Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012

Details for Mechanism ID: 11050
Country/Region: Ghana
Year: 2010
Main Partner: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Implementing Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $152,500

The CDC is in the process of establishing an office in Accra as a new member of the Ghana PEPFAR interagency team. CDC will provide technical support to Ghana Government partners in several areas of strategic information including M&E, surveillance and information systems. The CDC is in the process of hiring a Country Director Epidemiologist, who will oversee CDC supported activities and provide technical assistance to strategic information efforts at the national level. CDC is also hiring a local SI specialist to support PEPFAR reporting, implementing partner reporting as well as strategic information efforts among partners and at the national level. The implementation of activities is specifically linked to hiring of this new staff.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $152,500

Support to GAC will include providing opportunities to engage in South-to-South technical assistance through targeted visits to a select country with best practices on strengthening M&E systems (especially community based monitoring systems). Examples of possible countries to visit include Lesotho, Malawi or Zambia.

The SI Lead and the SI Specialist will work to provide overall technical assistance to GAC and NACP. Specifically, CDC will explore and assist NACP in modification of electronic ART patient tracking program to collect and analyze data and produce indicators. Possible links to other programs will also be explored like PMTCT etc. Support will also include technical assistance in the automation of indicator reporting for programs providing services for OVCs on an existing isolated system to the GAC M&E system.

Incidence testing in key populations was also initiated in Ghana by the NACP, with technical support from USG. Further technical support will be provided as existing specimens are tested to monitor incidence in critical populations including female sex workers, men who have sex with men, and pregnant women attending ANC.

HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) surveillance has been initiated by the NACP and follows the WHO approach including collection of early warning indicators of HIVDR at the ART site level, a transmitted HIVDR survey, and patient monitoring for HIVDR in several ART sites. CDC will provide additional technical assistance and support to the development of capacity to monitor HIVDR further at ART sites providing broader national coverage, as well as build capacity to sustain the surveillance.

CDC will also provide assistance for the development of information system capacity through support for a wide area network expected to be installed in about 8 regional offices and laboratories, depending on the physical location of facilities and the extent to which such networks already exist. These networks will allow for more efficient reporting to the national level as well as enhance the capacity for data sharing at the regional level.

The CDC will also provide coordination for PEFPAR partner reporting of indicator data for the SAPR and ARP. This coordination will be conducted through workshops in support of ongoing program efforts.


Number of health care workers who successfully completed an in-service training program- 2010- 0, 2011- 20