Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Details for Mechanism ID: 16594
Country/Region: Uganda
Year: 2012
Main Partner: Measure Evaluation
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

MEASURE Evaluation is the USAID Global Health Bureau's primary vehicle for supporting improvements in monitoring and evaluation in population, health and nutrition worldwide. This activity helps to identify data needs, collect and analyze technically sound data, and use that data for decision making for the health sector. Technical leadership is provided through collaborations at local, national, and global levels to advance the field of health monitoring and evaluation. It also builds the capacity of individuals and organizations to identify data needs, collect and analyze technically sound data, and use that data for decision making for health sector programming.

This years funding to MEASURE Evaluation through field support is to implement hot spot mapping using the Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts (PLACE) methodology and build the capacity of USG staff in impact evaluation.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $0

MEASURE Evaluation will support SI Pivot 2 Increased use of data for evidence based planning and decision making at all levels in all program areas and SI Pivot 3 Strong/robust basic M&E systems at service delivery points and districts.

In light of Ugandas rising HIV prevalence, there is need to strengthen HIV prevention efforts and to monitor new infections more frequently. MEASURE Evaluation will partner with the GoU to implement PLACE, a rapid assessment tool used to monitor and improve AIDS prevention program coverage in areas where HIV transmission is likely to occur. The following activities will be undertaken: surveillance, monitoring behavior and program coverage, intervention design, scaling up programs and community mobilization. This activity will inform targeted programming and resource allocation through identification of gaps in current prevention programs. The findings will be used to improve program delivery and monitor coverage using easy-to-understand indicators. PLACE will therefore provide the critical information required for developing and implementing action plans for local prevention efforts, thus contributing to reducing HIV incidence.

MEASURE Evaluation will strengthen capacity for USG staff in impact evaluations. It will also use field-based TA to strengthen capacity of national and sub-national organizations responsible for M&E. The training will be modular based to cater for hands-on experience. This activity will contribute to GHI principles 5 and 6: Increase impact through strategic coordination and integration and Promote learning and accountability through monitoring and evaluation respectively.

No vehicles will be purchased. A Performance Management Plan will be developed to track progress towards the achievement of the project objective.