Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011

Details for Mechanism ID: 9672
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Selian Lutheran Hospital
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: FBO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $1,901,289

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $483,821

Selian will continue to provide intergrated HIV care and support services, in FY 2010 Selian will focus on intergration of services particularly on Prevention with Positives (PwP) and extending nutritional assessment and couseling through the community services. Selian activities are in Arusha region.

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $150,000

1)Continue to provide quality OVC care 2) strenghten OVC household to ensure sustainable support 3) Facilitate linkage of exposed OVC for F&N and care and treatment support

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $637,500

As a graduation partner working in Arusha region, Selian will continue to improve the quality and comprehensiveness of ART services for adults at the current CTCs following the National Guidelines for ART. The program will further increase the number of HIV+ clients on ART through recruitment of eligible clients from in-patient and outpatient settings by stepping up provider-initiated testing and counseling (PITC), particularly in maternal and child health (MCH), PMTCT, and also strengthening linkages with voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) settings.

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $273,000

Continue to provide HCT services including PITC. Program covers Arusha, Anrumeru, Manduli, Simanjiro

Funding for Care: Pediatric Care and Support (PDCS): $17,000

Maintain and improve quality of existing pediatric HIV Care services. This will be achieved through provisison of CTX, Screening and Treatment for OIs, Nutritional Assessment and support and Linkages with other programs such as OVC and HBC, PMTC, TB/HIV. The services will be provided in Arusha Region

Funding for Treatment: Pediatric Treatment (PDTX): $68,000

Maintain and improve quality of existing pediatric HIV services. This will be achieved through support supervision visits, inservice training including on site mentorship, infrastructure devolopment and supplies of essential commodities including drugs. The work will occur in Arusha.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $271,968

Graduating partner (FBO) implementing comprehensive HIV care program in Arusha. One of Selian facility is now a designated district hospital.Activities to be supported using base funding

The program will scale-up PMTCT services to cover 80% of women attending RCHS services in Arusha region. Selian, through the AIDS control Program will support Selian Lutheran Hospital and the Designated District Hospital, as well as town clinic, health center and dispensary. These services include but not limited to: HIV testing (in ANC, L&D), including partner testing, Counseling on infant feeding options (IF), Strengthen counseling on FP methods to HIV+ mothers during postpartum visits, offer HIV testing at the FP clinic and offer referrals to CTC and vice versa, Clinical staging of the HIV+ pregnant women at the RCH clinic by the PMTCT service providers with linkages to CTC, Rolling out of more efficacious regimen to facilities with the capacities, Provision of ART prophylaxis to HIV+ pregnant women who are not eligible for HAART, Provision of Cotrimoxazole to all eligible pregnant women and exposed infants, Conduct PMTCT outreach services in hard to reach areas, Quarterly supportive supervision by the DHMT to ensure quality of services. In collaboration with DHMT,bi-annual supportive supervision will also be done and be documented.

Selian will collaborate with community support groups including M2M program to form psychosocial support groups, which will provide psychosocial support and increase adherence and retention to care. Expert patients will carry out non-medic chores in the facilities.

In addition, mother to mother program and other partners within the regions will follow up mother-infant pairs in the community.

The programs will Renovations, procurement and materials as follows:

Renovate and equip facilities to provide space for offering integrated PMTCT services. Selian will ensure availability of HIV test kits by procuring to fill gaps, ensure adequate supply of drugs for more efficacious regimen, based on needs, support printing and distribution of IEC materials and job aids.

The program will also train nurses, nurse midwives and other cadres in PMTCT, IF, drug monitoring and stock outs, including WHO staging.

The program will carry out Mentoring of HCW and support use of retired nurses to provide integrated PMTCT services in the region

It will ensure guidelines and M & E tools are available, improve data collection systems, and train service providers on filling of the PMTCT monitoring tool.

The program will strengthen and facilitate DHMT annual review meetings, formation and integration of District PMTCT task forces into Reproductive and child health. Support regional quarterly partners meeting and strengthening linkages and referrals. Activities to be supported using PF Funding

Selian will work with Reproductive health partners and with the respective districts. Selian will carry out facility infrastructure improvement after carrying out facility audit; subsequently they will renovate and equip facilities to provide space for offering integrated PMTCT services at RCHC and L&D, FP, FANC and BEmoc

Selian will Improve conditions in the maternity wards so as to attract more women to deliver at the facilities by procuring appropriate equipments such as delivery beds/kits, suction machines, weighing scales, protective gears etc.

Selian will strengthen PMTCT-ART Integration by supporting Hospitals, Health Centers and Dispensaries to develop capacity to provide more efficacious PMTCT regimen, training PMTCT HCP at RCH on ART so that they can refill ARV drugs at the RCH; Ensure availability of PMTCT guidelines and job aids; Support transportation of CD4 samples of HIV+ pregnant women; Ensure availability of PMTCT M&E tools and Integrate HIV counseling and testing in all the RCH services, including Pediatric wards

Selian will focus on community activities that include: sensitize the community through different media on the improved MCHC/RCHC services with emphasis on PMTCT, EID services and FP), Engage men through different avenues to participate in RCH services (use of invitation letters, priority treatment, through involvement of village authorities etc), Collaborate with Mother to Mother program to establish psychosocial support groups in the region. Selian will also integrate its FP program and link with partners supporting Emergency obstetrics, new born and pediatric health and cervical cancer screening services.

Selian will ensure program ownership and sustainability by working with districts to ensure that PMTCT/pediatric AIDS activities are planned and prioritized and funding allocated through the Council Health Plans.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $583,635
Construction/Renovation $13,490
Economic Strengthening $11,110
Education $112,787
Food and Nutrition: Commodities $152,222
Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery $46,667
Human Resources for Health $247,359
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
End-of-Program Evaluation
Increasing women's access to income and productive resources
Child Survival Activities
Safe Motherhood
Family Planning