Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Details for Mechanism ID: 10604
Country/Region: Ethiopia
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Association of Public Health Laboratories
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $150,000

The Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) has been involved in technical assistance to MOH and EHNRI for the development of the National Public Health Laboratory System, Ethiopian Public Health Laboratory Professionals Association (EPHLA), expansion of laboratory information systems (LIS) and in service training modules.

APHL will continue technical assistance to MOH, EHNRI, EPHLA and regional laboratories by strengthening the Public Health Laboratory System. APHL will also assist in the expansion of laboratory networking and development of laboratory information systems for the reference laboratory network systems to support ART program implementation in the country. APHL will provide technical assistance in establishing and strengthening quality-assured network of tiered laboratory services.

APHL will also continue to assist the strengthening of local laboratory professional association (EPHLA) including development of strategic planning activities. The association will also technically assist in developing curriculum and training of training of laboratory personnel on equipment maintenance, laboratory management and laboratory information system. APHL will support program implementation by providing support in laboratory management.

APHL will also continue to assign a technical expert for two/three months who will work with the national and regional reference laboratories in implementing the National Quality Assurance Program plan, laboratory networking and development of laboratory information systems for the reference laboratory network systems to support the national ART program.

As a continuation from COP09, APHL will perform the following activities:

1. Provide one training workshop in mentoring, coaching, and supervisory skills to 30 participants by the end of Year 2.

2. Assess and provide technical assistance that will lead to the installation and implementation of laboratory information systems into at least one new site by the end of Year 2.

3. Dedicate staff and consultant time to the development of the EPHLA network that will result in the drafting of an approved 5-year strategic plan, which will include recruitment strategies, membership structure and bylaws revision, by the end of Year 2.

New activities for APHL in COP10 include:

1. Provide one training in basic equipment maintenance to 10 laboratorians by the end of Year 2.

2. Provide one training workshop in laboratory management to 15 participants by the end of Year 2.

3. Provide one training on biosafety to 10 laboratorians at EHNRI by the end of Year 2.

4. Provide assistance with the implementation of the structured national laboratory quality system plan by the end of Year 2.

5. Provide one training on quality systems to 10 laboratorians at EHNRI by the end of Year 2.

Both paper based and electronic tools will be used to capture training participant data. Pre and post tests as well as training evaluation forms will be shared with all participants from the trainings and workshops. The results from these surveys will serve as the tools to capture the impact effectiveness of the trainings. Follow-up meetings with training/workshop participants will be held to assess longer term outcomes of behavior change. 7% of the APHL budget will be put towards M&E. APHL maintains no in-country presence and works in tandem with local CDC laboratory personnel who are co-located in EHNRI, thereby maximizing efficiency in terms of cost and having technical assistance appropriately targeted in advance.

Funding for Laboratory Infrastructure (HLAB): $150,000


Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $70,000
Human Resources for Health $70,000