Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Details for Mechanism ID: 13033
Country/Region: Zambia
Year: 2013
Main Partner: Population Council
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $898,500

HIV surveillance in Zambia is primarily based on data collected from the general population; but little is known about the risk of HIV infection among most-at-risk populations (MARPs), who are not easily reached by population-based surveys. The 2009 Zambia HIV Prevention Response and Modes of Transmission Analysis model, however, estimated that of all new HIV cases in 2008, 1 percent were attributable to female sex workers, 1 percent to male-male sexual contact and their female partners, 4 percent to clients of sex workers, and 2 percent to partners of sex worker clients. These estimates suggest that 8 percent of new HIV cases per year in Zambia are attributable to MARPs. Therefore, more information is needed regarding the characteristics of MARPs, as well as insight on the specific behaviors which place them at higher risk of HIV. The population council in partnership with the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) will conduct formative assessments, population size estimation, and behavioral and biological surveillance of MARPs in Zambia in FY2012 and FY2013. The overall objective of this project is to increase knowledge of MARPs and HIV prevalence among these populations and thus enable HIV prevention, counseling and testing, and treatment programs to better reach and serve MARPs. Specific objectives for this project will include the following: To estimate the population sizes and distribution of MARPs in Zambia; To measure HIV prevalence and incidence among MARPs; To identify and describe key characteristics of MARPs which place them at risk of HIV; To enhance local capacity to conduct formative assessments, mapping and population size estimates of MARPs; To support local capacity to conduct behavioral and biological surveillance of MARPs.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $853,500

This project will be conducted and support Zambia PEPFAR activities under the area of Surveillance and Surveys. The overall objective of this project is to increase knowledge of most at risk populations (MARPs) HIV epidemics through formative activities, mapping and population size estimation, and behavioral and biological surveillance; thus enabling HIV prevention, counseling and testing, and treatment programs to better reach and serve MARPs. Specific objectives for this project will include the following: To estimate the population sizes and distribution of MARPs in Zambia; To measure HIV prevalence and incidence among MARPs; To identify and describe key characteristics of MARPs which place them at risk of HIV; To enhance local capacity to conduct formative assessments, mapping and population size estimates of MARPs; To support local capacity to conduct behavioral and biological surveillance of MARPs. In COP 2012, the Population Council and partners will implement the formative assessment of key populations at risk of HIV infection. Key activities in COP 2012 will include conduct of (1) comprehensive mapping and observation of MARPs; (2) individual key informant interviews and focus group discussions of MARPs; and (3) population size estimation of MARPs. The formative work to be conducted in COP 2012 will prepare the Population Council and partners for COP 2013 activities, which will include: (1) conducting of HIV surveillance among MARPs, determining the prevalence and estimate incidence of HIV, and syphilis (e.g. Syphilis, HSV-2) for sex workers; and (2) begin analysis and identify behavioral characteristics of each MARPs group. After participation in the formative assessment and surveillance, the project will make HIV information and condoms available and distribute to participants. Additionally, as part of the activities in COP 2012, the project will enhance local capacity to conduct formative assessments, mapping, and size estimation among those serving MARPs in Zambia. The Population Council and UCSF will train staff from NAC and MOH to assume implementing responsibilities for MARPs formative assessments and surveillance. This project will contribute to the PEPFAR Zambia goals and objectives by facilitating and supporting the completion of key MARPs formative activities and population size estimation in COP 2012, and preliminary presentation of surveillance survey data in COP 2013. Results from the project will also lead to better PEPFAR program targeting in Zambia, resulting in more infections averted.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $45,000

Key populations engage in behaviors that are criminalized in Zambia creating barriers to accessing HIV prevention, care and treatment services. In addition to conducting the formative assessment and size estimation, Population Council will also distribute IEC materials and condoms to all members of the key populations that they will come into contact with. Because the behaviors are stigmatized and criminalized, the program will work with other stakeholders (NAC, NASTAD etc) to advocate and promote HIV prevention services in order to address the prevention needs of key populations. The program provide risk reduction including partner reduction information; will encourage counseling and testing, condoms and promote access to appropriate, accessible and user friendly HIV care, support and treatment services, where available.

Subpartners Total: $0
University of California at San Francisco: NA
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $569,000
Key Populations: Sex Workers $284,500
Key Populations: MSM and TG $284,500