dual protection of condoms.

Community Leaders: The PEPFAR grantee will also use COP09 funds to organize community mobilization

activities reaching community leaders. These leaders are very influential in their communities therefore

reaching them and sensitizing them on the importance of using condoms, adopting safer sexual behaviors

as well as on the importance of getting tested for VCT is crucial. It is estimated that 60 community leaders

will be reached.

CSWs: For CSWs, PSI/Haiti used a network of 20 peer educators and supervisors in the greater

metropolitan areas of Grande Anse and Artibonite through support from KFW and the Global Fund. In FY08,

PSI trained 10 new peer educators and reaching 3000 CSWs through IPC activities. In FY09 the grantee

will build on PSI's work and train 40 additional CSW peer educators in the North, Nippes, and Artibonite

departments and reach at least 3,000 CSWs through IPC. The grantee will also work with CSWs that are

interested in building their own businesses to become condom vendors within their communities; and as

above, will develop linkages with its mobile VCT program. Peer education activities will focus efforts on self-

efficacy, risk perception and attitudes towards condoms. The grantee will continue to partner with FOSREF

as a referral service to CSWs for medical services such as HIV/AIDS testing and IST treatment.


Working in collaboration with FOSREF, PSI currently has 100 peer educators working with in-school and

out-of-school youth in FY08. This program is funded by KfW and the Global Fund. The grantee will use

COP09 funds to continue this work and train 100 new in-school youth peer educators in the North and

Nippes departments, and reach 8,000 youth through IPC activities focused on the importance of delayed

sexual debut, adopting safe sexual behaviors such as condom use and personal risk assessment. The

grantee will also develop linkages with its PEPFAR-funded mobile VCT activities, by encouraging youth to

get tested and by holding C&T special events for youth.Support will be provided to assist in organizing

education and entertainment activities as well as promotion activities during special events (i.e World AIDS

Day, World Youth Day, Carnaval, etc) that draw large crowds teeming with youth. These activities will be

supported by youth-friendly mass media campaigns.

Men and the General Population: Given that Haiti has a "mixed" epidemic, the social marketing program

will strategically target condom prevention messages to both men and the general population. This year,

the social marketing component will continue to increase condom use among most at risk populations,

especially men with multiple partners. In FY08, PEPFAR will satisfy the need to better target men and

young boys with messages to increase the correct and consistent condom use and reduce high risk sex.

Prevention messages will include personal risk assessment, partner reduction, condom use,

intergenerational sex, gender based violence and women empowerment issues. The grantee will broadcast

selected mass media (TV, radio, wall painting) campaigns and organize mass events (i.e Carnival, Patron

Saints Days and Music Festivals) targeted to men in the general population. It is anticipated that over

20,000 men will be reach through this activity.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 17224

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

17224 5296.08 U.S. Agency for Population 7696 52.08 Condom Social $750,000

International Services Marketing

Development International

9322 5296.07 U.S. Agency for Population 5139 52.07 USAID/GAC/HQ $625,000

International Services

Development International

5296 5296.06 U.S. Agency for Population 3405 52.06 USAID/GAC/HQ $675,000

International Services

Development International

Table 3.3.03: