Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Details for Mechanism ID: 10382
Country/Region: Namibia
Year: 2012
Main Partner: FHI 360
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $957,600

Communication for Change (C-Change) supports domestic institutions, both governmental and local civil society organizations (CSO), to improve the quality of behavioral interventions, integrate HIV prevention into primary health care and sustain a combination HIV prevention response through strengthening of national and subnational HIV and AIDS coordination structures. The program provides technical assistance to local CSO and the Ministry of Health and Social Services and Ministry of Regional and Local Government throughout the country. Expected results include: Strengthen the quality of social and behavior change interventions of local CSO; strengthen the governmental national and subnational health program; and support the Directorate of Primary Health Care, regional entities and the National Health Training Center to design and implement the Health Extension Program (HEP)a key task-shifting activity to improve effectiveness and efficiencies. It supports long-term improvements to access at primary health care through HEP. C-Change assistance provides long-term transition and sustainment of the HIV prevention response to country organizations, both governmental and CSO and is in line with the GHI strategic focus of transition. C-Change assists CSO to incorporate SBCC methodology, and implement quality improvement. On national and regional level, the program assists government offices to develop enabling structures, policies, strategies and standards, define essential service packages, and develop national SBCC materials and implement quality programs.C-Change will be evaluated in 2012. Monitoring efforts include a review of country organization progress against quality improvement benchmarks and implementation of HEP training.

No vehicle procurement

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $957,600

Communication for Change (C-Change) provides technical assistance to strengthen and focus social and behavior change (SBC) on comprehensive HIV prevention programming among local civil society organizations (CSO), national and regional Government of Namibia (GRN) programs and the GRNs Health Extension Program.C-Change focuses on critical enablers such as social norms, national and regional implementation of strategies and response plans, strengthening coordination and the performance of technical committees and field workers in processes associated to SBC to support the enabling environment for SBC. C-Change provides important technical leadership to the GRN and local CSO on diffusing best practices in SBC.Activities to improve the quality of SBC interventions among selected local CSO include: Training in SBC Communication (SBCC) theories and methods; strategy development and planning; program strengthening to include SBC quality standards; field materials review and development; and quality improvement visits to strengthen HIV prevention quality improvement processes. Recipients include: 1) Selected USG-supported local CSO with direct recipient status including Catholic AIDS Action, LifeLine/ChildLine, Church Alliance for Orphans, and KAYEC Trust; and 2) Selected GFATM-supported CSO delivering SBCC at scale including those receiving sub-awards under the Namibia Network of AIDS Service Organizations.Activities to strengthen the capacity of GRN national and regional programs to plan, monitor and evaluate SBC components of public health activities include: Engage the GRN to strengthen national and regional SBC strategies, policies, structures and efforts through technical assistance and training. Recipients will include: 1) The Ministry of Health and Social Services/Directorate of Special Programs through the National Prevention Technical Advisory Committee and its Technical Working Groups; 2) The Ministry of Health and Social Services/Directorate of Primary Care; and 3) The Ministry of Regional and Local Government, Housing and Rural Development (MRLGHRD) and subnational coordination structures such as Regional AIDS Coordinating Committees (RACCOC) which fall under MRLGHRD mandate in the National Strategic Framework.Activities to provide technical assistance to the MOHSS Primary Health Care Directorate on the design and implementation of the Health Extension Program include: Engage the GRN in a technical assistance model to ensure quality design and implementation of the MOHSS Health Extension Worker (HEW) program including integration of HIV, TB and malaria-related preventive and promotive services into community level primary health care implementation.

Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services
enumerations.Malaria (PMI)
Child Survival Activities
Safe Motherhood
Family Planning