PEPFAR's annual planning process is done either at the country (COP) or regional level (ROP).
PEPFAR's programs are implemented through implementing partners who apply for funding based on PEPFAR's published Requests for Applications.
Since 2010, PEPFAR COPs have grouped implementing partners according to an organizational type. We have retroactively applied these classifications to earlier years in the database as well.
Also called "Strategic Areas", these are general areas of HIV programming. Each program area has several corresponding budget codes.
Specific areas of HIV programming. Budget Codes are the lowest level of spending data available.
Expenditure Program Areas track general areas of PEPFAR expenditure.
Expenditure Sub-Program Areas track more specific PEPFAR expenditures.
Object classes provide highly specific ways that implementing partners are spending PEPFAR funds on programming.
Cross-cutting attributions are areas of PEPFAR programming that contribute across several program areas. They contain limited indicative information related to aspects such as human resources, health infrastructure, or key populations programming. However, they represent only a small proportion of the total funds that PEPFAR allocates through the COP process. Additionally, they have changed significantly over the years. As such, analysis and interpretation of these data should be approached carefully. Learn more
Beneficiary Expenditure data identify how PEPFAR programming is targeted at reaching different populations.
Sub-Beneficiary Expenditure data highlight more specific populations targeted for HIV prevention and treatment interventions.
PEPFAR sets targets using the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) System - documentation for which can be found on PEPFAR's website at As with most data on this website, the targets here have been extracted from the COP documents. Targets are for the fiscal year following each COP year, such that selecting 2016 will access targets for FY2017. This feature is currently experimental and should be used for exploratory purposes only at present.
Years of mechanism: 2008 2009
This is a new wrap-around activity with an existing USAID-funded economic strengthening program.
The Agribusiness and Trade Expansion Program (ATEP) is a USAID-funded initiative to improve the
productivity and sales of thousands of farmers, processors and traders in Ethiopia. The project focuses on
four agricultural sectors: oilseeds/pulses, horticulture/floriculture, leather/leather products, and coffee. The
primary objective is to increase exports in these sectors by $450 million in three years. ATEP is increasing
production and exports in the above sectors, resulting in increased economic activity and employment in
concentrated urban and rural areas, mainly in Oromiya and SNNPR with some activities in Amhara and
Tigray. ATEP is a $10,500,000 project over three years, with a possible two-year cost extension.
PEPFAR Ethiopia proposes to contribute $250,000 in funding ($125,000 in HVAB and $125,000 in HVOP)
to this program in order to introduce an HIV-prevention component to the existing program. The prime
partner Fintrac, Inc. works with coffee cooperatives, other produce groups, exporters, and trade
associations. This project is well placed to reach a large number of migrant farm workers as well as
business people who own and manage these activities. For example, the sesame harvest requires
thousands of seasonal employees who are housed on location. Commercial flower, vegetable and leather
processing enterprises are rapidly increasing concentrations of relatively well-paid workers. Some of these
enterprises employ large numbers of women. With this increased employment and migration of workers
comes a higher risk of exposure to HIV. Currently the majority of these employers do not provide any
workplace health or HIV education.
With PEPFAR funding, the ATEP Program will provide HIV/AIDS prevention education and awareness
raising activities for employees and leverage employer contributions for these efforts. Fintrac will hire an
HIV/AIDS Prevention Specialist and trainers to conduct rapid assessments of the HIV knowledge, behavior,
and services at different workplace sites. Based on the assessment, the project will conduct an orientation
session with senior management to reach agreement on a memorandum of understanding regarding
activities and the contributions to be made by Fintrac and the participating company.
The ATEP activity will follow the Abt Associates Private Sector Partnership model of training a cadre of peer
educators over a two-to-five-day period on HIV-related topics. Peer educators also learn skills to support
effective counseling and communication with family and community members. Ideally the project trains one
peer educator for every 20 to 30 workers. In turn, the peer educators conduct eight to 16 sessions which
focus on increasing knowledge and fostering behavioral change. The sessions require 30 minutes to one
hour of staff time, which the company provides during working hours. The monthly education sessions use
peer interpersonal communication to teach positive behaviors, including correct, consistent, condom use,
seeking treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STI), and accessing counseling and testing services.
Sessions also address stigma and self-risk perception of males engaging in cross-generational, coercive or
transactional sex.
The project will engage PLWH association members in the delivery of HIV-prevention messages and will
also support companies to design and complete HIV/AIDS workplace policies. To the maximum extent
possible, peer educators will coordinate with local public health workers and facilities to increase the
awareness and access to health services, including counseling and testing for HIV. The targets for this
comprehensive ABC prevention activity are under HVOP. This activity will provide HIV/AIDS education to an
estimated 25,000 employees and train 1,000 peer educators in over 100 workplace sites.
