Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2013 2014 2015

Details for Mechanism ID: 16849
Country/Region: Nigeria
Year: 2013
Main Partner: New Partner
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Unknown
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $750,000

The Center for Clinical Care and Clinical Research Nigeria (CCCRN), in collaboration with local teaching institutions, will seek to more closely align USG-funded HIV/AIDS efforts with the national programs through a program called Partnership for Medical Education and Training (PMET). PMET is a comprehensive solution to HIV/AIDS and other infectious disease training gaps in Nigeria.

PMETs goal is to create a network of health training institutions that will assist State and Federal Governments to develop their health care systems through enhancing training capacity in prevention, care and treatment of HIV disease, opportunistic infections, the appropriate use of antiretroviral therapy, and the implementation of community-based care; and strengthening the human and organizational capacity of their health systems to sustainably address emerging new HIV challenges or for any related illness. This goal will be achieved by reaching these Strategic Objectives (SO):

1. INDIVIDUAL: Educating individual health professionals at pre-service and post-graduate levels in appropriate knowledge and skills;

2. POLICY: Working with the Federal and State Governments plus professional associations, regulatory bodies and others to develop and implement policies that will enable and facilitate the vision and goal of this program; and

3. SYSTEMS: Strengthening the capacity of target training institutions so that, ultimately, they are capable of providing enhanced education, clinical mentorship, distance based e-learning, curriculum development and all other elements required for continuous improvement in HIV training and education based on locally generated new knowledge and practice.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $750,000

PMETs goal is to create a network of health training institutions that will assist State and Federal Governments to develop their health care systems through enhancing training capacity in prevention, care and treatment of HIV disease, opportunistic infections, the appropriate use of antiretroviral therapy, and the implementation of community-based care; and strengthening the human and organizational capacity of their health systems to sustainably address emerging new HIV challenges or for any related illness.

SO1 Health care workers are empowered to provide comprehensive HIV care services

SO2 Health systems are strengthened to provide capacity building

SO3 Training institutions sustain capacity building activities beyond the life of the grant. The CCCRN pre service training award commenced on 30th September with the aim of equipping undergraduate nurses, community health workers and MPH students with the skill sets required to meet the growing challenges and complexities of HIV/AIDS management. A key element of the award is to institutionalize training structures in a sustainable manner that will engender increased government investment in capacity building. The trainings will build on existing national infrastructure, master trainers and national curricula in the relevant fields of HIV/AIDS management such as Adult ART, Pediatric ART, PMTCT, HCT and TB/HIV. Trainings will also be offered in Leadership, Program Management, Quality Improvement and other areas necessary for a sustainable and comprehensive approach to HIV/AIDS care and treatment programs.

Subpartners Total: $0
University of Maryland: NA
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $750,000
Human Resources for Health $750,000