PEPFAR's annual planning process is done either at the country (COP) or regional level (ROP).
PEPFAR's programs are implemented through implementing partners who apply for funding based on PEPFAR's published Requests for Applications.
Since 2010, PEPFAR COPs have grouped implementing partners according to an organizational type. We have retroactively applied these classifications to earlier years in the database as well.
Also called "Strategic Areas", these are general areas of HIV programming. Each program area has several corresponding budget codes.
Specific areas of HIV programming. Budget Codes are the lowest level of spending data available.
Expenditure Program Areas track general areas of PEPFAR expenditure.
Expenditure Sub-Program Areas track more specific PEPFAR expenditures.
Object classes provide highly specific ways that implementing partners are spending PEPFAR funds on programming.
Cross-cutting attributions are areas of PEPFAR programming that contribute across several program areas. They contain limited indicative information related to aspects such as human resources, health infrastructure, or key populations programming. However, they represent only a small proportion of the total funds that PEPFAR allocates through the COP process. Additionally, they have changed significantly over the years. As such, analysis and interpretation of these data should be approached carefully. Learn more
Beneficiary Expenditure data identify how PEPFAR programming is targeted at reaching different populations.
Sub-Beneficiary Expenditure data highlight more specific populations targeted for HIV prevention and treatment interventions.
PEPFAR sets targets using the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) System - documentation for which can be found on PEPFAR's website at As with most data on this website, the targets here have been extracted from the COP documents. Targets are for the fiscal year following each COP year, such that selecting 2016 will access targets for FY2017. This feature is currently experimental and should be used for exploratory purposes only at present.
Years of mechanism: 2008 2009
April 2009 Reprogramming:
Activity Title: Strengthening and scaling up of social mobilization activities of Federal/Regional HAPCOs
Activity Description:- NASTAD has been working in Ethiopia since 2001 as CDC/Ethiopia partner under the
CDC/GAP LIFE Initiative, and since then has established a long term relationship with federal and regional
HAPCOs. Its primary goal and function in Ethiopia has always been to strengthen capacity of public sector
HIV programs at the regional and federal level to better manage HIV/AIDS interventions and also implement
the Ethiopian Social Mobilization Strategy. Since 2004, NASTAD refined its community planning training
model to assist communities to plan and mobilize their support for ART initiatives in the area of ART
treatment adherence. NASTAD's work on community mobilization coincided with the national strategic
planning efforts, and in 2006 NASTAD began to work with federal HAPCO to integrate its training modules
into the National Social Mobilization trainings, support national training of trainers on the Social Mobilization
Strategy, and to further national efforts for the implementation of the national community mobilization
program called Community Conversations (CC).
Beginning in 2007, NASTAD expanded its work in support of Community Conversations by providing
trainings for regional and district staff in every region of the country. In addition, NASTAD began a twinning
program, designed to provide support to selected regions for implementation of all areas of the National
Social Mobilization Strategy. Currently, four twinning relationships have been established between the
following regional HAPCOs and HIV/AIDS sections of state health departments: Amhara and Michigan,
SNNPR and Maryland, Oromia and Minnesota, and Dire Dawa and the county health department of San
Diego. As a result of these twinning partnerships, training of trainers for quality management of the
Community Conversations intervention has been developed and delivered to regional and woreda HAPCO
Community Conversation training staff.
In 2008, and in order to enhance NASTAD support to regions for the implementation of the National Social
Mobilization Strategy, NASTAD placed regional coordinators in the RHAPCO of Amhara, SNNPR, and
Oromia. NASTAD has three focal zones in each region mentioned above to build the capacity of the zonal
and woreda HIV/AIDS focal persons in implementing Social Mobilization Strategy and support the
Community Conversation to be sustainable and improve its quality.
NASTAD-Ethiopia will strengthen and expand its activities to support FHAPCO/Regions in the
implementation of targeted and synchronized grassroots HIV/AIDS Prevention social mobilization and
outreach intervention activities in general; and Community Conversation (CC) in particular, within the
focused urban hot spot zones of the three regions (Amhara, Oromya and SNNPR).
