Total Allocations: $1,804,823

Allocations are the planned amounts detailed in the COPs. They represent budget information, not actual expenditure

Partner Contract Information

Year Mechanism ID Amount
2009 5738 $700,000
2009 5738 $40,000
2009 1107 $460,000
2009 5738 $44,823
2009 1107 $540,000
2009 5738 $20,000
Subpartner relationships
Central Public Health Laboratories
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Uganda 2009 1107 $150,000
Johns Hopkins University
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Uganda 2009 5738 $500,000
Makerere University
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Uganda 2009 1107 $122,000
Ministry of Health - Uganda
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Uganda 2009 1107 $500,000
Rakai Health Sciences Program
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Uganda 2009 5738 $3,441,083
STI Clinic
Country/Region Year Mechanism ID Amount
Uganda 2009 1107 $560,000