Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Details for Mechanism ID: 16784
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2019
Main Partner: Johns Hopkins University
Main Partner Program: JHPIEGO
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $1,883,610 Additional Pipeline Funding: $1,416,390

Mechanism Allocation by Budget Code for Selected Year
Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT) $1,565,000
Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP) $318,610
Mechanism Target Information

Since COP2014, PEPFAR no longer produces narratives for every mechanism it funds. However, PEPFAR has now included performance targets or indicator information for each mechanism based on the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) system. The MER guidance is available on PEPFAR's website Note that COP years 2014-2015 were under a previous version of the MER system and the indicators and definitions may have changed as of the new 2.0 guidance.

MER Indicator MER description Target Fiscal Year Target
HTS_INDEX Age/Sex/Result 2020 2,011
HTS_INDEX Age/Sex/Result 2020 2,798
HTS_INDEX Age/Sex/Result 2020 4,360
HTS_INDEX Age/Sex/Result 2020 1,926
HTS_INDEX Total Numerator 2020 11,095
HTS_INDEX_NEWNEG Age/Sex/Result 2020 2,060
HTS_INDEX_NEWNEG Age/Sex/Result 2020 1,988
HTS_INDEX_NEWNEG Age/Sex/Result 2020 1,904
HTS_INDEX_NEWNEG Age/Sex/Result 2020 3,262
HTS_INDEX_NEWNEG Total Numerator 2020 9,214
HTS_INDEX_NEWPOS Age/Sex/Result 2020 25
HTS_INDEX_NEWPOS Age/Sex/Result 2020 1,098
HTS_INDEX_NEWPOS Age/Sex/Result 2020 25
HTS_INDEX_NEWPOS Age/Sex/Result 2020 738
HTS_INDEX_NEWPOS Total Numerator 2020 1,881
HTS_RECENT_den Age/Sex/HIVIndication 2020 143
HTS_RECENT_den Age/Sex/HIVIndication 2020 137
HTS_RECENT_den Total Denominator 2020 280
HTS_SELF Age/Sex/HIVSelfTest 2020 3,135
HTS_SELF Age/Sex/HIVSelfTest 2020 37
HTS_SELF Age/Sex/HIVSelfTest 2020 7,368
HTS_SELF Age/Sex/HIVSelfTest 2020 37
HTS_SELF Age/Sex/HIVSelfTest 2020 4,300
HTS_SELF Total Numerator 2020 14,877
HTS_TST Modality/Age/Sex/Result 2020 22,193
HTS_TST Modality/Age/Sex/Result 2020 13,441
HTS_TST Modality/Age/Sex/Result 2020 54,499
HTS_TST Modality/Age/Sex/Result 2020 2,318
HTS_TST Total Numerator 2020 92,451
HTS_TST_NEG Modality/Age/Sex/Result 2020 52,108
HTS_TST_NEG Modality/Age/Sex/Result 2020 11,797
HTS_TST_NEG Modality/Age/Sex/Result 2020 22,002
HTS_TST_NEG Modality/Age/Sex/Result 2020 2,294
HTS_TST_NEG Total Numerator 2020 88,201
HTS_TST_POS Modality/Age/Sex/Result 2020 191
HTS_TST_POS Modality/Age/Sex/Result 2020 1,644
HTS_TST_POS Modality/Age/Sex/Result 2020 2,391
HTS_TST_POS Modality/Age/Sex/Result 2020 24
HTS_TST_POS Total Numerator 2020 4,250
KP_PREV Total Numerator 2020 11,126
OVC_HIVSTAT Total Numerator 2020 19,651
OVC_SERV Age/Sex/ProgramStatus 2020 18,204
OVC_SERV Age/Sex/ProgramStatus 2020 5,843
OVC_SERV Total Numerator 2020 24,047
OVC_SERV_ACTIVE Total Numerator 2020 21,619
OVC_SERV_GRADUATED Total Numerator 2020 2,428
OVC_SERV_OVER_18 Total Numerator 2020 5,843
OVC_SERV_UNDER_18 Total Numerator 2020 18,204
PP_PREV Age/Sex 2020 49,712
PP_PREV Total Numerator 2020 49,712
PrEP_CURR Age/Sex 2020 1,727
PrEP_CURR Age/Sex 2020 120
PrEP_CURR Total Numerator 2020 1,847
PrEP_NEW Age/Sex 2020 114
PrEP_NEW Age/Sex 2020 1,142
PrEP_NEW Total Numerator 2020 1,256
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $550,000
Gender: Gender Based Violence (GBV) $350,000
Water $200,000