Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011

Details for Mechanism ID: 9679
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Not Available
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

About 40% of Tanzanian children under the age of 18 are living in households at or below the national poverty level. HIV/AIDS erodes the resources of immediate and extended families as they struggle to deal with the impact of HIV/AIDS. To respond to the need of vulnerable households and adolescents, most OVC implementing partners have designed and piloted small-scale household economic strengthening activities. This includes the Peace Corps' Permaculture activity, the Catholic Relief Services' savings and internal lending communities (SILC) program, and the Salvation Army's WORTH project. However, gaps exist on the evidence, sustainability and impacts of these interventions on household welfare or child wellbeing. Also, health sector practitioners try to adapt micro-level interventions from the economic growth sector without actually partnering with experts from economic sector.

The goal of this activity is to improve the effectiveness of economic strengthening approaches to mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS on economically vulnerable households in Tanzania. This initiative will implement a framework that unites OVC partners in applying best practices for economic strengthening for vulnerable households. Specifically, this activity will contribute to the PEPFAR/Tanzania strategy by improving the livelihoods of 5000 households caring for OVC annually, including most vulnerable children committees and caretakers living with HIV/AIDS.

The ES framework describes the transition pathway that households should follow for effective economic strengthening. This includes 1) recovery of assets and stabilization of household's consumption 2) building self-insurance mechanisms and protection of key assets 3) smoothening of household consumption and managing households cash flow 4) smoothening of household income and promotion of assets growth and 5) expanding household income and consumption.

Some of the activities proposed by the Tanzanian ES framework include asset transfers, primarily in the form of cash, with or without conditions, Income-based safety nets, savings mechanisms, micro-insurance, credit mechanisms (individual or group) and financial literacy. Other activities revolves around strengthening social networks, income-generating activities (low risk/return), individual or group, financial and market literacy and strengthening market and social networks

Other potential activities include Self-employment through microenterprise (higher risk/return), employment through workforce development/employability and provision of seed funds to stimulate business growth

LINKAGES: The USG HIV/AIDS sector is working in partnership with the economic growth sector, the Government of Tanzania (GoT) and other stakeholders on the ground. The core competencies and networks of the economic growth sector is used to complement the expertise within OVC programs. For example, In August 2009, the USG Tanzania with support from Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade (EGAT) Bureau and the local USAID office developed an economic strengthening framework. Also, the recently published guide from EGAT helped guide economic strengthening for OVC programming. Strategies proposed in the National Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy and a review of other donor-funded economic strengthening programs (e.g. World Bank) will inform the operational framework. This activity will link closely with the OVC implementing partners, as well as those engaged in home-based care. The Tanzanian Implementing Partners' Group (IPG) for OVC will serve as a conduit for disseminating and reporting back on the usefulness of the economic strengthening framework. Significant improvement in linkages or wraparounds with economic growth partners will be accomplished through this activity

Geographical coverage: This is a national program and therefore will be implemented at scale in collaboration with OVCs and HBC implementing partners in geographical regions they are already working.

Contribution to partnership framework: This activity contributes to the partnership framework (PF) goal one, of service maintenance and scale up by investing in OVCs care and support services to reduce morbidity and mortality due to HIV and AIDS and improve the quality of life for PLHIV and those affected by HIV and AIDS, and supporting quality improvements for economic strengthening interventions in Tanzania. Also, this activity aim to gradually graduate clients from PEPFAR direct support to meeting the basic needs of their families i.e. school materials, food, medicine and etc.

M&E: A primary gap in current economic strengthening activities is partner-wide agreement on and use of methods for measuring the benefits of economic strengthening activities on OVC. Collaborative efforts with economic growth partners will include a focus on developing or refining existing indicators and monitoring systems to better track the benefits to OVC. The TBD will develop an Annual Work Plan which will include proposed activities, time frame for implementation and detailed budget. TBD will also submit a result framework and a Performance Monitoring Plan which outlines key program activities and indicators of achievements. TBD will submit quarterly narratives and monthly financial reports and annual reports which reflects the progress of the program according to PEPFAR reporting schedules.

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $0

Buying into the new Economic strengtherning TA mechanism for community services partners. TBD will provide TA for all service delivery partners on how to initiate and promote economic strengthening activities targeted to households affected by HIV/AIDS. The economic strengtherning activities will use the PEPFAR Tanzania's economic strengtherning framework to 1) protect, recovery and build household's assets 2) stabilize household's income and consumption and 3) expand household's income and consumption. The TA partners will link market driven economic strengtherning activities/interventions to growth oriented interventions supported by USAID/Tanzania Economic Growth (EG) sector, and use eveidence based M&E system to track progress on ES for households affected by HIV/AIDS.

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $0

1)Procurement development is on progress out ,by february 2010 (2)Provide Technical Assistant on Agro business and enterpreneurship support to OVC IPs (3)Conduct impact assesement of the Econmic strengthen support to the household and OVC wellbeing.The economic strengtherning activities will use the PEPFAR Tanzania's economic strengtherning framework to 1) protect, recovery and build household's assets 2) stabilize household's consumption and income and 3) Expand household's consumption and income. The TA partners will work with the GoT and other stakeholders at National level on the social protection framework, and link market driven economic strengtherning activities/interventions to growth oriented interventions supported by USAID/Tanzania, and use eveidence based M&E system to track progress on ES for vulnerable households. 1)Scale up economic strengthen support activities and provision of small grants to MVCC (2)Provide Technical Assistant on Agro business and enterpreneurship support to MVCC (3) Conduct assesement on the economic strengthen and development of MVCC and their support to the household and OVC wellbeing.

Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Increasing women's access to income and productive resources