Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2007 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 5257
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2007
Main Partner: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Own Agency
Funding Agency: enumerations.HHS/Office of the Secretary
Total Funding: $275,000

Funding for Management and Operations (HVMS): $195,000

This activity links to the Department of Health and Human Services/Office of Global Health Affairs (HHS/OGHA) International Cooperative Administrative Support Services (ICASS) 9723, Department of State Management and Staffing (7845) and the Inter-Agency Indefinite Quantity Contract (IIQC) 9700.

The Management and Staffing costs under this submission cover one essential existing position the Emergency Plan Country Coordinator. HHS/OGHA assigned a U.S. Direct Hire (USDH) to fill this position for two-years beginning in June 2006. HHS/OGHA will be reimbursed by the Tanzania Country Operational Plan (COP) for all salary and related costs incurred during this assignment.

The Emergency Plan Coordinator is responsible for day-to-day technical and managerial liaison functions within the U.S. Government and with key Government of Tanzania officials and other donor partners. The Country Coordinator is within the Office of the Ambassador and reports to the Deputy Chief of Mission. The primary task of this individual is to help manage critical communications and allocate tasks as appropriate to relevant departments/agencies regarding Emergency Plan planning and implementation.

In addition to the above noted activities, specific duties will include: (1) Advocate for reforms that will promote effective implementation of Emergency Plan strategies. (2) Apply knowledge and advanced expertise in HIV/AIDS and health policy and programs to ensure a broad approach that promotes health policy reforms and an effective HIV/AIDS strategy. (3) Assess where development assistance can achieve sustainable impact and provide assistance to others, including the staffs of other international donors, to disseminate this knowledge. (4) Maintain focus, intensity, determination, and optimism, even under the adverse circumstances of a challenging environment, and help others find opportunities to effect positive change.

The Department of State's Tanzania Management and Staffing submission will cover expenses incurred by the Country Coordinator for: the travel [international (trainings, meetings, and conferences) and local (USG strategic planning meetings, partner meetings, workshops, and partner site visits)]; residence related costs; and the purchase of needed office supplies and equipment and printing costs. The IIQC will provide meeting and other as needed support to the Country Coordinator.

Table 3.3.15:

Funding for Management and Operations (HVMS): $80,000

This activity links to the Department of Health and Human Services/Office of Global Health Affairs (HHS/OGHA) Management and Staffing ID #9722.

The "cost of doing business" includes International Cooperative Administrative Support Services (ICASS) charges assessed for the position of the Emergency Plan Country Coordinator. There are not Information Resources Management (IRM) costs incurred by the Department of State for these positions. Potential Capital Security Cost Sharing (CSCS) costs could not be estimated at this time.

Table 3.3.15: