Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Details for Mechanism ID: 13484
Country/Region: Lesotho
Year: 2013
Main Partner: Population Services International
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USDOD
Total Funding: $465,000

PSI will work with LDF to use data collected in 2010 SABERS to strengthen, tailor, and focus their prevention program. Activities supported by PSI will assist LDF to embrace a comprehensive prevention program including activties to improve factors influencing HIV prevention, behavioural change programs including peer education outreach sports related activities and male circumcision. Sports centred activities such as VCT and peer education at football matches were highly successful and will be continued. Peer education will be strengthened and using the SABERS, peer educators will have enhanced content training and monitoring and evaluation training. Military specific condoms will be procured in the context of the overall prevention program promoting the military duty to protect one's self, familty and country. PSI will also intergrate MC messaging in to all prevention modalities. PSI will continue commodity procurement like military condom pouches, military branded male condoms, female condoms, they will also carry out edutaintment events, activities will inlude which those that depicts real life choices and dilemmas facing soldiers, lectures with questions and answers sessions will be conducted. PSI will support a series of workshops for the military to disseminate the result of the SABERS and come up with the recommendations.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (CIRC): $400,000

The overall goal of these activities is to decrease new HIV infections in the military,through expansion of male circumcision (MC) services, emphasizing that MC be offered as part of an expanded approach to reduce HIV infections in conjucton with other prevention programs, including HIV testing and Counseling ( HTC), treatment for other sexually transmitted infections (STI's), promotion of saver-sex practices and condom distribution. MC will not replace other known methods of HIV prevention and will be considered as part of a comprehensive HIV prevention package. PEPFAR worked closely with the Ministry of Health (MOH) and other donors in a national task force to develop policy that recognizes MC as an effective HIV prevention method alongside the ABC strategy. Expanding MC in the military is considered vital since the military is predominantly male, typically young, and highly mobile, and is considered a high risk group. DOD/PSI will ensure that male circumcision efforts are rolled out as an additional method for HIV prevention. Though PEPFAR/DOD support, the military has expanded HIV care and treatment, PSI will built capacity for MC in the military through the development treatment ptotocols, training of providers, sensitization of soldiers and their partners for save male circumcision, and the enhancement of physical infrustructure of clinical sites so that proper circumcision may be conducted. MC wil be conducted on a voluntary basis on HIV-negative soldiers and those who test positive will be given services depending on their CD4.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $65,000

The overall goal of these activities is to decrease new HIV infections in the military, behaviour change communication(BBC) with a focus on correct and consistent use of condoms. While some soldiers practice sexual abstinence and fidelity, factors such as separation from their families, mobility and age increase their HIV risk. The Lesotho Defence Force military (LDF) and Population Service International (PSI) are implementing community based activities among soldiers, their sexual partners and surrounding communities to promote safer sexual behaviours. Key prevention strategies are: Capacity building of peer education and interpersonal communication (IPC) including drama group, capacity building of LDF support group clubs, promotion of counseling and testing services. The Lesotho Defence Force with the assistance of PSI will update communication material to reflect best practices in the following area: AB, couples counseling and testing, intergaration of familiy planning(FP) in to HIV/AIDS prevention including PMTCT, condom use and prevention of alcohol abuse. PSI will provide training of peer educators, counselor testers, sensitization workshops for LDF senior and junior officers. Combination prevention is being promoted as an effective strategy for HIV prevention. Having an appropriate mix of bevioural, biological, structural and crosscutting activities is expected to lead to improved HIV prevention. Militaries require strong HIV prevention programs and provide excellent sources for evidence based programming for effective interventions. Lesotho Defense Force will fill in major activity gaps for HIV prevention and increase the intensity of interventions.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $10,000
Gender: Gender Equality $10,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Implement activities to change harmful gender norms & promote positive gender norms
Increase gender equity in HIV prevention, care, treatment and support
Military Populations
Mobile Populations
Family Planning