Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013 2014

Details for Mechanism ID: 13357
Country/Region: Eswatini
Year: 2012
Main Partner: New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Other USG Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/HRSA
Total Funding: $30,000

The main goal of HEALTHQUAL is to build the capacity of MOH to create a government-led and -ownednational quality management (QM) program that supports and sustains the quality improvement (QI) workof the clinics. Improved systems at the clinic and national level promote sustainability of the overallprogram.

A key activity of HEALTHQUAL is building clinic level capacity to:• understand and maintain data quality,• analyze data for use in systemic changes to improve patient outcomes,• maintain a clinic infrastructure to support activities, and• contribute to the national discussion of improving healthcare delivery systems.

HEALTHQUAL provides and/or supports clinic-level training for using a sampling methodology for datacollection to maintain a 90% or 95% confidence interval, adapted for the specific data system they utilize(clinic registers, paper medical files, electronic medical records). Where gaps in data are discovered, weprovide the technical assistance to remedy those gaps. Clinics are guided to develop qualitymanagement committees that provide the infrastructure to support the performance measurement, dataanalysis, QI activities, and dissemination of results. Aggregated clinic data is used by MOH to informand set national priorities for broader improvement strategies.

HEALTHQUAL'S capacity building work with MOH helps to support and maintain these improvementactivities and monitor progress nationally. Linking SI and QI reinforces skills developed by both,furthering respective goals and creating complementary and synergistic activities.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $30,000

The main goal of HEALTHQUAL is to build the capacity of MOH to create a government-led and -ownednational quality management (QM) program that supports and sustains the quality improvement (QI) workof the clinics. Improved systems at the clinic and national level promote sustainability of the overallprogram. A key activity of HEALTHQUAL is building clinic level capacity to:• understand and maintain data quality,• analyze data for use in systemic changes to improve patient outcomes,• maintain a clinic infrastructure to support activities, and• contribute to the national discussion of improving healthcare delivery systems.HEALTHQUAL provides and/or supports clinic-level training for using a sampling methodology for datacollection to maintain a 90% or 95% confidence interval, adapted for the specific data system they utilize(clinic registers, paper medical files, electronic medical records). Where gaps in data are discovered, weprovide the technical assistance to remedy those gaps. Clinics are guided to develop qualitymanagement committees that provide the infrastructure to support the performance measurement, dataanalysis, QI activities, and dissemination of results. Aggregated clinic data is used by MOH to informand set national priorities for broader improvement strategies.Our capacity building work with MOH helps to support and maintain these improvement activities andmonitor progress nationally. Linking SI and QI reinforces skills developed by both, furthering respectivegoals and creating complementary and synergistic activities.