Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2012 2013 2016

Details for Mechanism ID: 14437
Country/Region: Eswatini
Year: 2012
Main Partner: World Health Organization
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Multi-lateral Agency
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $400,000

WHO country office plays a key advisory role in the MOH and supports all aspects of HSS. PEPFAR hasa good working relationship with the country office and has funded a grant to develop the Task ShiftingFramework document that is a national priority. PEPFAR funding under COP 12 is strategically buildingon this relationship to fund WHO to provide technical support to the MOH HR Unit to build its capacity andmodel a prototype HR unit and institutionalize the key documents i.e. HR Policy, HRH Strategic, EHCPstaffing norms that is a national priority. Further, WHO is best positioned to provide technical support tothe newly established multi-sectoral HRH TWG/Observatory. This is critical because of the capacityissues in the MOH/HR Unit and that this is an area that WHO focuses on in Swaziland and has politicalinfluence to complement PEPFAR technical support through HRAA.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $400,000

WHO will be funded to build the capcity in the MOH/HR Unit in the following key areas:1. Build the capacity of the MOH Multi-sectoral HRH Technical Working Group and strengthen the HRHObservatory. It is critical in the first two years to build capacity for the MOH to manage, and have avision for the national HRH agenda, ensuring coordination amongst key stakeholders that support HRHactivities in the country. This will include:a) Working closely with the MOH to set the agendas for the meeting and co-chairing the meetings withMOH.b) Working with HRAA Country Director establish a system and meeting scheduling for the meetingsincluding timely documentations of minutes, follow-up on action points and providing clarity on issueswhere needed.c) Organize a field trip to Lesotho that has a functioning HRH TWG to learn how this is run and managedModeling a prototype HR Unit2. Develop a the prototype model HR Unit that will take into consideration required technical skills andthe appropriate staffing level informed by the current existing positions to implement the approved newstructure by cabinet. a) The focus will be to define an approprite prototype model structure for the unitthat will engage Management Services Department in the Ministry of Public Service working with theHRAA Country Director.b) Defining the skills and profiles required to staff the unit.c) Facilitating an study tour in a country that has a functioning HR Unit

3. Develop a capacity development plan for the prototype HR unit informed by the abovea) The plan will take into consideration the key documents i.e. HR Policy, HRH Strategic Plan, EHCPstaffing norms a priority focus for HRAA in year one of implementation that need to be instituionalised atMOH/HR Unitb) Developing the HR capacity for the various WHO tools i.e. WISN to assess staff training requirementsat National, Regional and facility level.c) Identifying relevant training and TA for the MOH HR Unit

This work will complement HRAA's year one activities and the placement of the HR Advisor.