Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2007 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 4978
Country/Region: Mozambique
Year: 2008
Main Partner: U.S. Department of State
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Other USG Agency
Funding Agency: enumerations.State/African Affairs
Total Funding: $775,000

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $366,665

reprogramming August08: Reprogramming August08: Narrative Update to component number 2 - The

activity should be changed from funding the STV Fama show to funding the Nationwide radio Mozambique

program "Ola Vida" that entails a monthly themed completion incur aging local Community youth groups to

actively engage in the HIV/AIDS ABC Prevention campaign. The program is to be aired on a daily basis

between 18:00 - 18:15 and on Saturdays between 13:30 - 14:00

This activity narrative is divided into five (5) continuing activities implemented by PAO under HVAB program

area. Please note - the first activity has an early funding request and all previous activity numbers are

included for each activity.

1) FY07 activity #8503 (FY06 - 5444.06): This year the conference aims to expand its reach to include

more girls participating in the conference as well as greater involvement of the local counterparts

(Mozambican teachers). The conference itself also wants to increase it's focus on teaching the girls micro-

project design and implementation to improve the quality and reach of the projects the girls carry out in their


Early funding is requested for this activity as the conference is programmed to take place in April. As this is

the first break of the school year leaving the students the rest of the year to design and implement the

projects in their communities. If the conferences are carried out much later in the year the community

projects can only be implemented in the next scholastic year causing the students to loose some of the

momentum and motivation fostered by the conferences. $100,000

2) FY07 activity # 8865: This activity will integrate AB prevention messages and training in the widely

watched and extremely popular "FAMA Show" reality TV program (the Mozambican version of American

Idol) on Soico Television (STV - a local TV channel). This can include but is not limited to AB promotion for

the participants (aired during the week), song contests related to HIV/AIDS and a World AIDS Day show.


3) FY07 activity #8505 (Fy06-5446): The Embassy Public Affairs Office will continue to provide grants for

developing radio (especially community radio), television, print media and/or film products targeting young

people nationally with messages promoting and supporting abstinence and faithfulness. Radio is especially

important in Mozambique as it is the means of mass communication able to reach the largest portion of the

population due to isolation, illiteracy, lack of electricity, etc. Reinforcing the ideals of abstinence and

faithfulness in this medium nationally with locally produced messages youth can relate to has a great

potential to effect normative as well as individual behavior change. TV is an increasingly important medium

in Mozambique with new television channels starting up and expanding to the north and is a great way to

reach more urban and often populations that are at greater risk. $33,333

4) FY07 activity #9045 (FY06-5445): Updated narrative - Instead of having one national conference two

regional conferences will be carried out - 1 for the northern and central provinces and another for the

southern provinces. This will also enable more youth to be reached through the conferences and

consequently have more community projects and people reached through them.

Early funding is requested for this activity as the conferences are programmed to take place in April. As this

is the first break of the school year leaving the students the rest of the year to design and implement the

projects in their communities. If the conferences are carried out much later in the year the community

projects can only be implemented in the next scholastic year causing the students to loose some of the

momentum and motivation fostered by the conferences. $100,000

5) FY07 activity #8504: The increase in funding is to support a greater number of community based

initiatives (mostly supported by Peace Corps volunteers) as they are a relatively inexpensive way to reach a

large number of youth with prevention messages and information. $66,666

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $250,000

August 08 reprogramming: The Punblic Affairs Office Mozambique (PAO) requestes the following actvity

change:FROM: A feature-length Mozambique specific film from the B-roll footage of the "Voices of Hope"

film TO: Outreach activities coordinated by Mozambique's top filmmaker Mr. Sol de Carvalho, who has

made his widely-popular "Teias de Aranhas" mini-series into a film and has identified counselors who will be

trained to conduct a number of events using the film as a discussion tool to elicit questions and debate to

augment prevention awareness within local, "peri-urban" communities. This project involves training peer

counselors and staff.

This activity narrative contains narratives for two new activities for the embassy's PAO office under HVAB.

This activity involves the compilation and editing of B-roll footage from the "Voices of Hope" PEPFAR DVD

into a specific movie on Mozambique for public affairs purposes and increasing awareness regarding

PEPFAR Mozambique. The primary target audience would be Mozambican and it could be incorporated in

outreach activities carried out by Public Affairs though it could also be shown to PEPFAR partners and other

donors. $50,000

In coordination with the Ministry of Education and TBD partner(s), this activity will strengthen HIV/AIDS

Prevention activities among youth in and around schools, including gender awareness; institutionalization

and expansion of REDES, JOMA, and other youth initiatives; promotion of sexual health and HIV/AIDS

education curricula; raising awareness of and reducing cross-generational sex and the exploitation of girls;

and coordination and promotion of activities with other partners and donors in achieving Ministry goals in all

areas relating to HIV & AIDS education and healthy life choices among youth in Mozambique. $200,000

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $33,334

Continuing FY07 activity with updated narrative, targets, target population, and coverage area.