The main objective of the activities will be to promote behavioral change that reduce the risk of HIV infection
and transmission; encourage communities to use services; address problems related to stigma and
discrimination towards PLWHA; promote consistent and correct condom use, and promote early treatment
of sexually transmitted infections.
Activities to be implemented include:
• Production and dissemination of tailored IEC/BCC materials;
• Undertake refresher training for CC Facilitators focusing on prevention of HIV/AIDS;
• Undertake regular supportive supervision and review meetings to maintain the quality of CC forums;
• Arrange and implement experience sharing among regions on the implementation of Social mobilization
• Promote progress monitoring and documentation of lessons;
• Translation, printing and distribution of CC training and implementation manual
• Facilitate and strengthen linkages between CC and media (mainly community radios) for reinforcement of
messages and resonance of changes;
• Advocacy training on social mobilization of Federal and regional level leadership;
• Undertake advocacy through the media on the importance and role of CC in the AIDS response;
New/Continuing Activity: New Activity
Continuing Activity:
Table 3.3.03:
HIV Community Planning for Community ART Treatment Adherence
According to the Government of Ethiopia (GOE), ART implementation guidelines, program management,
and coordination mechanisms should be in effect at all levels, including district and community venues. The
Ethiopian National Social Mobilization Strategy also emphasizes the need to promote community ownership
of the HIV epidemic. It lays out sequential activities necessary to mobilize the community, including training
of trainers (TOT) for regional, zonal, and district representatives, and subsequent community-planning
In FY07, PEPFAR Ethiopia and the National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD)
worked together in response to these national guidelines to promote community support for people living
with HIV/AIDS (PLWH) and ART treatment adherence, through refinement of existing HIV community
planning materials and delivery of TOT for all regional HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Offices (HAPCO).
Through such trainings, district- and ward-level AIDS committees learn how to develop action plans for
community ART adherence, uptake of services (including PMTCT), and positive living. NASTAD technical
assistance (TA) providers are US state AIDS directors and their staff responsible for planning and delivering
community-planning training and support in the US; they travel to Ethiopia to provide "real-time" TA to their
counterparts in regional HAPCO.
In FY07, NASTAD supported two full-time TA providers in Addis Ababa to ensure delivery of community
ART adherence, to provide TOT in five regions for 10,800 people, and to provide one-on-one follow-up
assistance to staff in regions around implementation of the National Social Mobilization Strategy and ART
community mobilization activities in local wards. Also, in FY07, NASTAD initiated twinning relationships
between three regional HAPCOs (Oromiya, Amhara, SNNPR) and three US state health department
HIV/AIDS programs (Minnesota, New Jersey, and Maryland). Twinning provides the opportunity for one-on-
one, ongoing, and tailored TA to support Social Mobilization Strategy implementation and program
management, with a focus on community mobilization for ART treatment adherence.
In FY08, NASTAD provided one-to-one follow up to HAPCO staff from the Oromia, SNNPR, Amhara
regions and Addis Ababa. In Oromya, twenty seven persons from 11 organizations were trained. In SNNPR,
22 individuals in 10 organizations were mentored. And, in Amhara, 22 individuals from 15 organizations
were mentored. In Addis Ababa, One sub-city HIV office staff and four facilitators were observed and given
specific feedback on how to improve integration of ART into Community Conversation sessions. In addition;
NASTAD staff conducted a focus group for people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWH). Nine PLWHs from 7
different PLWH associations participated. This PLWH feedback was used in amending the NASTAD ART
adherence TOT so as to fulfill an Amhara HAPCO region request to make more active use of PLWH
associations in promoting ART adherence. In FY08, NASTAD also facilitated a refresher training on ART
adherence for Amhara HAPCO staff that promotes peer education by persons living with HIV/AIDS as an
another way of promoting ART adherence. 25 persons participated in this training.
