Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2018

Details for Mechanism ID: 11673
Country/Region: Eswatini
Year: 2015
Main Partner: U.S. Department of Defense
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Other USG Agency
Funding Agency: USDOD
Total Funding: $534,912 Additional Pipeline Funding: N/A

NOTE: PEPFAR no longer creates activity narratives for each mechanism. In their place, PEPFAR has begun releasing mechanism specific targets that reveal the achievements and programs that are expected of the funding. If available for this mechanism, these targets are presented below.

Mechanism Allocation by Budget Code for Selected Year
Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC) $50,878
Care: TB/HIV (HVTB) $119,962
Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS) $85,000
Biomedical Prevention: Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (CIRC) $156,168
Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT) $27,440
Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP) $22,852
Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS) $72,612
Mechanism Target Information

Since COP2014, PEPFAR no longer produces narratives for every mechanism it funds. However, PEPFAR has now included performance targets or indicator information for each mechanism based on the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) system. The MER guidance is available on PEPFAR's website Note that COP years 2014-2015 were under a previous version of the MER system and the indicators and definitions may have changed as of the new 2.0 guidance.

MER Indicator MER description Target Fiscal Year Target
CARE_CURR Age/sex: <1 Female 2016 2
CARE_CURR Age/sex: <1 Male 2016 4
CARE_CURR Age/sex: 1-4 Female 2016 10
CARE_CURR Age/sex: 1-4 Male 2016 16
CARE_CURR Age/sex: 10-14 Female 2016 12
CARE_CURR Age/sex: 10-14 Male 2016 10
CARE_CURR Age/sex: 15-19 Female 2016 16
CARE_CURR Age/sex: 15-19 Male 2016 20
CARE_CURR Age/sex: 20-24 Female 2016 212
CARE_CURR Age/sex: 20-24 Male 2016 827
CARE_CURR Age/sex: 25-49 Female 2016 1,115
CARE_CURR Age/sex: 25-49 Male 2016 660
CARE_CURR Age/sex: 5-9 Female 2016 16
CARE_CURR Age/sex: 5-9 Male 2016 8
CARE_CURR Age/sex: 50+ Female 2016 132
CARE_CURR Age/sex: 50+ Male 2016 148
CARE_CURR Number of HIV positive adults and children who received at least one of the following during the reporting period: clinical assessment (WHO staging) OR CD4 count OR viral load 2016 3,208
CARE_CURR Sum of Age/Sex disaggregates 2016 3,208
CARE_NEW Age/sex: <1 Female 2016 1
CARE_NEW Age/sex: <1 Male 2016 1
CARE_NEW Age/sex: 1-4 Female 2016 4
CARE_NEW Age/sex: 1-4 Male 2016 7
CARE_NEW Age/sex: 10-14 Female 2016 5
CARE_NEW Age/sex: 10-14 Male 2016 4
CARE_NEW Age/sex: 15-19 Female 2016 7
CARE_NEW Age/sex: 15-19 Male 2016 9
CARE_NEW Age/sex: 20-24 Female 2016 92
CARE_NEW Age/sex: 20-24 Male 2016 357
CARE_NEW Age/sex: 25-49 Female 2016 483
CARE_NEW Age/sex: 25-49 Male 2016 286
CARE_NEW Age/sex: 5-9 Female 2016 7
CARE_NEW Age/sex: 5-9 Male 2016 3
CARE_NEW Age/sex: 50+ Female 2016 57
CARE_NEW Age/sex: 50+ Male 2016 64
CARE_NEW Number of HIV-infected adults and children newly enrolled in clinical care during the reporting period and received at least one of the following at enrollment: clinical assessment (WHO staging) OR CD4 count OR viral load 2016 1,387
CARE_NEW Sum of Age/sex disaggregates 2016 1,387
FN_THER Age: 15-17 2016 22
FN_THER Age: 5-14 2016 12
FN_THER Number of clinically malnourished PLHIV who received therapeutic and/or supplementary food during the reporting period 2016 435
FN_THER Number of PLHIV who were nutritionally assessed and found to be clinically undernourished 2016 435
FN_THER Sum of Age disaggregates 2016 435
HRH_PRE By Graduates: Other 2016 2
HRH_PRE Number of new HCW who graduated from a pre-service training institution or program as a result of PEPFAR-supported strengthening efforts, within the reporting period, by select cadre 2016 4
HRH_PRE Sum of Graduates disaggregates 2016 4
HTS_TST Aggregated Age/sex - USE WITH HQ PERMISSION ONLY: <15 Female 2016 80
HTS_TST Aggregated Age/sex - USE WITH HQ PERMISSION ONLY: <15 Male 2016 76
HTS_TST Aggregated Age/sex - USE WITH HQ PERMISSION ONLY: 15+ Female 2016 2,929
HTS_TST Aggregated Age/sex - USE WITH HQ PERMISSION ONLY: 15+ Male 2016 3,287
HTS_TST By Test Result: Negative 2016 4,985
HTS_TST Number of individuals who received T&C services for HIV and received their test results during the past 12 months 2016 6,372
HTS_TST Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex <15 2016 156
HTS_TST Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex 15+ 2016 6,216
HTS_TST Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex disaggregates 2016 6,372
HTS_TST Sum of Test Result disaggregates 2016 6,372
HTS_TST_POS By Test Result: Positive 2016 1,387
LAB_CAP By clinical laboratories 2016 1
LAB_CAP Number of PEPFAR-supported testing facilities with capacity to perform clinical laboratory tests 2016 1
PMTCT_ARV Number of HIV- positive pregnant women identified in the reporting period (including known HIV-positive at entry) 2016 22
