Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2012 2014 2015 2016

Details for Mechanism ID: 14240
Country/Region: Ukraine
Year: 2012
Main Partner: World Health Organization
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Multi-lateral Agency
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $250,000

During FY 2012, WHO will receive funding under the World Health Organization (WHO) Umbrella Grant to support TB/HIV activities in Ukraine. The purpose of this assistance is to decrease TB burden in Ukraine by providing technical assistance to Ministry of Health, the recipients of the Global Fund Round 9 TB grant, and other partner organizations implementing TB, MDR-TB and TB/HIV activities based on WHO guidelines and recommendations. Assistance objectives are to decrease TB burden in Ukraine by providing technical assistance to the MOH of Ukraine through NTP and National State Service against HIV/AIDS and other socially hazardous disease, with the implementation of TB, MDR-TB and TB/HIV activities based on WHO guidelines and recommendations. WHO strategic technical support will provide critical direction to Ukraine's National TB Program.

Activities under this assistance directly contribute to Goals #2 and #3 of Ukraine's Partnership Framework.

Global Fund / Programmatic Engagement Questions

1. Is the Prime Partner of this mechanism also a Global Fund principal or sub-recipient, and/or does this mechanism support Global Fund grant implementation? Yes2. Is this partner also a Global Fund principal or sub-recipient? Neither3. What activities does this partner undertake to support global fund implementation or governance?

Budget Code Recipient(s) of Support Approximate Budget Brief Description of ActivitiesHVTB MOH 150000 TA to support the implementation of TB/HIV and service integration components of Round 6 and 10 GF grants

Funding for Care: TB/HIV (HVTB): $250,000

During FY 2012, the WHO will continue to support the achievement of goals and benchmarks outlined in Ukraine's National TB Control Plan, 2011 -2016. Expected results for the National TB Program include decrease in TB morbidity ; decreas in TB mortality rate ; increase access to high quality DOTS services; and provision of quality treatment to MDR TB patients.

Activities include TB/HIV and HIV testing services, including the development of regional laboratory services and a quality improvement/ quality assurance mentoring program. WHO will assess the implementation of a provider-initiated testing and counseling model in the Zakarpattia oblast. Other activities include the development and testing of a tool to guide services integration, and will be in the oblasts that are implementing health care reform and service integration. WHO will provide assistance in TB/HIV infection control, with operational research on infection control effectiveness to guide the development of national guidelines, and the piloting of models for integrated treatment and care services for HIV-infected pregnant injecting drug users.

All proposed technical assistance is complementary to USAID-supported activities including the TB/HIV project that is under procurement, the TBD comprehensive services targeted to MARPs, which is also under procurement, and the HIV Pledge activity implemented by UNODC.

Assistance objectives are to strengthen and expand basic DOTS and increase laboratory network efficiency and quality. Assistance will improve MDR TB management through TA to strengthen policy to implement PMDR at the national level, the revision of the national MDR TB Strategy Plan, and the development of MDR national guidelines. WHO support will also improve TB/HIV management by providing support in revision of national TB/HIV guidelines with defined responsibilities of each service, providing support in elaborating national TB/HIV strategic plan, revising the cross-training curricula for TB and HIV specialists, and improving the policy environment among local organizations to implement HIV and TB/HIV activities. WHO will address infection control by providing TA in developing and updating of national infection control (IC) policies and guidelines, supporting development of national IC Plan, and ensuring IC plan implementation via IC assessment missions. Other support includes strengthening health systems through assistance in integration of TB, HIV and PHC services, the introduction of the Practical Approach to Lung health plan (PAL), and support to develop a proposal for the Global Fund Round 11 health systems strengthening component.

Collaborating organizations include: the Ministry of Health; the State Department on HIV/AIDS and other Socially dangerous diseases; All Ukrainian TB Center; theState Department of Ukraine for Penitentiary System; the Yanovsky TB Institute; the Foundation Development of Ukraine; PATH; The Policy Initiative; The Global Fund; World Bank; MSH; Global TB Drug Facility ; Green Light Committee; USAID; WHO at EURO and Headquarters levels; and all NGOs working in HIV/AIDS, TB and other related areas.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $50,000
Human Resources for Health $50,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services