Agribusiness and Trade Expansion Program
The Agribusiness and Trade Expansion Program (ATEP) is a USG initiative to improve the productivity and
sales of thousands of farmers, processors, and traders in Ethiopia. The project focuses on four agricultural
sectors: oilseeds/pulses, horticulture/floriculture, leather/leather products, and coffee. The primary objective
is to increase exports in these sectors by $450 million in three years. ATEP is increasing production and
exports in the above sectors, resulting in increased economic activity and employment in concentrated
urban and rural areas, mainly in Oromiya and Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples regions with
some activities in Amhara and Tigray. ATEP is a $10,500,000 project over three years, with a possible two-
year cost extension.
partner Fintrac, Inc. works with coffee cooperatives, large commercial farms, other produce groups,
exporters, and trade associations. This project is well placed to reach a large number of migrant farm
workers, as well as business people who own and manage these activities. For example, the sesame
harvest requires thousands of seasonal employees who are housed on location. Commercial flower-,
vegetable-, and leather-processing enterprises are rapidly increasing concentrations of relatively well-paid
workers. Some of these enterprises employ large numbers of women. With this increased employment and
migration of workers comes a higher risk of exposure to HIV. Currently the majority of these employers do
not provide any workplace health or HIV education.
With PEPFAR funding, the ATEP Program will provide HIV/AIDS prevention, education, and awareness-
HIV/AIDS prevention specialist and trainers to conduct rapid assessments of the HIV knowledge, behavior,
activities and the contributions to be made by Fintrac and the participating companies.
educators over a two- to five-day period on HIV-related topics. Peer educators also learn skills to support
peer interpersonal communication to teach positive behaviors, including correct, consistent condom use,
Sessions also address stigma and self-risk perception of males engaging in cross-generational, coercive, or
transactional sex. Commercial sex workers often congregate near construction sites and other places of
business, especially on paydays. The program will aim to provide these individuals with information on HIV
and STI prevention.
The project will engage members of associations for people living with HIV/AIDS in the delivery of HIV-
prevention messages and will also support companies to design and complete HIV/AIDS workplace
policies. To the extent possible, peer educators will coordinate with local public health workers and facilities
to increase awareness of, and access to, health services, including counseling and testing for HIV. This
activity will provide HIV/AIDS education to an estimated 25,000 employees and train 1,000 peer educators
in over 100 workplace sites. The program will also distribute condoms in the workplace sites.
ATEP: Employment Opportunities for HIV-affected Households
This is a new wrap-around COP08 activity with an existing USAID-funded economic strengthening program
that has HIV prevention activities under HVAB and HVOP.
concentrated urban and rural areas, in Oromiya, SNNPR, Amhara and Tigray. ATEP is a $10,500,000
project over three years with a possible two year cost extension.
PEPFAR Ethiopia proposes to contribute $350,000 in OVC funding (in addition to $250,000 in HVAB and
$250,000 in HVOP) to this program in order to increase employment opportunities for older orphans and
their guardians, including PLWA. The prime partner Fintrac, Inc. works with coffee cooperatives, large
commercial farms, other produce groups, exporters, and trade associations. This project is well placed to
leverage resources and assistance from the private sector to support PLWA association members and their
children. Fintrac, Inc. will conduct an assessment of employment opportunities with their existing clients for
PLWA and older OVC affected by HIV/AIDS. Providing job opportunities for HIV-affected households will
increase the family's income, nutrition, and ability to maintain adherence to ART. Fintrac will increase the
awareness of AIDS-affected orphans and PLWA about employment opportunities and educate them in
basic employment skills. Educators will coordinate to the maximum extent possible with local public health
workers and will maximize use of pre-existing educational materials. The activity will apply the recently
drafted Standards of Services for OVC in Ethiopia and work with PC3 Program to ensure that beneficiaries
are receiving any needed services in addition to economic strengthening.
The activity will directly benefit 1,500 HIV/AIDS affected individuals and their families. An estimated one-
third will be older OVC and the rest will be caregivers who are supporting HIV-affected OVC. With PEPFAR
funding, the ATEP Program will provide HIV/AIDS prevention education and awareness raising activities for
employees and leverage employer contributions for these efforts. Fintrac will hire an HIV/AIDS Prevention
Specialist and trainers to conduct rapid assessments of the HIV knowledge, behavior, and services at
different workplace sites. Based on the assessment, the project will conduct an orientation session with
senior management to reach agreement on a memorandum of understanding regarding activities and the
contributions to be made by Fintrac and the participating companies.