Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012

Details for Mechanism ID: 10243
Country/Region: Nigeria
Year: 2011
Main Partner: Pro-Health International
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Implementing Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $165,056

The goal of the program is to increase primary prevention of HIV infection through expanding HCT services among the people of Nasarawa and Plateau States.

1. Increasing HCT outlets in Plateau and Nasarawa states.

2. Increasing the number of people who access HCT services and receive their results in Plateau and Nasarawa states.

3. Strengthening the capacity of the local health care providers and PHI to provide HCT in communities within these states

4. Building the capacity of local organizations to collect, analyze, disseminate and use HIV/AIDS related data.

The program targets the general population of Bassa Local Government Area, Plateau State as everyone is at risk in the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The program shall be gender sensitive and shall also attend to the needs of children when required by providing pediatric counseling as is stipulated in the national algorithm. Special attention shall be accorded to high risk populations like the prisoners, commercial sex workers, and partners/clients of commercial sex workers. Health workers and other indigenes of Bassa LGA in Plateau state will have their capacity built to ensure sustainability and eventual transfer of ownership of the program to the community.

As a contribution to systems strengthening, the program will build the capacity of SI staff within and among communities in Plateau state and enhance the capacity of five local organizations to collect, analyze, disseminate and use HIV/AIDS-related data. Some of the identified organizations with stringent needs include are Plateaus AIDS Network (PLANET); Youth Adolescent Reflection and Action Center (YARAC); Widows Comfort Outreach Ministry (WICOM); Calvary Ministries (CAPRO); and Society for Women & AIDS in Africa (SWAAN).

The program intends increase gender equity in HCT activities and services. Both men and women groups from the community in Plateau State will be mobilized by PHI to participate in the HCT service uptake. These will include market women's group, farmers' group and other gender-based groups in the community. Advocacy will be directed towards community leaders, women groups and men groups on the need for equal opportunities for women and men to participate in HIV/AIDS related activities and programs. PHI will also advocate for the eradication of harmful practices and prejudice against women especially those that encourage the spread of HIV/AIDS.

To ensure that the quality of data is maintained, quality assurance and continuous quality improvement through periodic site visits and assessments of the program will be carried out. Data collection will be done on site regularly and will be collated monthly. Data collated will be reported periodically to CDC, GON, state and local government according to CDC and GON requirements.

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $165,056


Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $13,204
Human Resources for Health $13,204
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services