In FY09, NASTAD will build upon the progress made so far and will continue to maintain and strengthen
existing programs through the implementation of the following major activities:-
1) Continue to support two full-time TA providers in Addis Ababa;
2) Collaborate with Federal HAPCO to harmonize the Community ART-adherence TOT with the national
Community Conversations TOT;
3) Continue to provide regional community ART-adherence TOT;
4) Continue to provide one-on-one follow-up assistance. NASTAD will work with each of the regional
HAPCOs to assist in developing a plan to cascade the community ART adherence TOT to their districts
and/or assist at least 25% of individual participants attending regional trainings to modify and integrate the
training into existing district social-mobilization efforts;
5) Maintain existing twinning relationships between Oromiya/Minnesota, Amhara/New Jersey, and
SNNPR/Maryland, and the new twinning relationships on the process in Dire Dawa/ and Addis Ababa.
Assess quality and outcome of twinning relationships, and use findings to direct the establishment of
additional twinning relationships with new regions.
6) Continue to work with PLHW associations and include members in the Community ART-adherence TOT
to engage their support for ART adherence activities in collaboration with HAPCOs.
New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity
Continuing Activity: 16587
Continued Associated Activity Information
Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds
System ID System ID
16587 5636.08 HHS/Centers for National 7476 2534.08 Capacity $220,000
Disease Control & Association of Building
Prevention State and Assistance for
Territorial AIDS
with the National
Association of
State and
10391 5636.07 HHS/Centers for National 5471 2534.07 NASTAD $220,000
Disease Control & Association of
Prevention State and
5636 5636.06 HHS/Centers for National 3783 2534.06 $150,000
Table 3.3.09:
Capacity Building for National Social Mobilization Strategy
This is a continuation of activity from FY08. In FY08, in collaboration with Federal and Regional
HAPCO/RHB, NASTAD worked to enhance the capacity of more than 220 HIV/AIDS program coordinators
and officers in woredas and kebeles to operationalize the country's HIV/AIDS Social Mobilization Strategy
According to the "Ethiopian Strategic Plan for Intensifying Multi-Sectoral HIV/AIDS Response, 2004" the
district (woreda) health office, is assigned to work with kebeles to coordinate all the stakeholders and the
community to make access to basic HIV/AIDS health services, improve the quality of services and also
increase the service demand using different mechanisms. Community capacity enhancement through
Community Conversation is the core strategy of this Social Mobilization Strategy. NASTAD has worked to
strengthen the community capacity enhancement process by developing and conducting training on
program management in 7 regions (Oromiya, Amhara, SNNPR, Somali, Dire Dawa, Harar, and Addis
Ababa) with the objective of quality assurance of Community Conversation and promotion of ART
adherence through the ongoing Community Conversation activities.
In FY07 NASTAD initiated twinning relationships between three regional HAPCOs (Oromia, Amhara, and
SNNPR) and three U.S. State Health Department HIV/AIDS programs (Minnesota, Michigan, and Maryland
respectively). Twinning expanded in FY08 to include relationships between Dire Dawa and San Diego, and
Addis Ababa and Texas. Twinning provides the opportunity for one-on-one, ongoing, and tailored technical
assistance in support of Social Mobilization Strategy implementation and program management, with a
focus on institutional capacity building and community mobilization for ART treatment adherence.
In FY09, NASTAD will build upon the progress made so far and will continue to implement the following
major activities:-
1.Provide refresher training on program management for zonal and woreda staffs in the 7 regions (Ormiya,
Amhara, SNNPR, Somali, Dire Dawa, Harar and Addis Ababa) on Community Conversation;
2.Provide one-on-one ongoing support and technical assistance to regional health bureau/HAPCO, zonal
and woreda staffs of the seven regions mentioned above through site visits and joint field observation and
3.Collaborate with Federal HAPCO to design national TOT on Monitoring and Evaluation of Social
Mobilization activities for regional HAPCOs in accordance with National Monitoring and Evaluation
Guidelines and the Social Mobilization Strategy. Accordingly, deliver one central and four cascade trainings
to assure participation by all regional HAPCOs;
4.Support refresher trainings for Community Conversation both technically and financially in the seven
regions mentioned above and supporting the seven regional HAPCOs (both technically and financially) for
monitoring, documentation and dissemination of best practices as a result of community conversation.
Continuing Activity: 16588
16588 10424.08 HHS/Centers for National 7476 2534.08 Capacity $370,000
10424 10424.07 HHS/Centers for National 5471 2534.07 NASTAD $370,000
Table 3.3.18: