Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013

Details for Mechanism ID: 13293
Country/Region: Zimbabwe
Year: 2011
Main Partner: Not Available
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0

The main objective of this project is to strengthen the management of Human Resources for Health in Zimbabwe.

This program supports the HIV/AIDS National Strategy and Plan through providing information on the number of health care workers available at all health care levels by training skills, distribution and other variables.

The coverage of the activities of this project is national and targets all health workforce of Zimbabwe in the public sector.

The key contribution of this program to health systems strengthening and human resources for health is updated fully functional database at all levels (National, Provincial and District level) that will enable policy makers to make strategic decisions related to Human Resources for Health.

The impact of this project will be enhanced through collaboration with the Health Informatics Public Private Partnership (HI-PPP) which will provide additional technical support to the Zimbabwean Human Resource Information System (ZHRIS) programmers.

This project has a woman and girl centered approach in that ZHRIS will provide the required workforce information for strategic placement of health workers for coverage of women and girls health related needs.

The core of these activities is in the cross-cutting program of Human Resources for Health. The project will develop a system that will allow tracking of human resources of the health sector at all levels throughout the health system.

The strategy for cost-efficiency is based on mass procurement of IT equipment and communication means for the setting up of a Human Resource Information System. Resources that are already in place will be utilized as much as possible or maintained if needed. Resources will be procured in a way that will have national coverage with the lowest expenditure as possible.

Monitoring and evaluation of the project activities will be done through site visits, training reports, procurement records and other relevant tools that will allow tracking of the project and consolidation of the information into quarterly progress reports.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $0

COP 11 resources will allow: 1) expansion of the existing program to 3 additional provinces, 2) expansion of training of personnel in data capture and analysis, 3) maintenance of the existing networks, and 4) inclusion of additional professional regulatory bodies in the system.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $0
Human Resources for Health $0