Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Details for Mechanism ID: 13742
Country/Region: Eswatini
Year: 2012
Main Partner: FHI 360
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $320,000

The C-BLD project has three primary objectives: (1) to improve the livelihood capabilities of women andyouth; (2) to strengthen the capacity of organizations to provide economic strengthening (ES), livelihoodsand social support services to women and children; and (3) to create a positive enabling environment forwomen and children and protect their rights. The project's approach includes direct implementation ofactivities with beneficiaries and technical assistance (TA) to organizations to enhance their capacity todeliver effective services and support each other. The project's approach will emphasize partnerships,linkages and referral networks to maximize impact and improve the access of vulnerable households torelevant services. C-BLD will collaborate with GOKS and other partners at the national level to developand support strategies promoting a stronger enabling environment for women and children. C-BLD willalso provide TA to PEPFAR partners and others in designing, implementing and monitoring ES, genderand OVC programming. At the community level, C-BLD will collaborate with community members andinstitutions to develop an integrated approach, combining direct implementation, TA and advocacy todeliver against project objectives. The project will also collaborate with community structures to implement

a referral system linking clients and beneficiaries to multiple services. C-BLD intends to contribute to theknowledge base within Swaziland. Through rigorous monitoring and evaluation and case studies, C-BLDaims to develop evidence-based approaches that can be scaled up across the country. Where possible,C-BLD will integrate its own project strategy with existing national strategies, including those developedby NERCHA, NCCU and UNICEF.

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $320,000

The C-BLD project has three primary objectives: (1) to improve the livelihood capabilities of women andyouth; (2) to strengthen the capacity of organizations to provide economic strengthening (ES), livelihoodsand social support services to women and children; and (3) to create a positive enabling environment forwomen and children and protect their rights. The project's approach includes direct implementation ofactivities with beneficiaries and technical assistance (TA) to organizations to enhance their capacity todeliver effective services and support each other. The project's approach will emphasize partnerships,linkages and referral networks to maximize impact and improve the access of vulnerable households torelevant services. C-BLD will collaborate with GOKS and other partners at the national level to developand support strategies promoting a stronger enabling environment for women and children. C-BLD willalso provide TA to PEPFAR partners and others in designing, implementing and monitoring ES, genderand OVC programming. At the community level, C-BLD will collaborate with community members andinstitutions to develop an integrated approach, combining direct implementation, TA and advocacy todeliver against project objectives. The project will also collaborate with community structures toimplement a referral system linking clients and beneficiaries to multiple services. C-BLD intends tocontribute to the knowledge base within Swaziland. Through rigorous monitoring and evaluation and casestudies, C-BLD aims to develop evidence-based approaches that can be scaled up across the country.Where possible, C-BLD will integrate its own project strategy with existing national strategies, includingthose developed by NERCHA, NCCU and UNICEF.

Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services
Increasing women's access to income and productive resources
Increasing women's legal rights and protection
Child Survival Activities