PMTCT_ARV Number of HIV-positive pregnant women who received antiretrovirals to reduce risk of mother-to-child-transmission (MTCT) during pregnancy and delivery 2016 22
PMTCT_ARV Sub-Disag of Life-long ART: Newly initiated on treatment during the current pregnancy 2016 22
PMTCT_ARV Sum of New and Current disaggregates 2016 22
PMTCT_STAT By: Known positives at entry 2016 18
PMTCT_STAT By: Number of new positives identified 2016 4
PMTCT_STAT Number of new ANC and L&D clients 2016 22
PMTCT_STAT Number of pregnant women with known HIV status (includes women who were tested for HIV and received their results) 2016 22
PMTCT_STAT Sum of Positives Status disaggregates 2016 22
PP_PREV Age/sex: 15-19 Female 2016 3
PP_PREV Age/sex: 15-19 Male 2016 27
PP_PREV Age/sex: 20-24 Female 2016 10
PP_PREV Age/sex: 20-24 Male 2016 93
PP_PREV Age/sex: 25-49 Female 2016 141
PP_PREV Age/sex: 25-49 Male 2016 1,267
PP_PREV Age/sex: 50+ Female 2016 11
PP_PREV Age/sex: 50+ Male 2016 98
PP_PREV Number of the target population who completed a standardized HIV prevention intervention including the minimum components during the reporting period 2016 1,650
PP_PREV Sum of Age/Sex disaggregates 2016 1,650
PP_PREV Total number of people in the target population 2016 5,000
TB_ART The number of registered new and relapse TB cases with documented HIV-positive status during TB treatment during the reporting period 2016 257
TB_ART The number of registered new and relapse TB cases with documented HIV-positive status who are on ART during TB treatment during the reporting period 2016 187
TB_SCREEN Age: <1 2016 6
TB_SCREEN Age: 1-4 2016 26
TB_SCREEN Age: 10-14 2016 22
TB_SCREEN Age: 15-19 2016 36
TB_SCREEN Age: 5-9 2016 24
TB_SCREEN Number of HIV positive adults and children who received at least one of the following during the reporting period: clinical assessment (WHO staging) OR CD4 count OR viral load 2016 3,208
TB_SCREEN Sex: Female 2016 1,515
TB_SCREEN Sex: Male 2016 1,693
TB_SCREEN Sum of Age disaggregates 2016 3,208
TB_SCREEN Sum of Sex disaggregates 2016 3,208
TB_SCREEN The number of PLHIV who were screened for TB symptoms at the last clinical visit to an HIV care facility during the reporting period 2016 3,208
TX_CURR Age/Sex: <1 Female 2016 2
TX_CURR Age/Sex: <1 Male 2016 3
TX_CURR Age/Sex: 1-4 Female 2016 9
TX_CURR Age/Sex: 1-4 Male 2016 14
TX_CURR Age/Sex: 5-14 Female 2016 24
TX_CURR Age/Sex: 5-14 Male 2016 16
TX_CURR Number of adults and children receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) 2016 2,792
TX_CURR Sum of age/sex disaggregates 2016 2,792
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: <1 Female 2016 1
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: <1 Male 2016 1
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 1-4 Female 2016 3
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 1-4 Male 2016 4
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 10-14 Female 2016 3
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 10-14 Male 2016 3
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 15-19 Female 2016 4
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 15-19 Male 2016 6
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 20-24 Female 2016 59
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 20-24 Male 2016 230
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 25-49 Female 2016 310
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 25-49 Male 2016 184
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 5-9 Female 2016 4
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 5-9 Male 2016 5
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 50+ Female 2016 37
TX_NEW By Age/Sex: 50+ Male 2016 41
TX_NEW Number of adults and children newly enrolled on antiretroviral therapy (ART) 2016 895
TX_NEW Sum of Age/Sex disaggregates 2016 895
TX_RET Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART 2016 255
TX_RET Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up 2016 300
VMMC_CIRC By Age: 15-19 2016 350
VMMC_CIRC By Age: 20-24 2016 250
VMMC_CIRC By circumcision technique: Device-based VMMC 2016 720
VMMC_CIRC By circumcision technique: Surgical VMMC 2016 80
VMMC_CIRC By follow-up status: Number of surgically circumcised clients who returned at least once for follow-up care within 14 days of circumcision surgery 2016 80
VMMC_CIRC By HIV status: Number of HIV-negative clients (tested HIV negative at VMMC program) 2016 552
VMMC_CIRC By HIV status: Number of HIV-positive clients (tested HIV positive at VMMC site) 2016 248
VMMC_CIRC Number of males circumcised as part of the voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) for HIV prevention program within the reporting period 2016 800
VMMC_CIRC Sum of age disaggregates 2016 600
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $105,000
Gender: Gender Based Violence (GBV) $20,000
GBV Prevention
Collection and Use of Gender-related Strategic Information
Capacity building
Human Resources for Health $85,000