This C&OP activity complements the community based AB activity (isupported by Peace Corps volunteers)

to provide an age appropriate, holistic sexual prevention program to youth.

The supported events, will include, but not be limited to, community & school-based theatre, dance and

music group productions; debates; health fairs, sports teams and sports events; training of trainer events for

activists, peer educators, media staff and others; focus-group training on life skills; support for materials

development; and income generating activities and skills training for young girls, poor women and OVCs

who might otherwise turn to transactional sex for financial gain. The messaging will be focused on

encouraging behavior change and also will address gender-based norms and practices that promote unsafe

behavior. A majority of the community-based projects will have support from Peace Corps volunteers.

It could also support activities targeted at risky behaviours by teachers (e.g. sexual favors for grades).

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $50,001

Reprogramming August08: Narrative Update - The activity should be changed from funding the STV Fama

show to funding the Nationwide radio Mozambique program "Ola Vida" that entails a monthly themed

completion incur aging local Community youth groups to actively engage in the HIV/AIDS ABC Prevention

campaign. The program is to be aired on a daily basis between 18:00 - 18:15 and on Saturdays between

13:30 - 14:00.

This new activity contains two separate HVOP program activities for the Public Affairs Office at the


Activity #1: This C&OP activity complements the AB activity to provide an age appropriate, holistic sexual

prevention program to youth and adults.

This activity will integrate ABC prevention messages and training in the widely watched and extremely

popular "FAMA Show" reality TV program (the Mozambican version of American Idol) on Soico Television

(STV - a local TV channel). This can include but is not limited to ABC promotion for the participants (aired

during the week), song contests related to HIV/AIDS and a World AIDS Day show. $33,334

Activity #2: This C&OP activity complements the AB activity (8505.07) to provide an age appropriate,

holistic sexual prevention mass media programs to youth

The Embassy Public Affairs Office will continue to provide grants for developing radio (especially community

radio), television, print media and/or film products targeting young people nationally with messages

promoting and supporting abstinence, being faithful and correct and consistent condom use. Radio is

especially important in Mozambique as it is the means of mass communication able to reach the largest

portion of the population due to isolation, illiteracy, lack of electricity, etc. Reinforcing the ideals of

abstinence and faithfulness in this medium nationally with locally produced messages youth can relate to

has a great potential to effect normative as well as individual behavior change. Reaching youth and adults

with information about correct and consistent condom use, especially in rural areas is especially important

as well as there are still many myths and misconceptions regarding condoms and their use. TV is also an

increasingly important medium in Mozambique with new television channels starting up and expanding to

the north and is a great way to reach more urban and often populations that are at greater risk. $16,667

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $75,000

Continuing activity with new narrative, targets, target population, and emphasis area.

This activity will train and mobilize journalists and community leaders in HIV/AIDS issues (including stigma),

communication skills, and HIV/AIDS leadership. Specific activities include: a. Training of 25-50 journalists

and peer leaders through regional or US-based training programs; and b. Training and mobilizing 10-15

returned International Visitor Leadership Program exchange participants and funding 1-3 programs initiated

by those participants. This activity originated on FY05 though the first leadership conference and journalist

training only took place in FY06 due to a funding delay. These activities are crucial in Mozambique not only

for engendering bold leadership in the face of the AIDS epidemic and ensuring that the leaders and

potential leaders of Mozambique have an accurate and updated understanding of HIV and AIDS (including

issues of stigma, but also transmission and prevention, etc.) but also to give the same information to the

journalists (especially from community radios) that have the greatest potential to reach a larger portion of

the population with accurate and sensitized information. The expected outcomes of these activities is

greater depth and accuracy in HIV/AIDS reports and stories in the media allowing greater dissemination of

accurate information to the population in general and encouraging a move away from the simple reporting of

statistics. As for the leadership aspect the expected outcome is an increase in visible leadership by the

participants in regards to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.


• Journalists and community leaders trained and mobilized in HIV/AIDS issues

Subpartners Total: $500,000
Youth for Change and Action Committee: $100,000
Radio Progresso Maxixe: NA
Soico Television: $100,000
Not Identified: $200,000
Girls in Development, Education and Health: $100,000