Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Details for Mechanism ID: 12314
Country/Region: Ethiopia
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Not Available
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0

This is a continuing activity from 2009 but a new mechanism. Over the past several years, the private-health sector in Ethiopia has been expanding very quickly and significantly contributing to the delivery of health services in Ethiopia, particularly in urban settings. A considerable proportion of pregnant women in big cities and towns, where the HIV prevalence is high, attend ANC, labor, and delivery services at private health facilities. However, until recently, little or no effort was made to introduce PMTCT in these facilities.

To fill this gap, the PMTCT private-sector initiative was launched in FY07 to expand PMTCT services at private health facilities with two primary objectives: (1) contributing to the reduction of HIV transmission through extensive training of health care providers and (2) promoting the widespread application of recommended national PMTCT strategies in the private health sector. This initiative, which began in Addis Ababa, has continued in FY08 and FY09. Over the last few years PMTCT services has been expanded to 40 private health facilities in Addis Ababa through the technical support and partnership involving the Ethiopia Public Health Association (EPHA), Johns Hopkins University (JHU), the Ethiopian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ESOG), and the Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau.

In COP 2010 this activity will continue under a new TBD partner. The TBD partner will support and strengthen expansion of PMTCT services to the private health facilities in major cities of Ethiopia. The TBD partner will strengthen the PMTCT services in the 40 health facilities in Addis Ababa and will also expand to additional 10 facilities in and outside the capital by providing mentorship and technical support to facilities, capacity building of private facility staff through trainings, improving the M&E of PMTCT program and strengthening referral linkages within and between facilities.

The TBD partner will also work closely with Regional Health Bureaus and FMOH to ensure service integration and collaboration at all levels. It will also be active member of the National TWG to contribute to the national effort in standardizing and ensuring quality of the PMTCT services.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $0

This is a continuing activity from COP07, COP08 and COP09. EPHA as a prime partner has sub contracted the activity to the Ethiopian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ESOG). The private sector initiative was started as a collaborative effort by signing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Addis Ababa Regional Health Bureau, EPHA/ESOG, JHU/TSEHAI and private health facilities.

EPHA has provided technical assistance to ESOG in implementing this project. To date the project has trained 158 relevant health care providers in four rounds and initiated a minimum package of PMTCT services in 24 service outlets in Addis Ababa.

Currently EPHA is working closely with ESOG and AARHB to increase the number of service outlets providing the minimum package of PMTCT services to 40 including facilities outside Addis Ababa.

Given the fact that, the private health facilities are providing services to a considerable number of clients including ANC attendants, the expansion of PMTCT services in these private facilities is expected to increase the PMTCT coverage in the country.

In COP 2010 this activity will continue with a new mechanism, TBD. The prime partner for this activity will be determined through FOA with limited competition.

In COP 2010, TBD partner will:

Strengthen ongoing activities and continues supporting expansion of PMTCT services in Private/NGO health facilities. Expand the service to 10 additional sites - this brings the total number of sites to 50

Ensures implementation of the revised national PMTCT Guidelines in Private/NGO health facilities.

Continue strengthening and establishing collaborations with all relevant stakeholders, in order to harmonize and avoid duplication of efforts in implementing PMTCT services in Private/NGO health facilities.

Provide PMTCT training and mentoring for health professionals working in Private/NGO health facilities.

provide technical support to FMOH and RHBs to expand PMTCT services in the private sector and actively participate in the national and regional PMTCT/Pediatrics TWGs

Support integration of PMTCT with MNCH services and strengthen linkages of HIV positive pregnant women to treatment and care services.

support follow-up of HIV-exposed infants and early infant diagnosis (EID) programs

advocate for the availability of pediatrics ART in private health facilities

strengthen documentation and overall M&E of PMTCT activities in private facilities

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $0
Human Resources for Health $0
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Safe Motherhood