Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 3147
Country/Region: Haiti
Year: 2008
Main Partner: National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $400,000

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $400,000


The activities proposed for Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 are on-going activities that build upon a history of work

supported since 2003 by CDC/Haiti, and include funding from the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS

Relief (PEPFAR) in FY 2007. In 2003, at the request of CDC/Haiti NASTAD began working with partners in

support of revitalizing Haiti's national AIDS surveillance system and improving the surveillance capacity of

MSPP. Activities have been conducted with support and input from the Haitian Ministry of Health (MOH).

In FY 2007, MSPP requested NASTAD's assistance to coordinate various components of MSPP (UCC,

laboratory and epidemiology) to support HIV surveillance in country. In FY 2007 a surveillance situational

analysis was updated in collaboration with MSPP, a comprehensive surveillance plan developed, and a full-

time hire placed in country to assist with daily coordination and implementation of the plan. Activities in FY

2008 will continue to support the in-country hire and his/her work with MSPP to operationalize and support

the surveillance plan. In addition, NASTAD will continue to provide peer-to-peer technical assistance

through pairing of U.S. health department epidemiologists with their counterpart Haitian departmental

epidemiologists and epidemiologists within UCC and the MSPP in support of capacity enhancement in

epidemiology and surveillance.


NASTAD will carry out three separate activities in support of capacity enhancement of the MSPP:

ACTIVITY 1: The first activity is to continue providing technical assistance for revitalizing the national

AIDS surveillance system. Based upon a surveillance situational analysis updated in FY 2007 to assess the

MSPP and departmental capacity for implementing and supporting a national surveillance system, the

NASTAD team will provide support to the MSPP to expand the surveillance system in a sustainable fashion

to voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) and preventing mother to child transmission (PMTCT) sites and to

ensure that analysis and application of the surveillance data occurs. Partners in this expansion process are

expected to include the departmental epidemiologists, the Child Health Institute (IHE), and CDC/Haiti.

Funding will support a full-time senior epidemiologist based in Port-au-Prince, peer-to-peer technical

assistance at the central and department level, and a delegation visit to the U.S. for Haitian counterparts to

observe U.S. health department surveillance programs. In FY 2007 NASTAD hosted three delegates from

the central government at a U.S. health department. The FY 2008 delegation visit will include four

department-level epidemiologists.

ACTIVITY 2: The second activity is to provide TA to central and departmental-level epidemiologists to

develop epidemiologic profiles. In FY 2007 an epidemiologic profile was developed using data from four

departments (Departement du Sud, Departement de la Grande Anse, Departement du Nippes, and

Departement du Sud-Est). In FY 2008, training materials will be developed and 10 trainings conducted for

epidemiologists and other department-level staff in all departments to replicate the process and to support

the use of data for decision-making.

ACTIVITY 3: NASTAD will develop surveillance training materials to support the regular collection,

reporting and synthesis of HIV data. A comprehensive surveillance module including training curricula and

materials will be developed by the in-country NASTAD hire and NASTAD Haiti Team members in close

collaboration with MSPP and with Tulane University (the lead for developing strategic information training



HIV Surveillance Systems 100%


Support a full-time NASTAD hire based in Port-au-Prince to provide daily support to MSPP in surveillance

and epidemiology.

Conduct a study tour to a U.S. Health Department with 4 MSPP department-level epidemiologists.

Provide technical assistance to departmental epidemiologists and other staff in 4 departments to develop an

epidemiologic profile.

Develop training curricula and materials to support epidemiologic profile development.

Conduct 10 trainings to support the replication of epidemiologic profiles and the use of data for decision-


Develop training curricula and materials for a comprehensive surveillance module.

Provide on-site peer-to-peer technical assistance through pairing of U.S. health department epidemiologists

during 3 technical assistance trips.


Host country government workers

National AIDS control program staff

Other MOH staff

Policy makers


Not applicable

COVERAGE AREAS: Port-au-Prince (central government), Departement du Sud, Departement de la

Grande Anse, Departement du Nippes, and Departement du Sud-Est