Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011

Details for Mechanism ID: 10196
Country/Region: China
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Management Sciences for Health
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $100,000

Management Sciences for Health's (MSH) Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems (SPS) Program provides technical assistance to support the strengthening of pharmaceutical management operations for the HIV/AIDS program in China to improve the availability of and access to treatment.

In December 2008, MSH/SPS reviewed pharmaceutical management operations at ART treatment and distribution sites in Guangxi Province and worked with stakeholders, including WHOand NCAIDS at the national level, and Bureau of Health (BOH) and Chinese CDC managers at the provincial level, to develop an action plan for strengthening the pharmaceutical management system for ARVs in Guangxi.

Following this review, SPS met with stakeholders from Guangxi, NCAIDS and WHO in Nanning and Beijing to present key findings and identify activities that SPS could potentially support. The activities reviewed and agreed upon in principle included developing draft standard operating procedure (SOP) manuals for managing ARV medicines based on existing systems and revising formats to standardize and strengthen operations. Subsequently SPS drafted a set of three SOP manuals and related tools for managing the supply and use of ARVs and medicines used to prevent or treat opportunistic infections for each operational level of the pharmaceutical management systemnamely, the provincial store, city and county CDC offices, and service delivery sites. These drafts were then reviewed with national stakeholders during a validation workshop in Guangxi and final versions were prepared.

In FY09, SPS, in collaboration with WHO/China and Guangxi authorities, continued to conduct training of trainers for implementation of the validated SOPs. SPS will continue to provide support to Guangxi as the SOPs are rolled out to treatment facilities throughout the province.

With FY10 funds, SPS will continue to provide technical assistance to address pharmaceutical management issues in Guangxi, with a focus on use of the electronic tools developed to facilitate pharmaceutical management in treatment sites. In addition, in FY10 SPS will work with NCAIDS to make the lessons learned in Guangxi on SOP development and implementation available at the national level. SPS plans to provide technical assistance to NCAIDS in developing national standard operating procedures and tools for pharmaceutical management that can then be adapted and rolled out to other provinces in China.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $100,000

GHCS (USAID) = $80,000

GHCS (State) = $20,000

SPS proposes two main activities FY10 funding that will contribute to strengthening pharmaceutical management operations for HIV/AIDS in China:

1. Continued support to Guangxi for Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and tool implementation in treatment facilities--This activity is continuing from the previous year, when SOP implementation in Guangxi began. SPS will continue to assist health authorities in Guangxi in SOP implementation and use of related tools. SPS will visit selected sites in Guangxi to assess progress on implementation and provide on-site technical support. SPS will suggest revisions to the SOPs and adapt tools as necessary. SPS will also provide distance-based support to Guangxi as required.

2. Development of national standard operating procedures and related tools with NCAIDS--SPS will work with NCAIDS to develop a set of national standard operating procedures, including the necessary forms and tools, which provinces can then adapt to their specific contexts. These national SOPs and tools will provide the overall framework for pharmaceutical management operations in China. In addition, as NCAIDS is in the process of developing a management information system for the ART program, SPS will provide assistance so that key pharmaceutical management data is included.